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Thread: In the name of honnor....

  1. #1
    Registered User In the name of honnor.... HUNK's Avatar
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    In the name of honnor....

    Just post your charecter in the first post.
    Name: Andrew
    Weapon: Fallen Antler(Fencing Raiper)
    Magic(No more then three): Firaga, Wall, Pain(poisen,darkness,silence)
    Special: Rend Equipment: Breaks Equipment with a devestating blow, if used on someone without armor it can instantly kill....if preformed right.
    Location: Small ship in the middle of the Altlantic ocean, timeline about mid 1700's.(Timetraveling charecter is acceptable)
    Bio: Andrew is a young swordsman from the land known as America, he had just recently imigrated there from the land of Italy where he was raised and where he trained in the art of swordplay, an art which was slowly dieing due to the invention of the Matchlock and the Musket. Andrew was sailing twords london to train further in his art.

    Lets begin, Enter however you want.

    Andrew was sailing on his ship the Highwind, a whole month had gone by and he was so ready to see land again and he knew it was nearby. "Hey Helmsman, when are we going to reach London?" Andrew hated long trips. He had no one to fight and he somtimes would worry his sword skill would deminish due to the lack of true swordsmen abord his ships. "Is there anyone else who would fight in the way of true honnor?" Andrew asked to himself.....

    (OOC: Now its up to you.)

  2. #2
    The British Guy. In the name of honnor.... Robbo's Avatar
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    Name: Mark
    Weapon: Buster Blade
    Magic: Thundaga, Firaga, Pain(poisen,darkness,silence)
    Special: Clan Armour Passed Down From Generations

    Bio: Mark Is A Trained Theif + Swordsman That was trying To steal something From the Ship when it set sail leaving him a Unhappy Stowaway

    Mark started to move Towards the Exit Of The Ships Cargo Hold As He ascended The Steep Wooden Stairs one of the crew Was Walking past With a Barrel. Mark guessing the barrel was to go in the Cargo Hold Where He Was Currently Hiding Decided To Shove The Crew Member over board

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    Andrew heard a splash and knew imediatly that there was someone abord but remaind calm and composed.

    He could hear footsteps and just kept watching the moonlight ocean. The steps came closer and closer and Andrew knew he was right behind him. Andrew stated loudly "If you are not a member of my crew then I will inform you that you are tresspasing and should not be here."

    Andrew herd the footsteps back off slightly and he turned to face his opponent. "Is it a duel? Or is it not?"

  4. #4
    The British Guy. In the name of honnor.... Robbo's Avatar
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    Mark Replied To Andrew by saying "Well if I'm not welcome, So i guess it is a duel." as Mark finished his sentance he quickly grabbed a rope supporting the masthead and untied it he then quickly swung from it and launched a swift kick at Andrew before he had time to unsheath his weapon

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    This man was clearly an expert fighter and was able to use his surrounding to his advantage...Andrew realised this as he was kicked in the face and was almost thrown overboard.

    Andrew flew over the guard rail and into a lifeboat. "If I have 5 pounds for everytime a life boat saved me I would be quite a welthy man." Andrew Chuckeled to himself and climed abord his ship.

    "You are not disposing of me with such trickery."

    Andrew climed up to the spot where his opponent stode. He drew his sword and held it to his forehead. "Lord forgive me for I may have to sin against thee and kill a man tonite. En Garde!"

    Andrew charged to his enemy and sent a barrage of strikes that very as deadly as they were swift.

  6. #6
    The British Guy. In the name of honnor.... Robbo's Avatar
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    As Andrew begun the Attack Mark quickly rolled backwards still getting some scratches on his shins and thighs due to the sheer speed of the attack and he was getting back up from the previous roll he Unsheathed his large buster blade from his back. Mark then charged forward with his Buster Blade Trailing Behind Him scratching Through The Deck as He raised His sword quickly going towards Andrews left Side

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    The enemy theif was now swinging a large sword that was thankfully not very sharp, but the shear size of the weapon was a threat enough.

