I- Wait- What? Tee-Eff-Eff? Hey, I remember this place.
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I- Wait- What? Tee-Eff-Eff? Hey, I remember this place.
...holy shit, it's like a fucking reunion in here.
HI GUYS! Well, even though Jay hasn't been MIA for ages, it's still been a while since he's visited us in the Cult. KC, it's good to see you around again. Any intentions of sticking it out for a while this time?
*looks around*
So, today, we FINALLY got the network working properly with the new modem -- something we haven't been able to do since June. All three computers were online on the network simultaneously, with pretty decent speeds, too. And then my cell phone rang. And the network crashed. And I thought it was the router, but no... it was the modem itself. It crapped out completely. It was a whole hour before we could get the modem to connect us to the internet again, but it doesn't want to do so through the router.
Now, I don't know if the cell phone really has anything to do with it; honestly, I just think the piece of shit modem can't support three computers online at once. But hey, whatever. We'll figure something out. Probably need to trade in for a more powerful modem. *shrug*
Currently Playing:
writing various things
doing some homework
creating a new Xanga skin
Skies of Arcadia: Legends (Gamecube)
Mario Tennis (N64 and GBC, hooray transfer pak!)
nothing else, presently
I have no idea how long I'll be back. I just got a topic reply note from TFF and came to look.
Currently Playing:
Nothing, I'm doing NaNoWriMo. No tiime.
Looking to pick up FFX again and actually finish it. Damned leveling up.
Oh my goodness. One thing I didn't expect when looking at this thread is to see your name as the last poster. Welcome back...for however long it may be for. :D
I hate snow. Just thought I'd put that after the blizzard we just had up here. God damnit.
Took some pictures from last night I presume ZRO? you better well have you bitch XD that was a feat in itself. But moving on...
omgwtf, its KC :O what hole did you come out from? damn, only been a few years hasnt it? XD .. but ehhh, the system in FFX for leveling and such is a bit corny if you ask me - the whole sphere thing ontop of listening to Tidus that whining little bitch with the horridly high pitch voice. But Yuna has a pretty funny kind of "abuse me, please" tone about it.
In other news, I'll be interstate for the next day or two, so shazzam I'll seeya when I seeya.
Heh, I'm hoping I was smart enough to take some screenshot too D. I've been kicking myself all day cuz I'm pretty sure my dumbass was too caught up in the moment to remember to do so. ><
In case anyone else is wondering what the two of us are going on about, we were 2 of the 6 cats from our linkshell that helped out with taking down an HNM. :D Although I did about a piss-ant's worth of damage, but ehhh, yeah, I'm just gonna pretend I did something worthwhile. XD Shall edit later for pics....if I have them. ><
How's about some oldskool PC gaming for Cesar?
Yes oh yes, I spent six bucks tonight and got a great little collection.
The "Atari Super Strategy 4 pack" featuring:
• Age of Empires, Gold Edition
• Civilization II
• Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
I've never heard of the last one, but I know those first three are excellent games. I probably won't install the last right away, mostly because I know my head will be stuck in the first three (mostly AoE) for the next few weeks.
So yeah, it's safe to assume that those, plus Skies of Arcadia: Legends, will be my Currently Playing list for a while.
In response to Dawezy's comments about FFX, I actually liked the Sphere Grid. It's probably my favorite way to level up, simply because of its uniqueness. It was annoying at times, but offered up a slew of customization.
I'm up for some Old SKool Gaming!!! >.>
Well..maybe after Shadow ( for those who know who he is ) comes by and fixes *knocks on wood* my comp...then I'll be able to do some for a change ya know?
In other news..I turned 29 this past Thursday!!! Wooo!!!
umm..yeah ^^;
Damn Cesar, you got a premium pack of games there. Civilization II should last you for a while. It's lasted me years. I'd probably be playing it now if my computer wasn't ****ed up.
Shadow? Enlighten me Scorp, heh.
Shadow is Scorp's local comp guru dude ^_^
Come to think of it, I havent heard from that crazy bastard for over a year.. maybe two o.o back in those.. SU.. days.. eww. And whats this of a 29th drunken rampage? hah! and I thought I was old at 22 ;! lol, 23 In the coming June though where much alcohol shall be consumed. On the gaming front I have been hopping inbetween SOF2 and KOTOR2 since all that funky force stuff is um, funky :D love choking those poor bastards w/ just a click of the fingers XD
Oh, and I done this yesterday, was pissed off that I didnt have fraps on at the time but the White Mage did so she sent me a copy ^_^
WOOOOOO! the Shadow man did it!! XD I have my compy back again!!!!
Which means...
Old Skool gaming has returned to the house of El Scorpo the Near Elder!!
hee hee!
now...to get a new modem..and some service..and WHAMMO!!! My days of dodging AiM chat will be reborn! :-D
OMFG SO many!
etc etc...
It's okay. I'll sacrifice AIM time with you, knowing that you're spending that time playing all the greats. Even though I never happen to be online when you're on. Okay... make that "potential AIM time" instead. Yep. I'll sacrifice that.
Currently Playing:
Skies of Arcadia: Legends (Gamecube)
Final Fantasy VI (US SNES III)
Damn, got a broad range of games goin there Scorp.
Now hurry your ass up and get on AIM sometime! get a new modem! get some new porn! get some more hentai! damnit. XD but I have recent posted something up to shock everyone - it's only been about a year since I last put a photo up.. soo... heres one I put up today, from 2 weeks back.
Yep, still got that'ol purple shirt. Shame I didnt have my postal shirt, or my pentagram one handy at the time otherwise I would've changed. :D I can up some shots for you guys if you are really *that* desperate to see this sexy hunk of a man XD.
