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Thread: Racism

  1. #1
    The Persistent Flourish Racism Alice's Avatar
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    What are your thoughts on racism? Or you one of the many people to suffer it occasionally? Can you resist it? Or do you lash all the anger on everyone?

    I'm one of the victims. I'm Burmese, see. People accuse me being Chinese, Japanese and etc, and they make a LOT of racist comments. But I've never fallen to being a complete moron myself and being like them, and that's what made me a lot of enemies. If you think you've had it, oh boy, wait 'till you see the lot I get here, I used to get it every few days, and it really is getting on my nerves. I've never bursted out on someone due to what I've suffered, and if I have to I just explain my problems to someone. I don't get it that much anymore, but I still get it from one specific person.

    catcha later lil asian
    I hate the guy. I'll just copy paste what I said in the 'Suspension/Expulsion' topic.

    There is actually this kid in my class, who got 'expelled' last year for being a absolute...moron. No, that is not the word I was thinking of. A few months later, this year, I met him on MSN through another guy in my class that won't shut the hell up. The guy added the kid into the conversation. God no. The guy was a real racist. Kept calling me, 'lil asian', 'chinese shop owner', 'F-ing Chinese/Japanese', etc. Bloody hell. And despite the facts that I am obviously Burmese, he won't shut up. Geez. The friggin' fight only ended when a girl got added and stopped the whole argument. She left, and he left with his nice little end remark of, 'catcha lil asian'. >_>

    As for what happened a few days after my birthday? I feel sorry for myself. My class teacher announced that a new student was going to come into our class. We were all excited until she said the kid's name. Naturally, I almost bursted out 'NO!'. And it just had to happen a week after my happy, happy, birthday. Oh, the horror. That, and he wasn't really 'brand spanking new' either.
    And now he's calling me 'Borat' because he thinks I look like the guy. In reality, I don't think I even look close to Borat, and quite frankly it's like an insult now, he won't shut up. I've tried changing him on the occasions that he actually shuts up (which are quite rare)but as far as I've gone, he'd learnt only one thing. Being a good boy was pretty 'lame'. At least according to him anyway. If there was a effective way to combat racism, I'd gladly use it, but for now, I'm just gonna use my sig and when I'm quite annoyed, my MSN PM.

    My rant is over, you?

  2. #2
    Registered User Racism Dimi's Avatar
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    Beat the shit out of him, simple as that. Seriously though, I would eventually grt tired of being put down and would stick up for myself but that's just me. If you want to avoid violence then maybe talking to your teacher perhaps or someone from school about the situation??

    Anyways, I think racism in general is stupid. Judging someone based on their color and not on their character is really shallow in my opinion. Over here, there's a lot of Mexicans, but the illegal ones are called "beaner", "wetback", "bisa" (sp?) and so on. White people over here are called "wigga", "cracker", "redneck", "white trash" and so on. There's not much racism over here but at my school the whole gang thing is what starts it especially with the blacks and the Mexicans.

    Honestly, I haven't really been judged or put down because of my color. I get asked what am I sometimes because the way I look if you were to see me in person. The only time I probably get put down is by my distant family but I just ignore them. They call me a mutt and some other dumb names but I just pay no attention to it really.

  3. #3
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    What are your thoughts on racism?

    I see it as wrong, and don't think anyone should have to put up with it...
    And I feel that anyone who has to label a specific race with derogatory names should just go shoot them self in the head several times. It'd be more productive...

    Or you one of the many people to suffer it occasionally?

    No. But some of my friends may cop a bit of crap from some people...
    Needless to say, it don't normally go on for long...

    Can you resist it?

    I don't act racist myself normally, and do not care if someone makes a racist remark against me, but that said I will most likely bite back with a racist comment, merely so they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
    If someone messes with a friend past a certain point though....
    Well those people are fair game. XD

    Or do you lash all the anger on everyone?

