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Thread: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!

  1. #1021
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Did I welcome back Psiko? I don't remember anymore.

    I really need to start doing some old school gaming again; I've been slacking lately with it. I've been KOTOR obsessed, but as soon as I finish that, I'll be looking for something to yet again start. Actually, if I can get them working on my computer, I'm thinking about starting up one of those old Lucas Arts point and click barrels of fun. Perhaps Monkey Island, or even Day Of The Tentacle. Holy hell those were good games.


    Until now!

  2. #1022
    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu

    Did I welcome back Psiko? I don't remember anymore.

    What's the matter Jin, trying to get old and senile like me and Scorp now or what??? Just giving you a hard time. Don't get old before your time like I have.

    But I digress. It has come to my attention that I have been failing in my duties as both an Old Skooler and a member of these forums. I recently was looking at my profile and realizing I hadn't updated any of my messaging or other information. However this is not the greatest of my sins. I know that for one reason or another I have not been posting as often as I would have liked, but I saw my post count. 62 posts ?!?! I should be flayed, shot, and drawn-and-quartered. As the wizened old sage how am I supposed to set and example for the younger gens with numbers like that. Sheesh! So as a matter of course I don't care how much carpal tunnel I get and how tired my fingers get or how close to falling off. I vow from this point forward I will make a concerted effort to get my post count well into the high numbers. Thank you for your support, but a walker might help too!

    Currently Playing
    Herzog Zwei - Genesis
    Populous - Genesis
    Final Fantasy Legacy - MMORPG
    <center> <img src=""></img>

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    A Man of Two Minds, But Neither of Them Works!

  3. #1023
    Well it is good to see you back ark. Not that we have many deep discussions in here, but ah it is worth the extra post eh? I am swamping you an Jason so you need to give me candy...Lot of it! Aye there old man, I can understand that the arthritis is getting to you, . Well I have been oldschoolin' out my myspace. I put the old school Mario in their. Now I have something to play when I am updating sites an junk. Mario rules...although I think there is a glitch in the programming.

    Ah Well...
    CP : Mario

  4. #1024
    Quote Originally Posted by cheesevixen
    Not that we have many deep discussions in here, but ah it is worth the extra post eh? I am swamping you an Jason so you need to give me candy...Lot of it! Aye there old man, I can understand that the arthritis is getting to you, .
    I know not what you speak of, we have many deep discussions in this wonderful club about the nature and future of old skool gaming, BEER, womens, BEER, and old skool gaming. As for the arthritis, well yeah age sucks but with age comes wisdom so it's a good trade of. Your candy is on the way, but as for swamping me, enjoy the sweetness of your victory while it lasts, cuz it will make your defeat that much more bitter! LOL

    Currently Playing:

    Herzog Zwei - Genesis
    Phantasy Star - SMS
    Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - Genesis
    <center> <img src=""></img>

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    A Man of Two Minds, But Neither of Them Works!

  5. #1025
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkaine
    Your candy is on the way, but as for swamping me, enjoy the sweetness of your victory while it lasts, cuz it will make your defeat that much more bitter! LOL
    AH HA! Don't be too slow old man! I will own you^_^. Out of pure spite now! Good to see I have inspired you to post....I have my ways of persuation. Now if Only I can get Scorp to do it, MWahahahahaha! BTW great posts in ID, and general. I laughed my ****ing ass off!

    CP: WIth ^_^

  6. #1026
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    I was a bit bummed out when the Socceroos were cheated in that match vs Italy, but meh.. as I said in the FIFA thread we made *Australian* Soccer history by getting that far up the ladder, so everyone is happy cheery regardless of that fucking reff fucking Australia.. fuck fuck FUCK!

    Anyway, lol.

    I whipped out my old (retail too! *gasp*) copy of Alone in the Dark 4, for the PSOne and I gotta tell ya.. Its made me jump so many times now XD especially since I have been playing it in the dark.. alone, at night. Controller vibrates too o_o maybe I should put it on my lap next time it goes shakey. Yeah baby

    Same'old otherwise tho, been poking HL2, FF11 and a few various Genesis/CD roms. Should really pick FFIVAdv again and keep playin, I'm just so partial to the pre-GBA-era make of it tho ^^; hard to get motivated to something I'm not particularly keen on playing -> I could whip out the old PSOne version and try get that Flayer summon or maybe Imp but eh.. yeah.

    Jamie works too much ; ; she just got comp back up and its been about a week since she last popped on to flirt, lol.


