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Thread: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. RamesesII's Avatar
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    The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Every time I start up windows xp I always see this stupid emoticon sticking it's tongue out at me.
    Is it it just me or do other people sense that they purposefully called it xp to make fun of us.

    EDIT- woops sorry for the spelling mistake in the title.

    Also my daughter biffed some one for the first time at school, as a parent I secretly am proud of the fact that she can stand up for her self if the need to arises, but I don't condone fighting.

    So when was your first fight in school.
    Do you agree with physical fighting? I think it is a basic human instinct even for two males to settle disagreements. I
    That is what happens in the wild.

    But then you would think as a more advanced and civilised race (maybe) that we would have evolved from having to settle things with physical prowess.
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  2. #2
    Registered User The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.
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    I had several fights in school mainly because I had a short temper (not so much now tho for some reason I'm chilled now) anyway I did boxing and kickboxing for a few years and I remember the last fight I had at school I got suspended as should have been expelled but I went and apologised and he said he didn't want me expelled so I was allowed back but long story short I shattered his eye socket and broke his nose.... To say I felt very guilt and sorry after is an understatement so I do think fighting is sometimes a necessity but also think you should be VERY careful about what happens and how and be certain you want to fight rather than a spur of the moment brawl. I havnt fought properly since appart from one or two drunken spats. Also windows xp is a piss take

  3. #3
    Memento RK The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    But are physical fights better than arguments sometimes? I was too much of a coward to actually get into a physical fight with anyone, but there were plenty of girls who I would rather punch in the face if I was strong enough to actually make a dent. Memories of my High School Days *Shudders* Catholic High School girls be Bitches.

    I got into silent fights...the subtle way of dealing with things. She would do one thing, and I would do another. Sometimes it lead to an argument of some sort. Thankfully I'm not into that shit now. It gets tiring really quick.

    Can't us kids just get along?
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    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

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  4. #4
    Registered User The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.
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    See the silent fights are horrible make me feel really down Wer as a fight normally a few punches and it's sorted 9 times out of ten they are friends after most of the fights iv had Wer ok now

  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_farley View Post
    See the silent fights are horrible make me feel really down Wer as a fight normally a few punches and it's sorted 9 times out of ten they are friends after most of the fights iv had Wer ok now
    First off before my post, the word you looking for is where for the first we're for the second.

    I got in several fights whenever I was growing up. People tried to f*ck with me several times, and then was surprised when I would knock the shit out of them. Didn't win em' all got my ass kicked a few times, but they always got messed up to. My dad always told me to never go starting a fight, but if someone starts one with me then I finish it.

    Oh, and when I saw the word biffed what went through mind is what the f*ck does that mean.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  6. #6
    Registered User The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Halie's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    Oh, and when I saw the word biffed what went through mind is what the f*ck does that mean.
    Yeah me too, I thought it meant something else so I was thinking Wtf? haha.

    I've never actually been in a real fight before, I've sort of been in one which left me with scars on my lower back but it wasn't really a fight, I just got pushed into a bush when I was little by these two girls who were picking on my best friend at the time. Other than that, I've never actually punched somebody. I've done it in a playful way which wasn't intentionally harmful, but never gotten angry enough at somebody to have a physical fight. I'm much better with my words than I am with my fists, so.

  7. #7
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Polk's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    Oh, and when I saw the word biffed what went through mind is what the f*ck does that mean.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xana
    Yeah me too, I thought it meant something else so I was thinking Wtf? haha.

    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

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  8. #8
    G'day The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

  9. #9
    Registered User The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Halie's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    So is a biff a moustache then orrr? 'Cause where I'm from, it's what some people call weed haha.

  10. #10
    G'day The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Lol. No. Bring Back The Biff was an Australian thing to encourage rugby players to bring back the biff on the field. That's a bit of Australian humour for you

    Biff means to punch I think. Get into a biffo! A fight. I also believe it was used in comic books like pow! Biff! I don't know if any of that is true, but I'm pretty sure that's what it means.

  11. #11
    #LOCKE4GOD The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    I had no idea biff meant anything but fighting/mild violence. You non-Australasians be weird. I have a Bring Back the Biff t-shirt. I'll take a picture of me in it today.

    I never punched anyone, but I would've one time if my friend hadn't held me back. And you know what the dickhead did while my arms were being held? He spat in my face. I still remember how humiliating that felt. I'd punch him clean out if I ever saw him again. Probably the only person I would ever intentionally hurt.
    Last edited by Alpha; 02-27-2012 at 02:10 PM.

  12. #12
    Registered User The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Halie's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Well I figured it was fighting from Ram's post but when you posted the link with a guy with an incredible moustache I thought it might've meant that as well lol. But yeah, people in my area sometimes refer to weed as biff so that no one will know what they're talking about because it's not really a common term for it.

    On subject of the thread, though, the other night by brother was out on the town drinking and a guy kept pestering him and trying to start a fight with him but my brother just tried to ignore him until eventually the guy punched him, so my brother swung back at him and apparently knocked him out in one punch according to a friend who saw the whole thing, and he had to be rushed to hospital. Whoops. But while I don't condone violence, he kind of deserved it.

  13. #13
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    I was in middle of several fights while in elementary, one small in highschool, and well... I don't recall fighting after that. I started few of them to be honest by provoking the other guy, usually got my ass kicked, though I never threw first punch. While I'm all against violence, sometimes it's just what we need to get things "solved".