    Andrew saw a blow coming from left side and blocked but the massive blade overpowered his small sword and he was knocked into his cabin. Andrew got up and coughed up a little blood. "Ouch, that one hurt..."

    Andrew ran and attacked the thief who was ridiculously fast for a buster blader. As a slash from Andrew's sword scratched across Mark's blade sparks flew and had shined in the night, this fight was far from over.

  8. #8
    The British Guy. In the name of honnor.... Robbo's Avatar
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    As The Fight Continiued Mark Tried To Get The Upper Hand By Launching A Snap kick Towards Andrews Torso.

    Andrew Quickly Slapped Marks Strike Away. As Mark now went off balance with strikes still coming mark sought to block the stab movemnet by turning his buster blade sidewards.

    As the stab hit the side of the buster blade mark parried it and the two were caught in a Power struggle

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    Damn my powerfull strikes...
    Andrew had struck alittle to hard and no a dent was in Mark's sword, meaning the swords were now locked into position...unless someon backed off the swords would remain clashed. He also knew his opponent would win any power struggle...What to do.

    It cant be avoided...
    Andrew said to his enemy "You know there is more to swordplay then meets the must be trained in a wide variety of skills....Let me show you one of those skills!"

    Andrew leaped back and Screamed "Firaga!"
    Three large fireballs now threatened to destroy the ship, the crew and most importantly, Mark...

  10. #10
    The British Guy. In the name of honnor.... Robbo's Avatar
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    Mark Laughed Slightly Then Replied With The Comment " I know they say dont fight fire with fire, but i think under the circumstances it will be acceptable

    Mark then Shouted "Firaga" as the fireballs collided in mid air the blazes broke into smaller spits of flame as most of them shot into the water a few put small burning holes in the sail slowing the boat a little

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    This was now just highly entertaining and Andrew could not have asked for a better fight.

    The ship caught ablaze slightly but it was soon put out by Andrew's crew who were, for the most part, standing back and watching. Andrew's crew knew not to interfear with a duel for Andrew had slaughtered everyman who had stoped a fight, even if he was on the brink of death. Andrew would rather die an honerable death then live as a coward.

    "If this man can cast magic then I must prepare for the worst. Wall!"

    Suddenly Andrew's skin had become as hard as stone and he was surounded by a magical arua that radiated defencive power. Andrew chareged his opponent and thrusted twords his throat.

  12. #12
    The British Guy. In the name of honnor.... Robbo's Avatar
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    Mark on reaction Slapped The Incoming Blade With His forearm as the point of it just scratched his throat and The impact on his arm made a slightly deeper scratch on his arm
    Hmm A Defensive Spell its a Shame This Fight Needs To Be Changed It Was Entertaining...

    Mark Then Raised His Cut Arm and Said "Pain" As The Effects Of Poison, Darkness, Silence. The Effects Now Burdened Andrew

    (OOC: Brb Having my Tea =])

  13. #13
    Asking all the personal questions. In the name of honnor.... RamesesII's Avatar
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    Name: Gideon call sign Scarecrow
    Age: 35
    Weapon: Although he started out with his Steyr-AUG the trip through the wormhole had rendered his gun useless. Beside that he had his hunting knife. He is also a master of Muai thai and Kenjitsu.
    Magic: Scarecrow has no magic but his left arm was completely replaced by a futuristic mechanical arm from the elbow down.
    Special: He is an elite trained modern soldier, at the age of 30 Scarecrow had ranked four in the worlds best soldiers and was the only Australian to rank in the top 10. He has trained with Special Forces around the world including the Musaid, the special Irish commando unit the Sciathan Fhianoglach an Airm and the CIEF the Commander-in-cheif's In Extremis Force and of course the Australian SAS.Scarecrow played a big part in Desert Storm.

    Scarecrow landed on the ground on all fours and vomited the trip through the worm hole had churned his guts.
    His mission was to retrieve an artifact to prevent the destruction of the world and no one would stop him.
    He looked up and realised he was on an old ship and noticed two ancient clad warriors dueling at the other end of the ship.
    "What year am i in" he asked himself. As he recovered and straightened up and started to stride towards the duo.
    Last edited by RamesesII; 03-21-2009 at 12:00 AM.

