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Thread: Intelligence: Gift or Curse?

  1. #1

    Intelligence: Gift or Curse?

    This perhaps is one of the oldest questions Mankind asks itself?

    Your views on it philosphically and literally.
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  2. #2
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Sorry, but I need to give you a pre-warning for that post.

    You can't post really short threads or replies. You pretty much need to add more content and add your own opinion to the thread...

    I hate to do it, but, yeah.

    Anyways, I'll add an opinion, but any short replies to this thread will be warned for.

    As they say "ignorance is bliss". In some ways, I feel this is correct. The truth can sometimes lead to sadness.
    In another aspect, I favour knowing more than being in the dark about things. I like the learn and hear about new things, and I like knowing about things. I feel it depends on the individual. Dangerous people who make bombs and stuff... No, that's definately a disadvantage.

    People who want to help the world by using their intelligence... yay. I really can't put this into intelligent words, funnily enough.

    I'd say it's a gift. In most cases. Most.

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  3. #3
    Intelligence: Gift or Curse? Asheis's Avatar
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    In perfect honesty, I feel that true intelligence, or wisdom, is the pinnacle of the human experience.

    I feel that knowing exactly what your world is about and why things happen is amazing to me. For example... Understanding the snowflake, how it is made, and what causes it to be made is as beautiful as a piece of wonderful art!

    You bring up the example of people who create bombs, and things to harm others... in my mind, I wouldn't really consider these people "intelligent". It's like... if you know how something is made, you can do it... That’s not necessarily being smart... but if you know how what you can make can benefit society... you've shown intelligence..Sure, they know their stuff when it comes to chemicals, and physics, and the like, but they aren't world savvy, and they certainly don't have what I would call the "human-intelligence" That is, Compassion, and understanding of the human condition... so much so that to hurt another living being in such a way would degrade their own existence.

    Yes... basically... my idea of intelligence includes understanding others as well as yourself, and having true compassion. Gah... I don't know if I was able to really form that thought all that well...
    Holding you to know you exist, and the feeling.. absolute love..

  4. #4
    Intelligence, like everything in the world is a double edged sword. There are times when it is a great gift and there are times when it is a burden to one's existance. I personally like to think that the 'true' intelligence is a gift. It is pretty much the essense of the human existance.

    Unfortunatly, Intelligence is also misused by the stupider. The bomb example for instance, nucleur energy can be used to provide cheap mass power, yet it was the bomb that was made first.

    True intellegence to me goes beyond spirituality(religion) or even naturalism (which is a higher order of thought). It is truly knowing yourself, which is a solely personal jounrney. Once you do this, the world is suddenly a much simpler place.
    dont u have anything better to do than highlighting my sig?

    Rikkuffx's hubby..

  5. #5
    Intelligence can be both a gift and also a curse.

    It's a curse when you give too much importance on it or when people depend too much on the knowledgeable one that they forget how to use their own heads when in problematic situations. Advice is good, but letting the smart person control your life makes you a lazy person, unless that smart person is you.

    It can be a curse if you are forced to do what you don't feel like doing. (This can happen, you know...) It can be gift when you can easily do what you want to do because you have the knowledge.

    Intelligence can be good or bad depending on how you use it. When you use your intelligence, you have to know its consequences.

    It was good when chloroflourocarbon was made and used so that air conditioners will not be toxic to living things. It became bad when it was discovered that the chemical was burning a hole into the ozone layer.

    Right now, it's being a curse to me because it's giving me a lot of stress and pressure. o.o
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  6. #6
    It can be a curse if you are forced to do what you don't feel like doing. (This can happen, you know...)
    I can't see that case happening any more often than once in a very long while. During wars, scientists are used to develop weaponry. That's pretty much the only time I can see people being 'forced' into it, and even that was decades ago. I can't see that happening again.

    I think it's a gift. I don't get why it wouldn't be. It's the intelligent people that run the world, and I don't think it should be any other way. As for the people that say it's a curse, even if a person is extremely intelligent, they have the option of using their intelligence or not. If they wanted to, they could just as easily pretend they're not intelligent at all. Though I can't see why anyone would do that.
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    Grow up. - El Wray

    Testy are we? Sit down to some nice music and relax. - Momo Mastermind

    Emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo!! - Nin'

    Man, you emo! ^_^ - Nin'

    You're an idiot and need to grow up

    you're probably the biggest emo I've seen. Shut up and actually try to hold a thought.

    I can only assume the last two are also Nin'.

