Ah, the debate between good and evil. It never seems to get out of the door-mostly because the people in said argument have no agreed upon definition of what is "good" and what is "evil".

So. First off, what do you view as evil or immoral?

I am a Wiccan and a scientifically-minded one. I first view it in terms of "harm" and then in terms of how a person's personal sovereignity is viewed. Personal rights, like right to keep a few things private, to say and do as they please as long as they do not intrude on the rights of others. As one said:

"The right to swing your fist ends where my face begins."

I also believe in the right to be able to fulfill your potential. In that sense, I feel that burqhas are evil. The Patriot Act was evil.

Many established religions are evil to me, because of those stated beliefs.

And yet, to them, I would be anathema to them because of those stated beliefs.

Do not reply to my beliefs, I wish for people to share theirs. I am not advocating my beliefs, I merely wish to share and exchange information.