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Thread: Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!!

  1. #1

    Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!!

    Our laws state that a Registered Sex Offender cannot vote, own a firearm, or live within a certain number of feet of a park, school, daycare, etc., BUT they can get a Passport! I don't know about any of you but I find this to be outrageous! The government claims they are "cracking down" on these perverted felons, but they allow them to travel the world so they can possibly commit the same crimes in another country! And whatever country they are traveling to does not have to be notified of their background!
    What is it going to take for the people that are suppose to be running our country and protecting the innocent to take notice of these sick minded fools and strip them of certain rights?

    I know someone who is a Registered Sex Offender, and he told me that he just recently received his Passport so he can travel to Asia with friends. It has angered me so, I had to post this.

    What are your thoughts on allowing sex offenders to obtain passports?

  2. #2
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Well to me sex offender is way to broad of a term now, I think they should expand it out into more catagories then just one, a person urinating on their own property can be arrested as a sex offender and have to spend time in jail and have to register just for going in nature because nature demands it.

    As far as pedifiles, rapists, child molestors ect. I beleive they should not even be let out of jail. As for getting a pass port to roam the world freely is a crock of crap. I think those kinds of sex offenders should have to wear tracking devices for the rest of their lives and be on house arrest.

    I ran one of those trackers that are availible via the OHP and found out there where over 18 offenders that lived in a mile radious, 5 convicted drug dealers and one person convicted of vihicular man slaughter.

    Seriously some people are sick.
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  3. #3
    Synthesized Ascension Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!! Zardoch's Avatar
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    First of all, I don't think any sex offenders who make (x) amount of money (x meaning enough money to buy tickets to other countries where children are accessible) should get passports. Even if they do, however, whenever they use their passport to go to Canada or Mexico, it should be flagged and any police in the town they go it should be notified. On the other hand, we don't want their rights violated.

    Second of all, I'd like it if more people realize that sex offenders aren't dominantly male. The statistics show the amount of sex offenders from both gender are inherently equal (both about 60% from each gender), so there is a continuing issue that if they REALLY want to stop sex offenders from abusing children, there needs to be an admittance that is not highly bias like the media portrays sex offenders as.

    Third, there needs to be a rectifying of laws for men (and sometimes women too) that they should NOT be put on the sex offenders list if they are NOT found guilty by an a intimate partner's accusation of rape and/or sexual abuse. It's mostly men who are accused of rape and later released after being proven innocent, but yet they're thrown onto the sex offenders list, which is usually excused as "He might be a sexually offend someone in da future!"

    So yeah, at the subject at hand, REAL sex offenders (both men and women) need greater limitations and less access to places (foreign countries) where they can get away with such things.

  4. #4
    See Gary Glitter for details.

  5. #5
    What is the problem? Wouldn't we prefer that our sex offenders commit their nasty parlor tricks on our neighbors and not us?

    It isn't like they are escaping our laws and going to Hedonism. When you travel abroad, you have to declare your intent and you are subject to laws just like everyone else. They aren't escaping anything. You stick out like a sore thumb abroad much more than you would if you drove through a few states, which you can do much easier.

    Besides, they served their time.

  6. #6
    Sir Prize Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!! Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm afraid I have to back Govinda in this. Letting them loose as Cosmopolitans is a bad idea, rather than a good one. If you want to adopt the "Why-do-I-care" attitude. Then, that's fine. At least you're honest. But it is decidedly not a progressive nor a philanthropic move.

    Perhaps there is a compromise to be made, here. Such as having a psychological evaluation and ect before becoming eligible for such privileges. But generally it does not sound like a wise policy.

    I would also like to recommend that the term "Sex Offender" be reserved for the dire offenses like that of Rape or Molestation. Terming someone who streaked from their front door to get the paper in the vicinity of a school a Sex Offender is just egregious.

    Last edited by Sinister; 12-16-2008 at 08:30 PM.

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  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I'll be agreeing with James D.
    Yes, sex offenders from the US can travel abroad easily, but many of the places they can travel to also protect children, some moreso than the US. And if a culture doesn't see something wrong with things that are sexual offences in the US, good for them. A few more weirdos shouldn't change things too much. If there's any justice in the world, they'll get caught in some country where sexual offences carry a sentence like stoning or something.

    On his/her own turf a sex offender can learn certain areas better in order to premeditate a more perfect crime. On holidays in a foreign location, their research may be sub-par and there's a likelier chance of something ****ing up which could lead them to being busted. The only real issue I see is countries that don't give a damn about sex offenders, and once again that's an issue with the country...
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  8. #8
    I think way too often sex offenders are all catagorized the same, and all thrown into the same boat as being heartless predatorial monsters who'll take an oppurtunity available to do evil. First off they're not all the same, there's a big difference between a guy accused to forcing himself upon his girlfriend one night when he comes home drunk and a 50 year old man who has spent decades molesting children. Unfourtunately, automatically when someone is labelled a sex offender they're considered to be risk to children. I know someone who is on one of those lists....and I've had them watch over my younger brother on more than one occasion. Unfair labelling? You bet!