    I prefer not to if I can help it, but some people just won't listen to reason. If that's the case you have to communicate yourself in a way these sorts of people will understand...
    victoria aut mors

  4. #4
    I do what you can't. Racism Sasquatch's Avatar
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    I honestly think racism is overrated, at least in America. Issues are labeled "racist" when, in reality, racism has nothing to do with it -- and, shamefully, it cries wolf for the real instances of racism. Racism has become "equality", and equality has become "racism".

    Most of the time, what's construed as "racism" is nowhere near it -- it's just getting made fun of. Most of the people I've seen get made fun of on the supposed issue of race, if it wasn't for there race, it would be for something else. I get made fun of for being a thin, hairy white guy -- which means I get "stereotyped" and "generalized" with all the stuff thin, hairy white guys do. If I was Asian, black, hispanic, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Canaduan, or anything lse, I wouldn't get made fun of any more, just for different things. People make fun of people, especially friends. Getting made fun of for one thing doesn't mean you wouldn't get made fun of if you weren't that one thing, it just means you would get made fun of for something else.

    A lot of "institutionalized racism" isn't racism at all, either. For example, if a lot of my buddies were 22-year-old thin hairy white soldiers like myself, and there was a big crime problem with 22-year-old thin hairy white soldiers like myself, I would at least understand if I got a little extra attention from authorities, as opposed to, say, 70-year-old Bingo-playing great-grandmothers. There may be just as many 22-year-old thin hairy white soldiers as 70-year-old bingo-playing great-grandmothers, but if the thin white guys commit more crimes than the 70-year-old women, it would be stupid to complain that thin white guys are suspected of more crimes than 70-year-old women are. After all, the facts support it. (Yes, this refers to profiling.)

    Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.

    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15:13

  5. #5
    The Persistent Flourish Racism Alice's Avatar
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    Seriously though, I would eventually grt tired of being put down and would stick up for myself but that's just me. If you want to avoid violence then maybe talking to your teacher perhaps or someone from school about the situation??
    I do that. The guy has gotten so called 'expelled' once, and I'm not afraid to see it happen again. I hear that with one more big muck up, he's toast. I'm waiting for him to strike again, and once he does, oh ho, good bye my 'friend'.

    I prefer not to if I can help it, but some people just won't listen to reason. If that's the case you have to communicate yourself in a way these sorts of people will understand...
    And quite sadly, there ain't many ways to communicate with them. And then there is the case of being mistakened for a racist. That is a pretty heart breaking thing to see, even if you aren't the one to be accused. This girl in my class was doing a speech on Hairspray(2007), and a boy heard her say the words 'racial segregation' and etc. She was explaining the movie in actual fact, not being racist. That, and she got most of the info from Wikipedia. I heard she broke down crying for a while after being accused, and I'd been helping her through the ordeal then. Oh yeah, after that, the boy finally believed she wasn't. And then he accused someone else for being racist. The other guy was pretty upset too, but the next day the whole thing smoothed out, and the guy didn't think that he was racist. Only problem was that the guy didn't know who to trust, and decided to become a loner. Me and the girl told him that it was a bad idea, and I gave him my experience on that sort of life, for that was what I'd been through when I was a lot younger. He rejected it all, and didn't listen. Now the girl has gone on a holiday in Tasmania, so I don't see how the guy is going to see through things...

    People often say that they must know how it feels to get these attacks, but people like me know the full extent of it, and it ain't what la la land claims it to be.
    Last edited by Alice; 11-11-2007 at 12:18 AM.

  6. #6
    Synthesized Ascension Racism Zardoch's Avatar
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    I think you're probably going to get the same answer from everybody Bean, lol. Everyone knows racism is terrible and shouldn't ever be used unless your friend can take a joke, but there is one thing that bugs me the most; double standards.

    In today's society, it's become a norm for victims of racism in the past to act racist towards another race in the present. For example, I find there probably is some if not an equal amount of white racism from black people than black racism. All over the U.S. I see blacks attacking whites for the most irrelevant trivial shit that has nothing to do with racism, like Sasquatch has said. Even on Fox, CNN, or MSNBC news you see these black "experts" crying racism like Al Sharpton on crack. How do people against racism like themselves expect for racism to stop when they endorse it themselves? Obviously, we all know racism is something that will never die, but this shit is just ridiculous.

