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Thread: The Story of Alcedonia

  1. #1

    The Story of Alcedonia

    Peace and tranquility lulled over Domus as a gentle wind danced through the village. It was a beautiful day – but then again most days were in this angelic setting. Resting back on the trunk of the ancestors tree Nivos let out a reluctant sigh. For as peaceful as Domus was now, war would be coming soon with untold devastation. As her pure white hair blew softly with the wind, Nivos turned her head to steal a glance at the village she had called her home for the past couple of years. The people had been kind, an extended family almost – this was one of the reasons why it pained her so much that she knew trouble was on it’s way. Despite the sorrow in her thoughts she wasn’t just going to sit back and do nothing. Ever since receiving the news of Maleficus’ newest attack on a neighbouring village Nivos had been training her skills.
    Brushing a hand thoughtfully through her hair she murmured in a low voice,
    “I will be ready for you Maleficus. Just you wait and see…” and with that she tossed her head and strode elegantly toward the village.

    ::As the sun shone powerfully over the land, a darkness still lurked over the horizon. The land in which the powerful Lord resided, not once did the light ever touch the ground he ruled. Cursed to darkness just like his soul and heart, Maleficus was to never feel the warmth again. Nobody knew how or why he turned so ‘evil’. Surprisingly Maleficus had once been a village boy himself , but it was said the demons possessed his body giving him the power will and dreams of the devil. And so… since the day of his transformation Alcedonia was plagued with this new evil taking away the freedom and love of the land. ::

    Lost in thought Nivos stood motionless in the village, it wasn’t until she felt the tugging on her arm that she came to. Snapping back to reality, she looked down to the eager face of Toby (one of the kids in the village).
    “Nee-vosh, Nee-vosh!!!! Show me your poweh one more tiiiime Nee-vosh!” Bouncing with endless energy young Toby cried out his demands with a stupid smile slapped on his face.
    Laughing to herself, Nivos nodded saying “Of course Toby. I’ll show you the... great power of Nivos!”
    Stepping back dramatically, she flung her arms above her head crying out, “Oh mighty ones of the Heavens! Hear my cry… Give me the power… I must use the power….” Winking cheekily at the little boy, she moved her arms in a dramatic style – all a performance for the kid mind – suddenly crouching down to the floor with one arm extended she called out “GLACIES-VESICA!!!!!!”
    Flashes of pale blue light crackled around her right hand and then began to dance up into the air until an icy blade appeared. Wielding the weapon skillfully, Nivos held the sword proudly. Unaware of the fact that the child had edged closer… she held the weapon in front of her in a steady manner examining her work. This time the conjure had been successful… but not always was this the case. Perhaps the practice had been worth it? Yes…
    “TOBY NO!” Noticing the boys extending hand inching closer and closer to the blade she jerk it back out of his reach.
    “Toby… if you were to touch this blade your skin would be burnt from the cold. Be careful…” Frustrated with her carelessness, Nivos threw the blade powerfully into the trunk of the tree. Seconds later the once damaging weapon had become a pool of water around the roots. Breathing a sigh of relief Nivos crouched down next to the boy to talk to him.
    “Sorry Tob… I couldn’t let you touch it,” waving her hands in front of him “see these? The gloves I wear aren’t just for fashion but they allow me to handle the coldness from the ice.” Patting his back, she stood up. “Listen, I have to go. Now be careful! And look after your mum…”
    Striding away, Nivos shook her head in frustration. How could she have been so careless? If she really was going to avenge her own parents she would have to be a lot more careful. Careless mistakes could prove to be deadly in this time of War.
    Glancing up at the sun Nivos could tell it was near noon.
    Noon… Noon… Oh yeah! Bob called a meeting today… I better get going now.
    Brushing down her hands down her waist, she stumbled toward the inn.

  2. #2
    The joke is far too true The Story of Alcedonia loner-kid's Avatar
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    Corryn sat against a tree, the gentle breeze rustling his golden hair. In his hands he held a small tattered note, he still wasn't sure about this. It wasn't like him to turn down an offer, especially one as lucrative as this, but it was the last line that bothered him 'Although I understand that you usually demand to work alone, for the fulfilment of this contract it is vital that you work as part of a small group' It wasn't that he couldn't work as part of a group, it was just that the group tended to conspire against him. To often had they decided the world would be better if it lacked this odd freelancer they had been forced to work with. 'Still' he thought scratching the back of his head 'a single wish to be granted with the Aduro Emblem, they must be desperate for help if they're offering that as payment' With a sigh he lent his head against the tree, staring upwards at the endless blue gulf of the sky. A strong wind ripped the letter from his hand, he watched it as it soared upwards. Even if it was some harsh joke he couldn't really pass up this opportunity. Lost in thought Corryn didn't even notice the two pronged ear that poked revealingly through his hairline.


    The village of Domus was rather smaller than Corryn had expected, an idyllic peaceful little village that seemed as much part of the scenery as the mountains or the sky. Quaint little cottages that smoked with the rosy warmth of a roaring fire, and steeped in the tranquil sleepy feeling of a thriving community. It was hard to imagine that this was the location of an Aduro Emerald shard. Surprisingly a number of people were wandering around the village, men and women of all ages, some delivering goods and merchandise but others on some care free quest for amusement. This was going to make it difficult. Corryn had hoped he'd be able to slip into the village unnoticed, but this dream was shattered by the patter of running feet.

    A young women dressed in a simple black smock with her hair tied into two long braids that seemed to hang weightlessly in the air behind her was making a b line towards the uncomfortable warrior. She stopped in front of him, bent over and huffing in great lungfuls of air through her slightly pouting lips. Regaining her composure she looked up to give Corryn a weak little smile, it froze instantly in its place as her gaze fixed onto a single spot a mere centimetres from the side of his head.

    "I w-w-was s-sent by Bob to gu-guide y-ou over t-to the m-m-meeting" she stammered her gaze still transfixed on the same point directly to the right of his eyes. With a sinking realization Corryn remembered that his unnatural ears had poked their way through the tangle of wispish hair that covered his head, he quickly slapped a hand over it trying to obscure it from the young womans view. Her eyes widened and she let out a strangled little gasp, the hand that covered it was long and strangely slender but most terrifying of all were the sharp wolf like claws that extended from the finger tips.

