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Thread: Bleach Club

  1. #871
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Bleach Club FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Wait to start over, alright.

    As for the test, I had already read it, I had just wondered when it would be, and how I would be taking it, so thank you for telling me it would be in the next year. I just hope that's not too far away.

  2. #872
    Lady Succubus Bleach Club Victoria's Avatar
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    It's as far away as you want it to be, Cid. That's how RPs work more or less. The tests are done as part of the RP story.

  3. #873
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Bleach Club FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Ah... You'll have to forgive me, I am new at this sort of thing, even though I have been on this site for a little bit now.

  4. #874
    The Quiet One Bleach Club Andromeda's Avatar
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    I don't believe that Xeim has determined a length of time between one test and the next. However, as Shadow said it will be as long as it needs to be since its a RP. So once the current test is completed the next will begin shortly after. That said, I think further discussion of the RP probably should occur in the OoC thread instead. Especially with the rather spamish posts that the last few posts were.

    Well it was episode 50 last night. There are only two more episodes left before they have new episodes once again. I did not really bother with the episode since it was the filler episode with Kon and everyone back in Karakura Town. It is pretty boring to watch after the first time. Though even the first time I was annoyed to see it since it was interrupting the flow of the story that had been proceeding. But I should be used to not by now since it will be happening more soon enough. At least the Bount Arc will feel like a real arc from what I hear.

    I picked up two more volumes of the Bleach manga a little while back. It had been a while since I did that so it was about time. I'm almost caught up anyway, so its not like I'm in a big rush. I have 5 or 6 volumes left to get. They are into the Arrancar Arc now. But on to something that I noticed when I was reading. Its nothing that I should be too surprised by, but seeing as the manga was so closely followed by the anime I was a little surprised. The fight between Hitsugaya and Ichimaru in the anime took up half of the episode. However, in the manga it was maybe half a chapter. It was surprisingly short. Hitsugaya pretty much went straight to Shikai and iced Ichimaru's arm. At which point you know what happened afterwards. All of the swordplay between that and Hitsugaya knocking out Momo was added by the anime. It is just something I come to expect from Dragonball Z that notoriously lengthened fights from the manga version. Though all the same it is only one of a few divergences from the manga that I have seen. So all in all it pretty good.

    Oh and oddly enough that most recent list still is missing Urahara from it. In an interesting note on that. Urahara told Yoruichi that Ichigo's "gifts are greater than my own". Its a strange phrase, but implies that are some point that Ichigo will exceed Urahara's strength. Though he could simply be talking about the hollow inside him. I don't know if Urahara had that much foresight and awareness to see the hollow that would cause the eventual Hollowification. I would not be surprised since Aizen talked about it and Urahara being in charge of the 12th Squad and having that orb or whatever it is already did his own research on the subject. I know Urahara knows about the Vizards. But its had to know if he was thinking of Ichigo with or without the hollow powers that would make him stronger than Urahara. Its obvious that with the hollow he has surpassed Urahara, but he could just simply be speaking to him as a regular Shinigami. Either way it could be a way to judge Urahara's power.
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  5. #875
    Morning Always Comes Bleach Club Xeim's Avatar
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    Alright, a lot's happened in my absence, so forgive me if I overlook something.

    Cid, you gain points in the ranking by posting posts that contribute to club dicussion. Length and content both count.

    Cid and fishie, as toph said you have to wait for "test day" to finish. Cid, if you have a character profile ready for the RP go ahead and post it in the OOC, and direct your questions there. Fishie, that goes for you as well. I'll PM both of you (and the others..if I can remember everyone), as well as announce it in the club and ooc when it's time for members to join up. So, the window of time will be pretty hard to miss. With that out of the way, you really should direct these questions to the OOC (like andro said). You're both members of the RP, so you don't need to feel weird about posting there. -_- Oh and fishie, really great to see you posting in here again.

    As for the comment on Urahara's strength, that is interesting indeed. I still think Urahara's rather powerful, and the mystery surrounding him makes it impossible to tell if Ichigo is stronger than him even with the hollow powers. Urahara obviously knows a lot about the method of becoming an arrancar and vizard, so who's to say he doesnt have hollow powers of his own? I think Ichigo has the potential to surpass him in the future- Ichigo's the main character and that's just what happens,- but I don't think he's stronger quite yet. But I'm bias, so haha....I'll be on my way now.


