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Thread: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!

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  1. #1
    ^_^ I'm glad you don't think J&D is lame, Loco. I don't feel so wussie-ish now. Some of my guy friends give me crap for my love of those sort of games. I've played every Spyro, Sly Cooper, and alot of those sorts of things. Heh...I luffs Klonoa2.

    As for a subject, I'm going far out of the way general again. What do you guys think of "reincarnated" games? Those games such as Shinobi. I hated the reincarnation craze a while back. I remember playing Shinobi waaaaaaaaaay back. I know I was still in diapers when most of the old games came out, but I still played them once I was old enough to know how. Redoing those sorts of games is a ripoff to me. There are some things you just shouldn't redo. Some old songs...some old movies, and old video games. No one should redo the classics.

  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    You mean reincarnated games like GTA? I could understand GTA2... but what's the point in GTA3? GTAVC? GTASA? Okay, I told everyone not to get pumped up about GTASA because it would be worse than VC with a couple new vehicles, and they all kept telling me that I was a stupid faggot for not being excited about that game. And what happened now that it's out? I was completely right, and they all complain about wasting their money.

    I think reincarnations SUCK. I could understand porting an SNES game to the GBA, perhaps, because that's a different concept. But when game makers recreate games and smack on a different title, that's just not cool. Sorta like how SquareEnix is whoring out FFVII to all of its fanboys. They're going to make millions just because of all the kids who don't realize that most of the products will be complete shit. The point is, it has FFVII in the title, and people will buy it. I won't.

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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  3. #3
    Arkaine Ultimus
    *Magically Appears out of nowhere*

    Missed a bit eh? Well, ill just talk about the clubs current topic:

    If reincarnated as in "possibly like some sequel" (like loco stated with his GTA analogy), Im half and half. The Shooter games (the recent games that ive been praising over and over) usually do it pretty damn good. Look at Gradius V, it offered 2P (first US gradius to do that, unlike the first JP Gradius, Gradius Gaiden.), also gave crazy tricks for your Options, made it much more faster paced, and even more! I honestly can say that it did some Justice for a so-called "Dying" Genre.

    but sometimes, I also rather cautious about the "reincarnated games" because what people do to them. I don't mind Defender so much (Play it with my Big Brother on the GC), but if a company is going to pull of a SEX (Square EniX) on me, then you can damn well agree that I am not going to buy it(FF7 Whoring, "Bleh".)

    (although I do play the remakes that are basically SNES->GBA ports. they kept the fun in those still.)

    Personal Prefence if anything.

    *Magically Dissappears but reappears out of spite*

    Oh yeah, im back for a bit, and Cool comic Dau, at least you're more lively than me =\. Better get back on MAME for more Arcade Goodness.

    Currently Playing:
    Gradius V, DoDonPachi, DoDonPachi Dai-OuJou, Wizardry V, Shadow Tower Abyss

  4. #4
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Shit, been a while since i decided to poke this topic.. i just noticed all the OSA posts too Dau, bra-fucking-vo my friend, in my current game (which i should open up when i get home) i have my character (currently a M.Knight) up to around level 80 or so, if memory serves me correctly. I'll do some screenshots and upload them to here (few old screens in there now).. otherwise, FFIIIj rocks your boxs. XD

    Do more of those comics, Dau, and make sure i do some evil/satanic phrases w/ some swearing if need be

    Started a new game of Vice City now that i think of it, new comp and all couldnt find all the old Save Game files so i figured i'd give it a thrash. Diaz (short fat columbian dude) is funny as hell, he is always pissed off at something.. hehehe, loved the cut-scene where he had the rifle out and was shooting pigeons for shitting on his car. XD im also seldom playing Postal 2 : Share the Pain and i should do some more screens for that.. maybe make an avy, but i like my Nintendo DS - Touch Me thingy.

    One thing ive gotten back into aswell, for some random reason. Final Fantasy V... and i must say im doing pretty damn well with this level 51-52 party.. im seldom changing their jobs around, considering the area im in.. N-Zone.. no exp but insane AP, ever killed those groups of Movers? hmm? 199 AP made my jaw drop o.o plus the 200,000 gil to go with it.


    Currently playing:

    GTA:VC, FFXI, Postal 2 : Share the Pain.



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