    What the hell is the theme with calling me emo and telling me I need to grow up? You people are retarded.

  7. #7
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Rather typical responses.

    It depends what type of intelligence you are referring to, for the majority of people they believe it to be based on Science alone, but I disagree with that. I believe Intelligence can spread from understanding out the human mind works, how society works, but I think people who are creative are the most intelligent people, they think beyond a straight path and experiment much more coming with much more interesting results.

    I think in your case being the same as me is seeing the world for what it really is, I believe society is even more screwed up than ever and the people who are going out of the way to fix this shit are the ones who get slandered the most. I don't really care, if humans want to act like a bunch of stupid Apes then thats their choice just don't expect me to conform to your social standards and never ever try to attack me for who I am.

    I do feel Intelligence is actually both... having intelligence helps you do amazing things, BUT I think most intelligence is brought on from having to suffer, like all those nerdy kids with no friends end up making the most amazing discoveries then suddenly everybody wants to be their friend. I don't consider myself to be highly intelligent but from what it has gotten me I believe it was mostly brought on from trying to understand why things "just are", having to deal with it can be depressing but down the road it will hopefully lead to something amazing.

  8. #8
    Lady of the Flowers Intelligence: Gift or Curse? Anthiena's Avatar
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    First define intelligence. Knowing yourself is a good thing. Intelligence indicates forethought, sensitivity, the ability to problem-solve among other things in general... but it can bring misery. Knowing yourself and having a far greater intelligence than others can become lonely, because there are as a rule few truely intelligent people and they are far between.

    Those that choose to not be blind are certainly hated, as the blind resent those that see.... and how is the blind sure of what the seeing say about the physical world using their eyes? It's like a totally different world to someone who is a genius.

    ...but intelligence can also extend to those amiable souls who truely understand people and know them heart and soul, even when they have barely met them... perhaps they are not intelligent in the usual 'book-learning' way, but their social and personal wisdom is far greater.
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  9. #9
    He's Back! Intelligence: Gift or Curse? Eisole's Avatar
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    According to Religion, Intelligence is evil. God did not want man to think for himself, to be servant to God (AKA the Church who taxes them to hell). So intelligence is a curse according to all religions.

    It is a gift. Anything that allows mankind to stay above animals is a gift. With Intelligence there is progress, invention of tools and technology, the more progress, the more ease of use we can have.

    By 2200 humans should never work again. That is assuming the world doesn't end before then or revert into another dark ages.
    "I am matter...
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    -Culex, Super Mario RPG

  10. #10
    its both a gift and a curse the first thing that comes to mind when its a curse is that you have such a high vocabulary that no one understands what your saying anyone else have that trouble?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Eisole
    According to Religion, Intelligence is evil. God did not want man to think for himself, to be servant to God (AKA the Church who taxes them to hell). So intelligence is a curse according to all religions.

    It is a gift. Anything that allows mankind to stay above animals is a gift. With Intelligence there is progress, invention of tools and technology, the more progress, the more ease of use we can have.

    By 2200 humans should never work again. That is assuming the world doesn't end before then or revert into another dark ages.
    i disagree on the the god didnt want man to think for himself ive read the bible god wanted us to have a free will

  12. #12
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    hero of time, warned for short-posting and double posting.

    Highly against the rules, rules of which you should read before posting. Please read those before you come here again. Anyway, no responce shall be made in direction of this one, and any ones that do will be warned for. I will not be publicly argued with.


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    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by hero of time
    i disagree on the the god didnt want man to think for himself ive read the bible god wanted us to have a free will
    Yeap. Free will of accepting his infinte love or die and suffer in hell for all eternity. Does anyone else fail to see the irony here about the all loving, all encompassing god resorting to fear mongering?

    I think as most intelligent people mostly do, religion should be taken with a grain of salt. You really need to sift between the timeless concepts such as tit for tat, love thy neighbour, etc, from the dont have sex before marriage, dont use contraception, etc which fits into the social structure of the time.

    We fortunatly/unfortunatly arent married when we're 12 anymore.
    dont u have anything better to do than highlighting my sig?

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  14. #14
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Intelligence, to me, is a double-edged sword if it is used in the militaristic sense (knowledge of events, intel). Sometimes it can be both a boon and a downfall. Such as when you know you're being cheated on. This is good because you know what kind of person you're dating, and bad because you didn't want to think of your significant other in that light. In instances like that, ignorance is bliss, but avoiding the truth may get you crushed.

