New job? I do PA-ing on the side as a (paid) favour apart from my Modelling/Personal Styling. I'd post pics from my latest shoot bt im oiled up n in swimwear so id best not.
New Boyfriend/girlfriend/dating life? This was a popular line of questioning at the family Easter get-togethers last wk. Until someone actually compliments my life in a way that makes it better not to be single - Relationship status: Nah
New place? where? Same sweet, pet-accommodating apartment Ive been living in for almost a decade now. My single friends ask me if I wanna move in with em or check out new apartments bt im set in my ways n am comfortably close to evrything i need here. Speaking of new places, I'll be travelling to Bora Bora for my bday with 3 friends later this year. Cant wait!!!
How is work and or school? I've always had nagging thoughts about going back to study what i originally wanted to do as a career ie working with animals, bt Id like to keep at my current job(s) for as long as possible n im required to travel because of it. I've worked for most of my life, modelling even throughout high school, so Im essentially just stuck in my comfort zone. The thought of switching careers makes me feel a tad nauseous bc there'd be a lot put at risk if I did bt I kno its something I'll eventually have to do when the time comes.
Any juicy gossip?
Not too long ago my friend's younger sister was dating a member of 1D. News of my connections n friendship with the elder sister carried over into my family n both my lil sisters n their upstart friends began hounding me to see personal pics of the 2 thru my fb account. 1D fandom are scary af.
One of my best friends is dating a married man who is loaded n she keeps pestering me to go on a date with one of his 2 friends, both of whom are also married (n loaded) jus so I can tag along to a sleazy boat cruise party with her nxt weekend (n most likely more after that). I'll continue to do what ive been doing for the last 3 wks n 'overlook' her calls.
There’s an EB games store in my vicinity that I avoid now because the manager who's always been really chatty with me boldly asked me out one afternoon. His gf who also works there (Ive spoken to her on 3 or 4 occasions; we bonded (otc) over our love for the Dark Brotherhood quests) wud surely have an issue with that proposition so I'll have to buy my games from another EB store further out n mayb keep to myself this time lol.
I’ve been in regular contact with another model thru my instagram/email n she will be flying into Sydney in under a month’s time for work. We've already organised our own itinerary for the duration of her trip (a wk)n it involves doing a whole lotta nothin; shopping, lunches, beach n dinner dates together n having our own lil impromptu shoot with a photographer friend. Not juicy bt gossip nonetheless.
Yes. Believe that the Nightmare of Mensis pigs literally make me flinch, dizzy n nauseous. I whimper n feel a tightness in my chest n I need to curl myself up and hold something tight like a blanket. Oh n my appetite's destroyed for hrs aka they gross me the fk out. #trypophobic #brbpassedoutBONUS QUESTION: Have you played Bloodborne YET!?
huh..….Who doesn’t do that? My lil sister studies to (OoT n WW) Zelda music.Confession: I miss video games so much that I listen to video game music while I study and work. Is that weird?
Whenever one of my game songs comes on in the car, my friends yell out “NEXTTTT!!!!!!!!!” or "Wtf is this crap/sh*t!?!" xD Then I tell em to shtup or get the eff outta my car.