Answer: Sousuke
Question: What nickanmes did Toshiro Hitsugaya and Momo Hinamori give each other when they were little?
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Answer: Sousuke
Question: What nickanmes did Toshiro Hitsugaya and Momo Hinamori give each other when they were little?
Toushiro gave Momo the nickname 'Bedwetter Momo' and Momo gave Touhiro the nicknakname 'Shiro-chan.' While he has stopped calling her 'bedwetter,' she still calls him 'shiro-chan.'
Where'd you go Prodigy???
question: Which character does Kisuke state he is the same age as during the bounto arc?
Answer: I'll jsut say Yoruichi lol
I've been busy studying facts about my project and I still am but im waiting for the printer to print out my documents.
Quesiton: What happens when you get hit by Suzumebachi a second time in the same spot?"
answer to mine was Shiba Kukaku
yours: You die. right?
Question: Which division was Kisuke formerly a captain of?
wasn't it, 12th?
my question is... what are the names of the 2 bountou kids who controll the water thingies?
Answer: I have no idea so ill just say Koga and Jin lol
Question: What was the name of Orihime's deceased brother as a hollow? (His hollow name, not human name)
Hey could I join? I love this show so freakin' much. I think it's absolutely awesome. I know sooo much about this show. Characters, hollows, places you name it I know it.
Grrr... I don't remeber what his hollow name is.
who were the two soul reapers who came to take Rukia to the Soul society
A: abarai renji and kuchiki byakuya
Q: what hadou # is Soukatsui
The hollows name was Acidwire.
Answer: I'll just say 9
Quesiton: Byakuya Kuchiki is captain in what division of the Gotei 13?
Sephiroth2234- sure you can join. Just make sure you don't flame and stuff. I really hate it when people do that kind of stuff, lol. I'll put you in Prodigy's squad. Squad 3. Also, make sure you've read the first post. :) Good to have you in the club.
Prodigy: eeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzz... 6th squad
question: (also easy) What squad was Yoruichi formerly captain of??
Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't been on. I've been having a few problems but I'm back. It seems like I haven't been on for about a month even though it was about two weeks. Anyways Xeim sorry I've been inactive here for a while. I've been catching up with Bleach a lot lately though. Right now I just finished looking at episode 52......
Oh and hmm.....I think Yoruichi was formerly captain of Squad 3 I think?
That's alright Doughboy. People have lives too, lol. I'm glad you were watching Bleach!! :D Its good to see you again!!
it was squad 2.
Question: Who is the the captain of squad 11??
My first try at this
A: is it Zaraki Kenpachi
Q: Who was the vice-captain of squad 10?
(Hope i did it right)
Matsumo Rangiku
my question: what is the name of Komamura's Bankai?
Yeah, you did it right Kurosaki, lol
Bangaa:Kokujou Tengen Myou-oh??
Question: who said "What a pity. You should've held on just a bit longer"
Hollow Ichi?
actually, the answer to mine was... you ready for this
Spoiler: Kokujoutengenmyouou, lol
Q: what's the name of the zanpakuto used in executions (this one's easier)
mine was Ichimaru Gin to Rangiku
yours: Sōkyoku?
question: what seat does Hanataro hold in 4th squad?
close enouph. the spelling was off but still pretty close?
i dunno but i'm guessing 6th
what does benihime mean?
OOO!!! SO close!! He ranks 7th
Benihime means Crimson Princess
Question: Who is Sajin's lieutentant?
Iba Tetsuzaemon (or something like that)
my Q: What's the 4th squad captain's shikai?
Well, what do you mean?? Name, appearance??
Name of zanpukto: Minazuki
name of shikai: not sure
appearance: Giant stingray thing. When it 'eats' you, it heals you it in its belly, then vmoits you out! Pleasant enough?
question: Who is 4th division lieutenant, Kotetsu Isane's,sister??
Oh, and regarding vice-captains:
We're not quite far enough into it for one to be elected, but I'll post the three with the top counts so far. I haven't included myself, but I have included the captains; however, they are NOT in the running. Its not based on how many times you've posted, but how many times your posts have contributed. Therefore, don't double check and say "Captain Snowy! You're three off! I posted 10 times!"
1st with 26 posts: Prodigy
2nd with 13 posts: bangaathief
tie for 3rd with 5 posts: Omega OwA and Asch
I'll keep you guys updated, but so far bangaa's in the lead to become our first vice-captain. Asch and Omega, let's see what happens!!
Now, back to trivia! :)
A: Kiyone i hope thats right.
Q: Was Captain Kuchiki Byakuya ever married?
Yepper. Such a cute couple ^.^...too bad...well you know
Question: Why did Rukia beome a member of the Kuchiki family?
A: Because Renji wanted her to be happy with her new family
I don't have a ? right now cause i'm half asleep but i want to thank Prodigy for the help with images.
Nope. She became a member because Byakuya's wife's last wish was
Spoiler: for him to find and take care of her sister. Therefore, Byakuya had her adopted into the Kuchiki family.
lol. Thank him by PM next time please. We're doing trivia right now. If you wish to thank him here, you have to ask a question, as well as putting an answer, even if you are 'half-asleep.'
question: (If you guys listen to me go on and on this should be simple) What episode of BLEACH just aired in japan last Thursday??
lol was it episode 109 :D
k another question...umm...what does ichigo turn to when hes near death?? (this will probably be in a spoiler tag lol)
episode 110. It was very good too. episode 109 aired the week before.
anwer to yours
Spoiler: Hollow Ichigo (but its not going to be- no I shouldn't I shouldn' guys better hurry up and get to 110!!) lol
question: Who is the Captain of Squad...oh lets go with 13 this time.
Jushiro Ukitake.
When is the first time Hollow Ichigo makes his appearance?
Isn't it the episode when Ichi fights Byakuya??
question: In the ANIME (not movie) has Rukia ever released her zanpukto??
Yeah, your answer was right.
Asnwer to your question: I'm thinking, No?
Question: When is Rukia's birthday?