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Thread: Mothers' Day

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. Mothers' Day RamesesII's Avatar
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    Mothers' Day

    Who around the world celebrates it and how?

    Do you spoil your mum (yes that's right with a u), do you spend the day with her how do you show your appreciation. Not to excuse the fact that mother's should be appreciated everyday not just on one specific day of the year (unless you have a really crap mother)

    In Australia we had ours on the 13th of August, yesterday.

    I rang my mum and spent a good couple hours catching up and joking around with she is very laid back like me so we aren't very stringent with these sorts of traditions but nonetheless I at least rang her.

    Also I hope I had the right grammar in the title.
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Mothers' Day Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    I'm ashamed to say I only found out it's mothers day rather late in the night when my mother was already asleep, if I only bother to click that damn Google sign. I did however congratulate her this morning, I regret not buying anything, I truly owe her all my love and respect.

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  3. #3
    Chief Inspiring Officer Mothers' Day Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    Me and my brother are swapping the engine in her car. I'm not sure if she likes that...
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  4. #4
    Crash Boom Bang Mothers' Day Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    my mum isnt arsed about her bday but will kick up a shit storm if she doesnt get anything for mothers day for some reason. It annoys me though, because its never on the same day every year so i either get somthing way to early or way too late ):

    We never really do anyhting other than me saying il pop up whenever with her gift

    also, its in march for us lot

  5. #5

    Re: Mothers' Day

    Usually its celebrated about the same as a birthday in my family. We all get her cards or presents to show our appreciation.

    This year however, I have bronchitis or had. I feel much better today, but the rest of the family didn't want me there so I stayed home. I told my mother she could have a Kindle Touch or a Kindle Fire. Whichever she wanted I would buy it for her.

    She loves reading books and has a older kindle. The button system on that thing is beyond complicated especially to her. So I thought it would be nice to get something with an easier layout. She hasn't made a decision yet.

  6. #6
    Gingersnap Mothers' Day OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    For my moms (Mom and her partner of over 10 years), I made a card with a bunch of photographs and a doofy poem... and then Mom made us dinner lol. She loves cooking, and got to make whatever she wanted, so I didn't feel bad about being served a ridiculously good dinner. We talked for hours and had a great evening together. Also she sent me home with some herbs from their garden. <3

    I'm thinking I might enroll them in 3 months of the wine of the month club... but I need to get my next paycheck first.

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  7. #7
    Certified tech, come at me! Mothers' Day SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    I just did something simple and priceless: gave my mom a hug and wished her a happy mothers day. Doesn't get anymore special than that
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  8. #8
    Bananarama Mothers' Day Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    I got my mom some flowers, some cookies, chocolates and a kindle. I figured it'd be good for her so that she could just download new books when she finishes the last one. She seems quite happy with everything.

    Hooray for mommies... cause without them, we wouldn't be here!
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  9. #9
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Mothers' Day Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    Back in March in the UK, where Mother's Day has more religious connections, also known as Mothering Sunday (something to do with Easter) I got my mum a bottle of her favourit bath gel, Chanel No. 19, which she was having trouble tracking down. I also do something for my nan, as she hasn't been the same since Grandad died, and I like to show her I care.

    I worry constantly about my parents and nan, as they are not getting any younger, and Nan has been ill with a kidney tumour recently. :/
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  10. #10
    Registered Goober Mothers' Day Order's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    Mother's day and similar occasions make me feel like a terrible son/brother/cousin, etc...
    I am probably one of the most thoughtless and inconsiderate people on the planet.
    I do love and appreciate my family and I am careful to never take them for granted, but when it comes to prescribed occasions of gift-giving, I fail horribly every time.

    I think because I honestly want nothing from my family but dependability and support, I forget that normal people actually like receiving gifts and cards and crap.
    I don't feel comfortable giving or receiving gifts.

  11. #11
    Boxer of the Galaxy Mothers' Day Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    I put in with my sister and got mum some nice things. I also went out and purchased flowers because I wanted to get her something that was just from me, and she loves flowers. I usually make the effort to make damn sure I get her something nice because I dont ever say that I love her, its just not the kind of person I am, so when a day like this comes around I can substite it in another way.

  12. #12
    I'm like a sexy female Darth Vader Mothers' Day motscroises's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    The whole family usually buys her flowers and we all have a big dinner together. This year there was no dinner, but I tried to make up for it. I bought my mom a wallet from Fossil, made her breakfast, and just hung out with her all day. Idk, I never feel like it's enough.

  13. #13
    TFF's Resident Messenger Mothers' Day Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Mothers' Day

    It wasn't much, but I did write my mother a letter last week in the hope it would get to her in time for Mother's Day. There isn't anything else I can do for her where she is, but she knows that I would if I could.

    Back when she was home I would always get her some of her favorite puzzle books. And by some I mean 27-30 of them. She would have gone through and completed the ones I got her for her birthday, so I was just restocking her. And I bought her some fancy baking dishes, that I use more than she ever did.
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