  7. #1027
    Quote Originally Posted by cheesevixen
    Now if Only I can get Scorp to do it, MWahahahahaha! BTW great posts in ID, and general. I laughed my ****ing ass off!
    Well if you want Scorp to do it...You best have me give old Mark Martin a call before he makes my weekly delivery so I can set up a scheduled stop for him at your house. And as for the posting, I do my best. It is my goal to one day own the ID forum like I once owned the PI forum on SU. Oh my goodness all the acronyms...where will it end!!!!

    All joking aside I got something yesterday that I have never recieved before. I got my first official warning for flaming on that jerk in the general discussions thread. Now I want you to know that I'm not complaining because I know that I deserved it, but then again, so did he. I don't go around flaming for the hell of it, but some people just need a mirror held up to their faces to show how stupid they really are!

    As for my old skool gaming, things are trucking right along, with the N64 and Sega gaming worked out my next step is to get my hands on some of my SNES and NES games and start going back through some of the classics like Master Blaster, the original Metal Gear, so on and so forth, and of course all the Final Fantasy games from I on up!

    Currently Playing:

    Herzog Zwei - Genesis
    Phantasy Star - SMS
    Final Fantasy VII - PSX
    Final Fantasy Legacy - MMORPG
    <center> <img src=""></img>

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    A Man of Two Minds, But Neither of Them Works!

  8. #1028
    Okay, and I thought I was slacking, no one has posted since my last post? Given my miserable post counts you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Maybe you should pull yourselves out of the MMORPG's long enough to say a little bit every now and again. Ah well, like I have any room to talk for the longest time every time I used the remeber command to try and remember that I was supposed to post, the command failed, so there!

    Currently Playing:
    Herzog Zwei - Genesis
    Phantasy Star - SMS
    FF VII - PSX
    <center> <img src=""></img>

    <img src=""></img>

    A Man of Two Minds, But Neither of Them Works!

  9. #1029
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    No, no, you misunderstand. It is very cult like to have random periods of complete inactivity, coupled with seperate random periods that would give Gaia Online a run for its money in activity.

    Friends, associates, Zro(=P), I'll be away starting tomorrow morning and won't return until the 9th. To quote various cliche movies, I'm off to find love. Hooray for me. So, no gaming for a while; video anyways. Later all!


    Until now!

  10. #1030
    The Old Skool Warrior The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries
    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu
    *chika bow chika bow wow*

    Have fun on your trip, and take pictures or I will slay you.

    Currently playing for me? Putting up the last crit in the first round of the TOA. I needed a little breather. Had to make a couple of really tough calls, but I think the next round will be even more exciting because of it.

    On the gaming front, I haven't been home much at all. I recently acquired Killer 7 for the Gamecube (amazing game if you've never played it), but I've yet to actually pop it in and play it. I've played bits and pieces on the PS2 at times, and absolutely loved it. It's sick, chaotic, demented, and other such things. I just need to find the time to sit down and play it for a while.

    Currently Playing:
    Counter-Strike: Source (PC) - this is what I get for never being home. LAN!
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  11. #1031
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Parkersburg, WV, USA
    omg I forgot about the ToA!'s official, FFXI has screwed me, wait, I've never had good memory to begin with. ~.~ Statement about FFXI still stands tho. XD

    As to posting habits around here...yeah, we get loooong streaks of nothing.....then none streaks of long posting...except from me, I stay primarily lazy about it. XD

    FFXI, duh...

  12. #1032
    The Old Skool Warrior The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    You should have a read through the first-round threads. Some of them were quite impressive, and would be worth the time reading through them. A couple of unexpected victors, too. Quite entertaining to read, but quite annoying to judge. Had to make some close calls. It was tough for a couple of the threads.

    I have every intention of firing up my Gamecube in a bit and cracking into Killer 7. I'll have to let you guys know what my initial reactions are now that I've got the chance to play the game from the start and actually get a feel for it.

    Nothing else to note currently, other than consolidating some loans.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  13. #1033
    Bah, i need not the help of the driver of the Number 6 Car like you do ya old coot. I spradicly as well..some days it's 'meh, nothing to post' others it's 'ok, i can do a few' But i just don't seem to have that manic posting energy heh Sux DD..refs were horrible this WC..oh year is the Sheila's we gots taht to look forward to ya know?

    Edit: Sympathy pic for the Aussies

    OMG Megaman!

    Attached Images Attached Images The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!-1151601955439-jpg 
    Last edited by Scorpian; 06-30-2006 at 06:46 AM.
    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  14. #1034
    Halley's Comet Dauragon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ****ing brilliant pic, Scorp. I'm still shaking my head to this day. If there was ever a definition of "screwed", what happened that day fits the bill perfectly.

