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Thread: The Grand Theatre of Freaks

  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by Pablo Honey View Post

    Bad things gone...and then we see what humans can really do. Imagine it. Making things that don't end up as guns. Radical new worldview where people are NICE to one another on a global scale; not on a personal scale all the time, however, because that is more impossible than moving Japan across the Pacific. And less interesting.
    Who said anything about removing personal conflict ? Of course we all need that. If I couldn't watch my flatmates argue over YOU STOLE MY BUTTER NO I DIDN'T things would be much less entertaining.

    Oceaneyes - YES. We need to make that happen. How much more fun would it be to resolve the Iraq war with Twister or water balloons? Seriously! Yes, it's still war and violence, but now it's nice. You've improved my idea tenfold.

    Balance though. Yes. Maybe that's the answer; ying and yang, just enought war, just enough peace. But in the eyes of those in the middle of the war that won't be balance at all: it'll be horrible. Funnily enough, now that I think about it, the goal of every war would seem to be peace of some kind; peace in your new lands once you've nicked them, peace once that particular people have been removed from the earth completely. All the fighting would seem to be so that we can, in one way or another, sit in safe gardens and drink orange juice and stuff.

    Nobody wants to be in the middle of a war. Maybe it's because we're all safe as houses Westerners who've probably never been anywhere near a malicious explosion that we view war so nonchalantly. I've noticed that. Interesting war seems to be something you can look at and study from afar, and you find it interesting; but I bet it is far from interesting for the people on the ground. WW2 caused a lot of advance, yes, but millions died. The same is true of most major conflict. Bismarck united Germany by starting a series of well-placed wars.

    Maybe it's that we can't have one without the other. No peace without war.

    Which is as depressing as I think it's possible to get, honestly.

  2. #242
    The Grand Theatre of Freaks Jin's Avatar
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    I still think the world would be pretty boring without ANY war or bad stuff like that. It can only be appreciated in a time of peace, obviously, but I think the same is true about peace; it can only be truly appreciated in a time of war.

    But like I said, I'm a historian, so maybe I'm biased, or just have a sick sense of humour. Maybe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pablo
    Maybe it's that we can't have one without the other. No peace without war.
    That statement is beaming with truth.

    Until now!

  3. #243
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tacitus View Post
    I still think the world would be pretty boring without ANY war or bad stuff like that. It can only be appreciated in a time of peace, obviously, but I think the same is true about peace; it can only be truly appreciated in a time of war.

    But like I said, I'm a historian, so maybe I'm biased, or just have a sick sense of humour. Maybe.
    Nawwww I feel the same way. Although it might be that we share a sick sense of humour. I'm no historian.

    Without a thing's opposite, you can't really hope to gain the full impact of that thing. If everything was cold, would we know cold as we do? If we viewed everything as either good or evil, would the opposite cease to exist in our eyes? What if we saw everything as being neutral? Things like these are all relative. If you don't know conflict you cannot appreciate peace as one who has lived with conflict their whole life possibly could. Or at least that's what the gears in my unorthodox mind tell me. But then that thinking is flawed as my mind recognises nothing else to the same extent. hehe

    I don't even know if that'll make sense when read, but it's what's going through my mind as of now. Take it as you will.
    victoria aut mors

  4. #244
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    Thanks, Tacitus. But you are right. It's very important that personal balance be maintained. You too, Pablo. Listen. The balance of the wars and the peace is the responsibility of our social structure and(imo) the flux of the Tao.

    "But every man's soul's his own." As Henry V once said.

    We are responsible for how we balance OUR lives. So the people in the middle of the war are responsible for their end. And we do a pretty decent job. As an example, people who are depressed either take medication, find a way to live, repress memories or kill themselves.

    In the end, the greater balance is maintained. Our personal balance more directly effect our lives than they do the outcome of the universe or our little corner of it.

    Last edited by Sinister; 04-07-2008 at 01:16 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  5. #245
    The Grand Theatre of Freaks Jin's Avatar
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    Considering we all seem to be in at least the most basic philosophical mood, I have a question to pose to you delightful people: How important is being remembered to you? Specifically post-death rememberance. Assuming it is important, is being remembered by those you love enough or is being remembered in a historically significant manner a form of imortallity?

    I'm in my philosophical mood, also known as my "too much time on his hands" mood.

    Until now!