    Moving on...

    What are your thoughts on racism?
    The same as everybody else. It's wrong and is something our world should have gotten over already. It is only ignorant hatred that keeps some racism going strong and mentally ill retards leading those kinds of things.

    Or you one of the many people to suffer it occasionally?
    Occasionally? No. In the past? Some times. There aren't very many black people in my city, but the few that have were overreacting towards me and other people. Nowadays black people seem to like me XD.

    Can you resist it?
    Easily. If someone wants to act racist towards me I just bring out my list of facts and reveal their ignorance until they do something stupid so they can be thrown out.

    Or do you lash all the anger on everyone?
    It's pretty difficult to truly anger me and racism for me is no different. Lashing out in anger only proves you haven't matured like you should have.

    Anyway Bean, I'd just learn how to really ignore that kind of shit. His racism are words and words never killed anybody. He'll get what he deserves the next time he screws up and maybe one day he'll see the wrongs within racism. Maybe a few months in jail will help change his mind .

  7. #7
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Racism is too heavily taken over here.

    If a white man calls a black man "a black piece of shit", he gets sentenced to six years in jail.

    If a black man calls a white man "a white piece of shit", he gets sentenced to an overnight stay in jail to think about what he's done.

    The British government takes to racism in a way that is unfair and quite frankly disgusting. I'm Eastern European, the only thing that's ever happened to me, is I've been made fun of for my second name. However, that's not racism, I just have a funny second name thanks to the fact that I am Polish and Russian mixed.

    In college, black students do not mix with the white students and vice versa.

    Why are our countries reduced to taking looks and ancestry into account? I am white, and in college, I hung out with another white girl, and a black boy. It never bothered me because I never looked at colour as being such an issue.

    I think black people are most sensitive about what's racist and what's not, and that is what my country has taught me.

    I don't think anybody should be called names or picked on for their colour, but it happens everywhere, and it's never going to stop.

    I don't agree with racism, however, I don't think it should be taken heavily unless there is real spitefulness and repetitiveness behind the words and actions of one person to another.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  8. #8
    Racism Jin's Avatar
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    It kind of disgusts me that anyone can go to jail for saying "[insert colour] piece of shit" in your country. What the hell is that?

    Racism exists and it always will. Even to people of high education, it happens. It doesn't matter how against racial profiling I am, when I see an arab person or a Sikh on my plane, I look twice. It's not because I actually, logically think that they're going to do something. It's because fear is a powerful force. That being said, all the affirmative action in the world doesn't mean that there isn't still a race problem. Hypocrites or not, there are still racist actions that happen and I believe they should be stopped. That includes racism against us white folk as well. You have to realize that the reason affirmative action is so negligable when it comes to racism against white people is because there has never been a large problem with it. Countries learn from their experiences and all the racial atrocities that have been more than petty gang operations are not carried out by minorities, but rather against them. Some people just have trouble realizing when they've gone too far.

    Sasquatch: I see where you're coming from and I don't necessarily disagree with you and your example, but there is a problem with the analogy. A 70 year old woman is physically less capable of commiting most crimes than you are. Race, on the other hand, in no way handicaps anyone from commiting a crime.
    Last edited by Jin; 11-11-2007 at 09:49 AM.

    Until now!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu View Post
    It kind of disgusts me that anyone can go to jail for saying "[insert colour] piece of shit" in your country. What the hell is that?

    That is untrue. It took them literally months to build a case against a crowd of Muslims who walked around London after the 7/7 attacks with placards reading BEHEAD THE INFIDELS. You can be imprisoned here for the usual things - but it's really really hard to pin down racism in court, and the charge of Inciting Racial Hatred/Tension is the more easily applied one. So no, our country isn't insane.

    I don't like racism, but I see why it happens. Basic bullying. Idiots pick a difference and exploit it, like in school - the geek, the fat kid, the stinking one. It's the same principle. Human's fear what they're not the same as, or unsure of, or haven't seen before. Being raised by parents who tell you that difference is okay, or learning yourself that it is, enables you to overcome this inbuilt kneejerk reaction.

