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Thread: What's New Peeps!?

  1. #1

    What's New Peeps!?

    What up guys!

    What are some new developments in your lives? I want to hear everything.
    New job?
    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life?
    New place? where?
    How is work and or school?
    Any juicy gossip?


    I'm serious. I want to know what has been happening with everyone (of course only that of which you are willing to share..)

    • Got accepted to California Statue University Fullerton and I'm trying to get finished as soon as humanly possible without screwing up my grades--and maintain sanity.
    • I am majoring in Environmental Health Science
    • Since I am interested in research, I am hoping to get some experience on the field, before I graduate, so I can participate in a grant funded program in Thailand doing health related research for a month for my senior internship.
    • I am waiting on a response for an environmental health internship with Disney! (Cause you know, measles outbreak, and safety and all that jazz) Plus, since I am interested in global disease, I figure Disney is a great place to get some public health exposure, since people come here from around the world. I also want to quit my current job SO BAD.
    • I am also debating nursing once I am finished with my bachelors. I figure that a mix of public and clinical experience would be a great combo, but I don't know how I will fair in a clinical setting.
    • ...SO, in order to see if I like it, I am doing a nurse assistant training program on the weekends. It also counts as my practicum for my bachelors, so I just double-whammied it.

    Confession: I miss video games so much that I listen to video game music while I study and work. Is that weird?

    What about you?

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  2. #2
    The Quiet One What's New Peeps!? Andromeda's Avatar
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    I've been playing Bloodborne. If you get the time, I'm free for co-op. Otherwise, I think my life is largely the same. But you seem like you've been very busy.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  3. #3
    #LOCKE4GOD What's New Peeps!? Alpha's Avatar
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    You sound busy, Mel!

    • Handed in my thesis (it is being examined at the moment; then I recieve my grade, make changes, present on it, and then finally submit it to the library and collect my Masters in Geographic Information Science).
    • Started a new job—literally today—as a Geographic Information Systems Developer (postgraduate intern). I work for a niche oceanographic and meteorolgical software and data company in a small coastal town in New Zealand, famous for its beaches, surfing, and hippies. My current project is to take hindcast* weather-related information and make it available within the most popular piece of geographic information software in the industry. I work with a really cool group of people, and it is very international (4 French, 1 Portuguese, 1 Brazilian, 1 Spanish, 1 English, 1 Russian, 1 American, and the rest, 50%-ish, Kiwis). Good chance to practice my French, get paid, and upskill.
    • Moved house/city/region, because of job. My girlfriend also quit her job to come with me (we still end up with more money since I was studying before and rent is much cheaper now).

    A bit of the town (x3 for total size of "downtown"). This photo is a bit old.

    The town from the air.

    The surf beach (a little bit out of town).

    * The opposite of forecast

  4. #4
    Consistently Average What's New Peeps!? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Sounds like things are going pretty cool for you guys

    I started a new job a couple of weeks ago at a store called Bunnings Warehouse (if you're alpha or from oz you'd know the place) working at the till and occasionally the service desk. It's not that amazing but if I could do that kind of work anywhere it would be with them. Great atmosphere and team members (staff is a swear word to them). I'm only working a couple of days but its enough to get me by atm.

    Thinking of returning to study at a polytech instead of a uni in June/July as It's more hands on work, which is kinda my style. Hopefully I can keep some weekend work.

    Other than that I've been dividing my down time between playing KH 2.5 and Duck Tales (woohoo) remastered. Oh and binging the hell out of Steven Universe, my new favourite show.
    Currently Playing:
    Pillars of Eternity (PC)

    I play Magic! See what decks im playing or building here!

  5. #5
    What's New Peeps!? cetra_aeris's Avatar
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    Life updates~ Fun times. Sounds like you guys are busy, but busy in a way that sounds fun. Enjoying what you do probably has a factor in that!

