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Thread: Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine?

  1. #1

    Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine?

    i don't know if someone already have a same thread like this one but i since this is intellectual discussion, we are just giving our opinion using our mind, even our common senses...

    so can anybody tell me few facts about this one... i hope that most of us here loves to be with people that has a sense of humor

    thanks and have a nice day... maybe i can post some later

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  2. #2
    Registered User Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine? Halie's Avatar
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    Yeah, I think laughter can be a great medicine at times, and sometimes the best. There's been loads of times where I've been really down, and one of my friends would just say something funny, and I'll be smiling again. It doesnt even have to be a belly laugh. Laughter also helps when you're feeling a bit sick too.

    A lot of things can help with those situations though, like love, etc. Though there are sometimes I've been through, and I know that other people have been through which can't be helped by laughter.

    But overall, laughter's great. =].

  3. #3
    TFF's Token Imp Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine? Martin's Avatar
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    Laughter is the one of the best medicines (with a loose meaning of the word medicine obviously) and even science backs that up.

    According to BUPA, a study carried out by the American Cardiovascular Association showed that laughter can actually prevent (to an small extent it must be said) cardiovascular disease and improve blood flow, as more oxygen is needed to laugh and can have a similar effect to aerobic exercise. It's not an excuse to quit the gym though, just consider it a little top-up

    It can also just make you feel better by releasing endorphins - the feel-good chemicals in your brain which gave apparently give you a feeling of euphoria for a while.

    Laughing is good. Make sure you do it often
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  4. #4
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I don't know if it is a better medicine but it is very important to do. I personally think it can make you feel slightly better when you are ill but I don't think I would consider it as a 'medicine'. It might help you get better quicker instead of feeling down and slowing the process down a bit. It probably does help in a lot of situations where people have a cold, illness or are in a depression. Without laughter the world would be such a dull and sad place, people wouldn't want to live very long.

    A positive attitude all together is a great way to feel good and it will help you to feel better physically. Plus I read somewhere that laughing is a nice way to exercise, maybe not the best way but it still doesn't hurt to do it.

    I don't know much about it overall but I think it's nice to know that laughter is a possible way to feel better health wise. I don't think it has been proven exactly but it wouldn't surprise me if it does help.

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  5. #5
    The Persistent Flourish Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine? Alice's Avatar
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    Laughter? It helps quite a lot actually...okay, maybe not at the times when you're bleeding and that but, yes, it's pretty not underestimate the power of laughing.

    It helps a lot when one or more of your friends are feeling a bit down...cheer them up, crack a joke or something, make 'em laugh. In fact, sometimes people actually forgot about what is currently happening in all the excitement and happiness, and sometimes, that is a good thing. But like Angel Wings said, no, I don't really consider it a helps out, but, nah, not necessarily a medicine.

    So laugh on until you can't laugh anymore! But of course, not until you can't talk anymore, now that is just bad.

  6. #6
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Yeah, I don't really see it as a medicine myself as others have said themselves. Sometimes laughing will make you feel a bit better and all, but then sometimes it won't, other times it's painful. Take having a punctured lung or a broken rib or something for example. Someone makes you laugh with something like that and it can only make things worse. ><

    I'm no doctor, but when someone makes you laugh with a broken rib.... hehh...
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  7. #7
    Arachnie Suicide Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    I might be a bit of a spoilsport here and go against most of what has been said.

    I think it's not a great thing for somebody that is in anger, anxiety or mourning.

    It might feel great at the time. People around may make them laugh and everything but in the end it's just not letting the wounds breathe. The people that claim this.. That use this to get better? They haven't mourned properly, and that's what is going to catch them out in the end. It will eventually come back to bite them in the arse.

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  8. #8
    Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine? Jin's Avatar
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    It really depends how it's being used. In reality, it's not a cure, it's a trait of being cured. If you're not genuinely laughing, then you're running away from feelings, which is just as damaging as dwelling on them. However, if you can face pain and genuinely laugh, then I believe you're a healthy person that is beyond such delusions.

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  9. #9
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    I would count laughter as a sort of Medicine. That's one of the good benefits of having life long friends, they can comfort you when your down, help you get over pain, and if their good at making you laugh then I say that is a good medicine. I wish I could laugh more, I just always seem to be down all the time, but for me its kinda hard to put on a smile let alone laugh. But yes I do agree laughter is a good medicine, not the better medicine since you might still need to take meds, medicine, rest etc. But yeah laughing is one of the best parts of being alive, savor it to the last drop.
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  10. #10
    Bananarama Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine? Pete's Avatar
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    I think laughter is a medicine, but not necessarily the best. Laughter won't cure cancer, surgery or chemo will. Laughter will however, make things easier for everyone involved in the difficult time for the patient and their family and friends.

    I see laughter as more of a mental medicine, helping to cure little things like sadness and maybe even depression. I don't believe in medication for stuff like that, because in that sense, it's more of a return to homeostasis in the case of curing depression. Things like laughter, and getting out and just living are what's important in curing that. I can't see how meds will actually help you to recover from depression, because you'll never know when you're actually better, if youre always on the meds.