    "Please stop staring" he whispered, his eyes closed as if trying desperately to avoid eye contact. The woman nodded pulling lightly on his sleeve to guide him forwards. They walked in silence side by side, the girl flicking her head to the side to steal a glance at the strange creature that walked beside her. Gulping slowly she welled up the courage to ask the question that fluttered painfully around her heart.

    "What exactly are you?" Corryn turned his head towards her, his large violet eyes staring directly into hers.

    "I don't know" he said. the girls face sunk into a confused stare "You'll have to ask the one who did this to me"

  3. #3
    come and get some The Story of Alcedonia Darkwave's Avatar
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    in the middle of Oblivion and reality
    Sitting in a chair, Chris was waiting for the meeting to start. He had arrived early and was daydreaming about what has happened to him to be here.....

    Five years ago.
    There was a battle and the Chris troops where getting defeated. The captain ordered them to stand their ground until reinforcements came. Chris was leading the group and saw a chance to advance on a group on monsters. He commanded he's troops to attack and it was tough fighting. In the end Chris managed to get them closer to the enemy HQ but he had lossed 2/3 of hes squard.

    Later in the Ally office
    "How could you go against the my orders" said the captain
    "We were overwhelmed sir. At the time it was all that we could of done" Said Chris
    "If we followed your orders we would of died out there in it would of been for nothing"
    "But you defied an direct order give to you by you senior and because of that you got 2/3 of your troops killed" Said the captain
    "It goes against the code and you must be exhiled from this town."
    With that Chris was thrown out of the building and there was knights and soilders waiting. The started to attack him and forces him out of the city. He had to hide and to recover before he could go back.

    "But it was the right move"said chris noticing that people have started to turn up for the meeting. He got hired by a stanger and he didn't get any info besides that he had to be at the meeting. It was alot of money and he decided that it would help him out to get back on the path of truth and justice. More people were turning up and he decided to continue to sit and to wait to see whats going to happen.

  4. #4
    Ellipsis The Story of Alcedonia Meigumi's Avatar
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    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location:

    A girl was staring at an apple, gazing at its wonderous red color of crimson, when it fell on her palm.
    She placed the apple down, lifted her hand, and started to play with her magic...

    "Ugggghh, I'm so BORED! There's NOBODY HERE!" She groaned.
    Her voice echoed through the air...And the ball dissolved...
    She stared at her watch, took it off, and purposely, broke it. It had annoyed her enough.
    Eden glanced at the sky...Maybe a merchat's life isn't exciting as she thought it would be...
    Aha! Her eyes shined.
    "I got it! I'll be a traveling merchant! Oh, why didn't I think of this sooner? Ahaha, oh, I'm so stupid...Stupid Eden..."
    She stopped to stare at her watch, which was also dissolving as well. It was, of course, made from magic...
    "...More importanly, why am I talking to myself...?"

    Later that night, Eden pulled out a World Map-The one out of the 99 ones she had..Or, possibly, more than that...

    "So, I'm on Atellia, and the nearest town would beeeeee....Domus. And then, over there from Domus, here to there-no, no, not there..."

    And she was fininshed. Be prepared for ME, world!
    She began to pack. She was going to travel the world.

    "Did you hear? There are monsters covering every route around Atellia...They're after the Pure Dore...Our specialty...The Water Blade, made from the ancient scales of an mermaid..."
    "No, really?"
    "Yea, really! One went to a route towards the church grounds, and got attacked!"
    "He survived?"
    "He did, but the next person might not be lucky..."

  5. #5
    Asking all the personal questions. The Story of Alcedonia RamesesII's Avatar
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    I am a god, where ever the hell I please.
    Blog Entries
    Huntsman stood leaning on his spear blankly staring down at the people going about their daily chores amongst the citadels high sandstone walls feeling safe and protected. They saw those walls as the last of their security from the evils lurking outside, clinging to that security like a baby clings to its blanket at night.
    But what good is a false sense of security.

    A flicker of memory crossed his mind, he saw a farm in a arid country,he was working on a field ploughing the ground for the next seasons harvest, he stood and wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his filthy, callused hands, he turned to see a woman holding a child walking towards him...
    the memory faded.

    He did not understand the haunting visions he constantly had or what they meant. He could only remember war, the sound of battle and the slaughter of innocent people and the blood that covered the cobbled roads, the blood that followed his master on his evil quest, yet for some reason Huntsman always obeyed and ever loyal. He followed his master without question if he said kill he would kill, he vowed to serve his master until death or disease overcame his body. Why did this evil and malicious content fill his heart and where did it come from.

    On the crest of a hill just outside the village patrols view a small force of men waited pumped and anxious for the word from their captain.
    "What are we waiting for?" one of the men asked expectantly.
    A handsome young man slowly walked up to Huntsmans side " Sir.. your orders?"
    Huntsman snapped out of his trance, he turned to face the small band of men behind him, ten in total, ten of the finest warriors ever to prowl the land, these men were the best of the best, the elite warriors handpicked by Huntsman himself for their individual skills or attributes they posses that are second to no one, personally trained by himself.

    The Handsome man standing beside him asked again "Your orders sir?"
    He was the first man selected by Huntsman, he was a handsome man, medium built but quite muscular and chiseled features. He was as tall as Huntsman with long chestnut brown hair tied up in a braided ponytail, he choose this man because of his exquisite swordsmanship and his calm and focused demeanor, he carried a long, thin slightly curved sword, its blade was a luminescent silver with delicate engraving along the blade and when he wielded it it was like watching an exotic dance, man infused with steel the smooth sweeping of the sword and the precise accurate movements of the man. His call name was Falcon always watchful with his piercing stare soaring gracefully high above the land and then striking with speed and precision.

    Finally Huntsman gave the order.
    "Search every inch of the village! Capture the elder for questioning and kill everyone else, then we burn the village."
    Falcon nodded in acknowledgment. The deadly squad moved.

    The village carried out its daily chores as people laughed and children played not even once did anyone notice the ten shadow like figures approach the citadel.

