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Thread: The Grand Theatre of Freaks

  1. #271
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    F*ckin' Australia!
    Actual name - Nathan
    Names that people call you - Nathan, Silver, Celt, Celtic, Howl, Tango 3, Romeo. The last two being assigned names based on security exercises that sort of stuck.
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes - Ann got online while my parents went out shopping... VOICE CHAT!
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day - Try to learn the complete Phonetic Alphabet off by heart. I always tend to screw one or two up. ><
    The last thing that made you happy - Ann logging on, and me hearing her voice ^^
    The last thing that made you sad - I forget. Maybe something I read.
    The last thing that irritated you - Ann not being able to hear my mic on her laptop.
    victoria aut mors

  2. #272
    The Grand Theatre of Freaks Jin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Oooh, a quiz. It's like Myspace has come to TFF.

    Actual name - Jarad

    Names that people call you - Some of my online aquaintances call me Jin.

    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes - Uhhhh, I updated my signiature?

    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day - Continued reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

    The last thing that made you happy - Lost.

    The last thing that made you sad - The fact that the episode of Lost I was watching ended.

    The last thing that irritated you - Having to work today when it was supposed to be my day off.


    Until now!

  3. #273
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
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    Actual name=Brandon
    Names that people call you= Zach, Brandon, Sinister, Sinny(apparently), OmniTense(only once, but I liked it)
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes
    =Hmm, I would have to say...Have a cup of Earl Grey tea. (it was a damn good cup of tea)
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day=I slept with, took a shower, shared breakfast, watched a ballgame and talked with Olivia.
    The last thing that made you happy= The tea, I guess.(it was a good cup of tea)
    The last thing that made you sad=Saying goodbye to a dear friend of mine for a while.
    The last thing that irritated you=See above, or well...I did argue with my advisor, but irritated is a strong word, more wasted my time.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  4. #274
    Registered User The Grand Theatre of Freaks Dimi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    West Coast
    Jin's right. Myspace has come to TFF. Soon, we'll be sending one another chain comments to each other's profiles. ><

    Actual name - Dimitri
    Names that people call you - Michi, Mitri, Dimaris, Pitry, Coconut, and Squish and Fish.
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes - Attempted to open a jolly rancher candy with my tongue and hear Ann and Celtic talk about punishing one another.
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day - Eat, sleep, school, homework..boring, I know.
    The last thing that made you happy -My sister went to bed five minutes ago.
    The last thing that made you sad -Missing the job earlier this week.
    The last thing that irritated you - My sister asking like a million questions before she went to bed.

  5. #275
    Actual name - Heather
    Names that people call you - Heather, Dearheart, Uncle Heather, 'Make Me A Cup of Your Wonderful Tea Please'
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes - I've only been awake for fifteen. My friend called me and woke me up to tell me I've been exempt from my French exams, all four of them, this year. JOY. UNESCAPABLE JOY. I will do 2, count 'em, 2 exam in May. So my pal and I are off to get drunk in the sunshine on a lawn somewhere.
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day - Got absolutely stoned out of my tree with some friends in my kitchen, then made my dinner, went to my room and watched American Beauty. That movie is so much better when you're not sure what plant you're on.
    The last thing that made you happy
    The last thing that made you sad -Really missed my boyfriend the other night. Our group threw its first public barbecue, and it would've been perfect if he was there.
    The last thing that irritated you - Having to make all of the questions in this uiz bold

  6. #276
    Gingersnap The Grand Theatre of Freaks OceanEyes28's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    The South
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    Actual name - Alisyn
    Names that people call you - Ally, Al-ay-sown, A-Fay (my mom's nickname for me. Alisyn Faith = A-Fay), and my dad calls me Sweetheart.
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes - Last 20 minutes? I made a tuna wrap and ate it. And told my neighbors that I wanted to go swimming.
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day - In the past 24 hours, I have gone to see a play, rode around with a few performing arts friends, and then had a drink at someone's house. That was interesting. But since I woke up this morning, all I've done is make myself a cup of tea and attend a make up voice class.
    The last thing that made you sad -When my voice teacher asked us when the last time was that we really played, I realized it was when I was still with Daniel. **** me, now I'm sad again.
    The last thing that irritated you - Eating an off pistachio. Honestly. Gross.
    The last thing that made you happy - Thinking about summer and doing nothing under a hot sun and an ocean breeze. Or maybe taking a hike in thin mountain air. Or watching heat rise from the neighborhood street in the comfort of air conditioning. Or getting my hands sticky with ribs and watermelon on the 4th of July. Summer things. I'm excited.

    I didn't want to end on a sad or irritated note, so I switched the order.

    Read more.

    TFF Awards:

    Nicest Female 2006. Best Couple 2006. Nicest Female 2005. Best Couple 2005. Tie for Nicest Female 2004. Best Couple 2004. Flamer of the Week 2005.

    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

    . SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
    HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.