    As for me:

    • Just recently(today in fact) received a new project at work that kinda helps me feel more secure in my job! Which is good, since I'm relatively new here, but they have actually given me two big assignments so far so hazzah
    • going to be enrolling the little kidlett into school soon. She's at that age for pre-school now and is excited!
    • light house shopping. which means more like window shopping but with houses. Trying to get a feel for how much I need to save for a deposit to get a nice house for us to move to within the next year
    • Playing FFXIV. actually managed to get a group of friends and the BF into it and have now managed to get my own little dungeon crew. It's really fun
    • Attempting to write a short novel in spare time, mostly to prove to myself I can. I'm dreadfully inconsistent though, so I keep rewriting things.
    • Learning cake decoration and design. One of the things that I love to do is bake. All of my stuff is constantly praised for tasting wonderful. Now I'm on the next step of trying to make it look pretty too. Figured if I can do that, then maybe I can even earn a little extra for house things through this!

    Most of my updates are mundane day to day stuff, but considering I can't pursue my degree right now due to time crunches and other responsibilities that's what most of my time entails. Having a little one does that, but I don't mind. I'll probably go back someday. And since I forgot to mention, the place I work for is a call center type deal but mostly handles college textbook sale so we get really slow during summer and mid-semester terms. Everyone here is really laid back and nice. I started as a temp when I was unemployed over the summer and not even three weeks in the sup pulled me to the side and asked if I would be okay with hiring on full time. Now here I am a little over 6 months later after the "official" hire date and I don't think I've ever worked in a more awesome place. Customer service wise, it's probably the best I've ever been in. Whoo~

  6. #6
    The Old Skool Warrior What's New Peeps!? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GypsyElder View Post
    New job?
    No, though it's not outside the realm of possibility. I'll address that momentarily with an upcoming question!

    Quote Originally Posted by GypsyElder View Post
    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life?
    Absolutely. Though we both somewhat shun traditional labeling, we're certainly committed to one another and whatnot. She's amazing.

    Quote Originally Posted by GypsyElder View Post
    New place? where?
    Soonish. Portlandia~

    Quote Originally Posted by GypsyElder View Post
    How is work and or school?
    It's quite fine and I'm aiming for a transfer, but it's admittedly going to be difficult to pull it off. This is why there's a possibility that I may be seeking fresh employment over the summer. Nearly a decade of management experience certainly looks lovely on a resume though.

    Quote Originally Posted by GypsyElder View Post
    Any juicy gossip?
    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe in private. I'm a super open individual, but even then... GURL there are things to be said behind closed doors. :3

    Quote Originally Posted by GypsyElder View Post
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    >Asks questions
    >Answers half herself
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    Currently Playing: Video Games

  8. #8
    Certified tech, come at me! What's New Peeps!? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    New job? I am doing freelance IT work, but I did hear a tidbit about an opportunity doing computer security for a company that is opening an IT position so I'm kinda looking into that.
    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life? No, but I do have an interest.
    New place? where? not yet
    How is work and or school? Work is going slowly but surely, I am picking up more customers, growing my customer base for my business and still keeping that rep going.
    Any juicy gossip? none that i'm aware of.

    BONUS QUESTION: Have you played Bloodborne YET!? nah, but I am playing my backlog of gamecube games as well as FF Type 0.
    Currently Playing:

  9. #9
    I invented Go-Gurt. What's New Peeps!? Clint's Avatar
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    New job? Sort of. I found clay depositories in my back yard, so I dug it up, built it in a rectangular circumference of 79 squared centimeters, and baked them. I am now a professional brick maker. Well, more like an amateur brick maker, but it's still a job.

    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life? Nothing new. Still married to the same woman.

    New place? where? No new place. My dogs would be confused if I moved anywhere else.

    How is work and or school? I'm not in school. I was, but I graduated, and I got my degree. I have a master's in thuganomics. Work is good. I make bricks, though I don't make money from making bricks, so I don't know if it actually qualifies as a legitimate job. I also don't have a business license, but if I did, I think I would name my brick company "Harvey's Bricks." I have no idea who Harvey is, but I always liked the name.

    Any juicy gossip? I watched a man shoot a watermelon with a shotgun. There was melon juice everywhere.

    BONUS QUESTION: Have you played Bloodborne YET!? FML I WANT TO PLAY BUT I HAVE NO TIME. No, however, time is a construct of human confinement. If you simply ignore the rules of society, you will have plenty of time to play that game. Or if you can somehow gain access to a 5th or 6th dimensional state of reality, time is irrelevant there.