  6. #6
    Staring thoughtfully toward the Inn where the meeting was to take place, Nivos sighed. She knew what it was about. The Emblem of Aduro. It had been confided to her that the small village of Domus protected one of the shards. Bob wanted to take it all up another level as we could all smell the blood in the air. War was not far away from the innocent land known as Domus.
    Tracing her boot lightly against the dirt on the bare ground she nervously fiddled with the handle of one of her blades. Already she had seen newcomers arriving to sit at the meeting. Still... it should please her. Yet it did not. Her stomach was not settled as something unknown upset her. A presence... Yes... somebody here was not who they seemed.
    Tossing her head, she scanned the landscape. Eyeing up the villagers along with the unfamiliar faces. Nothing seemed out of hand... no one seemed odd... Wait!
    Snapping her head back viciously as she saw a bright light bounce off of a head of golden hair. What was that?
    Cautiously moving forward, Nivos held her hands innocently behind her back. She would need to appear non-intrusive and polite. Aimlessly gawping at someone was never the answer - plus those kinds of people were just fools. Laughing silently to herself as she approached the man with the golden hair she began to let doubts meddle with her mind,
    Why am I doing this? she silently questioned herself. It's only a gut feeling... I'm sure this man is perfectly normal. Nivos get a grip and get into the meeting NOW.
    Letting out a reluctant sigh she backed off. Standing still - observing the man a little longer she shoke her head. Nothing. Happy now? Just as that thought ran through her head a light breeze danced through the village, it tackled the mans golden locks moving them from their arranged position...
    "What?!" whispering to herself in shock as she witnessed what hid behind the hair Nivos stumbled clumsily backwards.
    What in the world?! I have seen that before... Uneasy on her feet, she swung her arm out for support on a small cottage wall. Take it easy... Shifting her eyes again to take another look she frowned disapprovingly and thought I'll be keeping an eye on you..

    Spinning round on her heels Nivos marched off. Half angry at herself and half at the unknown man whom she knew nothing about. The Inn loomed ahead, an excited buzz surrounding it as people questioned loudly about what was to come.
    Taking her hand and pushing open the door, Nivos took in a deep breath. This was where is all started. The beginning of a new story was now...
    Last edited by Kilala; 06-14-2009 at 05:44 AM.

  7. #7
    Twilight's Enigma The Story of Alcedonia Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    In the middle of light and dark
    The air had a sense of cautious watch. Eyes were staring at a man who looked normal, but had a leather cowl that hung from his left shoulder all the way down to the hand. In people’s perspective, they would find it weird, but to the man, it was to hide his heritage, a heritage that would send people into chaos with just a look. On his back, sat a strange weapon. It had a shape of an obsidian brick weapon with no sharp edges. As the man continued his path down the street, another man ran up to him, panting and trying to catch his breath. “Y-You must be Kivorav, the enigmatic mercenary.” The man said, finally getting his breath to speak. He looks up, to see the strange man looking down with a scowl, one that can incite fear with red eyes.

    “And what if I am?” Kivorav asked. The man was about to retreat but gathered enough courage to hand Kivorav a letter.

    “T-The leader of Domus wants you to go to the inn done that way for the meeting, you can’t miss it.” The man pointed down the street and after Kivorav took the letter, the man ran off. Kivorav gave a fake sneeze. Humans were predictable on his agenda. He continues down the street and people continued with their daily lives, pretending as if nothing has happened.

    Kivorav reached the inn and stopped in front. “The flames of war are drawing near.” Kivorav whispered to himself. He then enters the inn and made his way to the room where the meeting is going to take place. He enters and sat down in a chair, not paying attention to those already in the room.

  8. #8
    The joke is far too true The Story of Alcedonia loner-kid's Avatar
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    Corryn stood in front of the inn, listening to the hum of noise that flowed from within. Beside him the girl who had guided him here hovered unsure of what to do next. Turning his head slightly he gave her a slight smile.

    "Thank you for not staring to much" he muttered placing a hand on the door to the inn.

    "Aren't you going to ask my name?" The girl said suddenly "It's Ilania" Corryn stopped, turning to look at the girl. She was standing somewhat shyly with her eyes locked onto the floor "My father told me about some of the things you did. I... I think you were really brave, and strong too. We should be able talk like normal people, right? Even if you are a-"

    "Bullshit" he said softly. The girl girls voice trailed of, even as she continued to mouth the last word 'monster'. With a slow and deliberate grace he raised his hand up in front of her face, the claws glinting in the sunlight. Imeadiatly her body ground to a halt, eyes wide transfixed on the glitering points. "Is it normal for people to freeze up in terror when they see a friends hand, or glimpse their ear through a stray lock of hair. Don't force yourself to be nice to me, just do what you've wanted to do from the moment you saw my ear" Ilania nodded backing away slowly. With a sharp turn of her head she was sprinting through the streets, trying desperately to get as far away from him as possible.

    That was the way it was, the way it had always been. Even though his looks were so close to humanity it was as if there was a far wider gulf that seperated them than between any other species. Maybe it was because he was so close, so easily mistaken for human that people feared him. The unnerving disonance he created whenever people looked at him, their constant reminders that he was a monster. He hated it 'Damn that bit-' no, there was no time for that he thought wearily. He had an appointment to keep.

    The door to the inn swung easily under his finger tips and the faint smell of beer and cooked meats wafted from within. The inside was quite spacious with a number of rectangular wooden tables littered across the stone floor. From what he could see a number of people had already arrived, the caped warrior who wielded a weapon of obsidean, the tattered man with a crossbow balanced across his knees, and the icy maiden who stared at him from over her flagon. It was actually quite unnerving. Her eyes flashed with a malicious aura that penetrated through his body. Corryn could only take a step back under the dangerous intensity of those calculating eyes.

    Steeling himself slightly he strode over to the glaring woman, and drew up a chair directly in front of her. He had no intention of speaking to her, her open hostility meant she was unlikely to care what he said. So instead he merely sat, staring into those icy eyes with the calmness of one who is accustomed to winning. It would be interesting to see who cracked first, after all he was going to have to work with these people

  9. #9
    Ellipsis The Story of Alcedonia Meigumi's Avatar
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    The next hour during the dark---------

    Eden ran to the Elder's headquarters to say bye to the person that raised her.

    "Heyyyyyy! Elder? You in here?" She shouted, as she walked in through the door.
    "Ahhh, Eden. Preparing to leave Atellia, am I correct?"

    An old man walked down from stone steps, wearing a blue outfit which was unmistakably a pair of pajamas.

    "I've been waiting. Before you go, I want to give you this."

