I must study ;_; /emosaurus
looking forward to new year's eve...screw christmas.
Peace out
It's been so windy here.
We had a gorgeous gazeobo outside... wood, home made especially by my dad. It had been there for about a decade. Sadly, there was a massive storm and the wind last night was so intense that it demolished the gazebo. There's splintered wood scattered all over our garden now. It'll take forever to clean up considering it was a pretty large garden...
Bleh... Rest in peace, gazebo. Spent many Summers under you and had some enjoyable kisses under it, too.
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
I must study ;_; /emosaurus
looking forward to new year's eve...screw christmas.
Peace out
I spent my Saturday night with my face in a book called Colonialism In Question
...roll on Christmas.
Blisteringly cold weather and a carton of orange juice.
I knew I'd pay for it in a large bout of cystitis!
It's irritating but once orange juice hits my lips, it's my version of addictive alcohol consumption. BOOO.
Orange Juice Annonymous will have to know about this.
On a more serious note... it's ****ing cold. It gets dark at 4pm. What's up with THAT? 5pm - 6pm, fine, but 4pm? I'M SPLITTING HAIRS ABOUT THIS.
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
Move here, dearie...it's pitch black darkness by quarter past three now
one more day of work an then I am free, free, free I tell you
and now, I'm going to stop procrastinating. On Tuesday night, I'm going to get blind drunk. That's my plan. French, sleep, French, sleep, French, RUM SCHNAPPS VODKA JAGER.
Good plan, no?
darkness is fine (god that sounds so ****ing emo) just hate the weather in general.
eitherway oncoming saturday...Thunderdome!! One of the biggest hardcore parties in the world, 30.000 people..its sold out and I'm going to party hard! <3
Peace out
I wish it would rain a little more. Not to point of flooding, though...
It'd just be a lot nicer than all the swelteringly hot Summer's that Britain tends to undergo these days.
Last year was disgustingly hot, the year before wasn't as bad, the year before that was HORRIBLY DISGUSTINGLY BLEHCK. Man... The Summer's appear to go in forms of hot, less hot, BOILING, less hot, HOT, less hot... I hope 2008 won't be as bad.
Thankuflly, it was a short Summer due to all the floods... I do feel terrible for those in worse areas, though.
It doesn't even have to rain. A sunny day is fine, I just don't want to be so hot to the point where I need two fans on me constantly on the highest setting, laying out on the sofa looking like somekind of disgusting starved animal that's been left to sweat and die.
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
...you cannot actually live in Britain. My bits of it are certainly never hot; they barely grace warm.
Move north, you'd love it. We had two weeks of vaguely-warm summer in 2007 - half of April. The rest of it was doom, gloom, and a complete lack of warmth.
Home 48 hours from now...oh, and my sinuses have gone haywire again. I feel like my face is about to explode.
Don't move north! You may like a little more rain in your life, however if you come up to Scotland than you'll get more than a little amount of rain, you'll get the same amount of rain that flooded England... Daily...
I miss when winter meant snow, now it means rain, just like all the seasons...
I still like Winter. It's not actually raining that much at all this year. though come to think of it... it's still Autumn for like another week. Still, I like it. I like the feeling of being wrapped up in warm clothes in the cold. For some reason this year I find i enjoy that more than actually being sun-warm. Hmmm
Look ta me, I posted!
Back. For a while. Maybe.
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I hate winter. I really hate the cold... it just makes my face and my ears feel like its going to freeze off and winter winds just seem to cut through me no matter how many layers i'm wearing. Somehow, though, it makes eating a nice hot portion of cheesy chips very satisfying, and eating a nice vegetable soup on cold days is nice, and having a steaming hot bath feels lovely, although its aweful getting out!The festive season is full of pretty colours and lights which I love, but after New Years the novelty really wears off. I'm just a big summer child- I love the warmth and the sea.
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
Thank you, dearheart, you just reminded me that I'm about to go home to a place which has a bath! I shall need to take my bath book with me now.
Okay, I'm off. Back to somewhere windier, far more violent, a bit less icy and cold.
I plan to move North, but not into Scotland... I should be moving about four hours North... Which isn't really a lot, but I do notice the temperature changes when I'm there.
It's surprisingly cooler up there than it is down here... I'm looking forward to moving away, but it may be up to like, a year before I can go... It's annoying, but I'll sit here and wait for it. Bleh.
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
where is it in the country you live again, Chez? I forget. Infact, that's a question to all the Brit members of this club.
I'm so out of touch with TFF folk these days. It'd be good to start knowing people again.. especially their locations incase I'm ever in the vicinity of any of you fellows!
(Now I just sound like a stalker)
Back. For a while. Maybe.
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The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
South West in a little town called Chippenham, near Bath and Swindon. In the holidays though i'll mostly be back in Ringwood though, which I think you remember is near Bournemouth. I think it was you anyway who mentioned that they knew of Ringwood Brewery... ahh too many quotes from too many people to compact into such a little space of a brain!
Last edited by Storm; 12-16-2007 at 11:50 AM.
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
Hah, forgot to say where I am myself. High Wycombe is my home town, but I'm spending less and less time there these days. Exeter is where I go to Uni, and that's becoming more and more of a home for me (even though a large percentage of my friends will be leaving next academic year... bah!)
Back. For a while. Maybe.
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Merry beaver in a cup and a happy new goat!!
I'm already hungover ffs, going back to bed maybe haha.
Don't do the things I would do
Peace out
First Merry Christmas.... and now Merry Beaver time is here already? Dagnabbit... another excuse for merchants to squeeze money out of us! They commericalize Christmas, Easter and now Beaver-time too. Curse them all!