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  6. #876
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Bleach Club FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Alright, thank you for the info. As for the Rp and my character, I will have it up in a few days.

    I think that Urahara, is stronger than Ichigo right now, at least he has more experience. I believe Ichigo will eventually surpass him, but he has not as of yet. Urahara is a former captain of the 13 protection squads, was in charge of all the scientific research, and invented the Hougyouki, I am sure that there are many things that he is hiding. His knack for inventing also gives him power. In the fight with the 10th Espada, Yamada or something, he had that blow up gigai, his inventions prove to be useful.
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  7. #877
    Update to the character strength listing. Urahara and Quincy Final Form Uryu added.
    3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
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  8. #878
    The Quiet One Bleach Club Andromeda's Avatar
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    Final Form Uryu up at 3rd huh? Its hard to imagine that Uryu could beat Aizen given his Zanpukto's abilities, but in a fair fight I would imagine that Uryu would certainly be able to put up a strong fight. Though Uryu's form is only good in an environment that has a high amount of spirit particles. I would imagine that in the real world that level of spirit particles would be difficult to come by and require more effort or time to gather. I don't doubt that he could still find that amount that he used, but it is much more dispersed in the real world than the Soul Society. I guess that Houko Mundo would be similar in construction to that of the Soul Society in being made of spirit particles.

    I wonder if normal Uryu could pull off the same thing, but just on a smaller scale. He already pulls in spirit particles from the air. Pulling out of the solid matter that creates the Soul Society is probably more challenging, but I doubt it would be impossible. Though there might not be much of a benefit to it unless it provided a large boost in power as a result.

    Well Bleach reruns are over now. Next week starts up AS "Season Two" of Bleach or new episodes. It is actually season three of Bleach, but yeah. Excitement for me and those that watch it on AS. I get to return to make normal duties of doing an episode summary each weekend. ^^; I can't wait to see Ichigo use his Bankai and fight Byakuya. I can't wait to see the Bount Arc too knowing that we are getting closer to the Arrancar Arc. I want to see the Arrancar Arc and all of the Vizard goodness.
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  9. #879
    Update to the Character strength listing

    Some formatting changes, mostly updated to the new [spoiler] tag. Rank 14 remains as the old [spoil] tag because the [list] tag doesn't work in the [spoiler] tag, apparently.

    Extended notes for Aizen, Orihime, and Privaron Espada.

    Demoted Rukia by 1 rank, promoted SS lieutenants by 1 rank

    Added Ganju, Kukakku, SS 3rd-5th seats
    Last edited by Rasler; 02-26-2008 at 12:21 PM.
    3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
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  10. #880
    Lady Succubus Bleach Club Victoria's Avatar
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    Is it just me, or has the Bleach anime fallen? I don't really find it all that interesting anymore.

    The jokes with Ishida have gotten old, please use some new material, Kuroyanagi/BoBoBo. Also Chad and Rukia seemed to have been killed off or KO'd. Even if they are dead, Orihime will just undo that. I find that ability kind of boring now. It was fine when it was seen as healing. But now that it's been revealed that she can UNDO things... it's gotten to be too much. I think I'm going to see as far as Nell's animated true form, and then I'll probably drop the anime and just keep up with the manga instead.

    This is really just sad. Please, Bleach.. entertain me and keep my interest again.

  11. #881
    Sir Prize Bleach Club Sinister's Avatar
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    Or are you seriously bored with it, or do you think it's really changed for the worst? But really I haven't noticed any major change for the worse in the Bleach mythos, if anything it has expanded to encompass new and strange environs and scenarios.

    I'm with it all the way. I want to see how the writer uses these plot devices, he's tinkering in strange uncertain terrain and I'm interested in how he thinks he's going to resolve it. Because, truth be known he has left several intimated windows open to resolve the plot, it's just a matter of his personal choice and I'm fascinated in what that'll be.


