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Thread: What is the most important lesson/s you’ve learned in life?

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  1. #5
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheechiibii View Post
    To always look on the bright side, even when there doesn't seem to be one. Wallowing in negativity won't make life better, but keeping a positive mindset will.
    Excellent reply their Sheechiibii! Keeping a positive attitude is not only essential for a level headed mind, it is also vital to your overall well being physically just as it is mentally.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    I've learned a lot about people especially over the past 12 months, but the basic thing I can think of is "if it's too good to be true, it probably is." Wish I would of kept that in mind, but it's way easier said than done when you have emotions and feelings playing with you.

    Another thing that I want to pass down to people is, there are a lot of genuinely good people in this world. In the same vein though, there are people with the potential to tear you down and ruin you, and they might not even have a motive or reason to do so, other than the fact that they can do it. Be careful, and keep your guard up.

    You know I've always considered myself to be a good person. Now that doesn't mean I didn't understand that I have my faults, we all do, and I have hurt others myself as well though not intentionally. At times, especially at a younger age, I catch myself believing everyone is like myself and are good souls. Sadly I've had to learn the hard way that this isn't the case. We all should be weary of strangers but give them the chance to prove themselves, and the only thing I have found that does so is time. It tells the tales of everyone, and will help you understand the true nature of that individual

    Thank you for your post as well rocky! It was very deep on my end, and I can tell you put forth great insight from your personal life into it as well.

    I'm sure the last part of that sentence sounded like a gimme (duh) but hopefully most will catch what I'm trying to say.

    I will also edit this post little by little giving my insight at everyone else comments as well, and I really appreciate all of them!
    Last edited by The Dark Crystal; 01-05-2015 at 06:59 PM.
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