  6. #246
    I if I'm to be remembered, I'd like to be for good things. But I don't really mind. Once I'm dead, I'm dead. It would be nice not to be completely forgotten about by my family et al though, at least for a few years, haha.

    As for being remembered in a grand style being immortality, no. My name would be immortal, yes, as are the names of Joe Strummer, Jesus Christ, Adolf Hitler, Princess Diana. But the people are dead themselves; only their names and the memory of the things they did or how they died remain. To me at least, that's not immortality.

  7. #247
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    How can I be sure that when I die, people will still exist TO remember me? j/k

    You're asking me what I think my Legacy should be? Hmm, I'd like to select the destiny of world famous author... Actually, I'd rather not have it anyway than it is. I'll select my own legacy in the world as I'm able. Anything else is too cheap, for me to accept.

    So my answer? Whatever it is I earn to be remembered as, is how I should be remembered. If I turn out to be a wife-beater, let me be thrown in jail and my grave spat upon. Should I be a great spiritual leader, let my legacy split time itself and usher in an immortal institute of tauted peace. If I turn out to be the great author, I hope to be, may I...I a Pulitzer award or something.

    Most likely, I'll end up being known as the mentally-disturbed floraculturist.

    As for a legacy being equivalent to immortality... Hum, not for me to say, but certainly not the immortality that I'm after. Still, being remembered greatly is no bad thing.

    OOh, btw, I am officially going to hell. I was informed this morning. So...answers part of your legacy question I should think... ><
    Last edited by Sinister; 04-07-2008 at 08:58 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  8. #248
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I'm with Pablo Honey on this one. If I'm dead I'm dead.

    I'm not much going to care for being remembered. Of course, I'd like to be remembered as a famous artist, but that probably won't happen.
    If I was to die today, I'd be remembered as a jobless young adult who had a mile long track record of illnesses and was REALLY good with animals.

    This would be by my family, my boyfriend and the few friends that actually really know me ...uberly.

    I don't need to be remembered. Only by the people I love. That's good enough for me.

    Although if could I can choose, can I be remembered for being the ultimate hamster owner? The furry little squidgeballs just love me. And vise versa. *Sighs lovingly*.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  9. #249
    Registered User The Grand Theatre of Freaks Dimi's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Chez Daja
    Although if could I can choose, can I be remembered for being the ultimate hamster owner? The furry little squidgeballs just love me. And vise versa. *Sighs lovingly*
    haha This made me literally laugh. That'd be awesome being remembered as that. Little furry creatures rock!

    I'm with Govinda and Chez on this one. Once I'm dead, I'm dead. I'm not saying that it doesn't matter it's just not a big deal to me I guess. It would be interesting being a ghost and being able to be immortal in some other world though and torment people.

    If anything, I would like to be remembered by the good things that I accomplished throughout my life. Like for one, I'll be the first in my family go to to college and even graduate high school. And to me, that'd be setting up this standard for future generations to come. As of now, if I were to die, I can't say I'll be remembered for much. I'm no celebrity nor am I some well known hero.

  10. #250
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tacitus View Post
    Considering we all seem to be in at least the most basic philosophical mood, I have a question to pose to you delightful people: How important is being remembered to you? Specifically post-death rememberance. Assuming it is important, is being remembered by those you love enough or is being remembered in a historically significant manner a form of imortallity?

    I'm in my philosophical mood, also known as my "too much time on his hands" mood.
    Being remembered isn't all that important to me really, BUT I get the feeling a lot of people will remember me for some time. If not as an individual than as a part of a crazy ass group. Just for a generation or two as it's more infamy than anything else...

    As for the second part, I'll say no. I feel there will be a time when no-one is left on the Earth, and the Earth itself may be destroyed at some stage. To this extent I'd think we'd all die from this world eventually including the memories of us people and history books hold, regardless if the world ends from a meteor or two smashing it in the right places, severe volcanic activity, some sort of biblical apocalypse, a combination of these things, or any other thing.

    And in other ways, regardless of our beliefs we will always exist. If you're religious you may believe in immortality in some way, perhaps in another state (my personal beliefs), if you aren't you may come to realise that there's only so much our matter can break down. We'll become parts of other creatures and perhaps other people.
    A small example: Dude dies, scavengers eat parts of him up, some scavengers and corpse bits get broken down by plants, and eaten by bigger creatures, which in turn get eaten by bigger creatures and so on, up to the vegetables we eat, and the meat we eat. Parts of us will become parts of other beings or just the landscape. If you think about it, we're made up of other plants, creatures and perhaps people. And depending on how the cycle works and where everything goes, we may even have little bits inside us that were once dinosaurs and the like.

