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  1. #721
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers Priscilla's Avatar
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    Wow. I don't know why it has taken me so long to request to join the Nintendo Worshippers so here I am now. The first games I ever played were on a Gameboy so I have a soft spot for Nintendo games. Ah, they are definately the most enjoyable. =]

    I hope I can be accepted =]

    Oh and Kirsty the price on release for Wii Fit at EB will be $149.95 well that is reccomended retail price. You can probably find it cheaper else where but that is the standard price =]

  2. #722
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Oh okay, thank you and I am sure you will be allowed to join this club. I don't have the powers to accept you but hopefully you will be accepted soon! Wii Fit does look good though, I am very much looking forward to its release.

    I am getting Guitar Hero though soon for the Wii, I was going to get it for the PS2 but I thought since I have barely any games for the Wii.. I thought it might be better for that. I hope it is otherwise I won't be very happy.

    I like how someone posted a random Pokemon team here when we weren't even speaking about it. Are they even a member here?

    As for playing games, I have not been lately. I don't think I have really felt like it. ><

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  3. #723
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers Priscilla's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if i'm allowed to post in here until I get accepted. That's why there has been a bit of a delay with this reply. But no one has posted in awhile so I thought why not. If it's the wrong thing to do sorry and just let me know.

    I'm really excited about Wii Fit too. It looks fun and well I need to get in shape. I know it won't do everything for me but it's a good starting point and it's a game!. Everything is so much better when it's a game xD. Like learning Spanish on the DS. Got to love Nintendo <3.

    Guitar Hero on Wii. I really want it on Wii but my brother wants it on Xbox 360 for the Gamer points. So kind of a conflict of interest. Oh and my Dad wants it on PS3. Eh.

  4. #724
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Guitar Hero III is AWESOME! I got it the other day as a late Birthday present and I love it. It was hard for me to play at first but you get used to it after a while. Plus it is very addictive in my opinion oh and SLASH is in it.. my favorite guitarist. ^_^

    Yeah Nintendo are making some really handy and useful games lately. You can learn other languages, exercise, help your sight, help your brain and so on. It's actually worth the money to buy most of that stuff and it is still fun!

    Hopefully they accept you soon Cilla. I guess nobody has been online to check. ><

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  5. #725
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers Priscilla's Avatar
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    Yes, i've played Guitar Hero III at work. With those displays, only once though but it really was fun =]

    Yeah. Love for Nintendo. I can't wait until Mario Kart Wii comes out either. That looks like it will be a lot of fun. As well as Smash Brothers. Oh and Harvest Moon. Gee, there is just so many titles coming out that I am really looking forward too. On every console D=. If only I had that kind of money to fund that xD.

    Yeah, that is probably the case. I hope they don't mind me posting here though.

  6. #726
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Priscilla View Post
    I hope they don't mind me posting here though.
    I certainly don't mind.
    As for financing your gaming addiction (oh yeah, I'm hooked), odd jobs for small cash, NEVER turn down a bargain price on a game you wanted and feel free to trade in the crappier games towards new ones, be they unwanted presents, games you've beaten and may never play again, or just crap ones you couldn't get a refund on. Chances are JB Hifi and ebgames will take them. Hell, the dude at ebgames was telling me they accept broken games/hardware.

    You can't lose.
    victoria aut mors

  7. #727
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers Priscilla's Avatar
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    Yeah we do accept broken hardware/games at EB. But well I don't want to give my games away for so little. $7 for most PS2 games. I'd rather keep them just for collections sake. So that's probably not an option for me there.

    Yeah, maybe I shall go to my Grandmas and help her out D=. I guess it all builds up.

    Does anyone know the name of the new Square Enix DS game that has a 'you will die in seven days / Harajuku likeness' I forget what it is called. But I want to check if it is going to get a PAL release. -Crosses fingers-

  8. #728
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    The World Ends With You?

    Yeah I read the interactive comic to win three ringtones. I know it's going to Europe, but if it doesn't come out here I'll just import. ^^

    Technically it came out yesterday for PAL I believe.
    victoria aut mors

  9. #729
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I don't really believe in re-selling/swapping games back at other stores, even ones I don't like because you don't get much for them any way and in the long run it isn't worth it in my opinion. I do have a broken game though for my PS2, the disc magically got snapped in half pretty much, have no idea how it even happened. I have a couple or so games I don't like but I don't think I would get rid of them. Pokemon Ranger for the DS is one of those games I am not fond of. >< It's rather dull and uninteresting.

