I got denied unemployment.
lol severance pay. LOL right, severance pay, right.
I myself have never been on unemployment. I have also never been fired before. I have plenty of bad references however. Did a lot of walking out on the job. Like at my last job at McDonald's I was the closing manager and I walked out leaving the computers running overnight ruining the sales totals for the day and what not. They deserved it though.
So have you received severance before?
I got denied unemployment.
lol severance pay. LOL right, severance pay, right.
Last edited by loaf; 02-17-2010 at 09:12 PM.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
I've had a job since I have been 14. I first worked at Woolworths and now I work at EB Games. I am leaving EB next month because I am moving overseas in April. I will be unemployed then but I hope to find a job fast. =/
Never wanted to do unemployment... it's horribleness for some reason. Never understood why I needed to. Oh well.
Nah, I've only worked at two jobs ever, a grocery store and my current place of employment. Even though I was kind of a slacker nearing the end of my phase of being there while working during High School, I worked there for 4 years so I doubt they would say anything bad about me. As for my other job, a lot of clients and the parents of clients love me, so I could always get recommendations from them. But no I've never been fired or had the opportunity to collect unemployment.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Just after I finished school for a bit.
Construction work had died down due to new housing developments being finished and every other line of work I applied to knocked me back mostly due to appearance. Then I applied for a security job and presto, hired right away.
Thuggish is as thuggish does...![]()
victoria aut mors
lol I didn't even know what that wasI've only had one job ever, and that's the one I have now, and I barely got it in the middle of last year so not that long ago.
I had to apply for it when my work (factory automotive) when into a downward spiral, lol. We'd work for a week then be laid off for a week, so we had to get EI for the weeks we had off here and there. It sucked.
Technically I was on it while on Maternity Leave, as the same section that handles Employment Insurance also handles Mat Leave as well.
I didn't qualify for unemployment. Apparently even though my hours were full-time, I was only technically a part-time employee. As stupid as that sounds, I went to the department of labor, and was denied on the spot. If I were a minority, I'd get it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I'm white and working class, and in America, that means you get jack shit. So much for civil rights.
I have never been on unemployment so far, but i was out of a job for three weeksI had an interview yesterday though, and i start my new job on monday!
gaming service ID:
I have never been on unemployment, but during my childhood my mother was for a little while. Due to the hours she worked, and the money she made, she was able to pull in quite a bit of unemployment. Honestly I think she got more for unemployment than she did working her regular job. She wanted her job back cause she was not a lazy ass like some...