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  12. #882
    Lady Succubus Bleach Club Victoria's Avatar
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    Well yeah. I did note that I was going to follow the manga from now on. Not drop it completely.

    And yes, I am bored with it. A shounen anime is supposed to keep me interested throughout. But Bleach has yet to. Sometimes I am. Sometimes something badass happens that I go "Oooh.." or I laughed the first time the jokes with Ishida appeared.

    But yeah... I'm bored with it. That has to mean something about the anime right? It's kept me entertained for this long.. it should be able to the rest of the way.

  13. #883
    Sir Prize Bleach Club Sinister's Avatar
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    I was referring to the anime, largely. But then I take it you still enjoy the Manga, then?


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  14. #884
    Lady Succubus Bleach Club Victoria's Avatar
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    I actually haven't even read the manga. I was talking about the anime too. >_>;
    I just figure since the anime is boring me, I'll switch to the manga. Like I did with Naruto.

  15. #885
    If I recall, Toph, you were very anti-manga when we had discussions ages ago. I'll admit, the anime is stalling at the moment. The unfortunate truth is that a manga chapter that takes less than 10 minutes to read is released at the same rate as an episode which lasts 22 minutes. Rather than rely on unwanted filler episodes, the anime is stretching each manga chapter more. Rather than an episode encompassing about 2 - 2 1/2 chapters, it currently encompasses about 1 - 1 1/2. However, it's not necessarily as bad as it sounds. They have noticably extended the fight scenes, for the better. The trade-off is that Nell and her companions are getting too much air-time. I personally am looking forward to the new episodes, because
    the cascade of pain and defeat is about to rain down on Ichigo and company. Seriously, every single last one of them gets defeated. As Ulquiorra said, it's remarkably dumb to storm the enemy's fortress, particularly when they outclass you.
    3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
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  16. #886
    Lady Succubus Bleach Club Victoria's Avatar
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    I'm not anti-manga anymore, obviously. You should see the manga I have bought up to now from my work.

    And so Bleach is doing what Naruto Shippuden is doing now. Go figures. That is much worse. I hate it being drawn out. It's the same as filler in my eyes. But yeah I'd rather go manga.

    And yes, Rasler, I know a manga chapter is released weekly. I'm not new to reading manga online. >_>;

    And yes, I don't really care too much about baby nell and her companions. -_-;
    Adult Nell. Me want.

  17. #887
    I completely disagree. I keep up with both the manga and anime. As it is said, a picture is worth a thousand words. It less time to draw up a twenty or so page manga than animate that same manga. By reading the manga before the episode comes out makes me that much more eager to see all that action that is happening right now in the manga eventually animated.

    The recent episode of Bleach was highly appealing to me, it combines the manga toghether. Instead of doing episodes on the Renji v. espada battle all in a row, then the Ichigo/ Ulquiorra entounter, they split it up so it is half and half, and I love that. And as Rasler said, they extended the fight scenes.

    The only thing I dislike about the current arc is that the whole power thing. Ichigo is one of the strongest Soul Reapers out there, but then the arrancar are even beyond Zaraki's level of strength, and Zaraki is can probably be stronger than Ichigo. What I am trying to say is that there is always going to be someone stronger than someone else and so on... And it is becoming cliched.

    On a side note, I have a couple questions to ask. 1) The arrancar that Renji is battling, where is his mask fragment? 2) [This may have been discussed about already but...] What happens after a Soul Reaper or Hollow or whatever after they die? Or what do you think happens?
    Last edited by Evangel; 02-27-2008 at 05:52 PM.

  18. #888
    Well, Evangel, I too am current with the manga. Would you be courteous to the others who aren't and add a spoiler tag your post so you don't openly reveal certain important plot turns later on?

    i.e. Zaraki showing up. It's logical that more SS people would show up, but it's still spoiler-worthy.

    The Quincy destroyed Hollows rather than purify them as Shinigami did. The destruction of a soul disrupts some important balance (though I forget what, lol), causing chaos.

    If a shinigami is slain, it simply ceases to exist as a being and breaks down into spirit particles, as explained by Kaien in a flashback.