    I'll admit it, I'm a racist, even though I don't mind coloured people. Scotland is white, overwhelmingly white (our immigrants are Poles, and they're whiter than we are). The example that makes me call myself a racist is a day when I was getting the train to Glasgow. A gang of rowdy young men - laughing at each other, talking loudly - got on the train halfway to the city. Not a big deal.

    They were Sikhs. I, along with most of the train, couldn't help but gawk for a second. My mind went 'They are SIKH. What're you looking at?' and I resumed staring out of the window, along with everyone else. But that millisecond of quietness and distrust in the wake of everything we all know has happened, still happened. I still looked. I still suspected someone of something based purely on their colour and dress.

    Maybe that doesn't make me a proper rascist - but it still shows that I, along with a whole train, have a kneejerk reaction to difference and a bias installed by the media, even though the young men were Sikh.

    London's different. There, I noticed, white people wear suits and black people wear uniforms. Scotland's been known for being quite accepting, but we do have our share of rascist ****s.

    I don't think this is something humanity will ever be able to rid itself of.

    Have I ever suffered rascism? Yes, in a way. My Scottish nationality has been picked on by English people every time I go down there to see family. 'Oi, were yoo frum? Scotland? Yoo a savage? HUHUHUHUHUH. Yoor boyfrend wear a kilt? HUHUHUHUHUHUH. Yoo know John McNab?'


    'Aww, right, well, I thought there woz like less people up 'er everybody knows everybody else...'

    IDIOTS. God, even typing this is making me angry.

    Then there's the 'Scottish MPs vote on English matters yoo know!' Replying with 'You control all our foreign policy' cuts no mustard.

    My English flatmates, if I ever annoy them, yell 'PAINT YER FACE BLOO' at me. I don't mind it, one of them once said, 'The English are nice. We gave India back.' (HAHAHAHA) It's just the Braveheart God...there is no bigger insult at all. Good Lord.

  10. #10
    Racism Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    That is untrue. It took them literally months to build a case against a crowd of Muslims who walked around London after the 7/7 attacks with placards reading BEHEAD THE INFIDELS. You can be imprisoned here for the usual things - but it's really really hard to pin down racism in court, and the charge of Inciting Racial Hatred/Tension is the more easily applied one. So no, our country isn't insane.
    Don't look at me. Chez is the one that said it.

    Really though, I don't think your example makes you a racist. If it does, then every human on the planet is a racist, which may well be possible in retrospect. It's like you said, a kneejerk reaction. It's how you act on it that makes you a racist in my opinion. And the circumstances, obviously. Seeing a Sikh holding their daggers while on a train or the sort could make one lash out in a racist way out of fear. I'd completely understand that, so I suppose it's your view on the subject when you're in a logical mindset that makes you a racist or not. It's definately not a cut and paste, black and white problem though.
    Last edited by Jin; 11-11-2007 at 09:21 PM.

    Until now!

  11. #11
    I have no tolerance for racist people, or for people who discriminate against others for any other reason...

    I have never been harrassed racially, however, I've been abused A LOT as I have different religeous beliefs to most people...
    If people are picking on you, they arent worth your time, and they are clearly showing their cultural ignorance. People say ignorance is bliss, but I believe it is just studpidity, ergo, in my opinion, the guy abusing you is stupid
    lol it all makes sense in my head...

  12. #12
    The Persistent Flourish Racism Alice's Avatar
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    Yeah, he is pretty stupid. Almost got suspended last week. Something about 'threatening to punch a teacher in the face'. Well, it won't be the first time, and I'm personally confused as to how he actually got special permission to come back...that, and it seems the whole family is rotten, dunno about the parents though. Met the brothers at the Perth Royal Show. The guy comes up and asks me for a dollar. Wth? And then the brothers just say, "He's just an asian."