  14. #14
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    (OOC: Dragoon, are you on the ship or what? Im alright with you being here but I want to know a bit more about where you are.)

    Andrew's vision was suddenly blery, he could no longer see and he was vomiting about every 12 seconds.
    "I see, its magic again....I knew it was only a matter of time." Yet still Andrew raised his sword. "I have outlasted magic cast upon me by the great sages of England and Im not about to let some thief kill me with a pain spell!"

    Andrew ran at his opponent and missed compleatly and ran straght into a wall. (I cant fight him in this condition, Ill need to avoid him or ill die soon, the spell should only have about half an hours effect on me....
    Last edited by HUNK; 03-20-2009 at 10:36 PM.

  15. #15
    Asking all the personal questions. In the name of honnor.... RamesesII's Avatar
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    (OOC sorry i was a bit rushed with that post and had to cut it off short ill edit it to save posting again)

  16. #16
    The British Guy. In the name of honnor.... Robbo's Avatar
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    Mark took his Advantage As Andrew Was Vunerable From The Wall And Swung His Sword From the side with a lot of power as Andrew tried to dodge his foot hit the small hole from Mark Dragging his sword as he fell the Blade just skimmed his face

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    "As you cut me more I will only bleed out your poison."

    Andrew got up and stabed at his opponent missing by an inch. Andrew slashed and slashed, the echo's of sword strikes could be heard for miles. As metal met metal the blades started to blacken from the heat caused by the speed of the blows with which they struck. Although he put up a good fight, Andrew was starting to weaken. Fatiuge pluaged him and stung his body. (For sure my opponent is suffering similar problems, hes not immortal.)

    Andrew simutaniously fought and climbed his way up the mast of the ship, fighting and running at the same time was his only option now.

  18. #18
    Name: Nick
    Age: 15
    Weapon: Fist of steel. Got his arms ripped off and replaced with titanium arms from the shoulder down.
    Magic: Firaga, Pain, and Meteor(only used on special occasions)
    Special: Smashes the ground and causes massive earthquakes causing the opponent to be helpless for a few seconds.

    Bio: Nick coming from the year 2500 did not like using swords or guns but enjoyed crushing his opponents with earth shattering punches. Nick and top notch in the U.S. Army fighting like a true American and trained in Japan becoming a master at Karate and Judo. Usings a friends time machine because he was the guinea pig in an experiment was accidently transported back in time to the 1700s.

    Traveling through time wasnt a biggy for Nick but he had never been sent 800 years back in time. Falling from the sky due to the malfunction with the time machine landed smack dab in the middle of a sword fight. Nick is severely confused right now.

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    (OOC: Well Mark, since everyone seems to like this so much, I belive this will have to have a slightly more refined storyline, unfortunatly this means I can not die yet and nor can you, make sure you dont kill me....I think I will escape for a time and we can continue fighting in different areas.)

    Andrew stoped his charege and looked to the sky only to see a man falling at an alarming rate. "Oh What now!"

    Taking advantage of the momentary confusion, Andrew leaped onto a small life raft and cut the ropes tying it to his ship. "Alas my oponent you will not be aquiring the item you came for, it will be mine for a time now. I bid you adue." Andrew's raft hit the water and he was pushed away by waves being given off by the ship.
    The strange man fell from the sky and hit the ship like a cannonball. Andrew watched as his ship crashed and was torn into small pieces, it seems everyone was on a seperate section of the shatered ship....except his crew, who apparently must have died on the ship.

    Andrew sailed off twords London's shores, thankfully he was close to the port and could rest there...

  20. #20
    The British Guy. In the name of honnor.... Robbo's Avatar
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    As the Ship Broke Mark Saw Three Pieces Of Wood Floating He quickly Sheathed His Sword Grabbed a Piece of Wood Left On Top Of a Nearby Box He Leapt From The Ship As it Was Tilting And SKingking Now THankfully The Wood Held His Weight As HE used The Single Piece Of Wood He Grabbed As an Ore Pushing Himself Along The Waves Moving In His Favour Towards The Shores

  21. #21
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    Andrew must have been adrift for about 2 hours now. The poison and other affictions had finally started to where down and he could breath again.

