As my first post here since returning to the internet after a year long hiatus, I would like to draw everyones attention to the following post, made here about a year and a half ago by your's truly:
This, my friends, is what is called: "prophecy."
It was around Christmas time last year that I became aware of just how correct I was. I was in Best Buy and I noticed the huge display of PS3's in the middle of the store. And the display about a quarter that size of 360's. And the signs saying, "Wii sold out."
This seemed to be the pattern. 360's selling, sure, but still very much in stock. PS3's sitting on shelves collecting dust. And Wii's nowhere to be seen. I think I may have hit the nail on the head, all those many months ago.
And now, it just looks to get better for Nintendo. Two words: "Force Unleashed."
Sure, it'll be available on other platforms. But who cares? No ones going to buy it on anything but a Wii.
Two more words: "Wii lightsaber."
Seriously, I know that those exact words went through everyones head when the Wii remote was revealed. Well, actually it was probably more like, "Wtf?! Wait... ...(audible sound of wheels turning) ... ...MOTHER****ING LIGHTSABERS ON THE MOTHER****ING WII!!!!!!!"
Meanwhile, Sony's still going down the drain. The only thing going for them is that Blu Ray seems to have won the war against HD. Of course, the 360 is modular and thus not tied to any one format and the Wii doesn't use either of them. And last I heard the only exclusive title they still had was MGS. Apparently this is because the mad genius Hideo Kojima managed to fill an entire Blu Ray disk (like 50 gigs, right?) with MGS 4, making release on any other system (barring a 360 with a Blu Ray module) basically impossible.
I also understand that the people behind Halo jumped ship. Seems they weren't entirely happy with Halo 3, and were interested in working on some other projects while all Microsoft wanted was more Halo's. I also heard that Microsoft put the kaibosh on machinima, willingly depriving themselves of countless hours of free advertising, as well as pissing off a lot of people. How this will affect things is yet to be seen.
So, in the final analysis, "one of the all time greatest comebacks," does seem to be well on it's way.
On a related note:
raw potential
Oh, and the name's "Rogue." Check the member list Max. You did it again. People might get the wrong idea.