    Science class was good for daydreaming...
    victoria aut mors

  11. #251
    The Grand Theatre of Freaks Jin's Avatar
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    It's not so much in a literal scence that I believe we exist based on memory, but in a sense that coincides with that old kon, if a tree falls in the woods and no one's around, does it make a sound.

    What is existence when it comes down to it? Ignoring solipsism for a moment, as it negates any discussion whatsoever (=P), who do you actually know exists? Did Hitler exist? No one here has had any contact with him. Does Tony Blaire exist? I've never met him, but I accept that he does exist. I also accept that Hitler did exist and from my perspective, he exists currently just as much as Tony Blaire does. I can watch videos of both, read about both, listen to radio broadcasts of both, but unless I meet either, they're both nothing more than concenpts to me. In that sense, from my perspective, they exist until I go senile.

    Food for thought.

    Until now!

  12. #252
    To you all, I am nothing more than a collection of Latin symbols, an avatar, and the name of a Radiohead album. Do I exist? Do any of us really exist?

    I think this comes back to the whole reality is subjective thing. As far as I see it, Hitler did exist, because I have seen evidence of what he did during his lifetime (my Polish friend showed me photos of herself outside Bergen Belsen and Auschwitz from a school trip). Technically, I haven't really seen it, but I know Marta exists, and I know it's her in those photos, therefore I know the image behind her exists. I think. I suck at this.

    Anyway. Do any of us exist at all? What is reality? I'd like to answer those questions first before I move onto thinking about whether or not Lady Di and Mother Theresa were really real. Which would mean I can't answer your question. In the interests of a reasonable post, I'm going to pretend that this paragraph didn't happen.

    So. I think I'm fairly sure that these famous people I've never met do exist, because in the world around me (subjective as it is) I see things that I've been told they did. I see Lady Di on the front of the papers, especially now, since that inquest found she was killed unlawfully. So she did exist at some point, and her death was thought to be worth £10 million of taxpayers' money to investigate.

    I see their marks on the reality I live in. Therefore, I think that they existed, at some time.
    Unless the history books lie; but that's too scary a thought, since HP Compaq and Sony Ericsson between them control constantly what time and day and year I 'know' it is. We can't gather all of this ourselves, at least these days, so we trust these sources.

    Okay. I've highlighted the only relevant line for your convenience . I shouldn't be posting at this hour.

  13. #253
    The Grand Theatre of Freaks Jin's Avatar
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    Relevant or not, you highlighted my point excellently.

    You know they existed based on evidence. If one is forgotten completely, there is no evidence of him or her. Do we exist to leave impacts upon the world? I like to think so.

    "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women, merely players..." That quote by Mr. Shakespeare is pretty much my take on existence. We're all actors playing the roles that the universe (call it God, Tao, fortune, chance or whatever you'd like) sees fit. An actor that does not participate in a production is not an actor at all. In the same way, I feel that for someone to be remembered by no one is to not exist at all.

    To counter this a bit though, I don't believe it's possible not to be remembered at all. Even a recluse that lives in the woods for his entire life has an impact. Finding his delapedated living area may fascinate an explorer or perhaps an archeologist. His writings may exist to give us insight into his life. In short I should probably replace the word "rememberance" with "impact". But then I'd have to change the sentence around to make it gramatical and such, so screw that.

    As for the purpose of all this "acting", that's a completely different conversation that's basically akin to discussing the nature of God, the Tao or delving into solipsism a bit more. And at this hour, lunch time, I'll not digress into it.

    My thoughts are quite sporatic today.
    Last edited by Jin; 04-08-2008 at 10:13 AM.

    Until now!

  14. #254
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tacitus View Post
    It's not so much in a literal scence that I believe we exist based on memory, but in a sense that coincides with that old kon, if a tree falls in the woods and no one's around, does it make a sound.
    If you refer to sound as the kind of energy in vibrating matter, than yes it would make a sound. Unless you were in a complete vacuum. Like space.
    Or it might still create 'sound', but with no medium you just wouldn't hear it...
    I think this question really places too much emphasis on the importance of people. Sound can exist without people, and people only hear certain frequencies of sound. That said some people can hear different ranges of sound than others, BUT there is a normal range of frequencies most people can hear.