    "That swordsman, was he after the Aruasite?" Andrew held out from his pocket a small stone, its shimmered in the early daylight and shined brightly. Andrew knew little about the stone except for it was very powerfull and had some connection to the Zodiac heros of legend.

    "What was the deal with that man falling from the sky? I need to rest now, I should be in London on the morrow..."

  22. #22
    When Nick finally figured out where he was he looked around and found a barrel and grab a hold of it and he could see Mark moving towards the shores. Because he needed to get out of the cold water he followed Mark.

  23. #23
    Asking all the personal questions. In the name of honnor.... RamesesII's Avatar
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    Scarecrow noticed the dueling duo distracted by something in the sky, curious at what could stop these two from finishing their fight scarecrow looked up to see what looked like a human figure fall from the sky "shit" said scarecrow as the object smashed into the middle of the ship and utterly destroyed it sending him flying through the air and into the water.
    As Scarecrow found the surface and grabbed a bit of floating debris he noticed one of the two previously on the ship floating away on a boat and saw the glint of what looked like a precious stone before he faded into the horizon "No that can not be what i am looking for?" he asked himself "What are the chances"
    In the wreckage of the ship he could not spy the other warrior. As he started to paddle towards land, the water was disturbed by two glimmering metal arms breaking the surface and reaching for a barrel.
    "Whoa!" Scarecrow exclaimed as he eyed the bulking man floating on the barrel "Now that's what i call a set of guns" he said chuckling to himself as he headed in the direction the warrior with the stone traveled.

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    The British Guy. In the name of honnor.... Robbo's Avatar
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    Mark now finally reaching the shore began to walk through the town deep in thought of finding somewhere to stay he had collected a lot of rare items from the ships hold as he went into a shore and sold his loot he now had a lot of money waiting to be spent as he began to check hotels for Andrew he sought it hard to find him in a place like this so he Got a room in a hotel nearest to the center of the town as he could see a man being carried home by his friends holding an empty beer mug in his right hand and chattering jibberish.

    Mhmm i may go out tonight but if i do i certainly wont turn out like him and i will be focused on the objective but i will need some form of disguise....

    he then ran to the bottom floor of the hotel burst out the doors and acros the road into a store that sold and tailored clothes he bought a dark hooded cloak and immediately threw it over him self paying for the cloak he set off to find the item that could put him into retirement and out of the theif's way of life for ever.

  25. #25
    Asking all the personal questions. In the name of honnor.... RamesesII's Avatar
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    Scarecrow woke to find himself on the beach with the tide lapping at his heels.
    He stood up and looked around and finally realised it was night,in the distant he could the laughing and cheering of men and women, Scarecrow made for the ruckus to see if there was someone he could question.
    He reached the small fishing village and looked in awe. If he hadn't of known that he was in the past he was sure to know now by the age of the buildings and the garb of the locals.
    Scarecrow walked up to the source of the noise and looked up at the creaky, swinging sign above the tavern carved with what looked like a flagon. "I guess this is a pub, better place than any to gather info" as Scarecrow was about to enter the door a figure came rushing out and dissapeared into the building opposite. He only just caught a glimpse of the mans face as he ran past and didn't think much of it.
    Scarecrow entered the pub, the pub went silent as all eyes wewre trained on him.
    I guess i do look different Scarecrow said to himself as he walked to the bar.
    "Do you know where i can get dry and some decent clothes" he asked the bartender.
    "Ai my friend there is a tub out the back where you can get clean and warm and i will fetch a man to get some clothes from across the road, say you don't look like you from around the parts?" the jolly bartender replied.
    "Yes mate i am actually, i am on a mission of sorts i am wondering if you could help me but i am sorry to say i don't have anything to pay you humble services"
    "That's ok my friend first couple of nights and the clothes are on me and this will warm you up" the bartender said as he handed him a mug of beer and some warm stew.
    By now the bar had gone back to its usually rabble as seeing the comfort of the bartender with him seemed to comfort the other patrons.
    Sipping the crude beverage Scarecrow was looking into the flame of the closest torch and then it hit him, he knew he had seen the man who had charged out of the tavern earlier it was one of the warriors from the ship earlier that day. It would be to late to look for him now he would either be locked up in a tavern room or gone. Tomorrow he said to himself, sleep first and then work. He thanked the bartender for his kindness and then headed fro the bath. The bath was warming to his chilled bones and he admittedly fell asleep until one of the maids knocked on the door and asked if he was ok.
    The maid had brought the dry clothes with her as she entered and dried him off and clothed him. Scarecrow seemed pensive at first to the kindness but went along with it. The maid showed him to his room, it was small and simple but it would do.
    Scarecrow collapsed on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

