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Thread: Winding down for the night

  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Winding down for the night

    So, here I sit at 5 somethingish in the morning; just got off about a 12 hour shift at work which I was recently transfered to second shift.

    Generally I get off (of work) zt 2:18AM and make it home by 3am. After arriving home I take a shower, eat, spend a few minutes for me time and next thing I know it is almost 5am and I am still not tired (tonight is the exception).

    So I am looking for good methods to wind down for the night to get my punk *** to bed closer to when I get home. Any ideas? Willing to try just about anything seeing I have to be up with the kiddos in a few hours and it is finally taking its toll on me.
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  2. #2
    The Bad Boy of TFF Winding down for the night Block's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night

    Have you tried reading? I'm a big fan of Dean Koontz books as well as Tom Robbins, and I feel like nothing gets me ready to catch 4 hours of sleep like reading a nice book. Spamming the crap out of some forums is also quite entertaining and a good way for me to get some crap out of my system. Also, warm milk is a wives tale for a reason

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  3. #3
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night

    I wind down by laying on my bed and lazily looking over facebook and forums I go to, or I watch some Youtube videos. If I'm comfortable, I can just fall asleep with my laptop on my lap. That's a little dangerous though - I've woken up to find my laptop on the floor once. But a good book does the trick too, especially if you get really engrossed.

    Also, I do a lot of grinding in my games late at night. It's a boring activity, but it's something I can do without needing the volume up high. So you could try and bore yourself into a sleep - works for me.

    If you still have trouble sleeping because you can't wind down after trying those out, then maybe there's something you can change about the way you live, like cutting down or stop drinking coffee. The things you rely on to keep you awake during the day could affect how you settle down in the evening. I took a Relentless with my lunch today because I needed a bit of a rush, and I feel tired now... but later, I'll be wide awake. It's not good for you at all anyway, and taking healthier options can help settle you.

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    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night

    I wind down by getting so physically exhausted my body won't do anything but try to sleep. Only thing that really works for me.
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  5. #5
    is not a douche Winding down for the night Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night

    I concur with Block. Start reading some Ernest Hemingway, that'll put you to sleep real fast. (You have to make sure it's a really boring book.)

    Or just get some Ambien and pill pop, sometimes I do that. That stuff can knock out an elephant.

  6. #6
    Banned Winding down for the night IdiotWithHair's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night

    Drink copious amounts of alcohol. Then hopefully, you will black out and wake up ready to go the next day! Also, try causing yourself a concussion. In the process, you might knock yourself out. I promise no serious brain damage will come of either plan.

  7. #7
    I invented Go-Gurt. Winding down for the night Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night

    You could take some chloroform. That should knock you out for a couple of hours. Then, when the effects wear off, perhaps you'll be tired enough to go back to sleep.

    I wouldn't suggest that though, unless if you know a place to buy chloroform. I don't know where that would be. What I do to help me sleep is I go to bed. Then, when you're lying in bed, you get tired and fall asleep.

    You could also try overdosing on heroin. Although it's potentially life-threatening and severely addicting, it will knock you out. Or, as IdiotWithHair stated, you could give yourself a concussion. Although I don't recommend that, because repeated concussions tend to lead to double-murder suicides.

  8. #8
    Sir Prize Winding down for the night Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night

    I usually pick the worst-looking horror movie possible off Netflix and put it on my laptop. Place the laptop across the room and watch it til I drift off.

    But really, Meier, I used to have the same problem. When you get home from work, you just aren't in a state to go to sleep. If you happen to have some Trazodone, Tizanidine, Phenergan, Ambien, Bennys, Gabapentin, Oxycodone or Marijuana....they all have a reported soporific effect.


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  9. #9
    Bananarama Winding down for the night Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night

    I'm on board with Sin's idea. I usually find some kind of movie from Netflix and tend to knock out shortly thereafter. It's usually something with minimal action and thinking required, like Office Space.

    I also recommend whacking off. It's a one and done process.
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  10. #10
    The Bad Boy of TFF Winding down for the night Block's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I also recommend whacking off. It's a one and done process.
    I also recommend whacking off. Seriously do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
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  11. #11
    Hewerya love...? Winding down for the night seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night

    Heres a weird one:

    I heard once that some people put their socks in the freezer for around half an hour, then put them on their feet. Apparently, the body sends a lots of blood down to the feet in order to warm them up and therefore there isn't as much blood in the head keeping your brain active, and so your thoughts aren't running wild and distracting you from sleep.

    I have yet to try this method though

    I also heard that eating white bread helps. It contains a small amount of the chemical 'steretonin' which apart from boosting your mood, can also help you sleep.

    I personally go for the mug of warm milk/coco, and a nice Nobuo Uematsu playlist

  12. #12
    Memento RK Winding down for the night Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Winding down for the night


    I'm usually already exhausted anyway so I hit the pillow when I get home. Today is one of these days.

    However, when I find I can't sleep, I either a, watch TV, b, look on fbook, forums, write a blog, write something that I need to get off my mind, or c, hammer out a game or 2 until I can fall asleep.

    Other suggestions here seem really good too.

    Happy Sleeping!
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