    In terms of overall smarts though, intelligence is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately in todays society it is not really encouraged. Looking at the current state of education, the ivy league schools that are that are supposed to produce the higher echelon of education are only responible for 10% of the people on the Fortune 500. Smaller schools are responsible for many more. Not to demean the quality of many smaller state colleges (some of which are very good), but considering the stature these Ivy League schools have, wouldn't one think that the overall outcome would be more rewarding? The outcome seems to me that the more ignorant you are, the more money you can make (just look at models and pop stars). While intelligence is one of the most wonderful things you can possess, it doesn't seem like it's looked upon too highly in this country.

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  15. #15
    Intelligence: Gift or Curse? Echo Zel's Avatar
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    Gift, all the way. Makes no difference what you do in earlier life, Intellegence inevitably leads you to better things, you can afford more due to having a good job, leading to happiness and a good lifestyle. Plus, it doesnt detere the opposite sex, in fact it doenst anything them, I mena who goes 'Mmmmm, I love that persons intellegence, bit on her!'?

    Imagine the things you miss out on if you arnt intellegent, like Uni and going out partying with your college mates, be dumb and earn a fiver a week and you've got nothing to do. Either way I look at it its better, though I suppos elong hours can be a pain, and arguments break out because some people think they know EVERYTHING. Just shut them up with a punch, nuff said.


  16. #16
    Synthesized Ascension Intelligence: Gift or Curse? Zardoch's Avatar
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    Intelligence, by itself, is a curse. People who use intelligence in order to prove that they are right, smarter, or for the sake of knowing more about the subject do not deserve intelligence. Everyday it is abused by the ignorant and naive. Eventually when a person thinks him/herself intelligent they're facts become opinions and their opinions become stubborn, selfish, and indirect hatred.

    Now intelligence becomes a gift when one learns wisdom. That is what matures a man/woman. Without wisdom, intelligence means absolutely nothing. In which I'll quote Socrates.

    Quote Originally Posted by Socrates
    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."


    "I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing."
    Basically, a sword without the man who owns it makes it useless.

    P.S. - And to answer the question of the OP, intelligence is both.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraith
    Intelligence, by itself, is a curse. People who use intelligence in order to prove that they are right, smarter, or for the sake of knowing more about the subject do not deserve intelligence. Everyday it is abused by the ignorant and naive. Eventually when a person thinks him/herself intelligent they're facts become opinions and their opinions become stubborn, selfish, and indirect hatred.
    I'm not too sure I follow. Intelligence shouldnt be used to learn more about a subject? What's the 'deserving intelligence' concept?

    Now intelligence becomes a gift when one learns wisdom. That is what matures a man/woman. Without wisdom, intelligence means absolutely nothing. In which I'll quote Socrates.
    lol. That's fairly low standards... It doesnt take much to realize you dont know all that much in the grander scheme of things, but you can know that you know a hell of a lot more than old Tom **** and Harry sitting next to you.

    I'm not bagging you out, I'm just asking for clarification.
    dont u have anything better to do than highlighting my sig?

    Rikkuffx's hubby..

  18. #18
    Synthesized Ascension Intelligence: Gift or Curse? Zardoch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Casanova[OCAU]
    I'm not too sure I follow. Intelligence shouldnt be used to learn more about a subject? What's the 'deserving intelligence' concept?
    I never said that. I'm speaking of how people use intelligence abusively and selfishly. But that does not mean people shouldn't learn. It's how you use what you learn. If you use it irresponsibly then you don't deserve the intelligence you've acquired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Casanova[OCAU]
    lol. That's fairly low standards... It doesnt take much to realize you dont know all that much in the grander scheme of things, but you can know that you know a hell of a lot more than old Tom **** and Harry sitting next to you.

    I'm not bagging you out, I'm just asking for clarification.
    What's wrong with low standards? Does there have to be high standards when it comes to intelligence? Like an IQ of 130+? Intelligence has no purpose without wisdom.