    In other news, Canada Day came and went, and I didn't even know it happened. I don't even think there was any kind of concert event on TV, other than good ol' Stompin' Tom. (Jin might know who he is. )

    I recently cracked open the old NES "vault" (the correct word is somewhat dirty, starts with "emu" and ends in "lation". ) Beat the hell out of SMB3 (still got it) and am currently alternating between Adventure of Link and FF1. New Kasuto in one and Melmond in the other.

    Also, wireless card in laptop + apartment building = free internet for life! XD

    CP: Adventure of Link, Final Fantasy... but I think we all knew that.

  15. #1035
    Well after 2 days down for a catastrophic system failure I am back online. Dang my wife for letting the kids keep turning my system off at the tower. After a while windows tends to take exception to that and start corrupting system files. At least I was able to get all my proggies and files to disc beforee the clean install of XP. But enough of my woes...

    Currently Playing:

    Phantasy Star- SMS
    Herzog Zwei - Genesis
    Shadows of the Empire - N64
    <center> <img src=""></img>

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    A Man of Two Minds, But Neither of Them Works!

  16. #1036
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Feb 2001
    Sailing the Grand Line
    Well as far as my DS gaming goes, I've actually gotten pretty bored with Nintendogs, and I'm not even that far in. Brain Age however, in all it's simplicity is so great and addictive, even got my sister hooked!

    Other than that, any Old school 2D fighting fan should check out KoF XI. Even the SNK hating Capcom fanboys are digging the game because of the hardcore Quick Shift ad Dream Cancels which adds so much new to the table. Not to mention it has some of the best music and visuals around (not over the top Flashy stuff ala GGXX either) And Oswald is THE most BADASS character to come along in YEARS!

    CP: Brain Age (DS), King of Fighters XI (PS2)

    Oh and I have a special treat to all you Cultgoers here.

  17. #1037
    i wanta join how do i sign up dont worry im plenty evil
    dont follow your dreams, they're just pictures in ur head

  18. #1038
    I would say a good start is to make long, lengthy resposes. That always goes over well.

    I am bored. My cookies somehow like to reset theirselves on Fire Fox. so than I have to go back throughout the entire computer to get everysingle bookmark that I had back. All I did was turn the computer back on, and it felt like "updating". Smashy, Smashy !!!!! Damn crap computer's.

    FF 7: honestly I need to ride through this game a little more. I have about an hour an a half left on the first disc. Not counting the leveling up I am doing. RUN KILL..RUN KILL..RUN KILL.

    KH: Not even past the thrid match at the collosieum yet again. I hate doing it. they are so freaking hard. I am full functional now, but nooooo. Vixen cannot do it..BAH! More Smashy Smashy!

  19. #1039
    The Old Skool Warrior The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Well, though I don't necessarily have a "how to join" process listed in the first post, here's how it works around here. We're going to grill you with some questions to test your FFVI knowledge, as well as your general old school knowledge. Then, we're going to ask you to use complete sentences when you post here. After that, we're going to ask you questions about your gaming preferences, and so on and so forth, until we (Dawezy, Dauragon, and myself) feel you're right for the Old Skool Cult of Kefka. We're very exclusive, because we've been around since 2002.

    A couple of the older members will ask you some questions, and it would be great if you would answer everything that we ask you. It's not like we're going to grill you with impossibly hard trivia, but we like to know who we're letting into our Cult.

    And again, I will stress that you use complete sentences.

    Some questions will have a meaning, others will be completely random.

    1. Out of curiosity, how many times have you beaten FFVI?
    2. On a scale of 1-10, how big a fan of Kefka are you? (be creative)
    3. Are you a big enough fan of the old school FF titles to have gotten an emulator for the sole purpose of playing the translated version of FFIIIj on the NES?
    4. 8-bit Theater?
    5. Do you have any idea what Crystalis means?

    I look forward to your responses to these questions, as well as any questions Dawezy or Dauragon may present to you. I'm just trying to learn more about you, so don't think that there's necessarily a right or wrong answer to everything.

    Currently Playing:
    Killer 7 (GC) - holy crap. That's all I have to say.
    FFII (NES via emu) - felt like being nostalgic again.
    Super Mario Bros. (NES) - Still trying to beat it in under half an hour. I don't think I'll ever do it in under ten minutes.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  20. #1040

    as answers to the questions

    As for the amount of times i've beaten FInal Fantasy VI, I beat it 12 times out of bordum. I feel that there are very few RPGs that have a well written, thourgh story that needs explaining to young ones. Not that im all that old.ive gotten everything i could out of that game untill VII hit the market. i know most of wat there is to know about that game considering i havent played it in like 3 years, on the playstation.