    Been playing Guitar Hero the last few days and it's extremely fun. I have gotten pretty good at medium mode but can't get the last boss. I tried hard mode and my God they weren't joking. Expert was ridiculous, I will never, ever get to finish that.

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  10. #730
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Ah, myself while I was a collector I had at least a thousand games all up. From the Commodore 64 to the Wii. I ended up selling most games other than the classics and most RPGs I owned. And all I couldn't sell that I didn't want to play I kept as trade ins. I have ways of trading in games from any console from PSX up, so it's a good funds raiser.

    I can understand not wanting to part with games, but hiring a small storage garage for a monthly fee was getting annoying. Now I just have one or two copies of every Final Fantasy game and my favourites, from Mario to Sonic to Zelda to PC faves like Road rash and Space Invaders. I collect Square Enix titles, the rest are just for playing though I do insist on keeping the keepers in good condition. Nothing makes me wince more than someone mishandling my SNES Super Mario World.

    I mean games like Daikatana for instance. It was alright for one play, but horribly over hyped, and a waste of shelf space. I got $10 for it the other day, and it was the sweetest $10 I ever got a hold of.

    And he did. John Romero made every unfortunate gamer who bought that game a bitch.
    Last edited by Furore; 04-18-2008 at 10:57 PM.
    victoria aut mors

  11. #731
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers Priscilla's Avatar
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    Pokemon Ranger isn't that bad. It does get rather repetitive after awhile though. I stopped playing it when I got stuck on a boss. It's just time consuming and rather annoying. I should pick it up though soon because i'm almost finished anyway.

    Yes, it was The World Ends With You. Thanks Nathan! I really like the look of that game. Well, no matter even if it just came out in NTSC I could still import it. Yay for DS not being region locked. Anyway, at the moment that's one of my most anticipated games this year at the moment.

    My brother is getting a job soon and I am going for a second job. More game money, though that's not the acutal reason heh. Anyway at our new house my brother and I have our own loungeroom so that's going to be turned into a gaming room so we will have a lot of room for our consoles games et cetera. =]

    I guess I don't want to trade something in I havn't finished then even if I have finished it. Most of my games i'm attached too, like most of my RPGs and on top of that I always feel what if I want to play it again. So it's easier just to keep them. Oh and as Kirsty said usually it isn't worth it in the long run. Not that I should really be saying that as I work there and am meant to make people trade in. Hmm.

  12. #732
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Haha yeah, I have read the signs at EB Games and such saying, trade a PS2 and ten games or something for this console and so on but I don't see how it is worth it. I would rather keep my PS2! I still play it a lot and then I'd just want to buy another one.

    I was thinking about trading Pokemon Ranger but realized I probably wouldn't get much for it anyway and I payed around $70 for it so it's so not worth it. I don't like the idea of wasting all of that money.

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  13. #733
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Ahhhh, if you have a situation like that, what I would do is either keep the game OR ring up not only ebgames AND JBHiFi but every single pawn shop in the area for the amount they'd give for it.

    If you shop around you can usually make at least half your money back to some person who tries to sell it for 3/4 of it's price which can still undercut bigger places half the time especially with cartridge based games. Did I mention I have seen some secondhand games in ebgames for more than the new one when it was on sale at times?

    Leaves me all o_O wtf?
    victoria aut mors

  14. #734
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers Priscilla's Avatar
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    Yeah. Because with sales like the half price sale. Just because the new one goes down, it doesn't mean the pre owned one does also. But in saying that you do get the preowned one $5 cheaper then the new one so if you really wanted the preowned one I am 99% positive that is what they would do for you.

    Yeah there was a deal that was.. hmm. Trade in Xbox 360 and 10 games and get a PS3 for $399 or something. -Clings to 360-

    You would probably get around $11 for Pokemon Ranger too.

  15. #735
    Nintendo Worshippers Cheez's Avatar
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    Pokemon Ranger is fun I played it at my friends place and lets just say I suck at drawing circles. But if you're looking for Pokemon Ranger, why not get Pokemon Ranger 2, it's already out in Japan so all you have to do is wait for a bit.

  16. #736
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers Priscilla's Avatar
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    Oh, I do agree with you that it's fun. But after awhile it does get fairly repetitive. I'm just annoyed because i'm stuck at this one part. Two Camrupts that keep spitting fireballs everywhere. Very irratating.

    Yeah I might look at Pokemon Ranger 2 but i'm more interested in the next lot of Pokemon Mystery Dungeons. They were fun.