    He handed an old, leather book to Eden. It read on the cover, 'Magic to survive'.
    "Before your mother died of poison, she wanted me to give you this when you're leaving. I figured it would help you on the way, so I recovered most of the pages."

    Eden looked at the man and smiled. "Thank you, Elder. Say bye to the kids for me, alright?"
    The Elder chuckled and replyed, "Of course I will. Now, time's-a-wastin. Be careful, y'hear?

    Eden walked out of the door and walked towards Atellia's exit to Domus. She looked at Atellia one last time and moved on the path that would surprise her at any moment's notice.
    Black and purple clouds caught her eyes.
    Her wings rustled and her tail swayed as she turned to look at it.

    Something's bound to happen soon. She thought.
    Last edited by Meigumi; 06-19-2009 at 05:26 AM.

  10. #10
    Twilight's Enigma The Story of Alcedonia Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    In the middle of light and dark
    Kivorav sat on the chair he was at right now for a couple of minutes still until he finally moved his feet up on the table. This movement suddenly made the leather cowl on his left side start to slide off, only to be forced back on by Kivorav's quick reaction. He glanced on his left arm, if it was shown now, everyone would scramble around in fear, he had to be modest, either way, there will be a time when his heritage will be shown, but he will keep it hidden for as long as time wills.

    After Kivorav fixed the cowl back on, his right hand reached down to a pocket in his drenchcoat and brought out a gold coin. If boredom was one thing, impatience was another. With dexterity, he placed the coin in poised to be flicked with only his right hand. He flicked it and caught the coin in mid air, then continues doing the process. Kivorav finally glances up and looks at his supposed teammates. So, is this my job? Babysitting amatuers? Kivorav thought while giving a sigh. Most of them were human, except for one. The one that grabbed his attention the most was the one with messy blonde hair. Is he a slave of the heirarch, one that's hunting me down? Kivorav thought while giving a scowl, if that was the truth, he would deal with it personally.

  11. #11
    Amused at how the strange man before her very eyes, Nivos let slip of a smile. Quickly trying to mask her mistake by tossing her head back and running her hands through her hair.
    Turning her attention to Bob who stood at the front of the room she squinted her eyes. Something didn't appear right... Bob a gentle man who always had a calm compostions seemed somewhat flustered. The village was in trouble... or to put it more accurately the shard was.
    Curious voices murmured excitedly throughout the room. Everyone was excited as to what was to be announced. Nivos herself too was intrigued - but deep down inside she knew all that was to be said. A great journey lay ahead of her... and soon she would have to work with others in a close knit team.
    As that through crossed her mind you took a peek at the man with the golden hair in front of her again. Leaning forward she shot her hand out in a positive manner determined to make the first move.

    "Hi I'm Nivos, I just...."

    Just as the words came out her mouth Bob called attention to the room. In an instant all faces turned to him and the room filled with a sudden silence.
    This is it Nivos thought, This is the beginning of it all... As the village Leader paced up and down the room, he went on about the current dangers in Alcedonia. The evil Lord was more destructive than ever... a story we'd all heard over and over. Nothing new.
    Swotting her hand at an elusive fly Nivos sighed. It was getting boring.. could the old man get to the point already or not?
    That was when he said it. That was when the really journey began.

    A roar of voices broke out as the Leader of Domus (Bob) uttered the words...

    "This is it. I need a team to protect the shard. I need experienced fighters to step forward to save our fate. Who will come and protect the shard - and more importantly... our lives."

  12. #12
    The joke is far too true The Story of Alcedonia loner-kid's Avatar
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    Corryn yawned. He'd already known what Bob had wanted to say. Afterall what kind of mercenary accepts a job without being told the details. Still it was useful to see how the others had taken the news. Eagreness, exitement, fear, the multitude of faces held within them the honesty of how they felt, and how much they could be relied on. He was surrounded by young eyes, far too young eyes, that glimmered with a sense of idealistic glory. How long had it been since his eyes glimmered with that same fire? Five years maybe, or however long he'd spent under this torturous curse. These people, each of them would give it their very all, and a good many would lose their lives needlessly.

    The girl was still sitting across from him, her hand playfully swatting at a fly. Her response to his challenge had been surprising. A smile. Quickly covered by a simple flick of her head but not missed by Corryns deceptively simple gaze. He couldn't help but wonder what had caused her to smile, the childish stupidity of the contest or maybe something more. Whatever had sparked that strangely warm smile she obviously hadn't lingered on it long. Turning her attention quickly to Bobs somewhat monotomous speech. It was interesting how she so dismissingly admitted defeat, she seemed the type of person who always strove to move past her failures. He couldn't help but like that part oh her. She'd even taken the advantage by introducing herself first, What was it, Nivos? She alone was probably going to make this interesting for corryn, not because she was a cool and calculating beauty with brains to match, but because her obvious distrust made all the subtle mockery that much more fun.

    Corryn cleared his throat and extended a hand, delibrately mirroring her movements from before.

    "My name is Corryn" He said simply "While it would be more courteous to exchange last names, I really see no benefit in telling you mine"

  13. #13
    Ellipsis The Story of Alcedonia Meigumi's Avatar
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    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location:
    The sun was blazing and Eden was walking at the speed of a snail; she was panting, groaning, and getting a tan all at once, ever since she was walking non-stop from night to morning. What really killed her, was how unaccurate her Sight spell was. She never thought about using her wings, though, or a magic rug that not only has a mind of its own, but recently, dropped dead asleep.

    That's when she heard a small chattering ahead. Her ears started to twitch under her hat.

    Slowly, she looked right ahead of her. Standing proudly over the sweating half-demon's head was what it appeared to be a town gate, shadowing over her head.
    Her face slowly turned into a grin....And forms into the sign of hope she was walking for.
    "Oh sweet Mother of Alcedonia!"

    The gate guards turned their heads toward the strange-looking merchant who was hugging a tree nearby.

    "I'm here, I'm here! I'm finally here! Oh, Mother should be proud of me!"

    Two of them looked at each other, and exchanged a 'what the hell' face, while one was laughing and fell on his back.
    After a very strange moment, she passed the gates and walked happily, scanning the area for a nearby inn. After all, she hasn't had any food, and what was the better option she'll get?

  14. #14
    Twilight's Enigma The Story of Alcedonia Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    In the middle of light and dark
    After the leader of Domus, Bob, has made his rather short description of the quest, Kivorav drops his head down. “And the reward for completing this ‘quest’ of yours?” Kivorav asked, not lifting his head up. He had his own way of making the reward based on the quest itself, and other commendations, which he would either accept or deny his service.