  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Polk is currently stuck in the 6th dimension.
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    CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy

    CPC8! - Chess Club


    Currently Playing: Video Games

  11. #11
    I invented Go-Gurt. What's New Peeps!? Clint's Avatar
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    I know how to get him out, but I need the assistance of Jimmy Carter, and an FDA approved robotic prosthetic arm.

  12. #12
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. What's New Peeps!? Polk's Avatar
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    So we're calling the midwest the 6th dimension now? Good to know.

    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    >Asks questions
    >Answers half herself
    I probably shouldn't be saying this, but whatever, here it goes. The reason she didn't talk about her love life is because we've been dating for a couple of months now. We didn't want to tell anyone because we thought it would be awkward.

    I can't wait until Gypsy reads this like, 6 months from now and sends me a strongly worded text calling me an idiot for posting lies about her on the forums. It's gonna be hilarious.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  13. #13
    Virmire Survivor Rocky's Avatar
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    hell yeah 6th dimension bros where we at?!

    New job?
    Been working at a hospital pharmacy for a few months now, it's been super busy but I'm enjoying my job, and I finally get to use my PTO soon, going to LA over the 4th of July is pretty exciting.

    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life?
    Haven't persued anything since I broke up with gf on christmas. long story lol.

    New place? where?
    Still in the 6th dimension for now, for better or for worse.

    How is work and or school?
    Busy and rewarding, most days I work out in the mornings, go to work, get home around 10:30-11pm and play some videogames until I pass out. nothing too exciting

    Any juicy gossip?
    nothing too big lol, I'm pretty boring these days I'm still salty about Polk never meeting up for me at warped like 5 years ago so there's that, he owes me big
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

    (Updated April 13th 2013)Currently Playing: League of Legends, FTL, Dead Island, Borderlands 2, KotoR 2

  14. #14
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Polk gets out of time trouble and doesn't tell me. I've time traveling for years.
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    CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy

    CPC8! - Chess Club


    Currently Playing: Video Games

  15. #15
    TFFF Ghost What's New Peeps!? Howling Wind's Avatar
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    New job?: I gots a job at WALMART. Yeah I know, creative right?
    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life?: Kind of. There is a guy I like but we haven't officially gone on a date yet xD Been doing stuff together (normal none pervy stuff you pervs) for about a month.
    New place? where?: It's hardly new. Old and has ants. It's okay, just a creepy old house thats cozy and I really like it. Lame part? It's on the same blasted street as my even OLDER house.
    How is work and or school?: Work is work. I'm underpaid xD School is okay. I finally managed to stay in somewhat normal school like everyone else a few years back despite my ADHD.
    Any juicy gossip?: My friends boyfriend either buys condoms for Midgets or he is REALLY well endowed. She got drunk and told me. Can't lie. I look at him different now >_>

    BONUS QUESTION: Have you played Bloodborne YET!?: What is Bloodborne I don't even.
    Spit out your stride gum and chew another piece already... or I'll haunt you.

  16. #16
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    New job? Nope, but I'm now a deputy manager in training. I ran a store as deputy for eight/nine weeks, and it was tough. But I think the travel and day length made it tough - the job is easy enough, I just wish I'd learned more!
    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life? Nah. Sticking with the same model.
    New place? I wish!
    How is work and or school? It's alright! Back in my old store and enjoying how chilled out it is in comparison to the place I got sent to. It was like a stress factory. On the road to promotion doesn't suck either. Also, I got a free Insert Coin PSOne bag for being a PlayStation Brand Ambassador! =3
    Any juicy gossip? Nuh-uh gurlfrend.

    BONUS QUESTION: Have you played Bloodborne YET!? Of course! It's amazing. I've been super addicted, and I've barely done anything yet. I've been farming for Blood Vials, Shards and Echoes like a muthafuker. It's my last day off work today, so I'm planning on putting those hours into Bloodborne. Blood is foouuuuul.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  17. #17
    G'day What's New Peeps!? NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    New job?
    Nope! Just got fired from my job of 8 years a week ago! Hoping to get something real soon so I can pay my rent!

