RULES: Each Teacher must first post their first lecture within the Mission thread. Lectures may consist on invented Historical events, figures; Battle techniques; or even modest natural science i.e. alchemy or biology. In response each student must choose one of the lectures to attend and retell the scene from the student's point of view.
-- A brief description of the teacher's character and the main character's reflected opinion of the teacher's character.
-- A summation of the material covered, including direct quotes and the main character's own subjective view of said material.
-- Brief roll-playing with at least one invented NPC after class is to take place.
--Participation in any exercises that are in the Lecture written by the Teacher.
The following acts cannot be done by any means:
-- Attacking an NPC. Students at this moment use no weapons, nor have any unique skills.
-- Using Powers. Again, no students at the moment possess any magical powers or special abilities of any sort, unless demonstrated by the Teachers as an assignment within the lecture.
-- God-modding. In this particular case, it will be strongly enforced NOT to involve other students in your introductory posts. You may use NPCs, but please abstain from giving them names for the moment. As well, please, do not make any mention of teachers.
This will teach roll-players how to restate events from their character's point of view and think critically as their character would. It will put them more in touch with their character's personality and boost their ability to correctly perceive other RPer's characters. It will also reinforce and demonstrate ability to create and interact with an NPC.