    I'm finding racism from 'other' folks quite easy to cope with now though, since I'm kinda bored of hearing the same things over and over, some of the insults don't even feel like insults anymore. But okay, I still get offended. I stand up for myself, but what the hell can anybody say? I say? I was born this way, and I'm staying this way, not like I can change it. I'm proud of who I am, and that's that.

    (Funny though, sometimes the teachers actually talk right in front of us. One of them actually wished the kid never came to the school. )
    Last edited by Alice; 11-11-2007 at 11:49 PM.

  13. #13
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    This reminds me of a quote that'd I'll probably get a warning for but if you don't get it then that's your fault not mine (Go watch one of those Chris Rock skits and you'll get it)

    "Racism is like ******s, they shouldn't exist"

    Effectively if you've seen it then you'll know what I'm talking about, basically he goes on about how theres "Black" people and then there's "******s" and Blacks hate them just as much as white's do. Anyway I don't think the biggest problem is racism in itself, but the people who keep bringing it up and using it as an excuse. Sure I can understand if you don't but its one of those things when a few people screw it up for everybody.

    For me I guess I'm racist, I grew up around Maori's and I got sick of the way they always go around acting all staunch and trying to intimidate everybody and they always seem to be angry. I worked at KFC so there was a lot around there and whilst they were nice, Some of them (Not all) gave me the feeling they didn't entirely want me around. Now that's not to say I hate them, in fact 2 of my close mates are half maori and they're great mates. Same with my Uncle, he's a Skinhead and he always cracks jokes but he treats them with respect. As for Asians, I've never had a problem with them and I've noticed that they tend to be quite racist as well.

    What I think the reason for is partly due to people are getting sick of blax getting all the attention; everytime you turn on the TV there's some kind of rap video or "Gangsta" stuff also I'm so sick of the "Your scared" or "Penis Envy" bullshit (I gotta a funny picture disproving it but I can't post it). Also it's real easy to make fun of black stereotypes, I can't help it but I find them hilarious sometimes. Also I was talking to this Jew, now I wasn't going out of the way to see if any stereotype was true or not but sadly everything all the neo-nazis and muslims said about them was bang on...

    Also being fascinated with European Culture I personally get tired of only the Romans and Greeks being the only European cultures than get a lot of attention. Germany and England are always made out to be the big bad evil countries and you never hear about Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. I do however like the fact theirs been a Celtic revival though I'm sick of it being a "Anybody can be celtic" where as things like Samurai's and Ninjas are strictly identifiable with being Asian.

    I used to get mocked all the time, believe me there cries of racism are no different from some kid getting bullied because he has red hair or wears classes but they seem to think its something completely different which when you think about it, its clearly the same thing just on different levels. I get accused for being a weeaboo even though I'm not, it never has once offended me yet the still go "LOL U WATCH ANIME" and I wonder how they even find that funny.
    Last edited by Angantyr; 11-12-2007 at 12:17 AM.

  14. #14
    Personally I believe that the term racism is thrown around a bit too much nowadays. It seems as if even the most innocent joke with just the slightest content concerning race, nationality, or culture, is destined to cause quite an uproar. It is seems in particular to be very much the case in the USA, but this feeling of political correct zeal also has taken root in most other western countries as well. The problem is that being overzealous concerning racism does not do anything to improve the situation. If anything, it only sets people further apart from each other and makes them constantly worry about being racist and remember to refer to that black guy they saw on the train as an Afro-dane/scotsman/russian/martian/whatever.

    I will admit to looking over my shoulder twice if the group of young men walking 15 metres behind me on my way home from work at 10pm are of Arab descent and not ethnic Danish. Does that make me a racist or does it just makes me aware that even though only 8.9% of the population of Denmark is made up of immigrants and their descendants in 2 generations, they are still responsible for as much as a little less than 40% of all violent crimes commited in Denmark? Personally I have no doubt that the latter is the case. I am fully aware that the majority of immigrants and second and third generation immigrants in Denmark are decent people just like myself, but the statistics can still not be ignored. Paranoia it might be, but certainly not racism.

