The thing with games is that new technology moves fast in and out of the games industry - what we see today, could be 10x's better tomorrow. If the technology was availiable back in the 70's, I'm sure developers would have taken advantage of it, and made game how they are today.
Aggressive behaviour... if someone gets any sort of aggressive behaviour while playing games needs to take a chill pill. It's just a game, which will always be there. It also pisses me off when people say they killed someone because they saw it in a video game. You choose who you choose to be, and they killed that person because they can't control their anger. I don't believe games influence people - they can disturb people (a three year old playing Fallout 3, GTA or The Darkness for example), but they can't tell you to murder someone by fireing a gun.
I've played many a violent game, but I'm not a violent person unless someone pushes me too far - something that I call Nerd Rage, which I've had since I was just a kid as a result of bullying. A game didn't do that to me. And don't even get me started on the media... The media makes things seem worse than they really are - swine flu for example. It's bullshite which generates a lot of money in the end, for people who sit around all day writting articals with a Thesaurus close to hand.
What we see in games is no different to what we see at the movies. Only difference is is that we are made to be part of the game, which is better than just sitting there and watching a film. We can make choices about what to do and when to do it, and the length of entertainment we get from a game is usually longer than a film.
Take the game Fahrenhiet for example - there were in the game three sex sceens; one which you didn't see anything, but you heard it; one which you could actually control by moving the analog stick back and forth; and the final one which is your usual sit back and watch. Its Cert. 15. Films like... Knocked Up and Flatliners have worse bits in them, that are done using real people.
In GTA San Andreas, there is a method for unlocking a mini game called Hot Coffee, in which you are able to inside your girlfriends home and have sex - but... CJ has his clothes on the whole time. The violence and swearing in the game is no different from a blockbuster movie. If anything, I'd say San Andreas was actually quite mild compared to most Cert. 18 movies.
I find games to be rather educational too. Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy for example use ancient Gods, important people to name characters, and go into historical/mythical events in the game. They open up a persons mind, and get people to think for themselves - they give people an imagination (The Sims, LittleBIGPlanet, Oblivion etc).
I agree that they put people of doing what they need to do (excercise and work for example), but they are also a good tool to help relax you, and give you something to look forward to when the going gets tough (ZOMG, I can't wait for Heavy Rain, The Sims 3 and Final Fantasy XIII!!!).
EDIT: Sorry, my grammer is crap in this - I typed fast, and I am well aware there are mistakes. Please don't shoot! XD