Speaking in specific terms, the Job Fair is basically an Academy mission. It's an initiative to extend lessons beyond the Academy walls, to make Midland a more vibrant place. It also makes for a "root mission"; essentially a beginner mission from where linked missions grow from, as "branches" to a "trunk". I speak of a root mission as the branches would be amongst the more advanced missions, while the "trunk" refers to the specific mission tree, which differs by chosen profession. Simplified: student chooses whether to assume a profession, and has a set of missions that follow one another with the same theme.
So that would be the third mission, so to speak (but it would be the second official Academy Mission). It should be handled carefully, as it implies direct teacher control (the lecturing teacher HAS to grade the student, with a second teacher covering anything the lecturer hasn't), and it gives to similar missions with different theme but a singular purpose. The big problem, I fear, is the repetition of missions which could confuse the student. As well, it would imply that all teachers participate, something that a few may not be willing to.
Having said that, I do believe that a careful revision to the mission will work wonders. I personally favor continuity within both RP and RPB, briefly (or sometimes lengthily) summarizing the previous actions of the characters in the near vicinity as a transition to the action. This would certainly help on particular occasions (such as when action happens on different places, to help tie loose ends). I propose to request suggestions in how to minimize the problems that the mission may present, but quite honestly, once tweaked, I would definitely like to see that mission hanged on the Academy.
I'd suggest verifying which of the rules would apply to each of the levels of students. Low-rank students should have an easier exercise, while high-ranking students can have more complex exercise. Perhaps cut on a rule or two for the lower-ranked, observing how their higher-ranked peers might handle the same situation.
So, aside from Sinister and his expected lecture, any other volunteers? Any suggestions?