    I believe that if people would be a little more relaxed about it and brush off petty things like a racial or religious slur in a tense (or drunk haha) situation or a Mexican being portrayed with a huge sombrero on in cartoons, then the world would be a much better place. Instead, let us focus on bringing an end to nasty stuff like violent crimes with racist motives, serious harrassment discriminatory treatment against ethnic and religious groups in the public space. I am sure that the medical community of the Philippines will survive that joke on Desperate Housewives...

  15. #15
    Bananarama Racism Pete's Avatar
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    racism can be bad, and it can also be funny as hell

    a lot of time, people have their heads so far up their asses that the lump in their throat is their noses, and their vision is so clouded with being politically correct. Personally I hate it. People bitched that Chappelle's Show was a terribly racist thing, but IT WAS SO ****ING SPOT ON, and because it was, it was hilarious.

    I can't believe someone would cry after being called racist though. I mean, the world we live in totally sucks balls with all this PC shit. "OMG you said the word race, your a racist!"

    Racism is discriminating or harassing someone because of their race. Sure, it's not great, but there's a lot of reverse racism out there, like affirmative action. Now, thats racist and bullshit. Say you're a white male and aspiring to go to a good university. Now, you're at the top of your class, and in the upper tier of the university's incoming class. However, you get a rejection letter because all of the applicants have already been accepted. Yet, your black friend (or asian, hispanic, etc) gets accepted with lower grades and the same extracurriculars and all that shit. The only reason they were accepted was because they were a minority. Bullshit, no?

    Honestly, I dont care about racism. There is a difference between putting up a noose in a black neighborhood, or joining the klan, because those are hateful things. Saying off color things for the sake of comedy is considered both ok and funny because of the shock value. I have black friends and I know them well enough to make jokes about fried chicken and purple drink. I'll bow to my asian friends or call them ping pong, just to get a reaction out of them, and I'll blast reggaeton or mariachi music when i pick up my hispanic friends. Sure, I might be an asshole, but that's how we all roll. To them I'm a dumb shit Polock, a constantly drunk Irishman or your classic white boy. But most of all I'm a friend.

    One final point, making fun of someones race or culture is fine and even tolerable, so long as you know that person and are doing it for fun. Taking it to the extreme, and doing it because you know it will upset someone or because you genuinely are hateful is messed up and general douchebaggery
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  16. #16
    Racism Earnest's Avatar
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    I've only read your post, and not the others, so maybe somebody has already said this.

    Fortunatley, teachers react to racism very seriously (as do most intelligent people.) It's a very serious issue which can destroy the lives of some individuals. Kudos to you for being mature and strong enough not to drop to the level of this wanker.

    I'm Australian, and we're one of the most multi cultural countries going around. Everyone gets along here and does their own thing for the countries. You'd generally find theres more redhead bagging than racism here. My point is that I've never suffered or really seen any racism at my school. If I were receiving it, I think the best thing would be to tell a head teacher. Yeah it might be a little cowardly because the guy will get a warning, and he might let you know how much of a baby you are. But if he does it again, I can almost guarantee that in Australia, he'd be suspended or expelled. And if you get a PARENT involved, he's definatley expelled.

    Good luck.

  17. #17
    SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP! Racism ~FANTASY-ENDER~'s Avatar
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    I'm totally againist racism, I'm a person that doesn't care what a person looks, acts, or believes in. We are all the same, we all have a heart, a brain, lungs, and a soul, I'm a white guy, and I don't have many firends that are white, if I am treated with respect I'll give you the same no mater what color you are. I can't stand some people acting like their better than others because of what they look or what color they are. We all are brothers and sisters and at the end the only person that should be judging us is the father in heaven, and he isn't going to care if we're black, white, purple, green or polka-dotted, so why should we care what a person looks? On my signature I have a song that explans it all.
    I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds cool

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  18. #18
    Damn, it's been a while, and the boss is here now, too. I guess my winter breaks over.

    Racism... I find it funny how people can let their own fears force them to lash out at others. I watched it both from a far(rarely) and up close, and came to the conclusion that they fear what they don't know and chose not to. It is because they don't see themselves within those they are prejudice against. They consider them as something else, something not human at times, even though all humans are... well, human.