    I give Kefka a 9 out of ten. I think most FInal Fantasy fans dont give him the respect he deserves. Kefka not only killed his emporor and destroyed the world. he became a god no other ff villian can say they accomplished that. he was a grand master of treachery and a formable enemy. he was the only boss that gives me trouble every time i face him except the time when i was 16 and lvled up to hi 70's then went to face him. with his intellect and ability to trick just about everyone makes him the greatest villian in all RPG history.

    After seeing the graphic drop of 2 for ps, i desided to hold out on it. but i am looking forward to seing it on the ds that does intrest me. If i try to play games on an 8-bit i get headaches for some reason so i stay away from it.

    LIke my previous statement i get headaches from 8-bit generators and old school anima. so im sorry i avoid 8- bit anything for that reason. and honestlly ive never heard of a theater.

    I played FFI on the gameboy and FFII on ps. I played FFIV,VI on the snes and I played V on ps. but nvr III so if that crystalis is a referance to III I wont find out about it tillit comes out on DS so if that knocks me of ur list of possible members so be it. I take no ofence i tried to answer these questions to the best of my abilities. unless that was the name of the crystals in FFII or the FF crystal chronicals im not sure.
    dont follow your dreams, they're just pictures in ur head

  21. #1041
    The Old Skool Warrior The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Oh my. So you don't play NES games because they give you headaches?

    Also, 8-bit Theater is one of the greatest webcomics in existence.

    Crystalis is a completely different RPG for the NES, but since you don't play the NES, I suppose it makes sense as to why you've never heard of it. It has absolutely nothing to do with Final Fantasy at all whatsoever; I was just testing your knowledge of other old RPG titles.

    Personally, I don't know how well you will fit in around here considering you don't play NES games, but I'm not going to lose hope for you yet. Let's see what Dawezy and Dauragon have to ask you, and we'll see where it goes from there. The only reason I'm even doing this is because we're such a close-knit group here, and I want to make sure you'll fit in.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  22. #1042
    makes perfect sence and i dont blame you. But i did play nes games but with the grafics being boosted every year back dating takes a toll on my eyes . I blame my father for that. but on the other thing with the theater ill check it out seems preety cool. thanks for giving me a chance.
    dont follow your dreams, they're just pictures in ur head

  23. #1043
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    No NES games?

    Bah, blasphemy says I!

    But as mentioned I will present thee with a few questions to get you thinking.

    1. You mentioned you were evil, but are you a EVIL ENOUGH DUDE to rescue the princess!?
    2. When did they begin to call Dr Robotnik.. Eggman?
    3. How many Sonic games were released?
    4. Do coconuts migrate?
    5. Were Sora and Tidus homosexual?
    6. What was the boss you faced in the first and second bonus rounds on Sonic Spinball.
    7. Why was Gilbert such a spoon? sigh.

    ..too late at night, cant think proper would be bigger post but eh, fuck it.

    CP: Silent Hill 2, new file.


  24. #1044
    Loco....I refuse to address you by that weeaboo can't make me LOL
    Applicant eh? he needs to be put through..'THE INITIATION' ask Ark what it means..I forget...heh
    I have been playing NES the form of MegaMan bwahaha!

    Happy 4th of July! Zro get a haircut! I have nothing else useful to add! etc etc

    OMG the Megaman

    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  25. #1045
    sonic, this will be intresting. ill answer the questions tonight. unfortunately i have a bbq to go to so i dont have the time right now. i was checking my mail and desided to read wat the next set of Q's were going to be. but the evil, trust me ive done things to people that can make siome peolpe quiver

    oh my god its a run on sentence i need more sleep. i also checked out the 8-bit theater, and that was awesome. it was funnier then i thought it would be, at first glance
    there i fixed my bad grammer
    Last edited by ariko1080; 07-04-2006 at 10:23 AM.
    dont follow your dreams, they're just pictures in ur head

  26. #1046
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Juice's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002
    With my pup, in a house on a hill
    You guys are harsh with the questions! I think i found myself here because i drank beer and dawezy found it funny xD Then again, that was a few years ago now, and you guys have shown me the old skooling way. *forever in your depts*

    In other news, Juicey is moving house. =( I have a beautiful house, big, nice suburb, (im a snob becuase of the bad influences of my neighbours xD) And now i have to move, damn dad leaving us grrr. But it's also a good thing, simply becuase my mum owes me money and i will get it once we have moved in!!!!! that means... i can afford a PS2! And FFX is only 30bucks, which is super good. Not to mention i will be in time for XII.