    What is existence when it comes down to it? Ignoring solipsism for a moment, as it negates any discussion whatsoever (=P), who do you actually know exists? Did Hitler exist? No one here has had any contact with him. Does Tony Blaire exist? I've never met him, but I accept that he does exist. I also accept that Hitler did exist and from my perspective, he exists currently just as much as Tony Blaire does. I can watch videos of both, read about both, listen to radio broadcasts of both, but unless I meet either, they're both nothing more than concenpts to me. In that sense, from my perspective, they exist until I go senile.

    Food for thought.
    They do both exist, even if it is only as concepts. In a personal sense some could believe they didn't exist, especially if they'd never heard of them, BUT they will always be at least concepts for as long as they stay in the minds of at least one person, or on media of some kind a person or persons could interact with. Beliefs exist, even if not always in a physical context. But then there's also the definition of existence. I'm using what the word means to me, actual definitions differ too greatly from one another IMHO. I tend to see it as 'the state of existing' personally though...
    victoria aut mors

  15. #255
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    This post is going to doubly serve as my goodbye thread for quite some time and also a hypocritical rebuttal of the following discussion. Ignoring the matter of goodbye post, seeing as it is...self-evident and not in need of explanation to mostly all of you(add to the effect that this post will equal any normal 80 posts), I will continue to the rebuttal.

    Because I don't want you to misunderstand my intent with this, I offer the following disclaimer: "I am aware that the following proposal offers proofs that are contrary to my own held beliefs and do not expect you to take it beyond simple food for thought."

    I believe what Tacitus is trying to establish through a very old illustrative question is the validity of Cause and Effect to the use of Metaphysics. If such is the case, I defer to Kant, who claims, Via Hume, his starting point, that Cause and Effect cannot be used for Metaphysics. (He also claims that Metaphysics cannot possibly exist, but this is not my point.)

    Let me issue some key terms:

    Common sense is quite different from reasoned thinking. It is based on understanding of previous experiences and using these to oracle.

    Speculative Understanding is the ability, quite different from common sense, and relies on pure reason alone.

    Cause and Effect, as a touted scientific device, defaults as a common sense and not a part of speculative reason, due to the fact that it is NOT possibly a priori(or a concept established independent of experience).

    What does this mean?

    It MEANS that if it relies on experience to function as it does, it's impossible for it to be used in the nature of things outside of experience i.e. of supernatural or metaphysical nature.

    Breaking away from Solipsism seeing Solipsism directly destroys the mind's speculative abilities with an eye towards reason, and relies completely on experience.(and technically destroys any religion or metaphysical possibilities with the exception of self-deification)

    So therefor it's IMPOSSIBLE for the tree to have made a sound. Or more precisely, Cause and Effect is useless to tell if it did or did not(presupposing that the tree and it's fall lie completely out of our realm of experience). This proof applies to every single event that exists outside of our experience. But of course, the questions itself: "Did the tree make a sound when it fell?" presents the scenario to our common sense and thus enters our empirical realm. To this already confused light, our common sense adds it's input that "Of COURSE THE TREE MADE A SOUND; ARE YOU AN IDIOT?" But this is based on an assessment of an experience that we were not present to witness, thus it's resulting data is worthless.

    Take a minute to register the actual "Effect"(I made a joke ><) of this realization. All of a sudden ALL Metaphysical reasonings of God and Taoism are attacked and in the Hazard.

    You cannot use your experiences to explain something OUTSIDE of your experience.

    Why does this not matter? Because it's metaphysics, they are based upon belief and faith, something that the unfortunate reasoner and sometimes the silly common sense person can neither use properly. Thus I reduce the question of religion down to a comparative question: "Did the tree make a noise?" I have faith that it did.

    Oh and, Goodbye all. I'll see you...well maybe next week, maybe in another life.

    Last edited by Sinister; 04-09-2008 at 03:40 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  16. #256
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Well see ya then Sinister.

    I stand by what I said though. The tree would have indeed made a noise, regardless of how the example was meant to be taken. At least by the definition of sound...