    Szayel's mask fragment is his glasses, apparently. Or at least the frames. The lenses might not count. It's not really explained. But then again, neither was Aaroniero's duo-cephalic nature (two heads).
    Last edited by Rasler; 02-27-2008 at 04:10 PM.
    3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
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  19. #889
    Lady Succubus Bleach Club Victoria's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's why I still watch the Naruto anime, because I'm way ahead and I'd like to see the stuff animated. But since I never read the bleach manga, I guess I don't feel that way about it until I start reading the manga ahead of the anime.

    Once I do, I'll probably still keep watching the anime, only just to see it animated.

  20. #890
    How about that, one of my theories came true.

    Ulquiorra states that the higher evolved a hollow is, the smaller and more human-shaped it is. The closer a hollow comes to its final evolution, it gains increases in intelligence and reasoning capability. We also know that Arrancar with higher intelligences have a more human appearance.

    Observe the example silhouette of a Vastolorde menos, and its extreme similarity to Ulquiorra's mask fragment. (Follow the link at the bottom of the post, then scroll to the bottom of that post.) We know that arrancar regain some of their previous hollow appearance when they release their swords. But if the Hollow was already mostly human-like in appearance, it's not logical to expect a large transformation. Like say, Aaroniero's tranformation, who was a Gillian.

    Previously, I stated that it was likely that the top four Espada were Vastolorde menos. It seems that I might've been incorrect, slightly.
    It's becoming more and more convincing that Espada 5, Nnoitra, is a Vastolorde. His mask fragment undergoes only extremely minor changes after transformation. Yes, he undergoes other physical changes, but nothing monstrous or exceedingly inhuman. Keep in mind those other arms are primarily human in appearance. As of current with the manga, he's kicking the shit out of un-eyepatched, fully released Zaraki.
    3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
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  21. #891
    I read that the anime is about to hit a fillers for a while to let the manga get ahead a bit more. The plot will swing back over to Soul Society, to see what they're up to while Ichigo and co. are getting their asses handed to them in Hueco Mundo.

    Most notable new development is that supposedly, this guy is going to be the new captain of Squad 3.
    3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
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  22. #892
    How interesting. Do you think Tite Kubo made that character or do you think he just watches over it and just gives the go ahead to the guys working on the anime???
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  23. #893
    Tite Kubo always has some hand in new character development. He even helps design the videogame-exclusive character Arturo Plateado.

    Based on my slight knowledge of how the industry works:
    This new captain is probably the brain-child of whoever is responsible for planning the pacing of the anime. Sadly, one of this person's responsibilities is to schedule filler. He then presents the concept, and all related information to Kubo and he either approves or requests changes.

    I missed some bits of information I should have noted in the original post about this new character. He wears a sword on his left AND right. That's right, a third dual-zanpakuto captain.

    But who's this guy with him?

    One theory is "new captain, new lieutenant". But this is unlikely, since Izuru Kira would have to be demoted for that to happen. The new character is not wearing a lieutenant's badge. But according to one of the mid-SS arc episodes, the tradition of wearing the badge has fallen out of fashion. Frankly, who knows.
    Last edited by Rasler; 03-09-2008 at 12:37 AM.
    3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
    Lurking member of the Old School Cult of Kefka

  24. #894
    Tite Kubo's involvement with character creation and the like is probably similar to that of George Lucas' invovlement with Star Wars. He wrote the script and screenplay and all that but left his ideas to others to make them a reality. He would give his insight on what he was looking for and the good and the bad.

    The "new" captain looks pretty good. He reminds me of Kyoraku; with the scruffy chin hairs and all. The other person could be the Lieutenant. How one is appointed to be a Lieutenant was never fully revealed (I think, I may be wrong). The Captain may just appoint someone they believe is fit to be a Lieutenant or accept their "resume".

    Also, Izuru Kira's involvement in the whole SS Arc may have opted for a demotion. And the other sword like thing on the guy's right side may just be a dagger of some sort. A second sword hanging that low on his waist would not be very ideal.