    CP: Pokemon silver! whoo
    Last edited by Juice; 07-04-2006 at 05:15 PM.
    <img src="">
    <font size="1"><FONT FACE="verdana">
    <b>I Love My Puppy!!</b>
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    The Oldskool Cult Of Kefka
    Da Auzzie Club
    Dawezy, Piroblaze & Tiffany, Zell Dincht, Random.Delirium
    W-Cid, Mojo_the_monkey,
    Chalcedony & Holly valance

    <b>¤guarded by¤</b>
    Kou Leifoh & Keisuke Takahashi

    Contrary to popular beliefe, i am sober sometimes

  27. #1047

    ok i hope im sober enough to answer this

    i am a evil person, as sad and horrible this is it does prove it. my best friend was dating a girl i liked so one day i locked him in a closet and slept with her while he was locked in there on his bed in his house. i got mad at a kid in school so in our wreastling organization, he challenged me and out of pure hatered i broke his knee with a bat. As for your princess im more likelly to be the kidnapper, then the rescuer. i got more but id like to go to sleep soon so if you want to know wat else i have done to people in my past let me know .

    the only time i have ever heard that phrase"eggman" was in the animated series. When Tails got mad for freezing sonic and the girl but never heard it in the game. and answer to the next question, man i dont know anymore wat do you want included even the remakes and rerelaeases man if i knew there was going to be questions on sega i would of done my home work. i know its somewhere around 25 or so including the bad ones that shouldnt count.

    Do you mean the vegetable? if so i would say no it does not pollinate that way. i got nothing else im either to young to understand or im to stupid.

    Sora is gay, but not for tidus. Sora had it hard for riku if he didnt i would have left his ass behind and said screw him i got kairi, im happy with that.
    tidus was straight as gay as he looked. he just needed some one to take him shopping then it would be ok. you could tell he liked yuna from the start and if anything he had rikku on the side.

    Dont be mad i never played ne of sonics side games. i played only the old school ones and thats it. i do like sonic i have his game on myspace to prove it its check it if you dont beleive me.

    im complete lly hopeless should i know how gilbert is or what. wats with the really wierd questions there scare me .
    dont follow your dreams, they're just pictures in ur head

  28. #1048
    And this one time at band camp....

    AHHA. I think those questions would be hard for anyone to answer to. I don't know what Scorp means by innitiation, but I will get the butter an nipple clamps. I think he is evil though, but not as evil as I would have liked. Ever killed a man with your bare hands? I haveXDDDD.

    Okay now I was playing more Castlvania today, and there are just some places I cannot get to. In the upside down castle there are these thin holes that I know I am missing. I already beat the game, but I want to have it perfect. So I am going through an Leveling up lots. Besides turning into a puppy is awesome. Yes PUPPY anyone have a problem with that? Because we have guns in TX XDDD LMAO.Hopefully great ending will be coming soon, and I will post what the map looks like laters.

    I am cute now get over it!

  29. #1049
    The Old Skool Warrior The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Figaro Castle
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    Hmm. Hopefully Dauragon will show up in the next day or two and ask you some questions as well, ariko. Like I said, we're just squeezing you for knowledge.

    In other news, I fucking SPLURGED today.

    One (1) GameStop membership renewal (10% off used games)
    + Twelve (12) issues Game Informer Magazine

    One (1) Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time - used

    One (1) Tetris DS - new

    One (1) Reserve Order for Final Fantasy XII Exclusive Collector's Edition
    complete with steel case and Collector's DVD, featuring:
    • Developer's Interviews
    • History of Final Fantasy featurettes
    • Final Fantasy XII U.S. Trailers
    • Final Fantasy XII Japan Trailers
    • Final Fantasy Art Gallery

    SUBTOTAL: 130.96
    TOTAL: 135.92

    Currently Playing:
    Tetris DS (NDS)
    Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (NDS)
    Final Fantasy II (NES via emu)

    M&L just gave me a huge laugh. Toadsworth said "HUZZAH!" when I revived him.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  30. #1050
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Parkersburg, WV, USA
    Old-school hasn't had much from me lately, tho it likely will here soon now that I have a semi-decent controller to use for me emu's.

    However, I have been revealing my gamernut status again. 32 hours spent awake....pretty much all of it either on World of Warcraft (private no-paying servers ftw!) and FFXI. Also a lot of Need for Speed: Most Wanted Black Edition for the X-crate inbetween boring spots. Yup. ^^


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