    -the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause
    Cause and effect in motion. A large object falls, it makes a noise. That's simply the way things work here. Please don't make me get some examples from the 'wonderful realms of scientific people'. If a tree fell in space somehow or in another complete vacuum we'd hear no sound BUT that really only be accomplished by people who would want to experience such things. Like someone curious to see if blood flows out of the body red while in a vacuum.

    -mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium; "falling trees make a sound in the forest even when no one is there to hear them"
    [I love that they included that example. ]

    That definition there says it all.
    All I'm suggesting is that I believe things will happen as they do whether or not one of us is present. It makes sense if you think about it.
    victoria aut mors

  17. #257
    Bass Player Extraordinaire The Grand Theatre of Freaks Joe's Avatar
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    C'mon guys, Sin may be gone, but that's no reason for this club to be drifting closer and closer to page 2 of this forum. We have to keep this group alive, as we are freaks, and some of the most fascinating discussions around are held Here. That being said, does anyone have any ideas how we can proceed, and keep it togheter?

    This is probably asked somewhere in the intro, but I'm gonna ask/reask it again anyway to sprak some conversation:

    Being different, do you have any weird mannerisms, physical, mental, or social, that differ from that which is considered normal?
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    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
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  18. #258
    Ok, well, I havent been keeping up with the convo, so I have no idea what questions I missed...but it's too late to look through it right now, so I'm just going to answer Steel's question.

    Being different, do you have any weird mannerisms, physical, mental, or social, that differ from that which is considered normal?

    Hmm...well, I have ADD, so I have a bad habit of getting distracted, sometimes in the middle of a sentence.. Oh, I tend to have Very weird thoughts, which I have a bad habit of sharing with the nearest person (case in point, "The Happy Tooth Monster" was developed when I was looking at a female pine cone gametophyte in biology and told my lab partner it looked like that). Oh, I also have a really bad tendency to ask random questions...for instance, I was walking with a friend back from class, and right in the middle of a semi-serious topic, I asked if I could try on his hat. There's probably a lot more stuff like that, but I can't really think of anything right now.
    "I hope you realize you look so pretty through these bleeding eyes...

    <p>Aren't you a pretty little Paradox?"

  19. #259
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Being different, do you have any weird mannerisms, physical, mental, or social, that differ from that which is considered normal?

    Well... *gasp* I dislike both the social norms for music in my age group these days. That's right. I can't stand Emo or Hip-Hop. I like most Grunge along with some other Rock and a bit of Metal. Uhhh... I also dress differently to most, aren't afraid to do some things considered not done and just generally think that people should think for themselves. And I have several neurological conditions, which is several more than most. w00t!
    victoria aut mors

  20. #260
    The Grand Theatre of Freaks Jin's Avatar
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    I talk to myself on a daily basis. Not just the "oh shoot!" when I make a mistake or bump into something either, but I have entire conversations with my self in which I take on two or more sides of an argument, minor or major, and debate with myself using logic, sarcasm, humour and insults. Come to think of it, that sounds borderline crazy, but I just get bored and am easily ammused. I don't do it in public, except at work sometime, but when I'm alone, I have rigorous discussions with myself. That's weird mannerism #1.

    #2 is just that I find dealing with others exceptionally awkward when in person. I have problems with body language, I never know what to do with my hands or where to look when interacting with people I'm uncomfortable with and therefore everything is awkward. You can't tell online, because it's just text, and it's not so bad over the phone, although still some long pauses for lack of knowing what to say, but in person it's bad. It's funny how my supposed wit just dies in any real time situation in which it may be applied. Kind of a bitch, really.

    I'm sure I have more, but I have to get to work soon and don't have all day. Cheers.
    Last edited by Jin; 04-25-2008 at 05:15 AM.

    Until now!

  21. #261
    Arachnie Suicide The Grand Theatre of Freaks ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    - I hate pen lids. I don't know if this counts as an odd mannerism.. Only a few people have noticed it. But if I get a fresh packet of pens, first thing I do is chuck the lids. They.. I dunno. Habit. Don't know how that started.

    - I have an oral hygeine compulsion.. Like germophobia for my mouth. I brush my teeth up to five times a day, sometimes. As far as mannerisms go for this, I am CONSTANTLY running my tongue over my teeth. Most people barely notice or have gotten used to it, but I do still get people that are a bit "Stop that! There is NOTHING on your teeth!".