    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life?
    I have been with my partner for a year and 2 months now and we moved out together at the end of January! ^_^

    New place? where?
    Got a sick pad at a place called Greenslopes. It's a 3 story townhouse in a complex of 13 or 14 and the complex is called Marquis Mews. Mews makes me think of cats and I love cats, so it's super perfect for me! Too bad I can't actually have pets here, I had to leave my Linkle baby at my mum's It's about a 10 minute drive to Brisbane city, I can see the big skyscrapers from outside! It is so awesome! The bus station is 5 minutes away! There's a lovely bikeway/walkway I can go on lovely walks and bike rides on! I added some photos of my lounge room, which looks a bit messier now, the bike way and the view of the city from out the front, you can see it better in real life than in the photo, a sunset from the top floor of my howse and a pretty photo of a big tree in the middle of Queen St Mall in Brisbane City!

    How is work and or school?
    Work will be great when I get some! I am wanting to start studying laboratory skills/operations in July! Apparently I can do a certificate III and get it subsidized by the goverment, which would make the certificate cost $150 aud instead of $3000! I don't want to get a loan for it, because I don't want to be in debt, but maybe I will have to just do it in the end and stop thinking about it!

    Any juicy gossip?

    I did play it! For like half an hour, for some reason the characters arms are freakishly long. It is really good! I'm just super lazy with games so I probably won't play any more of it, but my partner is playing it, so I watch it from time to time.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  18. #18
    Queen What's New Peeps!? Crescent's Avatar
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    New job? I do PA-ing on the side as a (paid) favour apart from my Modelling/Personal Styling. I'd post pics from my latest shoot bt im oiled up n in swimwear so id best not.

    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/dating life? This was a popular line of questioning at the family Easter get-togethers last wk. Until someone actually compliments my life in a way that makes it better not to be single - Relationship status: Nah

    New place? where? Same sweet, pet-accommodating apartment Ive been living in for almost a decade now. My single friends ask me if I wanna move in with em or check out new apartments bt im set in my ways n am comfortably close to evrything i need here. Speaking of new places, I'll be travelling to Bora Bora for my bday with 3 friends later this year. Cant wait!!!

    How is work and or school? I've always had nagging thoughts about going back to study what i originally wanted to do as a career ie working with animals, bt Id like to keep at my current job(s) for as long as possible n im required to travel because of it. I've worked for most of my life, modelling even throughout high school, so Im essentially just stuck in my comfort zone. The thought of switching careers makes me feel a tad nauseous bc there'd be a lot put at risk if I did bt I kno its something I'll eventually have to do when the time comes.

    Any juicy gossip?

    Not too long ago my friend's younger sister was dating a member of 1D. News of my connections n friendship with the elder sister carried over into my family n both my lil sisters n their upstart friends began hounding me to see personal pics of the 2 thru my fb account. 1D fandom are scary af.

    One of my best friends is dating a married man who is loaded n she keeps pestering me to go on a date with one of his 2 friends, both of whom are also married (n loaded) jus so I can tag along to a sleazy boat cruise party with her nxt weekend (n most likely more after that). I'll continue to do what ive been doing for the last 3 wks n 'overlook' her calls.

    There’s an EB games store in my vicinity that I avoid now because the manager who's always been really chatty with me boldly asked me out one afternoon. His gf who also works there (Ive spoken to her on 3 or 4 occasions; we bonded (otc) over our love for the Dark Brotherhood quests) wud surely have an issue with that proposition so I'll have to buy my games from another EB store further out n mayb keep to myself this time lol.

    I’ve been in regular contact with another model thru my instagram/email n she will be flying into Sydney in under a month’s time for work. We've already organised our own itinerary for the duration of her trip (a wk)n it involves doing a whole lotta nothin; shopping, lunches, beach n dinner dates together n having our own lil impromptu shoot with a photographer friend. Not juicy bt gossip nonetheless.

