(OOC: when i mentioned i was from a continent far north I was refering to the england/europe area...Ill add it to my ooc)
Andrew looked out to sea. Across the sea and over the horizon he would be in the territory known as Japan. Compared to Great Britin this country was a very small area. It was Andrew's task to find a leader among the Jappanees people named Nobunaga, he was supposed to be a large threat to the United Kingdom's economy and it was a known fact that this Nobunga was raising an army...but that was all Andrew knew.
"Ah im sure he will have a castle or somthing, he should not be too hard to find."
Ever since Andrew was a small boy he had been training to become a Knight. He had been obsesed with Weapons,armor and the ways of fighting. He was also very excited to have a chance to observe the ways of the great warriors known as the "Samurai" and the "Ninja", he hoped mabey he could learn somthing from them.
Disuised as a normal trade ship, Andrew set sail for the Land of the Rising sun. He was going to reach the shore within a few days. As Andrew was lost in thought he lay in his bed in the ships cabin and let the soothing sounds of the sea calm his mind. He soon drifted off into a deep sleep.