  7. #277
    Registered User The Grand Theatre of Freaks Halie's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
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    Ooh, I completely forgot I joined this place O.O but it just popped up in my subscribed threads...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dystopia View Post
    Why Do You Think You Are Unique?

    Because...I just am. Everyone knows it. I prefer to live life in a different way than others. Like, acting differently than what some would in certain situations. Not to the extreme, as in, I wouldn't be extremely happy or hyper at a funeral. I would still be sad, of course.
    But, I would just try to act hyper or try and get myself to be happy somehow if everyone was extremely bored or something. And, everyone at my school are always commenting on my weirdness. Also, my obsessiveness makes mee weird too. My main obsession is soap, alongside ducks and ramen. No reason why
    I'm obsessed with them, I just think they're awesome things...=/

    What Talents Seperate YouFrom others?

    I can name things...which is really one of the very few talents I have XD. I can take anything, and decide a name that would fit it, and it would amuse mee for hours. The things that I usually name are soap, leaves, rocks, sweet wrappers, or any random stuff, lmao. It's a very weird talent,seeing as how anyone could name things, but when you do it everyday, it's pretty different, heh.

    Has Anyone Ever Referred To You As Different/Strange/Weird/Freak/Insane?

    Just about everyone I know, heh. Doesn't really bother mee though. I thinkI'm weird too, lol.

    How Do You Deal With The Rest Of The World Being Absurdly Different Than You Are?

    Ignore them, if they're ever nasty about it, or just think that there are many other weird
    people out there too.

    What Title Would You Select To Describe Yourself, Which We May Refer To You Openly?[NOTE: Please Be Unique]

    Halie = Because it is my name. Pronounced like 'Hah-ll-ee'. Or, you can always call mee Dumbass.
    Wow, must've been around about the summer, that.

    I'm still a freak, though, so I can still join, right? >.>

  8. #278
    Yay Survey!

    Actual name - Elyse
    Names that people call you
    -Elyse, Ellie, Ellie Mae, El, Monkina (don't ask)
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes -
    Watched scrubs...yay!
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day - had a very weird dance party in a dark room with four other girls and one guy
    The last thing that made you happy -
    "That doesn't even make any sense" "So does your face!" "Walked into that one"
    The last thing that made you sad -
    The fact that I had to leave my friends for 3-4 months *sniffeth*
    The last thing that irritated you -
    unpacking, bleh
    "I hope you realize you look so pretty through these bleeding eyes...

    <p>Aren't you a pretty little Paradox?"

  9. #279
    Arachnie Suicide The Grand Theatre of Freaks ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Brisbane, Australia
    Actual name -
    --Chloe-Nicole Froggie [last name extracted for privacy reasons]
    Names that people call you -
    --It generally gets cut to "Froggie", but I get "Vampi", "Stalkee", "Mansonpants" [from the rare few] and little variations of "Froggie" like "Frogs" and "Frogster".
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes -
    --Covered a few ThouShaltNot songs with a cheap microphone and Windows Sound Recorder.
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day -
    --To be honest. Nothing. Made a few mixed albums.
    The last thing that made you happy -
    --I'm not an overly happy person. But knowing he loves me makes me happy.
    The last thing that made you sad -
    --The same thing that makes me sad every day - That I'm not even in the same country as the person I love more than anybody else in the world.
    The last thing that irritated you -
    --The same thing.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  10. #280
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Actual name - Daisy (you wouldn't believe me if I told you my whole name.)
    Names that people call you -
    Real life: Daisy, Days. My dad calls me dude and my mother calls me a number of food names. Andrew calls me Daisy, "little squidge" and "honey" a lot.

    Net: Daisy, Chez, Sev, occassionally Cheeze or Chezzie. I don't really like the last one.

    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes - Made my plans for where I'll be taking Andrew for his birthday. My parents are offering to pay, too.

    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day - Uh, spoke to Andrew, placed an ice box on my hamsters' cage to keep him cool...

    The last thing that made you happy - Speaking to Andrew, seeing that my hamster has kicked all his bedding out of his bed because it's hot, cute!

    The last thing that made you sad - Realising the hot weather is making my hamster grumpy. The fact that the football made Andrew sad. His team lost.

    The last thing that irritated you - The heat. Hate that shit.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  11. #281
    The Grand Theatre of Freaks Holy Priest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    In some part of Sarawak
    Actual name -- Ashton

    Names that people call you -- Ashton or like here people call me Holy Priest

    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes -- i finish reading one of my favourite story book

    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day -- I've learned a whole new lot of dances

    The last thing that made you happy -- I ate my ice cream

    The last thing that made you sad -- I miss my boy...

    The last thing that irritated you -- I forgot my boy was on a vacation...

    Sigh... Sorry for my dissapearance for so so long and i can't get online often cuz my semester exam is really round the corner but i'll always keep in touch...
    Last edited by Holy Priest; 06-04-2008 at 06:23 AM.
    Have a nice day... Blessings...

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