    BONUS QUESTION: Have you played Bloodborne YET!?
    Yes. Believe that the Nightmare of Mensis pigs literally make me flinch, dizzy n nauseous. I whimper n feel a tightness in my chest n I need to curl myself up and hold something tight like a blanket. Oh n my appetite's destroyed for hrs aka they gross me the fk out. #trypophobic #brbpassedout

    Confession: I miss video games so much that I listen to video game music while I study and work. Is that weird?
    huh..….Who doesn’t do that? My lil sister studies to (OoT n WW) Zelda music.

    Whenever one of my game songs comes on in the car, my friends yell out “NEXTTTT!!!!!!!!!” or "Wtf is this crap/sh*t!?!" xD Then I tell em to shtup or get the eff outta my car.

  19. #19
    Boxer of the Galaxy What's New Peeps!? Rowan's Avatar
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    New job?
    Soon possibly. I have a connection who is hooking me up with a position still quite close to home, but pays about $20k more than what im getting now. I'd also be working with other people instead of on my own. I value learning from others as well, it will be a great change for me.
    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life?
    Getting engaged to the love of my life, always feels good. Even before I proposed I was certain she would say yes, but I was still extremely nervous. The words could hardly make their way out, but it was a great feeling. I also guessed her ring finger size perfectly. My now Fiance' told me shes going to get me an awesome wedding band , come the day. It will be made of meteorite, so its basically +15 to my arcana and +12 to defence. Which is pretty fkn good. But srsly, shes getting me a ring made from meteorite.
    New place? where?
    Moving out at the end of next year. Until then, we are saving like crazy. the bigger the downpayment, the less interest you pay and ultimately, the better off we will be. Cant wait to have a place of our own, it will be like a dream. We are both very excited to craete our own game room, with all our consoles. We are gonna look for displays to show off our figurine collections too, but keep them all in the game room as they might wierd out family if they came over and saw Super Sonico 'bustin out' all over the coffee table.
    How is work and or school?
    Work is okay, cant complain I guess. Having a government job means my position is more secure than most, especially in a time where unemployment rates and retail is in decline, I need not worry about losing my job. I also get great perks such as 12 weeks paid leave each year. I couldn't imagine working like everyone else does and having only 4 weeks that you need to 'apply' for.
    Any juicy gossip?
    Not rly. Me and my fiance watch pron and hentai together. Love it.

    BONUS QUESTION: Have you played Bloodborne YET!?
    Yes, I hated it at first. Then I saw the appeal. I cussed my console out, cussed the game out, cussed my controller, said "I'm never playing this bullshit piece of shit game ever again its fkn impossible why do they make it if you cant even win it" only to play it again 5 minutes later. Found a SWEET farming spot. Got the 3 moon runes (man that mother brain shit make contact part creeped me the hell out". Anyway, for those wanting a lot of Echo's and Vial's, Mergo's loft middle is a great place. Start from the lantern and make your way to the weeping lady. 85k in what should take you 3 minutes. Repeat this until it takes you 2 runs to gain a single level, before moving onto new game plus/final boss.

  20. #20
    Gingersnap What's New Peeps!? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I read all of theeeeeese

    Recent-ish events:

    I have a pig as a pet, and she can get up and down stairs to go into the backyard now. She is almost house trained. She had an accident today, but we are so close.

    Playing music with an old friend of mine, we've been busy this year.

    Husband is starting the brewery he's wanted for years, and I've been working on the creative side of it: designing logo, social media, ideas for marketing, etc. It's getting exciting because we've had a couple write-ups in local news, and there's a strong possibility we've found a location. You'll all have to come drink there one day.

    Possible location is walking distance from our house, and my current commute is at least 30 minutes, if I go 10mph over the speed limit. I hate it, and would love to be able to walk to work. My job is fine. The commute is killing me slowly.

    Read more.

    TFF Awards:

    Nicest Female 2006. Best Couple 2006. Nicest Female 2005. Best Couple 2005. Tie for Nicest Female 2004. Best Couple 2004. Flamer of the Week 2005.

    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

    . SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
    HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.