    Now let's say you do know more than Tom and Harry. What does that accomplish? Does that mean you are usually right and they are wrong? Does this make their opinion any less credible than yours? How does that benefit you? Obviously it doesn't take too much to realize you are thinking too hard about what I said that you missed the point. There is no grander scheme because intelligence is just as much a weapon as your tongue is. How you use either reflects whether you are wise or are plainly stupid. You don't have to be a rocket scientist or genius to understand that.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraith
    I never said that. I'm speaking of how people use intelligence abusively and selfishly. But that does not mean people shouldn't learn. It's how you use what you learn. If you use it irresponsibly then you don't deserve the intelligence you've acquired.
    OHHH.. yea that makes sense. Fairly idealistic standpoint, but idealism is more of what's required in this world. What I find is, more often than not, the actual people who invent/know things are more than averagely morally equiped, but not necessarily the people who have power over them. Take Alfred Nobel, the man behind the Nobel Prize, he invented TNT. And when he saw its many peaceful uses, but the idiot politicians and the sickos saw it's harmful use.
    What's wrong with low standards? Does there have to be high standards when it comes to intelligence? Like an IQ of 130+? Intelligence has no purpose without wisdom.
    lol. Intelligence channeled in the wrong ways is useless. I agree. Having a high IQ doesnt say much by itself. Oh and low intelligence = stupid!
    Now let's say you do know more than Tom and Harry. What does that accomplish? Does that mean you are usually right and they are wrong? Does this make their opinion any less credible than yours? How does that benefit you? Obviously it doesn't take too much to realize you are thinking too hard about what I said that you missed the point. There is no grander scheme because intelligence is just as much a weapon as your tongue is. How you use either reflects whether you are wise or are plainly stupid. You don't have to be a rocket scientist or genius to understand that.
    You pretty much answered your own question there. In the topic that I know more than Tom and Harry, my opinion is more credible than thiers, if it's a matter of right and wrong, it does mean that the probability of me being right is higher than thiers! If you went up to a software programmer with years of experience and approached him about designing a piece of software, would you regard his advice to be the equal of ol' Jack the wood chopper next door who uses Microsoft Frontpage occasionally? It's not that complex really. If you knwo more about something, then you're more credible in that area. They're called opinion leaders.
    Last edited by Casanova[OCAU]; 01-17-2007 at 07:43 AM.
    dont u have anything better to do than highlighting my sig?

    Rikkuffx's hubby..

  20. #20
    I didn't take the time to read through all the replies, so sorry if any of this is a repeat.

    As others have said, I believe it is both. Obviously, there is a grey area with everything, and nothing is soley black and white.

    The obviously answer to this would be that intelligence is a gift, expecially since you have the power to obtain knowledge quicker and msot efficently than others, obviously since the intelligence is obtain, that can be assumed. It's also always beneficial to have a general knowledge about things, even random things that make no sense to others whatsoever. It gives you inate problem solving skills, and the ability to write at a level higher than that of a high schooler (no offense to those in high school.) Also, debates are fun and simple, seeing as how easy it is to perplex small minds without a clue about the topic at hand. That can be my favorite

    However, it is a curse because when you are surrounded by stupidity, especially stupidity to things that are blatantly obviously, it hurts. At least for me. An example of my intelligence being a curse is with spelling/grammatical errors. Granted, I'm sure I make many...but when I am revising a college student in a composition class's paper that says "me and brother" multiple times, I want to bash my head into the computer! ELEMENTRY LEVEL GRAMMAR! -_-

  21. #21
    私は。。。思い出にはならないさ Intelligence: Gift or Curse? chaosweapon's Avatar
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    For me intelligence is a gift. I think of it as a curse when my buddies start asking me lots of questions and they end up asking me to do their projects as well. A few days ago we had a programming project and I was really bored by the stupid questions.

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  22. #22
    Sir Prize Intelligence: Gift or Curse? Sinister's Avatar
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    Intelligence can be a bitter curse. I've seen it used to so many dark ends... The Atom Bomb, Daisy Cutters ect...
    I have to agree with Seraith on this issue. He has said everything I would have. Wisdom is the key to not abusing intelligence and making it from a curse into a gift.
    Last edited by Sinister; 02-13-2007 at 12:42 PM.

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  23. #23
    Intelligence: Gift or Curse? omega destroyer's Avatar
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    I think people are using the term "intelligence" a little too "one dimensionally". I don't believe that knowledge, used to create things (constructive or not) has anything to do with true intelligence. Nor do I believe that intelligence is obtained through studying mathematical equations. You see, intelligence and knowledge are two completely different things. Knowledge has to do with the learning and memorization of things that seem neccesary to our social lives in any society. I believe that intelligence, on the other hand, has more to do with the realization of yourself and how it has a relation to the universe around you. I dont think simply understanding "how things work" has much to do with it. But in my opinion, there is no way that intelligence could be considered a curse. Knowledge, on the other hand can definately be a dangerous thing.
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  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by omega destroyer
    I think people are using the term "intelligence" a little too "one dimensionally". I don't believe that knowledge, used to create things (constructive or not) has anything to do with true intelligence. Nor do I believe that intelligence is obtained through studying mathematical equations. You see, intelligence and knowledge are two completely different things. Knowledge has to do with the learning and memorization of things that seem neccesary to our social lives in any society. I believe that intelligence, on the other hand, has more to do with the realization of yourself and how it has a relation to the universe around you. I dont think simply understanding "how things work" has much to do with it. But in my opinion, there is no way that intelligence could be considered a curse. Knowledge, on the other hand can definately be a dangerous thing.
    One could also call that wisdom. Really, Intelligence is how quickly you grasp/understand/learn things, Knowledge is how much you know, Wisdom is the how well you fit everything into the bigger picture.