  17. #737
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheez View Post
    Pokemon Ranger is fun I played it at my friends place and lets just say I suck at drawing circles. But if you're looking for Pokemon Ranger, why not get Pokemon Ranger 2, it's already out in Japan so all you have to do is wait for a bit.
    I disagree, drawing circles around Pokemon isn't my idea of fun. It's nothing like the classic games. You don't get to keep your Pokemon, only one, there's no battling and I just don't find it fun in the least. I really, really doubt I would get Pokemon Ranger 2 haha. No thank you. >_>

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeons, I have not played them but have heard they are pretty good. I might consider buying one of them if I can find it cheap somewhere.

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  18. #738
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers Priscilla's Avatar
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    Well they are getting older now so I am sure you will be able to purchase one for a fairly resonable price. Then again they are Pokemon so they like to keep the price because people will buy it regardless, like myself. I like Pokemon, a lot. So even though Pokemon Ranger sucks I will probably end up buying Pokemon Ranger 2. Because even though the gameplay is iffy I still like it. I'm so lame xD

  19. #739
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Priscilla View Post
    I like Pokemon, a lot. So even though Pokemon Ranger sucks I will probably end up buying Pokemon Ranger 2. Because even though the gameplay is iffy I still like it. I'm so lame xD
    No way Cilla. It's the sentimental value. It's why I'll keep buying every single Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda and several other franchises' games that come out. Even if they stink, a true fan will get some sort of appreciation, even if it's just the packaging and one gameplay theme/element.
    victoria aut mors

  20. #740
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I saw an ad for Mario Kart for Wii and it looks awesome but I'm not sure if I like the steering wheel you get.. it's small and by itself. I guess you would get used to it after a while though.. does any body know if you can buy another one separate for two players? O.o I would like to get another one.

    I love those types of games, the kart ones. I have a few on the Playstation haha. I really loved Crash Team Racing.. but that's not Nintendo so I shall say no more.

    I'm really looking forward to FFIV DS.

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  21. #741
    Certified tech, come at me! Nintendo Worshippers SuperSabin's Avatar
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    me too chocobo, that justs looks plain awesome. have you ever played a mana game? i recently completed children of mana on the ds. its pretty fun.
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  22. #742
    As my first post here since returning to the internet after a year long hiatus, I would like to draw everyones attention to the following post, made here about a year and a half ago by your's truly:

    Quote Originally Posted by Morik the Rogue View Post
    Yeah...It seems to me that Myamota-sama has single handedly kept Nintendo afloat. The Gamecube, while a perfectly good system, didn't do too well. May have had something to do with the lack of games for it. It pretty much just had the usual standbys; Zelda, Mario, and the like. It really didn't have much else to encourage one to buy it.

    But now, it seems that Nintendo just might reclaim a dominant position in the console wars. I think Sony may very well have blown it with the PS3. Who is gonna pay six-hundred bucks for a game console? Well me, but that's not the point! When Christmas comes around and the parents are shopping for a game console, which one do you think they'll buy? The $600 PS3, the $300 360, or the one-hundred semodd dollar Wii? You guessed it. The Wii.

    Of the three consoles the Wii will be my first acquisition. I mean come on, it's cheapest, it'll {supposedly} have Nintendo's whole backlog, that new controller, as well as Zelda and Mario. The 360 has Halo 3. The PS3, has a $600 price tag, FF{I assume so anyway...}, and MGS4.

    This could be one of the all time greatest comebacks.
    This, my friends, is what is called: "prophecy."

    It was around Christmas time last year that I became aware of just how correct I was. I was in Best Buy and I noticed the huge display of PS3's in the middle of the store. And the display about a quarter that size of 360's. And the signs saying, "Wii sold out."

    This seemed to be the pattern. 360's selling, sure, but still very much in stock. PS3's sitting on shelves collecting dust. And Wii's nowhere to be seen. I think I may have hit the nail on the head, all those many months ago.

    And now, it just looks to get better for Nintendo. Two words: "Force Unleashed."

    Sure, it'll be available on other platforms. But who cares? No ones going to buy it on anything but a Wii.


    Two more words: "Wii lightsaber."

    Seriously, I know that those exact words went through everyones head when the Wii remote was revealed. Well, actually it was probably more like, "Wtf?! Wait... ...(audible sound of wheels turning) ... ...MOTHER****ING LIGHTSABERS ON THE MOTHER****ING WII!!!!!!!"

    Meanwhile, Sony's still going down the drain. The only thing going for them is that Blu Ray seems to have won the war against HD. Of course, the 360 is modular and thus not tied to any one format and the Wii doesn't use either of them. And last I heard the only exclusive title they still had was MGS. Apparently this is because the mad genius Hideo Kojima managed to fill an entire Blu Ray disk (like 50 gigs, right?) with MGS 4, making release on any other system (barring a 360 with a Blu Ray module) basically impossible.

