Ok, sorry for the Guilty Gear reference ( The devil made me do it). But yeah, as a Christian I believe in both heaven and hell, which heaven is a place of eternal love and worship of God while hell is a place of eternal seperation from Him. Although there is very little mention/proof of this, I don't believe in different "levels" of heaven or hell, all people are equal in the eyes of God and all sins are equal as well.
I believe there were two different people that wrote about visiting heaven and hell during their brief periods of being on the brink of death. I think that the person who visited hell wasn't a believer either, but now has converted after experiencing it. It just shows that God is still using regular people to this very day as His witnesses to Himself. The man was said to have a heart attack and flatlined for over 30 minutes before miraculously resusitated and was brought "back from the dead." The person who was said to have visited heaven was a boy that was killed in a car crash. The boy talked about how when he entered through actual gates he was surrounded by a cheering crowd in a stadium and greeted by his deceased grandfather. As a preacher pulled over on the site of the car accident, he prayed for the dead boy. The boy started to breathe again and was rushed to the hospital. He ended up writing and publishing his testimony. I found both of the books in Walmart, so check there if your interested.