    As far as obtaining a passport, well that's something that has to be considered case by case. Of course you have to question the motives of a child molester attempting to get a passport, but there are people who made mistakes when they were younger who aknowledge wrong-doing and have changed. Those people shouldn't be forced into all the same categories or face the same restrictions.

  9. #9
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!! Lunasa's Avatar
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    We went over a whole unit on Sex Offenders in college Criminal Justice. I won't go as far as empathy, but I'll give it to them it's hard knock life. Though, I'm not understanding what the problem is with passports, especially considering that it's more ID than various registers can offer. Not to mention if they are convicted overseas, they're likely to be turned to the American government again anyways for life in prison. Or worse, if they aren't turned to American soil. Other law systems are not so forgiving and you can't plea your way down to 3rd degree Bar Rape as opposed to Date Rape in the 1st degree.

    As for the registers, they don't give a huge amount of information either. They are all coupled into one category. Basically, date rape committed by a 18 year old to a sixteen year old who consented, but did not have the right to consent(not old enough yet) could have had charges pressed by his/her parents against sixteen year old wishes, would be on the same register as a 60 year old pedophile. In New York, it's illegal for a 18 year old to date someone any younger than seventeen, but it happens constantly and no charges are pressed(it's actually a 20-Year Prison sentence o.O). Does that give proper justice to the individual of the lesser charge?

    I dunno what other people think, but I'm guilty(and the majority of Americans are too(if you're an exception to this, jump for joy, but don't quote this post )) of misinterpreting Sex Offender as "Child Abuser", and since it's labeled a "Sex Offender Register", what do the majority of Americans think? That it's a child predator register, even if it was a 18 and 16 year old couple. Registers do not give the proper story, so I disagree with them as long as they don't go into specifics on them. But, then again, the whole register thing is cutting the 5th Amendment and Miranda rights very thin as it is, so going into specifics may never happen, unless it were voluntary. Though, what sex offender would voluntarily detail his/her crime?

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  10. #10
    Bananarama Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!! Pete's Avatar
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    The problem with the law is that the lines are always blurred when it comes to things like this. How is an 18 year old high school senior not in trouble with the law when he has sex with his 16 year old girlfriend, but the 18 year old college freshman in legal jeopardy? (It seems to be the case, as I've heard of some kids getting into legal trouble). It's a messed up system that is intended to protect, but can really destroy the lives of some young people who are just doing what feels right to them. There's a huge difference between the guy who takes a piss on the side of a building during the St. Patty's Day parade, and the guy who goes around exposing his junk to school children.

    However, sex offenders who are convicted of such crimes (actual rape, and other predatorial acts) should be allowed passports. Yes, If Joe McRapey wants to see Thailand, then by all means let him. BUT, he does it with an empty sack. No way in hell will he be allowed to capitalize on the sex tourism.

    The only reason I say this, is because there's no way in hell that the law would allow for rapists to just be executed, yknow, after DNA evidence proves they did it. That would be the ideal, just an execution style bullet to the back of the head. The neutering is just the more humane approach to allowing freedom to sum.

    And Lunasa, two kinds of people would do give up the details to their crimes: people trying to prove their innocence, and people who are sociopathic and actually enjoy the idea of overpowering people. Rape isn't about sex per se; it's more about a display of power, saying that "I'm better/ stronger/ etc than you, and I want this, so I'm going to take it from you whether you like it or not." It's really one of the most ****ed up things someone can do.

    AND, there's a sex offender registry out on the internet that shows sex offender pictures, biographies, homes, past homes, offices and places of business, as well as a list of the crime(s) and the age/s of the victims at the time of said crime/s. It's not detailed to an extreme, but it gives enough info.
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  11. #11
    I want to play a game. Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!! Zargabaath's Avatar
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    I agree that there needs to be an overhaul on how "sex offenders" are categorized. That being said the more serious sex offenders: rapists, child molesters, pedophiles should have more harsh sentencing in quite a few states, because the state they are in are lax about it and want to "reform" them so they let them out way early or don't send them to jail at all *wink* *wink* New Hampshire.

    I happen to believe that there should never be a reduction in how much time any criminal spends in time if they are convicted, if by chance it is revealed that they were actually innocent then they are to be released immediately.

    On the issue of sex offenders getting passports. IF they sex offender serves all his time then I see nothing wrong with him getting a passport, the reason being is there is this saying pertaining to criminals: Once you serve your time your debt to society has been paid. Meaning that the criminal is now "push" with society. Yes put sex offenders on a list, categorize it for a better understanding of said sex offender's crime(s). Apparently though this issue has not come up on an international scale: for sex offenders to be notified to the country the sex offender is travelling to.

    This post has made me think if all debts to society are paid then that includes the government as well for the government is made by the people, for the people (definitely not now), and of the people (not so much now). So sex offenders should be able to vote. This is following the reasoning that is in place now, not my personal view. Just a bit more hypocrisy in the government.