Back. For a while. Maybe.
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Damn beavers are the cause of all evil.
I felt like roadkill the first of january, but had a kickass new year celebration.
I hope all of you did as well..
Good luck and the best wishes in the new year ^^
Peace out
Seriously. I find it one of the most bland excuses to get drunk, in all honesty. Another would be annoying parties in which annoying events occur. Catching my drift?
I didn't think so!
Anyway. ANYWAY. Are you n00bs back in educational/working zones now? I'm working. And by working, I mean, working from home to create more art. That counts... As educational. I'm sure!
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
Yeah I'm back in Exeter now, ready to start lectures again tomorrow. Though I won't be suprised if I miss tomorrow's lecture because of the stupid amount of work I'm snowed under with.
Ah well, I love it down here ^_^ Long live the south west.
Back. For a while. Maybe.
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not starting uni again till like 2 weeks from now on, then I start the new period with a lovely retake exam.
Peace out
I went up North for a few days.
My God, how cold is it?!
Down here, it's cold... But up there, it's freezing. It's to be expected more around those parts, but there was a point where I was wearing three jumpers... Count them, THREE, two of them thick, one of them around bum level... and I was STILL freezing cold.
Sex was had, and that worked as a warm up for a while, but still... Thankfully, the nights weren't that cold. I had a man to wrap around me.Now I'm back in my hometown, which I immensly hate, and I'll be freezing cold again.
Fucking boo.
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
Amen to that.
I'm back up here, it's ****ing FREEZING too, silly silly classes, COMPLETE LACK OF MALE (leads to a complete lack of many things, eg: sensible conversation in my flat; sex; hugs; clever jokes; sex; sex; sex; etc.)
How's yo' artworks? Be postin' soon.
The Granite has eaten my mind. It is working with the French words; they are all conspiring with the most boring people I've ever lived with to drive me up some walls.
Since when was drinking in the kitchen an ACTIVITY? How does wasting money on wine and going to bed at 11 constitute fun? How does going out and wandering around in a dark room with lots of other people to the shittest music you've ever heard constitute 'a good time'?
I want my man back so that we can rally the cool folks (currently living in Tillydrone on account of having somewhere else to go) and go play pool in the bar by the docks to good music.
....that post went terrifically wrong and veered away from original design in every way it could have, but I'm going to leave it as it is
Take care, Eurotrash dearhearts.
It's going well, although joint difficulties are making paints and sketching somehwat of a chore. Things should be better by mid March, when it actually starts to get a little warmer...
God knows. I have absolutely no idea. I don't think I've ever associated myself with people like that at all, and if I have, then I didn't know shit about it.Since when was drinking in the kitchen an ACTIVITY? How does wasting money on wine and going to bed at 11 constitute fun? How does going out and wandering around in a dark room with lots of other people to the shittest music you've ever heard constitute 'a good time'?
As for lack of man, I know how that feels. I came back home, and now I'm pining again. For company, for love and for sex. We hadn't seen each other in more or elss a month, but dear Lord, he was a rampant sexual animal for the three days I was there. Although, scratch that, I was too.
I need a hug. One that doesn't come from a smelly thirteen year old brother, trying to reassure me that things will be okay. Seriously. Do kids not know the meaning of "wash in the morning and spray on some deo and all will be good." ?
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
The meaning of 'You smell like a farm, please fix this' still escapes my little brother. I don't get the seeming young-male aversion to not smelling like death
Luckily though, I don't have to smell mine, since I'm a bit way away.
I haven't seen Evan since....last Wednesday, and I won't be seeing him again until the 19th of March. Poppycock, so I say. It's alright though - we've done some working out and things like that, and have managed to get ourselves a supercheap flat to live in next year! Assuming he gets into the art school up here (he wants to do Graphic Design at Gray's School of Art). His interview is on the 19th, pretty much everything sits on it now - time for prayer, I wonder?
Cheerio loves.
You're lucky... Mine is a farting, odor machine. I honestly don't know how he doesn't smell the reeking BO or the utter stench escaping his trainers... Of course, my half sister had a foot odor problem and needed medicine for it, but I don't see why he can't go for the same medicine she had.
Wow, I hope all goes well for you. I wish Andrew and I were lucky enough to find a cheap place to live... Bleh...I haven't seen Evan since....last Wednesday, and I won't be seeing him again until the 19th of March. Poppycock, so I say. It's alright though - we've done some working out and things like that, and have managed to get ourselves a supercheap flat to live in next year! Assuming he gets into the art school up here (he wants to do Graphic Design at Gray's School of Art). His interview is on the 19th, pretty much everything sits on it now - time for prayer, I wonder?
19th of March, eh? You're luckier than me. I think my next meeting with Andrew will be late April. Or early May. EARLY MAY!!!! I just bite my lip and think of hamsters, ducklings and the whiskers of kittens.
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
Early May?! Christ, love.
I'm tempted to send you some furnitire to chew on
I hope you and Andrew find a way to get a place soon. Evan and I owe our luck to a string of coincidences, and a retarded Swedish woman. It's funny how these things happen.
Nobody ever appreciates All The Young Dudes enough. What a song.
And on that note...cheerio, loves.
Thanks! And I know, it's a real bother... I'd like to get an apartment right away, and I know that's what he wants, too, but on the other hand, it's almost impossible for me to find a job how I am right now.
It will happen. Up North, everythings' cheaper... including apartments. I just hope we're as lucky as you and Evan have been.![]()
The person in my avatar is me.
I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.