well, yeah the swastika (sp?)
answer: It signifies his noble rank
question: What is Yoruichi's nickname for Byakuya?
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well, yeah the swastika (sp?)
answer: It signifies his noble rank
question: What is Yoruichi's nickname for Byakuya?
Answer: Little Byakuya lol (sure doesnt seem like it)
Quesiton: Who was the person who taught Byakuya?
yoruichi? seems like a good guess.
Q: What is the name of Mayuri's Zanpakutoh
It was actually Jushiro Ukitake/ Yoruichi
Answer: His zanpakutoh's name is Ashisogi Jizo (Ksitigarbha's Killer Head)
Quesiton: What does Mayuri's Last name translate in English?
Answer: Black soil (it fits him well)
Question: Who is Nemu in association to Mayuri?
No, but guys, I'm serious. Doesn't Rangiku look a tiny bit like Kurosaki Masaki? Or is it just me???
mayuri created nemu, so she is his "daughter"
what are the only 2 captains that have 2 zanpakuto's
Anjswer:Jushiro Ukitake and Shunshui Kyoraku
Quesiton: Why does Rukia blame herself for Kaien's death
Yea for real Rangiku looks like Ichigo's mom, except well i dunno..
She feels like she failed to save him, and then there's the fact that she stabbed him...^.^ (why did I put a happy face here...?)
Question: What was Kaien's wife's name?
Yeah, well you know, I was just thinking. Issin used to be a captain, and Matsumoto was supposedly there before Toushiro... I dont know that to make of it...
Answer: Miyako
Quesiton: What is Kira's Zanpakutoh called and what does it do? (as in battle, what does it do in battle any effects)
Answer: Wabisuke, and it double the weight of any object it hits. God, you could have some pretty funny comics done with that...
question: In relation to the storyline, when did Renji become a vice-captain, and what was his former division??
Answer:He entred the Academy coz he hated being uhh. orpahaned and thought he could have a better life with Rukia. He was formerly in the 11th divison and moved to the 6th division.
Quesiton: What is Renji'a greatest dream?
The question was WHEN, and the answer is right before Rukia left for Karakura Town. The other part is right, but he started in 5th.
answer: To surpass Byakuya in strength
Question: Describe Renji's bankai.
Answer: Renji gains a new red ffur coat, a huge snake-like bladed body with segments along with a matchable skull-snake head that is as big as a van appears. It has some red fur along its neck and if the segments are destroyed they can comeback together. Also, the segments can be used to attack the opponent even if broken. The snake head can fire a huge blast of reiatsu too. marhar
Questiom: Where does Renji get his glasses and approximately wat amount of his paycheck is spent to obtain them?
answer: like the Silver Dragonfly glasses store...and its half a years worth of his paycheck. Btw, they're sunglasses...
question: desribe Byakuya's bankai. (I know you'll have fun with this one! ^_^)
Oh yes, I'll definitely have fun with this 1 and it is very long too. (omg, tht didnt sound right -.-)
Answer: 1st form: Byakuya drops his sword into a whit portal where it sinks. Then 2 rows of huge blades come up sticking up the ground. Then Byakuya saya, "Bankai, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." The 2 rows of blades glow with a pinkish reiatsu then disperse into millions of tiny blades looking like cherry blossoms coz of the pink glow. This form can be used for offensive and defensive purposes. Offensive: sends the blades to incapacitate opponent. Defensive: Make a shield around his wohle body to protect.
Second form: Giving up all of the defensive purposes, Byakuya turns all of the millions of tiny blades into 4 rows of glowing pink whole sowrds that encircle him and the opponent, like an arena. Byakuya can call upon 1 sword at a time or all of them at once for an insanely devastating attack. The comman he says for this is, "Senkei, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi."
Last form: The command for this is, "Shukei" Byakuya gathers up all the 1000 blades and condenses them for a huge white glowing blades. Byakuya will also sport 2 large pair of white dragon-like wings with a halo at the back. The sword's cutting power is dramatically increased. Allowing for one of the most devastating attacks.
Quesiton: How expensive is Byakuya's scarf and what is its name?
You really went for it! ^.^ Good job. (damn! We're both sounding pretty wrong today O.O)
Well, I dunno exactly how much, but its the cost of 10 large houses. What is its name?? Well I'm not quite sure...
Question: true or false: In the ANIME, has Momo woken up from the coma Aizen put her in? (poor wittle momo)
who's momo? i'll say that she has.
Who sings the first opening theme song and what's it called?
Hinamori Momo ^.^ and no she hasn't. Sorry for any confusion there.
answer: artist: Orange Range
title: umm...Asterisk?
Question: What was the name of the hollow that killed Ichigo's mum??
Answer: Grand Fisher.
lol yea we do sound wrong lolz
Quesiton: What replaces the huge cloth on Ichigo's sword's hilt (the handle) when he goes Bankai?
Hey, let's keep the trivia going, but add a little discussion about an element of the show. Just so this club isn't two lines every post. Theories, facts, characters, pet peeves, etc. Feel free to change the topic whenever an old one gets dry, don't wait for me too, lol. ^.^
Let's start with- Kisuke. Discuss him, lol.
discussion: curently- Kisuke
I think he's pretty, cool. I swear he has somethin' goin on with Yoruichi though...I mean, did you see how giddy he got when she first arrived at the Urahara store?? lol. :p I hear in one place that they're relatives, and in another that they have no relation what-so-ever. WHICH IS RIGHT!?! ACK!
answer: a hilt and a guard. O.O as well as a little like swastika chain or something. I think...
