Our laws state that a Registered Sex Offender cannot vote, own a firearm, or live within a certain number of feet of a park, school, daycare, etc., BUT they can get a Passport! I don't know about any of you but I find this to be outrageous! The government claims they are "cracking down" on these perverted felons, but they allow them to travel the world so they can possibly commit the same crimes in another country! And whatever country they are traveling to does not have to be notified of their background!
What is it going to take for the people that are suppose to be running our country and protecting the innocent to take notice of these sick minded fools and strip them of certain rights?
I know someone who is a Registered Sex Offender, and he told me that he just recently received his Passport so he can travel to Asia with friends. It has angered me so, I had to post this.
What are your thoughts on allowing sex offenders to obtain passports?