    I myself am not from the US, I was adopted and really had no choice to come here. It's not my fault, not really anyone's fault. Unusually, my skin changes colors through out the year, from a sorta tan reddish in the summer to a pail color in the winter, so I'm called just about everything at first glance. In fact, not that I think about it, I was called everything. Every single vulgar word out there, by almost every race. The thing is, I really don't completely know what my heritage is. I have an unusual height for what I'm suppose to be and broad shoulders, so I don't know if I'm mixed or not. When people don't know, they just say anything.

    I put up with it and fought against it for several year, sometimes cracking at certain points(not racist cracking mind you). It kinda sucks when the only help you get are from the few friends that will stand beside you. As I said else where, I had terrible teachers throughout school that were just as racist as the others around the area. There's no avoiding it at times. I got beat down a lot, and beat down others who were doing it. (and then get suspended... again). I have literally hundreds of scars from it. I actually took a count last week on my left arm (where I could see) and came up with 147.

    Anyway, back on why they act the way they do.
    As I said, they view them as something not themselves. Something they can't relate to, as they see it as different. It is actually the same with all forms of hatred and prejudice. Whether it be hatred against religions, hatred against social status, or hatred against something stupid like hair color, all the hatred comes from the same thing: what they see as themselves and what they see as others. It's what they look at in front of them and in these circumstances, they never chose to see more then what they fear to.

    As they fear it, they look down upon it trying to make themselves higher then what they fear, hating even more as what they fear goes on to exist. If they are surpassed by what they fear, the hatred begins to spread from generation to generation.

    Yes Winter... er... Angantyr, many people are ass holes, but don't stereotype all who seem to be like them as ass holes too. They are individuals and they should be treated as such. It's better to fight a hundred, then to fight a million, where some could fight on your side at times, you know? Break away from barriers that separate people, they hold no purpose. (Oh yea, and there were and still are European Samurai and Ninjas)

    Interesting enough, I find all this hatred and fears stemming out of one single human trait: Pride. Ask yourself, this, "Why do I hate? Why do I fear? What is it's purpose to hate and to fear? Just why?"

    It is because people don't want to lose to others. People, or rather Humans, don't want
    to be lower then something they already see as beneath them. They want to be high and mighty, towering over others, and they set steps along the way as visuals to mark the points.

    Another interesting point is out of the concept of pride, the fact of not having enough pride, or the thought of having more pride translating into a false sense of power, other human traits branch out.

    Greed comes when a person wants more then others, to push themselves higher by having more then those who are not part of them. They tend to do as much as they can not stopping at anything to get what they want.

    Envy appears when a person can't get what they want. They begin to hate those who have, while they have very little or none at all. The hatred turns to actions that may damage those that have.

    Gluttony is created when a person thinks they won't get enough, so they take more then they need, not sparring any for others. Usually associated with food, what they see, they take, thinking only about themselves not caring about others.

    Sloth is conjured when a person puts their own wants and need before others, usually taking their own time in times of need. The thought of, "It's not my time, so why should I care" comes about.

    Lust happens when a person thinks that the power they have bypasses all others and other laws that govern them. As it implies, things like rape and torture happen with that power, as well as adultery.

    Wrath, well wrath is what I explained up above. It's the hatred from the fear people have, usually fear of others.

    Ironically, on the most extreme cases of racism, prejudice, and hatred, those acting on those thoughts and emotions, become what they hated in the first place.

    A few examples, people calling other slower changing civilizations and people barbaric, make actions like fatal experimentations and genocide against those people. Who is barbaric then?

    Another would be hating other religions or religion in general, claiming that they all done terrible things in the past, yet many of those people want to exterminate all those who still practice those religions. Which is worse?

    It's a never ending cycle, in fact it's a circle or sphere. The farther one person tries to get away from those they hate, the more like them do they become.
    And stereotypes don't help, because most are not true. Only those who chose to act like them.