Question: Name all of the bounto in Kariya's crew (as well as Kariya himself), and their dolls.
your one and only,
--Captain Snowy--
Yea Urahara's cool and great suggesiton too. I mean, he used to be a former captain and here I tohught he was jsut a shop owner who likes women and tries to flirt with them like Rukia. *Ichigo starts getting mad* lol j/k
Answer: The Bounts: Cain Nao.... Their mathcing dolls: Waneton
Ho and Ban.... Their matching dolls: Guru and Gyunta
Jin Kariya .... Their matching dolls: Messer
Koga Gou .... Their mathicng dolls: Daruku
Mabashi... Their mathicng dolls: Rizu
Ryo Udagawa... Their mathicng dolls: Furido
Sawatari ... Their mathicng dolls: Baura
Ugaki ... Their mathicng dolls: Geselle
Yoshi ... Their mathicng dolls: Nieder
Yoshino Soma ... Their mathcing dolls: Gete
Quesiton: Which Bount looks like Uryuu's mother?
Discussion: currently- Kisuke
The first episode that kisuke appeared in I thought:Well, gosh, I sure hope he's in this more! He's so cool!! He remained a minor character for a while, and then after that episode where that guy with the cool hat comes and you get the first glimpse of Soul Society; it dawned on me. The Urahara store looks like part of Soul Society (ancient-ish Japanese style). I knew he was a shinigami from then on, but never dreamed of him being a CAPTAIN!
answer: Yoshino
Question: Based on its actions, if Rizu were a human, what would be its most likely occupation??
Also, when he takes Ichigo to training with him and Yoruichi. He teaches Ichigo some very important things like, If you wanan win, you're afraid to cut, I want to save somebody-your're to scared to fail, and blah blah i forgot. I forgot the lines. Also, his zanpakuto Benihime is cool and one of the few female zanpakutoh's marhar.
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Answer: A mercenary? lol i dunno, or even a waitress/waiter lol
Quesiton: What is the only flaw in yoshi's dolls?
Discussion: Currently- Kisuke
Yeah it was something like "You want to cut but you're afraid, you want to protect someone, but you're afraid you might let them die, you need to defend, but you're afraid you might be killed" and then "If you want to cut then CUT, if you protect someone, you won't let them die, if you defend then you won't be killed!" I dunno, that REALLY isn't it. I know I got part of it though...I'm going to go look for it. I really loved that quote. Yeah, yayay for Benihime!!! I love the way after the training how there's this huge pit between Kisuke and Ichi, and Ichi's all bent over panting, and Kisuke's just standing there...
mine was an elevator operator. In one of the episodes it explains that Riku talks like an elevator operator. "Going up!" "Going Down!" "Understood!"
Answer: When she has to switch from one 'extreme' form to another, there's a period of a few seconds where she is left vurnerable. Right??
question: Do Soul Reapers age in the same rate as normal humans??
I'm also wondering if Urahara's zanpakuto has a Bankai? Like Ichiugo's Bykauya's, Renji's and oh you get the point. Shame if he didnt coz then student will pass teacher. Urahara/Ichigo referrence.
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I'll jsut say yes??? Well, for reasons. Soul Reapers are ppl who have died and passed on to the afterlife. They dont age ever again afterthen. But, tht doesnt mean their age doesnt grow, as explained Rukia is like 10 times older than Ichigo, signifying that REukia might be born in like 100 years beofre Ichigo
Question: What kind of hybrid is Zabimaru in Shikai form? Half what weapon and half what other wepaon?
well, kisuke's the one who made the machine that gives ichigo his bankai, and yourichi says that kusuke's the only one who tested it, so yeah, he has a bankai. also, does anybody know where i can get a good avatar of Renji?
Hey if you want to know go to photobucket or yahoo images and also you didnt answer my trivia quesiton or post a new quesiton. I'm pretty sure that they have moving avatars of Renji but one that would own is him in his Bankai form. But anyways, proceed.
Discussion: Currently- Kisuke
Ok, well, I can't find that quote. Maybe it'll turn up someday, or I'll just watch the episode again, lol.
Well, if he was a captain, he kinda has to...but he hasn't used it yet. ;( I'd really like to see it. It must be really cool.
Was he ever as 'sick' as Mayuri, do you think?? I mean they have the same job, and Kisuke invented some pretty bad stuff...
Another thing: Where'd he get his 'interesting' employees (Tessai, Jinta, and that girl [can't remember her name]). That Tessai, guy reminds me of Ishida for some reason.
bangaa: moving: try avatarist. I was online all day seaching multiple engines for Shiro avas, so there's always good old searching. Other than that, take Prodigy's advice.
No, they do age. Compare Hitsugaya now, to Hitsugaya in flashbacks, and Rukia and Renji now, to them in flashbacks. They DO age, and it seems that once becoming a shinigami the aging process slows. Like you said Rukia has lived '10 human lives.' So, the answer to mine is no.
Answer: I'll say sword and scythe
Question: What is the shimigami women's club's opinion of byakuya??
ok, sorry. Renji's zanpakuto is a hybrid between a saw and a sword.
Q: where did Rukia grow up in the soul society?
Hmmmm... maybe Urahara has done something wrong with his hair or changed his appearance? lol j/k Well now, let's see. First impression of Urahara. "ahhh, he's jsut one of those side characters who's there to support people." Well, I was wrong. lol i have nothing else to say bout Urahara.
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My answer was a SWROD/WHIP Hybrid. Close though.
Answer: The captain voted #1 who would desire ot release a photo book for lol crazy women *no offense to all females*
Question: According to the manga, Uryuu obtains a new bow shaped like a spider web and a new enery sword/arrow. Up to how many arrows can be shot with his new bow consecutively and what is the name of the arrows/energy blade?