  21. #21
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I never actually contributed mostly because my life is boring even if I moved to Austin, TX.
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    CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy

    CPC8! - Chess Club


    Currently Playing: Video Games

  22. #22
    Bananarama What's New Peeps!? Pete's Avatar
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    New job?
    Sort of. I started with a new company doing the same crap I used to do, but for more money. But that was a year ago, so nothing super recent in that regard.

    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life?
    Nope, have been with the same girl for about two and a half years now. Life's good

    New place? where?
    Same place as usual. The woman is talking about the possibility of moving in someplace together, which I would be all for, except I don't think her parents would necessarily approve. Her dad's got guns, so I try to keep him happy.

    How is work and or school?
    Sucks but it pays the bills. I hate doing what I do, and am trying to get into what I want, but it's one big waiting game. I'll get there eventually though.

    Any juicy gossip?
    Nah. I'm pretty boring, though I have a ton of concerts and shit lined up this summer.

    BONUS QUESTION: Have you played Bloodborne YET!?
    Nopes. I just bought an Xbox One, and it's still sitting in it's box. I have 360 games to finish, and only enough space for two consoles. The ps3 isn't moving anytime soon either
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  23. #23
    I'm working on making some future plans but in the meantime, I plan to plant a rose garden and go back to volunteering with the sexual trauma center

  24. #24
    Chief Inspiring Officer What's New Peeps!? Cyanist's Avatar
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    New job? Nope. Still playing housemaid to my 3 increasingly disgusting brothers, none of whom will do any chores, because they were filling in for me while I did the college thing, and they think I can handle everything by myself now, which is just another way of saying they missed me (that’s the ticket, girl, if there aint no silver lining, just visualize it into being) aw, forget that, I’m going to go hug one of them, that always freaks them out.

    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life? Nothing, Nada, and there isn’t going to be until I get my degree. Eyes on the prize I guess. There have been some good-looking guys I’ve run into (not literally, that’s too anime) and one of them showed interest, but like I said, I need to stay focused here.

    New place? where? I’ve moved into a more secluded portion of the house for studying – problem: because I cleaned it, all of the brothers are subconsciously drawn to it, and leave their junk here.

    How is work and or school? I will talk about school, because my work, though crucial to everyday existence, is just the same old wretched housework that I’ve been screaming about for ages. Um, school is going good. I’ve got a 4.0 GPA so far, but more importantly, I think I’ve discovered what I want to do with the remainder of my life. Spoiler alert - it’s gonna be awesome.

    Any juicy gossip? Well, my uncle on my mother’s side (not my dad’s side, of course they're mysteriously silent), who has notoriously bad luck with women has recently divorced his 5th wife because of an incident involving a set of decorative bedroom pillows << He really doesn’t like pillows?

    BONUS QUESTION: Have you played Bloodborne YET!? FML I WANT TO PLAY BUT I HAVE NO TIME. I don’t have a PS4, and unless the price goes down and the console sprouts wheels, I think it’ll be awhile longer but the trailer looks so cool...
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

    The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:

  25. #25
    Actually... pretty much has happened in my life, which is why I haven't posted much during the whole last year. (Did I even post ANYTHING at all? |D")

    Last year, in June, I finally passed my state exam and therefore was able to work at a school as a teacher... In August, I got the important letter telling me the school I'd work at - 250km away from home. (A shock.) So I had to find an appartment within three or four weeks and had to leave my whole family (including my back-then-boyfriend with whom I'd lived together since almost three years...) behind. I surely don't have to mention that I was pretty pissed and lonely. So, in September, I started working as a teacher, and at first I had fun. Then, since November, I had my own classes and unfortunately the most unrealiable co-worker EVER. This *censored* woman really got on my nerves by permanently forgetting to do stuff or even doing them late at night while I was sleeping. In December, I had to give lessons for which I got the plan half an hour before lesson... And the sad thing was: I was bound to this *censorced* (seriously, imagine the word with b... <_<) for the WHOLE school year. No escape! Plus, giving lessons wasn't fun at all. Then, in January, I had the first lesson which was graded. It was a D. I wasn't told the reasons and at this point I was like "f*ck it". Honestly, even the unreliable *censored* got a better grade. This was a sign: I'm not made for teaching.
    So, lastly, at the end of January, I quit it. I didn't have any other job and wouldn't have thought I'd EVER do this, but it was a good decision. I don't want to get into details, but I wasn't happy back then. Not at all. My parents were shocked, my parents-in-law were happy, and most importantly: looking back, I am happy.
    After a few weeks I decided to go back to university, getting my Master's degree. And that's where I am now. Still educational stuff, but at least I'm not forced to do any teaching courses anymore. Feels good, I think I'm on the right track again.