    -I have my little mental thingies. I'm not going to count them as 'mannerisms', as such.. That doesn't seem right as they're actual illnesses that I really have no control over. I'd say the main weird little thing that may come accross that way is my paranoia. I suffer from chronic paranoia and I'm always worrying about very, very little things.

    -I too, talk to myself. Often nothing overly serious.. And I don't use my own name, that's the main thing XD. It's usually 'Lucy'. Came from.. nowhere. Been going on for years. "Lucy.. Do you think I should wear the red or the purple? Now, the purple is preferrable but the red one has this pretty texture that's a little more special..."
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  22. #262
    Bass Player Extraordinaire The Grand Theatre of Freaks Joe's Avatar
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    hmm, I suppose it's only fair and proper that i answer my own question:

    To begin with, a lot of people find this habit/compulsion thingy where I bounce one or both of my legs up and down repeatedly for varying periods of time exceptionally annoying. I say it's a habit/compulsion, because it's not entirely voluntary, and it's a one of my asperger traits. (just google asperger syndrome, not explaining it here)

    Another habit I have is that, like Jin, I find it exceptionally awkward to deal with people in person. I have a very hard time reading other's body language, so that can sometimes make communication really difficult.

    And I guess to finish it off, I randomly get practically obsessed with things for short periods of time, be it bands, youtube videos, shows, concepts, etc. you may recall that one of my previous names was Benny Lava. That was in homage to the hilarious youtube video entitled Benny Lava. (it's an indian song, that someone dubbed over with what he thought it sounded like in english)

    on a side note, does anyone have any ideas for an activity that we could do relatively soon?

    EDIT: I forgot another weird mannerism/quirk thingy: Certain textures or sounds make me cringe really badly. I can't sand wood down with sandpaper for instance, without exerting a ton of will power. The horrible texture of the paper, combined with the rasping against the wood....*shudders*
    Last edited by Joe; 04-25-2008 at 07:12 PM.
    (TFF Family):

    My TFF Family:
    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
    Slots still available, PM to join!

  23. #263
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Being different, do you have any weird mannerisms, physical, mental, or social, that differ from that which is considered normal
    Physical mannerisms? I crack every bone in my body at least twice a day if that's what you mean. A habit more or less.

    I have obsessive compulsive disorder. In fact, it's incredibly common these days, but mine is absolutely terrible. Has anybody ever seen the show Monk? If so, you get the picture. I mess with curtains all the time. They must be straightened with no large creases of bumps.

    I must close my door a certain way, it cannot be open at night at all.

    If I have a terrible itch, I must scratch it and then scratch it on the opposite side to balance it out.

    I feel the need to touch light switches twice, even if I'm not pushing.

    On the PlayStation 1 or 2 controllers, I must press most buttons twice if I have made a mistake. Sometimes four to six, or even ten if the mistake was cringe-worthy enough.

    When I walk out into the corridor which leads off to various rooms in the house (bathroom and kitchen), I must take a look up the stairs to make sure nothing is there.

    I dislike the number 13 and will do everything I can to make sure any numbers become evened out (preferrably the nearest ten.)

    I must kiss my hamster an even amount of times or he might not love me anymore.

    That's all I can think of for now.
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 04-29-2008 at 02:56 PM.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  24. #264
    Being different, do you have any weird mannerisms, physical, mental, or social, that differ from that which is considered normal?

    I twitch my nose a lot when thinking. I mouth the words to songs I'm listening to as I walk.

    A kiss on the forehead from me means that I love you.

    I sit in class and think of a song, and then watch all my classmates dance to it.

    I like to annoy security guards by walking around shops and shopping centres with an unlit cigarette hanging from my mouth. I never do it in charity shops, though.

    If I think something is really stupid, scary, weird or any combination of those things, my ears move backwards of their own accord. It takes things like, 'I think Marx is valuable in today's society' to make them move though.

    I do not take kindly to losing bets. You won't get your money, ever, because you'll forget before I do and I'm very skint, and dishonest when it comes to cash.

    I look past the eyes of boring people, and stare too long into the eyes of people I don't trust. Don't know why. Can't help it.

    I can't play guitar or bass, but when I'm walking to music, my fingers always start doing involuntary air guitar. Or piano. I don't get it.

    I stare at the sky on clear days so much that I've almost died time and again because of it. ROAD, HEATHER. THE DOMAIN OF CARS. PAY ATTENTION.