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  12. #12
    Registered User Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!!
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    this subject pisses me me off to no f u c king end. i bet we can all agree that killing someone is more hanus than a sex offense. that being said murderers that get out don't have to register, in fact there are programs that actually help them get jobs and whatnot an most of them don't pay thier full debt to society. now take a sex offender after they pay thier FULL debt to society have to register, so thier lives are complicated as hell after they get out of prison and the are no progams to help them get back on thier feet, they can't live asnywhere they want if the people there say no. i don't give a shit what you did if you duid the time, you get a second chance, and remember the murderer that lives next door that you have no idea about waiting to come into your home, i think that frightens me more than anything.
    Last edited by ForeverZero89; 08-27-2009 at 10:03 PM.

  13. #13
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!! RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Firstly, saying 'sex offender' is like saying 'drug dealer'. A guy who sells dimebags to his friends is not the same as the fucking meth king of LA. There is a wide variety of criminals that are being labeled as sex offenders. I've seen documentaries about guys how can't get a job, because they had sex with a 17 year old girl when they were 18. All with consent, mind you.

    And if actual criminals are out of jail, declared cured or are not a threat to society anymore, you can't really take any of their rights. They've done their time. That's what jail is for. If they're still a threat, don't release 'em.

    But in the really messed up cases, there should definitely be supervision. Leaving the country when you're out of jail for two weeks, that doesn't seem right. A trial time wouldn't hurt anyone. The criminal could travel in his own country or, if he lives in Europe, through the European Union's mainland. And when he's proven to have learned from his mistakes and the punisment received, he should probably get most rights back.

    By coincidence, this morning's paper's headline was about a rapist who got out of jail and the psych treatment just two days ago, and again violently raped another 19-year old girl, at the same spot where he violently beat up and raped one of the girls he was convicted for.

    That's just fucking sick. I mean, we're talking about a ritual rapist here. The same spot? Waiting in a field until a girl with a bycicle comes by alone? Those people shouldn't be allowed anything. Though some blame it on the psychiatrists, who said he was cured.

    I say, if you're sick enough to rape two different women or more and get convicted for it by a fair jury, you don't deserve to walk this earth.

    Same goes for people who kill on two separate occasions.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 08-27-2009 at 10:39 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Griffith View Post
    First of all, I don't think any sex offenders who make (x) amount of money (x meaning enough money to buy tickets to other countries where children are accessible) should get passports. Even if they do, however, whenever they use their passport to go to Canada or Mexico, it should be flagged and any police in the town they go it should be notified. On the other hand, we don't want their rights violated.

    So yeah, at the subject at hand, REAL sex offenders (both men and women) need greater limitations and less access to places (foreign countries) where they can get away with such things.
    I agree with everything here, except for the whole rights thing. To me, If you are discussting enough to rape someone or touch children Inappropriately, then maybe you don't deserve rights. And I'm just talking about the hardcore sex offenders.

    I know you probably can't strip someone of their rights, especially if they have done their time. But that’s just how I feel.
    I also think that some sort of deed should be done to be released from jail. Not just time, Time doesn't make someone less of a freak. Maybe like counseling or something.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 08-28-2009 at 12:27 AM.

    Ta DA!!!:

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    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
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    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  15. #15
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!! RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TenseikenSlash View Post
    I know you probably can't strip someone of their rights
    And why would you? I mean. We have this whole justice system set up to make people pay for their crimes. And you wan't to punish them after being punished? I'm all for supervision though. (Cf. my previous post.)

    I also think that some sort of deed should be done to be released from jail. Not just time, Time doesn't make someone less of a freak. Maybe like counseling or something.
    And you think there's no professional psychiatric help for those cases? They ought to be declared healthy or cured before they can get out of jail.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 08-28-2009 at 12:59 AM.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    And why would you? I mean. We have this whole justice system set up to make people pay for their crimes. And you wan't to punish them after being punished? I'm all for supervision though. (Cf. my previous post.)
    no, not punish them after being punished, I meant it would be pointless to because they have been punished already.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 08-28-2009 at 02:26 AM.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  17. #17
    #LOCKE4GOD Sex Offenders allowed Passports?!?!?!! Alpha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    And why would you? I mean. We have this whole justice system set up to make people pay for their crimes. And you wan't to punish them after being punished? I'm all for supervision though. (Cf. my previous post.)
    I think that when someone has done their time, then they should be allowed full assimilation into society. Having "rape' on your criminal record is going to screw you up for jobs left right and centre, but taking away the right to vote, and to travel... I find that a little too extreme. Not to lessen the abhorrence of the crime in any way, of course.

    Supervision, as Rags said, is important. But even rapists have rights. In New Zealand, we let prisoners vote. I understand that this sounds horrible, but I think certain rights are simply inalienable. One of these is the right to not be raped, and another is the right to vote/travel/etc. I don't believe any action can take those away, unless a person has a tendency to rape/murder/etc. again, in which case, for the betterment for society, some freedoms can be revoked.

    I kind of contradicted myself. I seem to do that a lot.

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