Thanks for the FFIII stuff, guys. I 'preciate it. *ish an old-skool rookie*
If an emulator really doesn't take up that much space, I'll have to look into getting one. I just figured it'd be alot larger than that....I need to quit being lazy and start looking into things before I assume.
So, I have a new topic! It's not a very signifacant thing, but me and some friends were debating it the other day. The remakes of FFI and II for PS1 had, as I'm sure you all know, upgraded graphics. Do you think this took away from the older charm of the games, made them better, or do you not care?
I for one, usually don't care how the graphics of the game are, I play for storyline, etc. I wish they would've kept the original graphics for this though, because I just wanted to play the game in its original state. This, of course, was before I knew I could get the original on the compy.
Currently playing:
GTAIII. I used to think I hated car games....'till this. I'm addicted.
Well, even if you don't have the HDD space I can (and will gladly) copy my favorite NES Emulator to floppy and an FF3 translated ROM and mail it to you (You live in MO, right? I'm in St. Louis.) so that'd be no problem for me.
*checks Emu folder*
895 MB... but I have 3 PSX ROMs I've ripped myself. >_>;;;
*checks NES folder*
FCE Ultra, the emulator I prefer, is 964 KB, the FFIII ROM I have is 327 KB, so that's the size of a floppy disk (just SLIGHTLY under 1.44megs)
If you have MP3s, delete one, that'll free up plenty of space for the ROM and Emulator.PM me on the boards and I'd be happy to send.
As far as the upgraded graphics from FFI and II from 8bit NES to 16bit SNES, I enjoyed it, not to mention they fixed the auto targeting feature, or lack thereof, for FF1, which was my main peeve. This is the only upgrade of graphics (from one bit depth to another bit depth but still 2D) I'll ever accept.
Currently playing: Nada.
Yup, I'm in a small MO town, unfortunatly. It's up above Springfield a little bit, if someone from St. Louis even knows where that is. It's a flyspeck compared to where you live. I appriciate the offer, but seeing some of the places Loco sent me, I dont think the d/l will be a big deal. ^_^ Thanks, though.
Yargh, not quite sure what inspired me, but I fired up a game of FFVI again. And FFIV too for that matter. I'm playing ROMs this time tho, as my PS2 is getting old before it's time and rejecting a number of my games now. Please, if you're reading this, have a minutes silence in memory of my PS2.
Anyhow, I can now add things to a 'currently playing' list. Because I'm playing games again... huzah!
Back. For a while. Maybe.
By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron
*kicks Joe's PS2*
This is old skool, BITCH! ^_^
*caresses own PS2 and sticks in FFIX*
Major points for you and the recent game playage, because that's always a plus. You know, it's a shame I can't just plug ROMs into my SNES. That would be lovely.
Currently Playing:
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009
Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
Best TFF Couple
Martin and Priscilla
Psiko and Hyzenthlay Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
Originally Posted by Andromeda
I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
Originally Posted by Rowan
Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
Hey NN, is your PS2 rejecting DVDs, also? Mine won't take PS1 games, purple backed games(No Okage...poo!), or DVDs. A friend of mine told me to just open it up and spray it out with a can of air. Apparently this worked on his.
I haven't tried this yet, I haven't had time to take it apart. You might try it though, good luck.
Currently playing:
Just finished Jak and Daxter. Lame, I know, but I'm a sucker for those sorts of games.
...we need a new topic. If I think of something, I'll edit it in. Otherwise, whatever anyone else comes up with first is fair game.
Currently Playing:
Soul Calibur II (GC), Baten Kaitos
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009
Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
Best TFF Couple
Martin and Priscilla
Psiko and Hyzenthlay Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
Originally Posted by Andromeda
I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
Originally Posted by Rowan
Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.