    Anyways, I suppose with a sound mind does come a sound body, and if laughter is a key in a sound mind, then that should be a factor in having a sound body. And it has been noted that people in better spirits in hospitals often do better in recovery than those who are not happy. Though, that's more of a recovery thing, as opposed to actual prevention and "fixing." If I have a heart attack, or if my appendix bursts, laughing won't stop those from being dangerous, but if I'm in good spirits after the surgeries, I'd have a better shot at making a full recovery than someone who's bitter
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  11. #11
    Air from my lungs. Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine? Violet's Avatar
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    Simple laughing doesn't cure anything, it just covers up what you're really feeling. I believe a full hearty honest laugh can make you feel warm inside and make you feel good. But in order for laughter to cure depression, you have to always feel that way. I've gone from extremely happy from laughter to extremely shitty feeling in one day. Right now, I don't think there's anything that can cure my brother from his cancer. Laughter certainly wont get him anywhere, as he's always been one to laugh at a lot.

  12. #12
    Sir Prize Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine? Sinister's Avatar
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    I have a personal experience to share. I just had my arm and chest shredded by an idiot with an exacto knife. I had to have sttitches. Now that I can look back and laugh on it all... Guess what?! I CHOOSE NOT TOO! IT WASN'T FUNNY!!! So how does that help the injured? Not much. But the Hydrocodone, although not helping the bleeding much...Is making the wound feel alot better.



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  13. #13
    well i am going to put what i know about this thread... actually, i just realized the put something wrong on the title it should be "Laughter is the best medicine" well thanks for your understanding about this...

    i believe on this because, while you laugh, it helps you to exercise your belly's muscle... yah ofcourse we all need to exercise, right? to regulate our muscles and also our circulatory system... and not only that.. but it also helps you to ease your pain, the depression that you have, because it helps you not only for your physical health but also for your emotional health.. remember that when we are depressed, of course it will affect you physically, right... hehehe that just a basic fact you know...

    hehehe hope you understand...

    Saved from wrath
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  14. #14
    It is amazing how the human body works. The mind is so powerful, it has the ability to heal, or even make things worse. I can fully accept that if you are happy, laughing, and in a good mood you are going to feel better, and even do better if you are sick. Keeping up a good attitude is always going to help you make a quicker recovery. I have even heard that things such as cat's purrs can have healing effects. They think the rythm and frequency has a soothing effect, and helps the healing proccess. They have even proved that people who have cats have substantially lower blood pressure than those without. So if your sick, have yourself a good laugh. I always make it a point to make sure those i am around are lauging, especially my mother who has lupus, and just had her lower leg amputated due to loss of circulation. I know that making her laugh makes her feel better about her situation. So is laughter a magic drug? No, but it does help ^_^

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  15. #15
    Laughter can certainly be a good mood-lifter. I can be having a terrible day, maybe work is getting me down, and someone will start laughing about something. Could be anything, maybe someone told a joke. That will at least get me smiling.

    Then they'll be cheerful and maybe say something funny, and within seconds i'll be laughing with them. That's me set for the day, i may still be tired or fed up, but all my worries will have been pushed to the back of my mind and i'll have a genuine smile for the rest of the day. I've found that just a smile can be very contagious, so when you work in a shop like i do, serving customers, it's nice to see them smiling just because you are. =D

  16. #16
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Yes, i do believe laughter is the best medicine! It makes your feel great about your self, and takes your mind away from your worries... when i'm ill, i always watch a good comedy film to make me laugh - and in a way, the laughing make me feel stronger. You can't stop yourself from laughing... When i was doing my drama exam, my teacher was shouting at my group saying we need to pull our finger out and get the work done - was standing there laughing cos i could almost see steam coming from her head, lol! I DID try to hold it in, but i couldn't... Anyways, that went off point! Silly me! erm... yes, laughing makes you feel stonger! It really does - try it, lol!

    Anyone seen 'Patch Adams'? Its about this funny... erm... doctor, who likes to make his patients laugh - he thinks laughter is the best medicine... its a really good film! funny and sad...

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  17. #17
    AOMEONE please remind me hos this is inteelcttiual

    it's not even psuedo-inelltecual like the rest of the shit in this forum bit

    it's just crappy

  18. #18
    Do you believe that Laughter is a better medicine? L Lawliet's Avatar
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    I think it has even been scientificly proved that laughter really makes us healthier. I'll try to find where I saw it and update this post then.

    Anyway, I already thought laughter is good before reading that it has been proven. Stress can cause a lot of problems such as depressions and making you get sick more easely. I think that since laughter can "cure" stress (or at least make it less serious) you're cutting the root of most health problems.

  19. #19
    Not that I've been diagnosed with anything terminal lately, or any other sort of desease, but I would think that laughter, like being intoxicated (for me) it's just sort of an excape from pain, whether it be physical or emotional. I think it's like for that time nothing else matters, you're happy for that split second, until you start thinking again.
    Then again, thats just my opinion, I can't really say I'm happy all the time, rather quite the oppostie, I'm what most would call "emo", though I find it very hard to smile at times, but laughing just stops everything, and now I'm repeating myself, sorry y'all.
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  20. #20
    Laughter is truly the best medicine. Everyone knows the best way to break the ice in a uncomfortable situation is to smile or tell a funny joke. Laughter brings everyone together. Its when we all find ourselves at our most vulnerable moments. Laughter will always be the best medicine.

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