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  14. #14
    Consistently Average The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Every time I start up windows xp I always see this stupid emoticon sticking it's tongue out at me.
    Is it it just me or do other people sense that they purposefully called it xp to make fun of us.
    I used see it as a challenge and would poke my tongue out at the screen whenever 'xp' came up. People would look at me in class an ask what hell I was doing. Damn computers won't get the better of me.

    I also noticed a 'XD' symbol just above a usb slot on the school computers. I can't think of it's purpose there other than to be an easter egg or something.

    Anyway, I've never been in a physical fight in or out of school. Back in my first year of highscool there was this bigish guy who would push people around (literally), and one day he kept doing it to me during P.E and I had enough of him being an arse, got in his face and told him to **** off. I was a little suprised at myself really, but some people just bug the crap out of me. Other than that I've never gone past staring someone down, I can do it quite well actually, you just gotta clamp down your jaw and stare right through them.
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  15. #15
    This is my sin... The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Lucid's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    My question is...why are you still using Windows XP?

  16. #16
    Memento RK The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucid View Post
    My question is...why are you still using Windows XP?
    I would still be using XP if I didn't get a laptop. Mind you, Vista isn't that bad either. I don't like Windows 7 at all.
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


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    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

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    G'day The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Oh I forgot to reply to the question. I don't agree with physical violence. I'm an emotional violence person. Lol. No seriously it can be just as bad. I have never been in a physical fight, my sister hit me with a water jug once. Only because I sprayed her with the hose. WHat a b*tch.

    A few weeks ago one of my boyfriends friends was over, he was drunk and scuffing his shoes all over my tiles! I said this to him, 'stop acting like a d*ck. I wouldn't go to your house and act like a d*ck'. He replied with, 'but you don't go to my house'. And I said, 'I know, but if I did, I WOULDN'T ACT LIKE A D*CK!' He went all quiet then. I was quite happy with myself. Not once did I feel like punching him.

    Some people need a good punch in the face. But that doesn't guarantee that they'll get over themselves.

  18. #18

    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucid View Post
    My question is...why are you still using Windows XP?
    Because its probably the best OS windows have made, vista and win7 use alot of memory and slow down your machine.

    I'm a big PC gamer and have been using a modified xp package and its just soooo smooth, responsive and fast, especially for gaming.

  19. #19
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    We say "tiff" over here. I knew what "biff" meant based of that knowledge. ^^;

    I dislike fighting, and wouldn't condone it with my kids either. I believe fighting isn't the best way to solve something, but I'll sure as hell be proud if my kid knew how to stand up for themselves. I've never started a fight in my entire life - I've only landed a blow after someone's tried to land one on me. And it usually takes very little for me to end a fight, haha. I don't look like someone who'll pack a punch as I'm a fairly laid back person with no interest for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by R.Kyra
    I would still be using XP if I didn't get a laptop. Mind you, Vista isn't that bad either. I don't like Windows 7 at all.
    Vista isn't bad until you've had your laptop for a few years and notice things going wrong. Then it becomes a pain in the butt to find and fix anything that's gone wrong. IMO, XP is the best, especially if you play PC games. W7 I've heard is pretty good for gaming too, but I dislike the desktop and task bar layout for it - I like the tiny task bar on Vista. /shallow

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  20. #20
    Hewerya love...? The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. seanb's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    First off before my post, the word you looking for is where for the first we're for the second.
    First off before my post, the word you were looking for is you're.
    yours sincerely, grammar police

    lol at all the people acting hard here

    Last edited by seanb; 02-28-2012 at 05:36 AM.

  21. #21
    Asking all the personal questions. The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucid View Post
    My question is...why are you still using Windows XP?
    Because like nix said it is a good system haven't had any troubles with it, have had this com for about 3 years it still works why would I need to upgrade when a new OS will be around the corner in no time.
    And we run Windows7 at work and it is like an abortion there nothing but troubles but I could also say it is 90% operator error.

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    I'm a big PC gamer and have been using a modified xp package and its just soooo smooth, responsive and fast, especially for gaming.
    Thus the main reason we have this com I like it for gaming as well, while it isn't the best it serves it's purpose well, although we have a lot of things clogging it up lately and I have had to alter some of the performance settings recently. I think I might have to clear the virtual memory too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    You non-Australasians be weird.
    Quote and props for this comment.
    Yeah biff means fisty cuffs, fight what ever the hell you want it to mean you know us Australians making s hit up.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  22. #22
    Just kind of there. The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    Throughout school I was a strict pacifist.
    Though i did finally get into my first fight when I was 19 years old, Drunk as **** with my brother and one of his friends.
    -My Tee Eff Eff Family-
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  23. #23
    HRH Albha The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon. Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: The Xp on Windows xp reninds me of the scrunch your eyes stick your tounge out emoticon.

    I don't understand the urges that some people get to want to start a fight, sure someone can annoy you but is it really worth the potential of being hurt or worse hurting the other person. Or you know, being charged with assault, and sentenced to a short prison term and possibly being raped if you happen to be unfortunate enough to be sent to a stereotypical American prison where people drop soap and stuff like that?

    As such, I've never instigated a fight. I've been attacked before, for reasons I have yet to understand, but have never broken stride, mostly because they were at arm's length, heh. I don't like thinking about it, but I can gladly say that I've never thrown a punch - once I did fishhook a guy and slam him into a wall whilst continuing to walk - it's the only significant incident I can remember, but yeah, if you think your high school experience was tough, don't forget the violent reputation Scotland has and consider what high school is like here for some people. I graduated in 2009 and sadly, already half of the alumni are junkies on benefits.

    I can see why some people may seem deserving of a punch in the face though, even if I can't understand what would motivate people to do it. I don't like thinking about violence.

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