What are your thoughts on racism? Or you one of the many people to suffer it occasionally? Can you resist it? Or do you lash all the anger on everyone?
I'm one of the victims. I'm Burmese, see. People accuse me being Chinese, Japanese and etc, and they make a LOT of racist comments. But I've never fallen to being a complete moron myself and being like them, and that's what made me a lot of enemies. If you think you've had it, oh boy, wait 'till you see the lot I get here, I used to get it every few days, and it really is getting on my nerves. I've never bursted out on someone due to what I've suffered, and if I have to I just explain my problems to someone. I don't get it that much anymore, but I still get it from one specific person.
I hate the guy. I'll just copy paste what I said in the 'Suspension/Expulsion' topic.catcha later lil asian
And now he's calling me 'Borat' because he thinks I look like the guy. In reality, I don't think I even look close to Borat, and quite frankly it's like an insult now, he won't shut up. I've tried changing him on the occasions that he actually shuts up (which are quite rare)but as far as I've gone, he'd learnt only one thing. Being a good boy was pretty 'lame'. At least according to him anyway. If there was a effective way to combat racism, I'd gladly use it, but for now, I'm just gonna use my sig and when I'm quite annoyed, my MSN PM.There is actually this kid in my class, who got 'expelled' last year for being a absolute...moron. No, that is not the word I was thinking of. A few months later, this year, I met him on MSN through another guy in my class that won't shut the hell up. The guy added the kid into the conversation. God no. The guy was a real racist. Kept calling me, 'lil asian', 'chinese shop owner', 'F-ing Chinese/Japanese', etc. Bloody hell. And despite the facts that I am obviously Burmese, he won't shut up. Geez. The friggin' fight only ended when a girl got added and stopped the whole argument. She left, and he left with his nice little end remark of, 'catcha lil asian'. >_>
As for what happened a few days after my birthday? I feel sorry for myself. My class teacher announced that a new student was going to come into our class. We were all excited until she said the kid's name. Naturally, I almost bursted out 'NO!'. And it just had to happen a week after my happy, happy, birthday. Oh, the horror. That, and he wasn't really 'brand spanking new' either.
My rant is over, you?