    I look into the eyes of unknown passersby all the time just to see if they either smile, or get creeped out. It's always one of the two.

  25. #265
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries
    Being different, do you have any weird mannerisms, physical, mental, or social, that differ from that which is considered normal?

    I don't talk much at all around people. It annoys most, they think I'm stuck up or something.

    I like baths and showers. I really do. I take usually twice a day if I can get away with them.

    I drink alot of water. Plain tap water.

    There are various fencing and chess idiosyncracies that I could bore you all with. Tendencies to parry, retreat and fleche into six, using hang time.(I've proven this to work on most occasions, even if they are ready for it.) ect...

    I have the tendency to become easily...depressed. I go into moods where I brood and brood on a single topic. Learn everything I can about it and then it always ends in a profound depression.

    I like to meditate around incense with a cup of tea.

    I tend to have a low estimate of my worth and take myself into very little consideration.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  26. #266
    Arachnie Suicide The Grand Theatre of Freaks ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Brisbane, Australia
    My laughing thing..

    My family probably hasn't heard me laugh for a good few years. THis isn't lack of humour so much as the fact that I don't naturally laugh when I find something funny. I smile, certainly, but rarely laugh. I laugh when being tickled, or when I haven't laughed for a long time and I really do need to laugh. It often scares people, laughing at something very, very small or nothing at all. Either that or somebody is truly so funny that I laugh o_o.

    I'm extremely, extremely over-analytical. Works for and against me, to be honest. I end up having inability to enjoy most things because I sit there and analyse and pick it to pieces so there's nothing left to enjoy.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  27. #267
    Bass Player Extraordinaire The Grand Theatre of Freaks Joe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    State of Insanity
    Alright, things are getting slow again, so I think it's time to start trying ot come up with club activities. Any thoughts or opinions?

    Now that I'm on linux, I can get an msn messenger to run, so, maybe something involving msn.

    Yep.. definitely needs ideas
    (TFF Family):

    My TFF Family:
    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
    Slots still available, PM to join!

  28. #268
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries
    Sorry, Steel. I'm back in black now, to borrow a corny cliche. *kicks clubthread*

    To be perfectly honest, I have all the time in the world now. To bring things back together, I demand an update on our members! Sound off. What is happening, anything unique and unusual? Any ideas for some club activities?

    I have returned. I went grocery shopping. Weird right? Anyway, I'm going to make a GOOD Pizza. All those tasteless pies I ate for the last five months, I'm going to make a good one. Thick Pita pocket bread with Marinara sauce(yes marinara) a Pesto spread, some mushrooms, mozzarella, tomatoes, pepperoni and anchovies...(on mine at least) EDIT: Oh also got some Manzanilla pickled Olives(I love pickled anything!^^)

    I get to cook now.

    Last edited by Sinister; 05-08-2008 at 01:15 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  29. #269
    Arachnie Suicide The Grand Theatre of Freaks ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Brisbane, Australia
    I'm going to make a random little surveeeey...

    Actual name -
    Names that people call you -
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes -
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day -
    The last thing that made you happy -
    The last thing that made you sad -
    The last thing that irritated you -
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  30. #270
    Bass Player Extraordinaire The Grand Theatre of Freaks Joe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    State of Insanity
    Welcome back Sin! Now, on to the survey.

    Actual name - Joseph
    Names that people call you
    -Joe, Joe Steel, Steel, and only ellie gets to call me joey
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past twenty minutes -
    finally reached 500,000 points on Through the Fire and Flames on hard difficulty (been working toward that for quite a while now)
    The most interesting thing you've done in the past day - hmmm, well, I continued a re-read of Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind.
    The last thing that made you happy -
    Getting my MSN to work through Pidgin IM, on Linux. That and Dominating a game of Magic: The Gathering during study hall
    The last thing that made you sad -
    hmm, I'm really not sure.
    The last thing that irritated you -
    Being unable to reach a 100% on Paint it Black on expert a second time. Stupid solo

    As for a general update, things are going pretty smoothly, about to graduate high school, finally finished chem, and relatively strongly at that. Been competing in an online Guitar Hero league at (My s/n is BlueSteelMagnum). Other than that, I've been living a pretty dull, steady life.
    (TFF Family):

    My TFF Family:
    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
    Slots still available, PM to join!

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