    “Um well, it would be a title of honor and a place of residence in the main city.” Bob answered back, almost stuttering by the tone of Kivorav’s voice. The answer made Kivorav’s ears perk up and a scowl formed as he turned his head to Bob. The reward was insignificant to Kivorav, none that would help his true motives. Kivorav then returns to his original position.

    “Drop them, instead, two million coins in gold for my service.” Kivorav retorted with a menacing tone.

    “B-But that’s preposterous! This a one of the time chance, plus you’re saving the world!” Bob argued. Kivorav quickly stood up and glared at Bob with his crimson red eyes.

    “And do you think I care about that?! I’ve been in the mercenary service for ten years, what good will honor and a place will do for a simple mercenary like me do?” Kivorav argued back, then calmed down and starts walking to the door. “Guess you can’t afford for my service, I’ve wasted my time here.” Kivorav added before opening the door. Bob was at loss of words, until he managed to gather courage.

    “Alright, fine, we have a deal.” Bob said submissively. Kivorav turns his head to give a good look at Bob, then closes the door behind him. Instead of sitting back into the chair, he walked along side to the wall, and leaned on it.

  15. #15
    Directing a pleasant smile at Corryn, Nivos was clearly intrigued with the newly introduced stranger. Sitting back and putting a casual appearence into her look she responded calmly with,

    "Decor. The full name is Nivos Decor. I must say Corryn, it is a great... pleasure meeting you."

    However before the discussion could become more in depth, Nivos was then brought to attention to the conversation between the Leader of Domus, Bob, and the rather demanding man conversing with him. Already rewards were being discussed... typical. The world was in great peril, and yet people still managed to put their needs in first and their demands. Shaking her head in disgust, Nivos was about to say something outloud to Bob - but before she could get out the words the man rose up from his seat and stared menacingly out from his crimson eyes. The atmosphere was tense... and just as he was about to leave Bob caved into his demands.
    Sighing, Nivos took this opportunity to put forward her services as well. Now or never right? Nodding politely to Corryn, Nivos got lightly onto her feet and allowed her melodic voice to fill the room.

    "Bob, I too am willing to serve in the protection of this village. At whatever cost - even be it my life."

    Pausing for a couple of seconds, she then playfully tilted her head to the side and added,

    "Of course I wouldn't expect such a generous reward. I would do it purely for the people, Domus and Alcedonia."

  16. #16
    The joke is far too true The Story of Alcedonia loner-kid's Avatar
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    Corryn sighed as he stared up at Nivos and her smugly smiling face. What was she trying to do with that little speech? Guilt trip others into not asking for money, or increase her own standing as an almost saintly person willing to sacrifice everything for others... Sacrifice... He could feel fresh anger mingled with the faint press of sorrow. It welled up inside him, powerful yet distant. What a horrible thought, losing everything in a gamble. One life for a possibility, a mere chance at sucess. And yet her voice was tinged with awe, like a child who speaks of heroes.

    He felt like laughing, a burning need that rushed through his body. Nivos's words, Ms Decor's words. They finally made sense to him. She was being honest. Utterly honest. She wanted nothing else but the joy of saving lives, willing to go to any lengths for that purpose. Honerable, yet still painfully naive. If a warrior fights for nothing then how will he pay for the food to keep living, the armor to deflect the foes blows, and the sword with which to strike down on his enemies. She was still far too inexperienced to realise that yet, bobbing along on the great sea of youthful idealism.

    He remembered when he had thought like that, long ago when the name corryn had no meaning. It had been the first time he measured his options against the coldness of the reality that lay before him. It was not a pleasent memory but there were far worse things that lay locked away within his mind. He rose from the table, a single clawed hand held lightly in the air.

    "Ah Nivos, your subtle spite makes this all the more interesting, no?" he said, the corner of his lip rising as he spoke "So, do you really begrudge his desire for such a large sum? This is after all an open ended contract. It could take a year, or even a decade to complete." Corryn paused for a moment glancing over to the stoic figure of the man. "No one becomes a mercenary because they want to Nivos, there is always a reason. Loss of honour, loss of position, loss of a place to call home. We don't know his reasons, for all we know it is compassion that fuels his greed."

    He closed his eyes, imagining the indignation that would no doubt blosom over nivos' face. The compassion line had been a nice touch, and he wondered idlely if his taunting would actually bring her too angry screams. It didn't really matter, either way it was different to how the soldiers he usually had deal with would react. Cocking his head over in the direction of where bob still stood corryn spoke again.

    "The reward i was promised for completing this job..." he began "I don't expect you to give it to me. Far too valuable, too unpredictable. You'd have to trust me a lot to actually want to give it to me. Which really raises the question, are you baiting me or do you know who I am?"

    Bob stared, his mouth hanging open, thin dry lips moving slightly as if trying to corner an answer to the difficult question. Corryn merely waved a hand, grabbing hold of nivos and pulling her back down on to her chair as he descended on his own. 'Damnit, Corryn thought to himself as he sat on the simple wooden chair. He'd given away far more than he'd intended there. At least there wasn't anyone he recognised, if there was it would have been really bad. As it was he could probably just shrug it off by saying to trust someone you had to know who they were on a level slightly deeper than physical apearance. That just left Nivos, she was more than smart enough to realise that he was hiding something about his identity. Or maybe she wasn't, either way he was going to be deceptively honest.

    "Corryn isn't my real name" he said simply "But it's far more true too me now than the one my parents gave to me. I'm no longer human, so using that name is no longer an option, right?"

  17. #17
    Ellipsis The Story of Alcedonia Meigumi's Avatar
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    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location:
    The town was rather large for her- well, actually, too large. People and creatures alike came swarming endlessly from doorways to shops. A faint sense of excitement filled the air, blending in with the fears of people for the events that has yet to come.
    There was a scent of chicken and broth in the air, and, as hungry as Eden was, she followed it, leading her to the inn(or just one of them, but she didn't care) and walked in within the masses of people who as well walked inside, but her purple hat stood out, and the bells on the end of her hat started to ring. In height, that's a different matter.