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    Andrew ploped down on the shore, it was very late in the night but he had finally reached land. "Oh thank the good lord for I have found land."

    Andrew stood to his feet and walked a few paces only to fall down to his knees, apparently he was not as healed and rested as he thought he would be.

    He looked around and saw a short way down the shore was some debris from his ship. "Its seems someone here knows me. I must leave now." Andrew stood again and walked a short way further and found a small town. Limping, Andrew had walked into town where a young woman saw him and immedietly ran to his side.
    "Oh my God, you're bleeding! Quickly, come with me!" The woman had grabed Andrew's arm and carried him into a small tavern. Andrew looked around to see if anyone was a potental enemy and noticed a man walking upstairs where what appeared to be a bath robe. Had he seen that man before....His thoughts were quickly interupted as the woman returned with some bandages and ointment. She began to remove his clothes and Andrew quickly grabed the aruasite stone from his pocket. "Wow, what is that?" Andrew simply replied, "Its an item of great *cough* importance...and thank you for all of your assistance." "Oh its no problem, please rest and be calm. You will not need to worry about a thing here, this is a place of relaxation."

    She called for a large man who appeared to be the tavernmaster and he carried Andrew upstairs into a room and gentely put him down on a bed. "Thank you ser, but I think I will be alright." "Do you need anything?" "Um yeah, fetch me an ale please, I have money to pay for it, you can find it in my clothes."

    The Tavernmaster grabed his soaked clothing and pulled out a bag filled with coins. "You can have them all, but be sure to give some to the young lady who had helped me." "Yes ser, and thank you. Ill be up with your drink in a moment."

    Andrew sighed and held up the aruasite. "What could they want with this stone."

  27. #27
    Asking all the personal questions. In the name of honnor.... RamesesII's Avatar
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    (OOC this seems to have some what turned into a normal RP should it be moved to the normal RP instead of the Rp battle)

    Scarecrow awoke with a start and cursed as he fell out of bed not being used to the beds in this time or wherever the hell he was.
    The tavern was silent except for the odd snoring drunk and the a couple in the room next to his making love. Which sprung to his mind his own wife that he had left behind in the past, he lay on the floor and pictured her in a flowing, silk gown accentuating her femininity and her chestnut long, soft hair flowing over the breasts.
    The serene and beautiful scene was interrupted by a piercing sound that reverberated through his head. Scarecrow doubled over in pain.
    "What the hell was that" he said as the sound subsided amazingly enough the tavern was still silent,how did no one hear that he thought to himself.
    Scarecrow jumped to his feet and stealthily made his way into the hallway, except for the light coming from the room next to his the place was dark. He waited until his eyes adjusted to the darkness as much as possible and then he looked down the hallway towards the stairs that lead down to the bar..nothing and then he looked the other way there was a faint and weird coloured light coming from around the corner and from another room.
    Scarecrow softly made his way towards the light thankful for his years of training that allowed to him to move so quietly like an assassin although the years were catching up with his body and the effect of the wormhole travel he could still feel through his aching body.
    "Urngh" Scarecrow grunted in pain gripping his head with his hands as the the sound pierced his head again.
    "Shit what the f*** is that" he whispered to himself it definitely wasn't human or animal. The haunting sound felt like it was calling him.
    He crept along the hallway hugging the wall closely being careful not to make a sound and then he turned the corner and at the end of the hall was a door with which the eerie light was coming from.
    Then again the pain drove through his head like a knife, this time unbearable, Scarecrow fell to his knees with a thud and groaned in pain more loudly then he would have liked to he, Scarecrow blacked out from the agonizing pain....