  25. #895
    The Quiet One Bleach Club Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well given Kira's involvement in the incident with Aizen and Ichimaru I would imagine that they probably arrested him and currently have him confined. He probably was also removed from his position as a Lt in Squad Three. I don't know if they would kill him for conspiring with Aizen and Ichimaru, but its unlikely that Kira is going to able to do much until they feel save with him. That is my thoughts anyway.

    And a new filler arc or episodes in the current arc. It does not sound like a good idea, but they probably should have made a filler arc after the Arrancar and before going to Heuco Mondo. Though maybe they thought that the Tite would be finished with the current arc sooner and hoped that they would not need to have fillers.
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  26. #896
    Sir Prize Bleach Club Sinister's Avatar
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    He wasn't arrested...or atleast not right away as he can be seen
    drinking in a bar with Matsumoto and cursing Gin's name over far too many alcoholic beverages. (In the Manga)

    My guess is that he was lightly reprimanded and removed from his rank. Or it's possible he may be going through trials to replace one of the other missing positions.

    Last edited by Sinister; 03-09-2008 at 12:15 AM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  27. #897
    New 3rd Division Captain and mystery character:

    Using the Babelfish translator, I've translated the blocks of copyable text with the two new characters.

    The large block of text on the left:
    4月よりテレビアニメ『BLEACH』は新章に突入! 舞台は再び尸魂界(ソウル・ソサエティ)へ。市丸ギ ンが去った後空席になっていた三番隊隊長の座に、ようやく新隊長が着任することとなったのだが ――

    今回はこの"新隊長天貝繍助篇"の二人のキーパーソンを紹介しよう。他にも情報が入り次第、今後登場する予 定の新キャラクターを紹介していくのでお楽しみに!

    translates to

    From April television animation ' BLEACH ' thrust into new chapter! The stage again the 尸 soul boundary (the Seoul society) to. After Ichimaru ギン goes away, in the seat of third party captain who had become the vacant seat, it was decided with that finally new captain arrives, but - - This time キーパーソン two of this "new captain heaven shellfish 繍 help volume" will be introduced. As soon as information to enter into in addition to, being to keep introducing the new character of the schedule which in the future appears in the pleasure!

    De-Engrish-ed by me:

    Beginning in April, Bleach will begin a new chapter (read: filler arc), focusing on the events in Soul Society (the simultaneous SS events to the Hueco Mundo arc, likely). The vacancy of the 3rd division's captain's seat has finally been filled. (This next part is an assumption, as the text is largely confusing) The new captain isn't arriving alone---another new member from the "Heaven Shellfish Help Volume" (possibly some sort of emergency backup Division [secret division 14 or somesuch]) will join him. Information is sparse, but we hope you enjoy these new additions.

    For the captain:
    市丸ギンが去った後空席になっていた護廷十三隊三番隊の隊長に就任する。自由闊達で明るく気取らない男。そ の性格から、まわりの信望はあつい。

    translates to

    After Ichimaru ギン goes away, the protection which has become the vacant seat 廷 is inaugurated as the captain of 13 party third parties. Being free and broad-minded, the man whom you are not affected brightly. From the character, reputation the around is thick.

    De-Engrish-ed by me:

    The vacancy of the 3rd captain's seat due to Ichimaru's treason has been filled by a new individual. He is free and broad-minded. (The adjectives are ambiguous, they either imply a sort of stubbornness or passive acceptance. Japanese interepretations of these qualities is also different. Frankly, I need more info or different words.)

    For the other guy:
    天貝と同時に護廷十三隊三番隊第三席に配属される。寡黙でクールな印象。調整能力が高く、剣の 腕は一流。

    translates to

    Protection 廷 it is assigned simultaneously with the heaven shellfish in 13 party third party third seats. Being taciturn, cool impression. Adjustment ability to be high, as for the arm of the sword the top rank.

    De-Engrish-ed by me:

    Simultaneous to the new 3rd Captain's arrival is another member of the "Heaven Shellfish Help Volume." Ranked as a 3rd seat, this taciturn, cool-minded individual is not to be overlooked, as his rank does not give full credit to his combat ability, which is of highest calibur.