    Dating life
    I'd really like to know if anyone wondered about the "back-then-boyfriend". It's still the same as five years ago, but he's not my boyfriend anymore. In November last year, he proposed to me (with a ring he made by himself, I told you he'd get the RIGHT ring! ) and in April this year we got married. <3 Yes, it was pretty soon after the engagement, but we both always said that we wanted to be traditional by marrying within one year after the proposal. And it had to be April, as I wouldn't have looked good in a wedding dress in summer. (Though I always wanted to marry in summer... But that's okay, we had good weather nonetheless, it was pretty warm. Compared to May now...)
    So the second big thing is: we'll be parents in September. :> (One of the reasons my parents-in-law were happy about me quitting my job. They feared that after all I told them about how I felt, the child would take damage...)

    ... and we moved from the city to the rural region, a small village in the middle of nowhere. (Where rents are cheap and people still greet each other when they see you. I love small villages <3) But we're still near our families and wouldn't leave the region anyways.

    BONUS QUESTION: Have you played Bloodborne YET!?
    I don't even know what kind of game Bloodborne is o_o

    So... this is basically all that has happened

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  26. #26
    TFFF Ghost What's New Peeps!? Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Well, I was going to make a new thread for this but I decided Mel's thread needed some love and although I'm sure this isn't exactly GOSSIP per-say. It's an event that happened on Sunday evening that was kinda frightening. I'm sure I mentioned that I like to race karts somewhere on here and I'm not talking those karts that go like 15 MPH in an amusement park I mean karts with a stick shift and a Dirt bike motor that goes I guess on average faster than cars go on the freeway (If you follow the speed limit, and don't act like an asshole, assholes).

    ANYWAY. So I was zipping along laadeedaa and suddenly when I was going through this corner I do this thing where you break going in just slightly and shift down and when you're turning the corner and ready to exit you tap the gas. It sounds like shit but, eh, you get better traction. So I assumed after I had shifted up the shifter must have jammed and stuck so on the approach to the next turn I put the brake on and start to shift down and the stick is LOOSE and the engine does shift down a little but then it starts screaming like a banshee because I can't shift back up.

    At this point Mr. Traction is like. HEY KRISTEN IMMA GO FISHING BYE! The kart spins, I go headfirst into the friggin barrier and my feet get bruised as hell and to make matters worse... the engine blew >.> So not only do I have sore feet, I have a kart whose engine smoked like a train. The guy at the track said he saw sparks as I was exiting the corner and I found out that the chain broke and was dragging on the track.

    It used to be kinda funny to crash in a kart but gah, not when it happens like that. So yeah. Hopefully I save up enough money to get it fixed before summer. -_-
    Spit out your stride gum and chew another piece already... or I'll haunt you.

  27. #27
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) What's New Peeps!? che's Avatar
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    You raced your own kart? Or you tore up the amusement park's? Sounds like you got blue shelled in mario kart. Owned.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  28. #28
    TFFF Ghost What's New Peeps!? Howling Wind's Avatar
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    I raced my own kart XD I don't know if any amusement parks have karts that have top speeds of 100MPH but it would be awesome if they did. Yeah, it was DK. Cheeky shmuck!
    Spit out your stride gum and chew another piece already... or I'll haunt you.

  29. #29
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) What's New Peeps!? che's Avatar
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    You could also say you...

    ... got wrecked.


    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  30. #30
    The Old Skool Warrior What's New Peeps!? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Most of you know that still because I didn't quite disappear from social media. I'm gonna do up a huge post this evening explaining what I've been up to lately, but here's a short version of what's new:

    I'll be moving cross-country in as few as three weeks!

    ~ sent from my Galaxy Note 3 via Tapatalk Pro
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

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