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Thread: Thoughts for Mother's Day

  1. #1

    Thoughts for Mother's Day

    Well, I was just thinking... um, since Mother's Day is coming pretty soon, do you guys have any good ideas for a gift?

    I'm really having trouble thinking it over since I'm already busy with stuff at the university, and this year, I wanna give my mom a memorable gift; unlike the shopping sprees I gave her two years in a row lol

    After all, she deserves it. I really appreciate all the hard work she did this year, and keeping me alive for sixteen years ^_^

    So, any ideas?

    "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil."
    ROMANS 16:19

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    Final Fantasy Fan Cid, my high-flying cousin
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  2. #2
    Registered User Thoughts for Mother's Day winterborn86's Avatar
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    mothers day has already been over here in the uk, and i got my mum this gift, its like a small mirror that stands up and writing on the glass are some lovely words, u get all types of them and the words say the sort of things thats in ur heart but u dnt say em out loud, in the uk they are called "reflections of life", they are lovely.

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  3. #3
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    my mom would be happy with a free pack of smokes and a gift card for her favorite resteraunt hahahaha. i have found the more simplistic things to mean more to her then spending alot of money and getting her stuff she wont use or doesnt need. i say pick something that she has either been wanting for awhile or something that her and her hubby can use to get away for a little bit to relax.

    sorry not to good at this one because mothers day presents seem to be mother specific and since i dont know yours its hard for me to come up with anything.
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  4. #4
    This is my sin... Thoughts for Mother's Day Lucid's Avatar
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    Nice scented candles.
    I don't think there's many women that don't like scented candles.

    If you're got the money then maybe a necklace or bracelet with you and your sibling's birthstones.
    Or something like this:

    Or you can go the easy way with flowers and a card or something like that.

  5. #5
    I will finish the hunt Thoughts for Mother's Day Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    With my own mother I tend to take her out to dinner, and get her a fancy card. However, if you want to do something really nice I would go with the always acceptable Spa treatment. Nothing says "I love you" mud baths, massages, and facials. Another way to upgrade that is to let one of her close friends go with her on the trip. That way they can sit an chat like we girls tend to do.

    F.Y.I. the only thing I am doing for mothers day is working, lol.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  6. #6
    Registered User Thoughts for Mother's Day winterborn86's Avatar
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    or you could be cheeky and say shes got something special for mothers day, you. lol
    flowers are always nice, or take her for a slap up dinner.

    My TFF Family

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  7. #7
    I'm doing a dinner for my mom. My plan is searching the internet for a good, simple recipe, then following each and every step in the directions. My brother and I will also buy her a bouquet of roses. It's simple, but seems traditional. You can try out cooking at home since going out on Mothers' day always comes with a long wait. It's late, but you could still make reservations if you want to go out. A nice card, flowers, and dinner is a good way to go.

  8. #8
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Thoughts for Mother's Day Tallulah's Avatar
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    It's sometime before Easter in the UK, but I have my mum's birthday coming up. I have bought two of her all time favourite films, Beaches and Ghost on DVD, as my parents had to give up a lot of things when they moved. Unfortunately I can't get the time off work; I was going to go down to London as my birthday is like 4 days later.

  9. #9
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    I brought a nice little glass stand that has the words: "Mom, I love You" on it. It was all I could afford for her since money for me is kinda tight especially since I'm still on the job hunt. That's not all, I'm also planning to make a good dinner for her as well, my homemade Meatloaf (she loves it) and my cheesy Mac & Cheese (she really loves this), so I hope she likes it.
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    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

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  10. #10
    Registered User Thoughts for Mother's Day Dimi's Avatar
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    Wow, Mother's Day is coming up so fast. I'm glad there was a thread on this. I've just been caught up with so many things. Not to mention my mom's Birthday is coming up too. With that said, I'm thinking about getting her two different gifts of course. However, I would want to get her a more creative gift on Mother's Day then as opposed to on her Birthday. I'm not saying that I'm gonna get her a shitty gift but I feel like I should get her something a bit flashy on her B-Day. Don't know what to get her though. But I still have time. So hopefully it comes out a success.

  11. #11
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    What I did for my mom last year was for the morning, I got up before she did (which for me was like 5AM XP) and made her breakfast. She worked that day, but when I got home from school and she got home from work, I helped her with her garden that is in our backyard. My brother got her a gift certificate to a clothing store and my dad took her out to eat to wherever she wanted. Then we had a giant gift between the three of us, where we bought her a necklace (which my dad chipped in most of it but my bro and I helped). I suggest doing a special sentimental gift that will make her truly happy, then going half-and-half or whatever with another person in the family to get her something like I did. I'll probably do something along those lines again this year.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  12. #12
    I was thinking about pairing up with my brother and getting a shitton of flowers for my mom, but turned out she didn't want flowers (as they tend to end up kind of ****ed up thanks to shipping anyway). Unfortunately I won't be there thanks to university, but I'll probably take her out to a nice restaurant. With my family, it's always kind of tough figuring out what to get each other.

  13. #13
    It all depends on whether my mom will be lucky enough for me to remember Mother's Day. Honestly I forget about it most of the time, cause it's a retarded holiday.
    If I remember she'll get perfume.

    Peace out

  14. #14
    I think I just came up with an idea:
    How about I write a poem, edit it on photoshop, print it on some really nice paper, attach it to a bouquet of flowers, then give it to her on that day?
    Or I can edit a photo of us together in photoshop (you, know, make it look all sentimental and touching xD), put it on some nice frame so it can be something she can keep for a long time ^_^

    ...or maybe I should just stick to another shopping spree.

    "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil."
    ROMANS 16:19

    Just press it:


    Final Fantasy Fan Cid, my high-flying cousin
    Rocky, my older brother from another mother xD
    Unknown Entity, my Vincent-loving aunt
    LoVeLeSs, my awesome granddaughter
    diaryofjane, my music loving sister
    brnthsdiscout, my FF lovin' sister
    Dark Squall, my God Father.

  15. #15
    Personal is nice. When I was still in HS (and thus, home) I used to make nice stationary for cards or paper folding... to go along with presents. People tend to really appreciate it, at least from my experience. Just make sure it looks good and not tacky though

  16. #16
    Thoughts for Mother's Day Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    Hmm. I don't know. I've never had the Uh...I am one but, that doesn't really count. So can I get a house or something? Maybe an apron?

    I don't know...I'm terrible with gifts, or remembering when to give them. Give something personal and lasting. Something sentimental, like a collection of pictures and nail clippings you've been saving. Or, a voodoo doll of her worst enemy.

    Or if she's like a busy, do everything mom, do the laundry, cook her dinner, get her favorite movie and get her drunk. Relaxation is the best gift of all...
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

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