    Edit:- W00t! 300th post! Party everyone!
    dont u have anything better to do than highlighting my sig?

    Rikkuffx's hubby..

  25. #25
    For me, intelligence is both a gift AND a curse. I mean, sure you're smart and all and you don't have to worry about failing...but it can sometimes be trouble. In using our intelligence and other talents for wrongdoing, we're only wasting it.

    Once I met this guy in high school who was really smart but all he did was to conduct large and complex plans to bring down the teachers he hated. Someone even died in the course of the operation and some students pointed at him, but he acted innocent and got away with it. Of course, since he was so DAMN SMART, all the people who knew of his actions (including me) were powerless because he hid all the possible evidences. Fancy that.

    But of course until now I'm trying to look for those lost clues. I can't let anyone like that get away with something THAT big.

    "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil."
    ROMANS 16:19

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  26. #26
    That One Guy Intelligence: Gift or Curse? dimmufan's Avatar
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    Intelligence is definately a gift. I have been blessed with a higher level of intelligence than the average person, and in no way do I see it as a curse. Being able to solve problems and find solutions to matters in life makes me feel great. The only way I can see intelligence as a curse is when the nerds in school get picked on by the not-so-nerdy. But even then I think it's because those people wish that they were blessed with a higher level of intelligence.
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Casanova[OCAU] View Post
    One could also call that wisdom. Really, Intelligence is how quickly you grasp/understand/learn things, Knowledge is how much you know, Wisdom is the how well you fit everything into the bigger picture.

    Edit:- W00t! 300th post! Party everyone!
    Thus, making three dimensions. Well said, Casanova.

    Intelligence is, as many have stated before, a "double-egded" sword, in a sense. This is but a simple example: xenophobia is the hate of things we do not understand, which has, many more times than once, led to bloodshed. With intelligence, we seek to understand what is "different".

    Yet intelligence has also been used for the reasearch of weapons. How many other organisms do you see constantly warring with each other, causing massive self-annhialation? From one person's point of view, they could say intelligence is a gift, and that all gifts require sacrifice. Yet others could argue that there is no reward for the acts of destruction we commit.

    "Why don't we just stop the warring?", you might ask. As you may see in my massive sig of the Air Force, I like the Air Force, and will most likely join it. I don't like the senseless killing that is often carried out, but I enjoy the disipline of the military. This still troubles me, but this is besides the point. The point is I don't condone killing, yet I know wars can't just come to a screeching halt. And this brings me to to my last point.

    Is intelligence a curse, or a gift? It is neither. Intelligence is a responsibility, something that we must always be careful with, for it has great healing and destructive powers. Intelligence is natrual, and we must deal with it. Would you call breathing a curse, because we must always be breathing, or would you call it a gift, because it is an important factor in maintaining our lives? You wouldn't call it a gift or a curse, you would call it a function.

    You can negelct a gift, you can break a curse (in most cases), but you must always breathe. And we will always have intelligence, no matter how hard we try. Whether it serves you as a gift or a curse is decided by the way you use intelligence. So please, never neglect intelligence......
    Life and death are strange things. When you look at your hands, do you think of the lives you give or take with them? Do you feel as if many lives rest upon your shoulders? Or do they end with your hand? Are you a saint? Are you a heathen? Of course not. Existence cannot be defined by such generalizations. We all live in a complex web of life, and affect it in our own ways. When we throw our stone into the water, how big will the ripples be?

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    PS: I'm very ADD, so I forget about things fast. Sharzademar, back again!

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  28. #28
    I think the gift and curse of intelligence is all about how you use it. A person's personality will control their will on how to use that intelligence. I see the gift or curse in the personality not the intelligence. However, there are some things that we are not ready to know. A persons feeble brain can only comprehend so much. If anyone has seen the movie "Pii". Then they know what I'm talking about.^^

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