    "I don't expect you to give it to me. Far too valuable, too unpredictable. You'd have to trust me a lot to actually want to give it to me. Which really raises the question, are you baiting me or do you know who I am?"

    A conversation was overheard on the other half of the bar, but the purple-topped demon ignored it, and turns to sit at an empty table and turned to the waiter who was standing right beside her, somehow. Eden whispered to the waiter in the ear so he could hear her order.
    "I'd like a medium-sized tuna, not salted, some soy broth, and some water please."
    The waiter jotted the words down on a small piece of paper and tucked it in his breast pocket, then politely said in a calm tone, "Your meal will be ready. Please wait patiently, and thank you for spending time here. Enjoy."

    "Corryn isn't my real name"

    Quickly, she tugged on the waiter's coat. What was going on? What was that about, the 'trust me a lot' thing and that whole 'not my name' thing she just heard? Maybe, it could be something about Maleficus, or some huge bounty on some insane elf's head, but she couldn't be sure. Nervously, she asked the waiter and whispered in his ear, again.
    "H-Hey, what's with the commotion, doc?"
    He cleared his throat and replyed quietly in her ear(or at least below her ear) "Well, then, why don't you find out for yourself? Heavens know, I don't know myself for what the mayor of Domus is doing. I suppose we have a war with Maleficus." He tossed the order in front of the chef, and looked at the expression of the shocked face.
    Maleficus. It filled her head and chills ran in her bones. The waiter walked off and waits for the order.
    "M-M-M-M-Maleficus? No, you don't suppose....Urk. Oh, no. Oh, heavens no. Do I have to fake a burn? Oh, dear, do you think I have enough Imagination to use powerful arts? Oh my. And I'm only 13 and I just got here- oh dear."
    The waiter walked towards her and places her meal on the table. "Your orders. That will be...120 coins."

    "But it's far more true too me now than the one my parents gave to me. I'm no longer human, so using that name is no longer an option, right?"

    Eden takes 120 coins out of her pocket. "....Thank you."

  18. #18
    Asking all the personal questions. The Story of Alcedonia RamesesII's Avatar
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    It was now well past dusk when the soldiers attacked the village with such surprise and efficiency that Huntsman was surprised himself, these were men that had nothing more to live but to serve him, and they took their job with a serious finesse.

    Huntsman watched from afar, he saw the villagers scream and saw the brief flashes of his men as they darted from building to building killing those who resisted and gathering the elders, the buildings had started to smolder and smoke with the onset of the unstoppable flame that would consume them...

    There were buildings roaring with fire from the carnage as the unknown soldiers slaughtered the villagers as they tried desperately to escape the horrible death that awaited them he watched transfixed as if his legs were made of the coldest iron instead of the warm blood and flesh they should be. He watched, there was no chance for this small village there was to many of them, he heard a blood curdling scream of terror from the small mud cottage beside him and snapped, he sprinted as fast as his numb legs could take him and burst through the small door surrounded by yellow flames licking at his heel like ravaged dogs desperately trying to bound to his flesh and seer it deeply. He made his way to the back room of the building, a heavy roofing beam broke above him from the awesome heat of the ripping flames.. no the beam had not broken, he looked up and the beam creaked and with the strain of the mud roof now that it was too weak to hold the immense pressure of the roof, it snapped with a deafening crack as fiery splinters showered the floor like shooting stars in the south of the summer night sky. The beam bore down upon him, time slowed and the beam gradually fell down as he watched the splintered two foot hardwood beam continue its descent, he drew Rameses his scimitar from its sheath on his back,he relished the soft cowhide thin leather strap binding the hilt sword as if waiting for the beam to reach him, he tensed his muscular arms as he drew the light blade behind his head and brought it forward in a short arc as the beam reached within inches of his soot stained head, cold sharp steel met the flaming wood, the blade of the scimitar entered the split section of the wood and met no resistance as the sword cleanly severed the beam into two pieces and each half fell away either side now smoldering free of flame from the wind the shear speed of the strike had conjured in its deadly wake.
    Mere seconds passed in reality but to Huntsman it seemed like minutes, such was the way of his extraordinary senses....

    Huntsman was standing watching the scene from just inside the citadel gate as buildings flared with the intense fire, a lone warrior jumped dagger in hand from the wall attempting to attack and subdue Huntsman, Huntsman snorted with disdain, and like a flash as if possesd by lightening Huntsman drew Rameses and Ptolemy and in the same fluid motion spinning to meet the onslaught of his attacker but instead of stopping to face his opponent he over spun and calmly extended his swords at arms reach, the man realised his mistake to late as he met the blinding speed of the attack and was sliced in two. Huntsman sliced his swords down and like water from a ducks back the mans blood that slicked his blades slid off with delicate ease and Huntsman re sheathed his swords.
    He could feel the cool air rush past him as the hungry flames quickly devoured the oxygen from within the atmosphere to fuel its rage he saw the flames rise several feet in the air and seem to drift into each other as if drawn together and form a figure of a ferocious beast. The fire beast rose from the flames like a phoenix and literally stepped out of the flames to become separate of the ongoing fires engulfing the building. The immense and huge bulking creature turned its attention towards Huntsman as it slowly strode towards him leaving trails of flickering flame wherever the beasts orange body touched objects around it. The beast stopped in front of Huntsman as he stood there calmly and nonchalantly as if expecting no attack from the creature which started to decrease in size right in front of him. The fires that made up the beasts body had subdued to a bright glow from the now visible muscular bulking body of a man, small flames and sparks flicked from the body as if trying to escape the prison of the mans flesh but the will of the man held back the hunger of the flames, slowly the glow dimmed and there stood a beastly man of immense bulk with thick curved ghastly horns protruding from the side of the square framed head, short spines of hard earth protruded from the mans thick muscle defined arms and back like the jagged mountains protruding from the planet, his fingers ended in not those of a man but vicious curved claws like that of the wild beast of this land, his eyes glowed a deep red and then left as the deep glow faded.. no withdrew into the mans body. The only items distinguishing this man from normal humans now was the thick ram like horns and beast like claws.

    Isuldur, Huntsmans second elite soldier summoned from the very flames of hell itself stood before him.
    Isuldur bowed "Sir your orders have been seen to, the elders are gathered outside the south side of the village"
    Huntsman replied "Good we shall question them and see how much they know, for now secure the rest of the village and see to any strays and the re group at that point"
    Isuldur bowed again stood an took forth to do his masters bidding.

