Reminds me of the work of Thomas Hobbes, the philosopher. Hobbes believed that without a central power; a god-like figure or strong central government that humans would eventually turn to a state of chaos, and civilization would break down, as there would be no way for people to hold together. This was how governments formed early on in history; they centered around religion, the common bonding factor. So yes, without god all things are possible, however, they won't do anyone any good at all, because there will be no real way to share it.
God and religion provide these "Leviathans" that keep people in line. They provide common morals in most cases, and also provide a reward for doing well, and not committing bad or wrong acts (re: heaven). They also provide a punishment in order to fear those not enticed by the reward (re: hell). Without religion to bond people together, civilization would, to some extent, fall.
Many people all need something to believe in, so that they can get by day-to-day. And even though people can take religion to the extremes, as in the case of the jihadists, or uber polygamist mormon sects, for the most part religion does good things in peoples lives, and makes many things possible.
Not everyone has the stomach to believe that us mere mortals are all that there is to life, therefore, even if there's nothing at all, humans would create a god figure to get the feeling that someone created us and that there's something other than us in the world.
Why yes, this was mildly ramblish but I'm not all here right now, but wanted to get a post in on this. (FTR, I don't know what I believe yet, as to the god/no god/several gods concepts)