- Scene 1: The perky and somewhat air headed Alastora, along with her stern companion Sizuru, both members of an elite group of soldiers known as the M.C.T.U., attack a major church on the northeastern corner of Pilner. They trek into the mountains in order to sneak back across the border into Jumin, but are confronted by Tyrbane. During the confrontation, Alastora loses control and almost kills herself and Sizuru. To make matters worse, their commander, Falaris, arrives and attempts to kill all of them. Tyrbane manages to defeat her and take Sizuru and Alastora to safety.
1. Why did the M.C.T.U attack a Pilner church when Jumin is already knee-deep in problems to the west?
2. Tyrbane was engaged to Alastora’s sister Gwinnyn and therefore has met her many times in the past, so why did he threaten to attack?
3. Why would Alastora so easily attack her sister’s fiancé when she’s the type of person who would rather handle a situation peacefully than with violence?
4. How was Alastora able to survive a blast capable of vaporizing rock?
5. Why would the commander of the M.C.T.U. attack her own people?
- Scene 2: Tyrbane brings Sizuru and Alastora back to his home in the northwestern part of Pilner, where Yuuna, a childlike girl with pink hair, was waiting. She heals Alastora’s wounds and spends the rest of the night with Tyrbane. In the morning, Alastora and Sizuru are both gone and a note is left instructing Tyrbane to head to the country to the west(the general direction of Haven, but not specific), where a man known as Shadow would guide them the rest of the way. Also there was a stack of love letters allegedly written by Gwinnyn to Tyrbane that Alastora had been holding onto. The two set off to Haven.
1. Yuuna apparently has the ability to heal severe injuries, yet she remains in a childlike form. Stunted growth would seem to be an easy fix compared to the massive injuries that Alastora had suffered.
2. The townspeople were the ones responsible for turning in Gwinnyn and Tyrbane to the Pilner authorities and the resultant alleged death of her. Why would he continue to live in a place that treated him like a criminal?
3. Alastora had a number of letters on her that conveniently did not get burned up in the self-created explosion earlier, yet all of her clothes were unrecoverable. Where did these letters come from? They were not on her when she was brought to the cabin.
4. If Gwinnyn was indeed alive this whole time, why had Alastora never told him until this point?
- Scene 3: Tyrbane and Yuuna manage to make their way across the border into the neighboring country where they are confronted by Shadow.
1. Crossing the border into an extremely security-tight country was way too easy.
- Scene 4: Sizuru awakes in the hospital in Haven to find that she has been brutally attacked by her partner Alastora. Even though she cares deeply for her friend, she had to fight Alastora in order to stop her from killing Gwinnyn, whom was lying on an adjacent bed. Another explosion occurs, collapsing the room into a pile of rubble.
1. Why are Sizuru and Alastora in Haven in the first place? They were allegedly heading back to Jumin since their mission was complete.
2. Why did Alastora maim her best friend and moreover why is she trying to kill her sister, when she just wrote a note to Tyrbane a few days earlier to have him reunite with Gwinnyn? Does she have multiple personalities disorder?
3. Why would Sizuru continue to support Alastora after she’s been attacked twice by her best friend(even though one was by accident)?
- Scene 5: Tyrbane’s father, Doctor Oraku Silverhand, along with Commander Falaris and a teleport-magic user by the name of Myrii, arrive in Haven. Dr. Silverhand discovers Sizuru and Alastora in the rubble of the hospital and proceeds to kill Alastora. He refers to her as “Sarah” and she seems to look at him as some sort of father-figure. Sizuru is taken back to Jumin by Myrii. Dr. Silverhand confronts Eris, a young girl who wandered into the wrong place at the wrong time. He seems to know too much about her and loosely tries to convince her to switch to his side, whatever side that might be. Eris’s friends arrive to defend her but the girl runs away in panic. Her friends try in vain to stop the intruder, who seems hellbent on wiping the entire town off the map. Commander Falaris returns to the frey, only to turn her attacks onto Doctor Silverhand, eventually killing him. Myrii returns and takes Falaris back to Jumin.
1. Doctor Silverhand was allegedly killed in Pilner for being a magic-user. How did he manage to make his way to Jumin and become aligned with a member of the M.C.T.U.?
2. Why is he trying to recruit Eris?
3. Why is he trying to destroy Haven?
4. Why did a member of the M.C.T.U. knowingly attack a neutral country, specifically a town filled with fellow magic users?
5. How is Commander Falaris in Haven when she was clearly killed a week earlier by Tyrbane in the mountains? Even if she wasn’t killed, her hands had been severed yet she seems to be completely uninjured, as if the event never happened.