    It was rumored that Huntsman himself heard the rumor of a fiery beast buried deep with in the deepest caves of the planet that possessed such immense power that he ventured to find this such creature to serve him.
    Hence Huntsman summoned Isuldur the beast of earth and fire.

  19. #19
    Freezing Ring! The Story of Alcedonia Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Shana stood on the cliff, looking down at the village of Domus, "Hm..." Shana's Blonde hair waved in the air, her shoe's hitting the fresh dew. 'Mother, im sorry for killing you all... It's not my fault!' Shana said to herself, crying. "Mother..." Shana walked to her cabin outside of the village. "Gilibin! Why are you here?" Gilibin is a young, handsome man that live's in the village. "Shana I just wanted to know if you were alright." Gilibin said, hiding something behind his back. "Gilibin, what do you have?! Give it Gilibin!" Shana grabbed a book out of his hand, and looked at the text. "You were looking at my diary?! Damn it Gilibin! Ive told you a million time's; dont touch or read my Diary!!" Shana moved the picture of her mother, and the bookcase moved, leaving a magical locked door. "Kyu-kee kee." Shepushed the door with her hand, the door opening. "im sorry, i didnt-" "Just shut up gilibin!" She locked her diary in the doorway, closing it. "Shana, please forgive me!" Shana ignored him and ran to the back to feed the horses.
    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 08-10-2009 at 06:16 PM.

  20. #20
    Intrigued by the honesty of Corryn, Nivos smiled politely. In spite of all his honesty there were still secrets in which he kept hidden. Perhaps the openness was a disguise? A very clever one at that... Unsure of what she should do Nivos bowed her head in respect toward the stranger and uttered the words,

    "Well Corryn, I'm sure we will have much to talk about on our travels. I look.... forward to it. But for now, I shall be outside awaiting Bob's further orders. I would think the quest starts at dawn tomorrow - I have much to prepare."

    Nodding in the direction of Bob to inform him that she would be stepping out Nivos strode out of the inn silently - almost unnoticed.
    Once outside she let out a long sigh and then gulped down as much fresh air as she could. For some reason while in that meeting she had felt somewhat suffocated. Unable to figure out why, Nivos sauntered over to the tree and allowed her body to slump gracefully to the dusty ground.
    She had lied to Corryn. She had nothing to prepare... but merely needed peace and quiet to sort out her thoughts. Nivos had barely any material possessions... she had always been prepared to be on the move for flight or for battle. Life hadn't been simple for a while.

    Staring up at the now night sky Nivos observed the many stars which twinkled gloriously above. A gentle wind fluttered by moving her hair in a silent dance as she peacefully contemplated her next actions.
    It had been confirmed... All people on the mission to protect the shard would meet at dawn tomorrow. That would be when then move on. Move on to protect and collect the remaining shards from the other villages.
    There was little time left and Nivos had only one last thing to do in preparation for this incredible journey. And that was sleep.
    Smiling confidently to herself, Nivos closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep underneath the ancient tree in the center of Domus. As from now... she no longer had a home.

  21. #21
    The joke is far too true The Story of Alcedonia loner-kid's Avatar
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    Corryn sat silently in the inn, the bustle of the crowded room filtering through his ears. So far the night had been remarkably dull, none of the other members of their merry little troop had come forewards to introduce themselves yet, and with Nivos gone Corryn was left decidedly alone. It wasn't just that they weren't talking to him, there was a physical ring of empty space that surrounded him, as if some strange aura was forcing people away from him.

    No, that wasn't right. He was getting paranoid. It was just a coincidence that he'd formed a bubble of solitude. An accident of fate, no one other than Nivos had been near to where he sat and it stood to reason that they would have talked to those closest to them. He was reading far too much into the world around him. Corryn smiled to himself, leaning back on his chair to look up at the ceiling. He needed to be more positive about this, if he started thinking like that it was going to be one long journey. Slowly somthing came into his upward view, a pale slender hand holding on to a large glass, filled to the brim with a transparent liquid the exuded a golden glow. Without any courtesy or introduction the hand tipped the contents of the glass onto Corryns head.

    "What the hell!?" Corryn shouted, scrambling up from his chair as water dripped down from his soaked hair. Behind him stood the culprit for his suprise shower. She was small, a good head or two shorter than the other people in the inn, with a childish face and long green hair that had been tied into two large ponytails that extended down to her waist. She wore a tight fitting black one-piece leotard that extended down to just above her knees and appeared to be made from some kind of fine wool. Draped over her shoulders were the tatered remains of white priestesses robe, the gaian embelem on its chest covered by a harshly drawn red rune that corryn couldn't read. She stood, hand still holding the now empty glass and head turned to one side bickering with her compainion, an experienced looking mage who was swaying slightly, one large grin plastered over his glassy features.

    "See" The man said drunkenly "You worry to much"

    "Just because holy water doesn't affect him does not mean he isn't a monstrous, demonic, or in any other way an un-holy being Balthazar!" The girl said, her voice dripping with irritation.

    "Come on Aria, he's part of the group too right? He can't be too bad." Balthazar said, wildly waving his arm through the air as he spoke.

    "Are you kidding me? Did you see that basterd mercenary Bob's hiring, I wouldn't trust him to even come near me!" Aria screamed at her drunken companion.

    "It's the ears isn't it?" the mage said, holding a hand triumphantly in the air "they're probably fake anyway" He said grabbing onto Corryns head and pulling at his ears. He looked down when the ears refused to budge "you glue these on or something?" Aria groaned placing a hand over her eyes.

    "Are you an idiot? I don't care about his outward appearance, it's his aura that bothers me. That thing is not natural for any of the civilised races!" She muttered darkly

    "Will you get off me!" Corryn said, throwing the drunken mage from shoulders. He'd had quite about enough of the bickering duo and they were starting to get on his nerves. "You" he said, pointing at the girl who still cradled her head in her hands. "Have you ever tried asking someone as opposed to just tipping stuff on them to see what happens?" The girl looked up turning to face him for the first time since the whole stupid thing had begun. The entire right side of her face was covered in curvasive ruins similar to the one drawn onto the priestesses robe. She crossed her arms, cocking her head to one side.

    "Fine then, what are you?" She asked sarcastically

    "Not a clue" Corryn replied.

