Right! So I've been gone for quite a while. Really, most of my free time has been eaten by the addiction that is A Realm Reborn and the land of Tumblr so I don't check most other sites very often anymore. However, I received an ask a couple weeks ago while I was chatting with some people about old RP days and someone asked me where I got started. Technically, that was here. Soooooooo!~ Feeling a little nostalgic, I have returned and am in the process of catching up and looking around at all the new things (of which there is a LOT).

Mainly I just wanted to briefly say hello to all since I'm not sure who all is still active, or who remembers wee little me from way back when. For those of you I knew, I hope we can get to know each other again! For those I didn't, hello! I promise I don't bite.... often~