  28. #28
    As Nick made it to shore he went looking for one of the fighting figures that were on the boat the he so nicely destroyed.He spent a couple of hours searching through the town until he had finally given up and looked for an inn. He found one asked for a room for the night. He was given a key and then collasped on his bed thinking to himself "Who are those guys, why were they fighting and for what reason." He had so much on his mind so he just blocked everything out until morn' so he could get some sleep and search again tomorrow in hope of some luck.

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    Andrew awoke suddenly. It was morning, must have been pretty early too for the sun had just risen.

    Andrew got out of bed and almost instantly hit the floor. "Damn, the Aurasite is weakening me. I need to get this to the crown before its too late."

    Andrew limped his way out into the street. As he walked the sun had begun to rise and he knew the Castle was not far away. "Mayhap I can make it." Andrew looked down the road and shuddered at the sight of the horrors he saw. Fire Burned at the castle roof and there were hundreds of peasants, Knights, Oriental warriors and towns people all attacking the castle. Andrew could hear shouts of "Where is the stone? I think I found it! Before he knew it he was being chased by multitudes of men who could see the stone he clutched to his heart.

    "Damn, Mercenaries..."

    Andrew raised his sword and began to fight. I must get this stone to the priest in the castle, he will understand and know how to unlock the secrets of the ancient magiks in this stone.

  30. #30
    Asking all the personal questions. In the name of honnor.... RamesesII's Avatar
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    Scarecrow came too with a serious headache worse than those of which he got after a heavy nights drink and before the early rising of the spring sun. He didn't make his way back to bed maids and other members most likely workers at the inn were already awake seeing to the needs of the revered guests and daily chores, he thought it would be useless to try and sleep with all this noise and commotion already about so instead he pulled the nearest maid before she hurried past
    "Where can i find a place to wash" he asked crudely as the maid curled up her nose at the stench he was obviously imitating.
    "Down the hall and out the back and there is a bath house equipped for your needs sir, and if you need hot water there are maids ready with buckets out there as well" she replied obviously seeing he was not familiar with the workings of an in. Scarecrow let her go and complete her chores as she muttered and whispered about him as she quickly walked off. Scarecrow chanced a notice at her voluptuous breasts before she turned a corner in the hall way, he shook his head trying to clear the dirty thoughts he had to late to realize that was not the wisest thing to do with a splitting head ache. He decided to follow the maids instructions and fair enough the hall way lead outside into the dim grey daze of the early morning sky with the slightest hints of orange and yellow of the new days golden sun rising over the horizon. Not to far away there was a small building with steam gently flowing from some of the doors he made his way to wash himself up and refresh his sore head.

    Scarecrow made his way out to the front of the inn to get his bearings and at least get some answers on where and even when he was, 'Damn how was i so stupid to trust that stupid scientist into making me do this' he thought to himself. He walked down the alleyway still steaming from the earlier bath and out to the main street where the veiw that awaited him was not what he expected. He saw what looked like a gigantic castle off in the distant smoking and burning fires licking at the roof of the castle hungry for the wood and fuel. Men and what looked like warriors where running every where some fighting some fleeing but all in desperation for god knows what.

    Scarecrow stood there taking in the scene and surveying his next plan, when a armored knight stumbled out of the door of the same inn and looked up at the castle in horror and dismay, at that same instant he felt a suddeen euphoria rush over him and almost buckle his knees he clutched the side of the inn to prop himself up before he fell and then looked again at the warrior and noticed a faint glow in his curled arm.
    There was shouts "Where's the stone" "I think i found it" he heard. The knight turned to the shouts and dread and maliciousness washed over the knight as he quickly turned and ran from the now pursuers towards the castle.

    Thinking quickly Scarecrow decided to follow to see what span out, besides he had no other plans as of yet maybe this would lead to something if not humor him.

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