    "Why is your aura so messed up?" She said her voice getting slightly darker.

    "No idea" He said simply.

    "Stop ****ing with me" the girl roared, punching towards corryns face. He side stepped watching the girl fly past him into a chair.

    "Now now" he said "Little girls shouldn't be swearing like that"

    "Little girl? I'm seventy three years old!" The girl said angrily, tearing herself away from the chair.

    "Still a little girl by elf standerds" The mage said happily from where he was lying on the ground, oblivious to the rage that shone through the girls eyes. An evil grin began to spread over her features.

    "Hey Balthazar" she said sweetly "It must be horrible to have all that poison running through your veins"

    "Poison? What are you talking about, I'm as happy as a little bird" he said, his words sluring as he spoke. Aria moved over to the her companion, placing a hand on his shoulder and another against her chest.

    "Poor sweet balthazar" She said, her voice sounding false as if it were part of some over acted play "The poison is afecting how he thinks. I must remove it from his tender body before it does any lasting harm"

    Balthazar stared up at the small girl that crouched over him. Slowly a relization of what was going to happen to him began to dawn from within the confines of his drink addled brains. Staying within her reach was going to be something that he would regret imensely. He tried to scramble away, but she had already grabbed onto his arm, holding it in a vice like grip that stopped him mere inches from where he had orignally been lying.

    "-Cleanse-" She said, invoking the name of a simple spell. The man imeadiately went pale as the spell started to take effect, purging the alcohol from his system. Corryn could only imagine the effect on the poor man, it would be like hurtling into a wall, his whole body twanging from a pleasent drunkeness to a state of total sobriety. But even worse was how the spell choose to finnally remove it from the body itself. The man could only stagger to his feet, a hand placed protectively over his mouth as he fled outside.

    The girl clapped her hands together, obviousley satisfyed by the mages reaction to her spell. She turned back to corryn, her eyes glinting evilly.

    "Now, you were about to tell me exactly what you are." Aria said, staring intently into Corryns eyes "And if you even think of lying to me I will burn your body to a cinder right here and now"

    Corryn sighed, why did the girl have to make it so difficult. He'd already answered her questions but she obviously didn't believe him. If he told the truth she'd probably make good on her threat, and if he just made it up that would probably be worse in the long run. If he could just stall the question or distract her with something else...

    "How about a trade of information" Corryn said, his voice rolling slowly into the air like a child testing the water at a swimming pool "I'll tell you what I am if you tell me the meaning behind the runes on your face and the priestesses robe"

    It was a wild shot in the dark that suprisingly managed to hit home. The girl stood speechless, her mouth opening and closing almost at random as if she was fighting between the desire to keep a secret and to discover more about the anomalous being in front of her. She closed her mouth. Corryn took the opertunity laid before him and left the inn before the young elf could pull herself together.

    The night time air was refreshingly cool, a far cry from the sweaty heat of the crowded inn. It was also quiet, only the sound of insects piercing the serenity of the silent village. To corryn it was an inviting emptiness, far away from the world of questions and mistrust that he had grown used to over the years. And yet he was not alone in the darkness, the mage who been with the elf was also here. He knealt heavily on the ground, both hands placed firmly on the edge of a large bucket and his head submerged in its wooden depths. Thankfully he was being quiet, caught in the lull between one bout of heaving and the next. Ignoring the man completely Corryn strode away, lost in his thoughts.

    Tomorrow he would be starting a journey, he would be working intimately with a small group for the first time since he'd been transformed. Sure he'd worked with other mercs and even soldiers since then, but the dynamics were different. This was a group that had to become a team in their own right, it couldn't just be a collection of individuals with the same goals. If they wanted to succeed they would have to become far more than they were now, far more than this mere collection of warriors. And yet it had no leadership, no guiding force to channel the colective might in the most efficient way. Any fights, any infiltrations would be painfully unorganized and the group as a whole would suffer from that.

    Corryn stopped, the great tree of Domus standing before him. So, this was where his wanderings had brought him, underneath the ancient branches of the aging plant. And yet it looked so full of life, he could imagine it rearing up to the night sky, uprooted and mobile, settling only at night to sleep disguised among the other plants. He didn't have to imagine it, he'd seen it before. Seen it slice, seen it crush, felt its grip as the proof of his failure. It took him a while to notice the sleeping form of Nivos against the expanse of wood, too wound up in the lonely silence of his memory.

    "Sleeping counts as preperation huh?" Corryn muttered glancing down at Nivos as she drew in sharp shallow breaths. If he'd had a blanket he'd have thrown it over her, to take away some of the bite of the cold night. However he no longer carried such human neccecities, his body no longer needing to prezerve its heat in the same way it had before. In the end there was little more he could do than shrug to himself and move on, out into the night to find a place where he could sleep.

  22. #22
    Ellipsis The Story of Alcedonia Meigumi's Avatar
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    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location:
    Eden started to take bites from her food.
    Suddenly, a splash of water nearby interrupted her. A man with blonde, wet hair and pointy ears was soaked with water by a female priest. She stopped eating and decided it was enough for the day, wipes her hands and lip on a napkin, and sets aside her plate. A group has already gathered around the poor man who was soaked with a fine quality glass of holy water.

    Eden tries to jump above the crowd, but couldn't see a thing. She mumbled a small, simple spell- "Float!"

    Her whole body started to hover above the group, and she saw 3 people stirring a commotion in the inn's bar.

    "I'll tell you what I am if you tell me the meaning behind the runes on your face and the priestesses robe."

    A long scroll of silence was followed.
    The strange man walked to the exit, still intense with an annoyed vibe of emotions. The other two walked off to stay for the night. Eden hovered down and heard heartaching rumors, as everything went to normal.

    "Sorry, our rooms are full! We can't take anymore travelers."

    Auugh, a night to spend outside.
    The purple jester skips out of the door with other people, and roams out in the night, spreading invisible wings until she found a small area around a tree in the center of town. Landing gracefully, she saw a woman with long, sparkling white hair laying down.

    The woman must be cold. Hmm, I have a few extra blankets...I hope she doesn't mind if I give her one...

    Eden unpacks a magic tent and a fluffy sheet. She calmly lays the sheet on her, and allowed the tent in her hand unfold itself to Eden.

    She eased herself inside and layed down to what the world will come to. Her eyes started to drop and visions of the moon was fading.

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