    I also understand that the people behind Halo jumped ship. Seems they weren't entirely happy with Halo 3, and were interested in working on some other projects while all Microsoft wanted was more Halo's. I also heard that Microsoft put the kaibosh on machinima, willingly depriving themselves of countless hours of free advertising, as well as pissing off a lot of people. How this will affect things is yet to be seen.

    So, in the final analysis, "one of the all time greatest comebacks," does seem to be well on it's way.

    On a related note: raw potential

    Oh, and the name's "Rogue." Check the member list Max. You did it again. People might get the wrong idea.
    "You taught me language, and my profit on't is I know how to curse." - The Tempest

  23. #743
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers Priscilla's Avatar
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    Yeah Kirsty. You can buy wheels on their own that work with Mario Kart Wii. Not sure on official ones but we sell third party ones for $19.95 I think the price is. There was a deal that they were 2 for $30. I think that is still the case.

    The steering wheel you get with it isn't that bad however.

    Oh thank you for accepting me =]

    My top five Nintendoish games..

    1) Pokemon Silver
    2) Chrono Trigger
    3) TLOZ: Twilight Princess
    4) Harvest Moon
    5) The World Ends With You (Was released on the DS >.>)

    It was hard to just choose five. I had a lot more.

  24. #744
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    That sounds like a great deal. I should go there to buy another one then.. well I have to buy the actual game first so yeah.

    Pokemon Silver was awesome! I have it but it won't work any more, must have broken some how. I think it would have to be one of the best Pokemon games. I like the new ones but they are so different and some of the activities they include are stupid.

    I'd love to play Harvest Moon, it looks really cool.

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  25. #745
    Certified tech, come at me! Nintendo Worshippers SuperSabin's Avatar
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    i picked up a few games and one new wii controller this week. the games i bought are ninja gaiden: dragon sword, zelda phantom hourglass, bomberman 64, and bomberman hero.

    i really loved the ninja gaiden games. dragon sword is the best ds game ever (in my opinion). i beat it the second day i had that game.
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  26. #746
    Nintendo Worshippers Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    haven't been around much just letting you all know I'm not Dead and for the last 2 week I've just started using the virtual console, I've downloaded Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Fantasy Zone, Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Ghouls n Ghosts, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Galaga '90 and I'm getting another 4000 points tonight, hmm what to spend it on, any suggestions.
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

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  27. #747
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers Priscilla's Avatar
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    Hm, I used to have my Wii connected to the internet but we don't anymore because we are about to move and it is a hassle. Oh acutally my Wii isn't even where I am living at the moment. But there are so many games that look interesting on the Wii virtual console. I can't wait to connect it and download them.

    I might be silly but I really do want Pokemon Snap. Hah, I never got to play that before and the ROMS don't work for me.

  28. #748
    Registered User Nintendo Worshippers Dimi's Avatar
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    haha Wow, Pokemon. I haven't played any pokemon game in the longest time. I remember playing Pokemon Fire when I was 10 or 11 on my Gameboy Color. At that time, Pokemon was insanely popular as well. The trading cards, the games, the about lunacy here, people.

    The games were pretty fun though. I had Pokemon Sapphire on my GBA which I haven't touched in nearly two years since then. But at that time, Pokemon was like the game you don't wanna admit that you like playing but you secretly do without people knowing? Does anyone feel the same way about this?

  29. #749
    Nintendo Worshippers Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
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    Yeah, to be honest i really did, and still do. Seems like Pokemon is say, whats that popular word? Oh yeah, "gay".

    I don't care, i still play Red and Blue, Gold and Yellow...and I'm not ashamed.

    As for my newest Mario Kart Wii...i like it. I mean, the game itself is short, but the online play definitely shows signs of wii improvement.

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  30. #750
    Registered User Nintendo Worshippers Dimi's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Nick
    As for my newest Mario Kart Wii...i like it. I mean, the game itself is short, but the online play definitely shows signs of wii improvement.
    Dude!!! I am dying to check that game out man. I should go to gamestop or some local gaming store and see if the Wii that you're able to play has Mario Kart on it. I have the N64 version somewhere in my house. The original was really good and fun to pass the time.

    I'm hoping they do a Diddy Kong Racing on the Wii. Or a sequel or something. That game was fun. Which is better though? Diddy Kong Racing or Mario Kart Racing?

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