Guys! Calm down. I am only going to be on on weekends. I just can't be on in school alot. Sorry for the worry.
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Guys! Calm down. I am only going to be on on weekends. I just can't be on in school alot. Sorry for the worry.
Ah, sorry for not posting in a while. And don't worry about it Kurosaki. Now for trivia, Soifon's Zanpatukoh is named Suzumebachi and the releases by saying 'jinteki shakusetsu'.
What is the name of Kisuke Urahara's zanpatukoh, and when did he first release its true form?
Answer: Urahara's Zanpakuto is named Benihime. He first released his Shikai (initial release) and true from when he was trainjing Ichigo to learn his Zanpakuto's true name.
Question: Toshiro Hitsugaya as stated by Gin Ichimaru, is the incarnation of what?
...oh shite. umm....the incarnation of the prodigy born once into every ten generations?? Random guess, lol.
Good question. I can't remember for the life of me.
Question: (really easy) What is Unohana's first name?
lol, nice try Snowy but Gin Ichimaru states that he is the incarnation of "embodiment of the heavenly guardian that is born into Soul Society every few centuries." (then again, who else wouldve guessed it?)
Answer: Retsu
Quesiton: What disease caused Jushiro Ukitake to turn his hair whte and make him sickly?
I don't remember ever hearing that, I've even been wondering that for a while. I'll take crack at it...Angeltoxicosis (^.^ and we all know that's wrong). I guess maybe I have a bad memory for details. Where'd you find this out?? lol, am I being an idiot?? (I swear Prodigy, this is a rhetorical question so if you...)
Question: What are the names of the deceased 13th squad lietenant (Kaien)'s siblings?
Ok nice try again lol (angeltoxicosis hm..... very.... familiar that osunds like ToS or w/e)
The real answer is Tuberculosis. ill try a easier quesiton next time.
Answer: Well, i dunno ill say his wife and.. uhhh... Miyako? lol
Question: What is Uryuu's father's name and what is their race? (the race part should be easy)
nope. Shiba Kaien's siblings are Ganju and oh crap. The chick who makes fireworks. Now I can't remember her name...
Wow, a real diesese?? Where'd you find this out??
answer: father's name...Ryuken. Race: Quincy
question: Who is the last surving bounto??
(Where is everyone else?? Its just been me, Prodigy and Omega so far...)
Answer: Jin Kariya
I have no clue but they surely need to come, I mean they devoted that they will show up and post regularly, but i guess not.... =( (well who knows)
Question: Ever since he was a child, this Shiningami captain, had been blind. Who is the person im talking about?
the answer to mine was: Koga Gou
yours: Tousen Kaname
question: In one of the 'shinigami's cup: golden!'s' someone brings Captain Saijin a dog brush. Who is this??
Oh yeahh.... i remember, gak!! you got me tricked! i forgot all aobut Kouga, i no he survived but i forgot the fact that Kouga still survived lol!
Answer: i have no clue lol! I'll jsut say Ichigo lmao (very wrong :/)
Quesiton: What does Suzumebachi (Soifon's Zanpakuto) mean in English?
YAYAY!! I got you!! It was Tousen's lietenant- Shuuhei
yours: Hornet. (or something along those lines. People will always translate it differently)
lol, I got an easy one for ya: what is the name of Kuchiki Byakuya's zanpukto?
Answer: Senbonzakura
Well i gtg, cyaz!
Last quesiton b4 i leave.
Question: What does "Scene of Massaccre, Vibrant Display of 1000 Cherry Blossoms" translate to Japanese. (i watched on youtube for this quesiton)
umm.....I dunno....Senbonzakura Kageyoshi??? Lol. I dunno...
Question: (I can't think of any good ones right now....) True or false. We HAVE seen Ise Nanao's zanpukto in the anime.
Very close you jsut missed the Senkei part. Otherwise, really close.
Answer:Yes but it is disguised as a book much like Urahara's disguised like a cane
Quesiton: When is Youruichi's Birthday? (lol)
January 1st
Question: How much does Youruichi weigh?? lol.
Answer: 93 pounds lol Im surprised that she ways so little lol.
Quesiton: What was Jin Kariya's Doll called?"
Oh that was... Messer right??
Question: What district of Rukongai did Momo and Toushiro grow up in?
Answer: I think Junrinin, District 1
Quesiton: What is Daruku's (Koga's doll) core? (what kind of weapon does it look like)
Well its spelled Junrinan, but yeah.
Answer: battle Axe
Question: Who are the three captains Ichigo refers to by their first names, instead of 'so and so-taicho'??
Lets see... uhhh...
Kenpachi, Byakuya, and Toshiro i think.... -.-.-.-.-.- i dont even remember
"What happens when Hitsugaya's 3 lotus flowers on his Bankai disappear?"
(Dude, the Bankai sign looks like a Nazi sign im serious... EVIL!!!)
You were right.
Isn't it that his bankai ends?? But I thought that was never proven...oh well.
Question: Okay, I cant think of anything... What's Hitsugaya's birthday?
Answer: December 20th lol its a concidence!!! Toshiro means winter, Hitsugaya means well somehting like snow, he hates summer and loves cold weather, and now his birthday on a winter???? -.-.-..--.-.-..--.
Question: What is Byakuya's last attack? (the attack where he gathers all of the 1000 sowrds into 1 single blade where he grows wings and a halo)
well i gtg Snowy, cya!
And I pop out of nowhere again!
Answer: I think it was Shukei, or something along those lines.
Question: What is Byakuya's favorite flower?
Oh, and see ya Prodigy.
We love it when you pop up outta no where!! (Well, I do. It means at least SOMEONE cares about this club, lol)
Answer: God I dunno, lillies or cherry blossoms or something??
Question: What is the name of Soul Society's 80th district??
Kay, kay, Strawberry, I'll talk to you later!!
Hey I'm back but i gtg in 20 mins.... -.- Cya after school!
I was expecting an answer like White Imperial Sword but hey Shukei is good enough! =) Now theres like 3 pl who will be active.... (unlike our other members)
Answer: I'll jsut say 80th district lol
Question: What do you call it when you combine hand-to-hand combat with demon arts? (Name in japanese and/or english)
Umm is it Destructive and Binding spells...?
...Gah im no good at making questions.
ok a REALLY easy question. True or False. Zarakii has summoned his zanpacto.
sorry i've been gone for so long. i've been having loads of HW lately. it really sucks. I think the answer to asch's question is false.
my Question: what does zabimaru mean in english?
Answer: It means snake tail
Question: How does the black tattoos on Renji grow? (How do theyspread out more throughout his wohle body)
Rawrg. The 80th District is called Zaraki.Quote:
Originally Posted by Prodigy
Answer: Every time he achieves something, they spread.
easy one because I have to restart my comp. I'll be back in a sec, kaysies??
What is Aizen's first name?