Everyone has, or had at one point in their life, suicidal thoughts.
I didn't really have suicidal thoughts during high school. I was very depressed and hated my life due to family issues at home, but I'd never thought I was that depressed. I started to have them during my second semester at school. I was going through a really bad relationship and was unsure of my future and what I wanted to do. I also was hanging out with a very bad crew and wasn't doing well in school life or social life. I barely passed school and I took some time off.
The thoughts never stopped coming. As I battled my ex and terrible friends, I fell into a deep hole that I couldn't get out of. I lost interest in everyone I knew and loved, I stopped eatting, stopped working, I just lay on my bed and felt sorry for myself. My real friends called me, asking me to go hang out with them and my mom begged me to get out and eat. Nothing could make me happy. Finally one night, I blew up at my mom after she accused me of cutting myself, shouting that I really WOULD kill myself and that no one would miss me if I were gone. I don't know what stopped me from fulfilling that deed, but teary talks and phonecalls certainly informed me that I AM loved and many people would indeed miss me being gone. How could I leave them behind to deal with my death, wondering if there was anything they could have done to stopped me killing myself.
I knew I needed help, so I sought out a counselor to see what they could do. At first he prescribed me anti-depressants, but those only made my temper worse and I started to come talk to him, to let out my thoughts and anger. He encouraged me to write everything in a journal, and then he read what I wrote after a few weeks. He told me he thought a lot of the problems stemmed from my homelife, and asked if there was any way I could mend them. I eventually moved out from my family, and have been living on my own for a year and a half.
I'm definately happier than I have been living there, but I still get my depressing thoughts. I'm not on medication, I just have a lot of anger and sad emotions I have to work out.
How 'bout you guys?