    In the end, are you truly that different for those you hate? Your blood is the same color, Your bodies function the same, You love, hate, act, breath the same way.
    "What make you different other then being you?"
    "What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."

    "You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
    You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."

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    "Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
    grant to you what is truly wanted by
    your heart and make it attainable,
    where as the infinite will not."

    "The world owes you nothing,
    not even an explanation."

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  19. #19
    Racism Ayse's Avatar
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    Hmm, I seem to have missed this thread.

    Firstly, I think race is a stupid thing. No one is 100% pure anything. I can't say that I'm pure Turkish, because I don't know that for sure. I may have Mongolian ancestors, or Egyptian ancestors. There is no way to tell what race anyone is because there is no way for us ourselves to know our whole background. For me to explain to someone that I'm Turkish is inaccurate because there are other backgrounds that I come from. When people ask me what ethnicity I am, I usually don't answer the question because I honestly don't know the answer. I also believe that what ethnicity I am shouldn't really make a difference to what people think of me.

    I personally believe that if you make your race and your ethnicity an issue, then other people will to. When you describe yourself, do you automatically include where you're from or what your background is? If when I first meet someone, I tell them I'm Turkish, what relevance would that information have to the person I am? Just because I'm Turkish, does that mean I am somehow different? If I’m not different, why would I bother mentioning it in the first place? The idea that people against racism believe that we are all equal is somehow ludicrous to think that, because we still find a way of telling people about our different culture's and different our backgrounds. I'm proud of where I'm from, and I'm proud of my heritage, but that fact that I would bring that up in casual conversation or that it would be used to describe me is something that I am against. I don't think that sort of information is something that should be used to describe people, but unfortunately the only way sometimes to describe someone is to include their race. I think the minute we all stop considering ethnicity as something that makes us different from others, or information that we tell people, the minute people will realise "Hey, no one really gives a shit about their backgrounds anymore, so no one will really give a shit if I'm racist, so what is the point of me being racist?"

    If I'm being honest with you though, even if we were all of the same race, same colour, same shape, size, height, gender, everything the same, people would still find SOMETHING to be prejudice about.

    I leave this topic with one of my favourite quotes

    “If a black man is racist, is it ok, if it’s a white mans racism that made him that way?” – Katie Melua

    When you're gone, how can I even try to go on
    When you're gone, though I try how can I carry on

  20. #20
    I got to a Boarding school which is very Mult-Culteral, We have people from all over the world, chinese, japanese, korean, American, African,carribean ect.
    Racism is a pretty big thing and is dealt with severly but not much of it happens we all pretty much get along pretty well. But what i don't understand is that a black person can call another black person the N word and nothing happens, where as if a white person were to say it they would get extremely pissed.
    I personally think as people have most likely said, that were all the same on the inside, we all have feelings, hopes, pains and joys so why should it matter what colour we are?
    My TFF Family!!
    My Big Sis: Hazel

  21. #21
    Racism Ayse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savior of the Damned View Post
    But what i don't understand is that a black person can call another black person the N word and nothing happens, where as if a white person were to say it they would get extremely pissed.
    Erm I dunno about that situation, I've had plenty of white friends jokingly call a black friend the N word, and vice versa with the C word.

    When you're gone, how can I even try to go on
    When you're gone, though I try how can I carry on

  22. #22
    Bananarama Racism Pete's Avatar
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    Funny tidbit:

    Over the summer, my softball team's name was the "Softball Niggazzzz" (yes, 2 "g"'s and 4 "z"'s). We had quite a diverse squad (Several hispanics, asians, blacks, whites and various mixes). The funniest moment though, was when I, the resident white kid (or at least 100% white) said "later niggas." My black friend was so happy, and exclaimed "YES! I was waiting for you to finally say it! Thank you Pete!"

    Granted, I was saying this as a joke, and because it was the team name. I guess that my friend felt that such barriers were already broken down because we are all relatively close friends, and such things really don't matter to us. Race isn't an issue at all, despite how diverse we are. It only comes into play when we are making fun of each other. Or, he just wanted to hear the white kid say the n word. Your call
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers


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