Been all about FFXI lately, with a side of Sonic Gems on the PS2 .. Sonic the Fighters! Yuss! its hard as hell but I keep at it and i'll finish the damn thing no doubt.
EDIT: Oh, and you better go on a binge drinking spree! ZRO! Or i'll strangle you 'cuz I can. :D 23, you old bastard.
Hehe, 23 now eh? Are you trying to catch up to Scorp now? Have a blast mate. Go get laid, that's an order. Dawezy looks ready. :D
Dawezy, when are you not all about FFXI? I didn't know that was possible. =P Damnit Scorp, hurry up and get your AIM up and running so you can avoid us again! I miss that. ;(
Heh, yep, 23 I be today. ^^; Getting laid more than likely won't happen, as neither will getting drunk, since by the time I get out of work today there probably won't be time to pick up a girl...might be able to pick up some drinks tho, so maybe be drunk, but probably not. XD
But for now, off to the folks' house for dinner. yum! ^^
Heh, it looks as if 2KGames finally brought out the patch for Civ IV, and lo and behold it fixes the issue that the game has with ATI cards. I guess all the hate mail worked. Pretty silly considering that about 25% of people couldn't play the game....dumbasses. But anyways, it's up and running now and it's just as fun as the CivII so far, with a nice variety of new features. But what the hell, why isn't Satanism, or at least atheism a religious choice? Bigots. :P
Civ 4
Greetings. Just posting to say I have just modded my PS2. Though I have to get it repaired at the same shop because I think I caused the laser to be disaligned. It can only read dvd format discs and not cd format.
So.. yes.
Originally Posted by Jin
I agree, they both count as a kind of belief system (well, thats open to interperation from inviduals) and shouldnt be ruled out. Damn you! >.<!
Hey, my appearance here was brief, hey? Mainly because of NaNoWriMo taking up all my time. Also that's the cause of me not playing any video games lately. But, I'm down to my last 3000 words, and will finish that off this morning! Then I will be FREE.
heh...most of my time that I haven't spent lately reinstalling windows and FFXI has been spent playing FFXI. But yeah, I still live, Dawezy can attest to that...well, sometimes I die because I (once again) decided to fight something I shouldn't have...shit happens, ne? XD
haha, the best thing I've seen is the default Paganism. I have an idea though. Although I wouldn't like a real one, a fake holy crusade could be helluva fun. It would be like the second addition to my dictatorship. XD Now I just have to choose between a Muslim or Christian holy Crusade...or a Jewish one! "We're taking posetion of all your bagles and your tax forms. Hah!" XDQuote:
Originally Posted by Dawezy
And then we can reclaim your soul.Quote:
Originally Posted by Katalyst Chikai
This incredibly short and spam-type post has been brought to you by:
Damnit Scrop, the one time you actually come on aim just had to be a time when I was busy didn't it? God you suck! :P
I've been inactive lately....that's because....well that's just because, so there!
I second that Damn you Scorp!
Just had to send me an IM during my session of hot online secks now didnt you? XD blah. I would've been off FFXI much sooner failing I didnt get that exp party offer - but I did, so blah. A stones throw away from 74 now >=D .. btw, got my first glimpse of King Behemoth yesterday. Typically though, some damn japanese group stole it and disappointed everyone >.>
yeaj I know..i'm the ever present fly in th eointment eh mate?
and by ever present I mean I HAVE ONLINE again!...so you and zro take your noses out of FF11 every once in a blue moon and chat with me on aim...provided I'm not dodging aim chat that is XD
Really? Because I'm on AIM right now, and you're most definitely not. Whore.
Well, it's been a week since I've posted in here. Figured I'd stop by and wonder where the hell our old, active selves have gone. That's a question for the masses, eh?
Currently Playing:
(funny how the list has hardly changed)
Skies of Arcadia: Legends (Gamecube)
Final Fantasy VI (US SNES III)
I changed my avatar to fit my recent (and insane) Skies of Arcadia: Legends binge.
Me too! And I havent even touched FF11 for the last few hours yet, and still no Scorp ; ;. Ah well, i'll grab you eventually dude ^_^ then we can share hentai again!! got all the supplies you need riiiiiight here :D. But ahem, moving right along - my gaming has revolved around GTA:SA lately, with a side of ye'ol Quake II (Ground Zero and The Reckoning expansion packs more specifically) and trying to maintaine my water levels.
Good'ol Summer, im sunburnt as I type this and every few words the skin around my arms that were nuked, tingle somewhat. Its annoying! gah! Need to strangle one of you for some relief me thinks.
Actually, he got online a few hours ago. We didn't have much of a riveting conversation, but that was my fault for doing a dozen things at once.
*points at the new avatar I mentioned in my edit*
Sure, it's not anything fancy, but it gets the point across. Speaking of avatars, I should probably get back to animating a new Cult avatar. And by new, I mean new new. I can't use the one I'd planned initially, because it's far too large (filesize) to use as an avatar here. Heh. Oh well.
Yes, something new for all of us, sometime soon.
My CP obviously hasn't changed since the last post, so yeah.
So I can't rant about capitalism? :(
Scorp somehow seems to manage to catch me online fairly often. Ok, well twice in 3 days is very often for him. I blame the drugs. :P In fact, lately, Scorp has been on more than Zro. That's just sad. Hang your head Zro....hehe.
Oh, and to make Cesar feel appreciated: I love your new avy! :D
Oh no, you'll still have your anti-capitalism rant. And Merlin's part will stay as well -- that won't be changing. XD
I just have to find a way to condense things a bit, and definitely shorten the script.