    So the new guy is a 3rd seat. That clears that up.
    Last edited by Rasler; 03-12-2008 at 09:07 PM.
    3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
    Lurking member of the Old School Cult of Kefka

  28. #898
    Remember how the Diamond Dust Rebellion's tagline was "Another Hyorinmaru"? Probably not, but it was. I even linked to a Megaupload where I saved a clip I made of that trailer. Anyway, I have uncovered an interesting tidbit: There is in fact, another Hyorinmaru.

    This video is a clip from an raw of episode 164, during the commercial break. The commercial is for Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 for PSP, and it includes the antagonist from Diamond Dust Rebellion. The video is like 2-3 seconds long, becuase I left in only the relevant bit, and for whatever reason the video is about 9 MB. Just goes to show that I try to lose as little quality as possible when providing content to this club.

    For those who keep up with the subbed episodes:
    Ichigo is the deadest Bleach main character yet, lawl.

    For those who keep up with the scanslated manga:
    Aizen's finally off his ass, holy crap.

    Last edited by Rasler; 03-12-2008 at 09:30 PM.
    3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
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  29. #899
    The Quiet One Bleach Club Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I've been pretty late on this. I've already seen three new episodes of Bleach and I have not said a thing. Though I think a lot of the times I wanted I was either busy or the forums were having issues. Either way I won't make a summary for each episode. I'll just go over this last weeks and maybe some of the things from the previous episodes.

    This week was following up right after Ichigo took out the three Vice-Captain's catching Renji. He then blocks an attack from Byakuya and things pick up from there. I get the see the cool bit with Ichigo cleaning the three Vice-Captain's clocks. You can really tell that he is on a completely different level now. Just like the one Vice-Captain said, he was not even using his Zanpukto and he beat them with one punch each. He smashed the guy's mace or whatever. Ichigo really proves how much of a level gap there is between Captains and Vice-Captains. I would imagine that the other Captains would have been able to do similar feats.

    But then after some word between Ichigo and Byakuya things change to others in the group. You get to see Renji and Rukia and Rukia finally get put in her place. She keeps taking on everything as though she should be holding up the world and Renji finally tells her to share the burden. It was a great scene and I think Rukia will be a little different coming out of it now. Hopefully, she won't be suicidal or accepting of her fate anymore.

    Then we get to see Yamamoto and the two Captains stare at each other. Yamamoto takes out Nanao pretty easily, which is apparent. Though the way that he does it very cool to watch. He just scared her into submission with his pressure. Kenpachi had a similar effect on Ichigo. So it was cool to see it happen again.

    After a lot of staring Yamamoto finally does something and pulls out his Zanpukto. Figures that his sword is in the staff. He is also not the weak old man that he likes to put on airs about. Though it was pretty obvious that if he was in charge that he was not weak. But it just proves how strong that he actually is and he has not even gone Bankai yet.

    Then there is a short bit with Yoruichi and Soi Fon. They seem to have a past and it will be interesting to see what Yoruichi will do seeing as she does not have a Zanpukto.

    The fight that Zaraki had with Kaname was pretty cool to watch. I guess it just goes to show how powerful Zaraki truly is. He pretty soundly beat the Captain. It makes me wonder where in his strength that he actually does lie with other Captains. I always got the feeling that Zaraki was the weakest since Ichigo defeated him at full strength and Ichigo would be going up against Byakuya who would be stronger than Ichigo. So it always seemed odd. But Zaraki is obviously not at the bottom. Though in a fight would Byakuya or Zaraki win? All those pedals and the way Byakuya fights could make him the victor, but Zaraki does not even care about pain.
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    I don't have a lot of time right now, but forgive the double post. I had to say this now. Bleach: Memories of Nobody just got announced for a theatrical release in the US for this summer. They said that it was going to be a limited release. So unfortunately if it is anything like Paprika or Cowboy Bebop the Movie it will be difficult to see without going to a major city. However, it is still awesome that they are actually going to be showing it in theaters.

    The English DVD of the movie is coming out this Winter. I was hoping for the movie much sooner since we will be out of the Soul Society arc in a couple months. But I can wait if we are getting a theatrical release. Now I just have to find out how many theaters it is coming to.
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