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Thread: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

  1. #31
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? che's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    Anyway, to be serious now: Since I do happen to be attracted to the opposite sex, I suppose I can answer this thread.

    It doesn't really matter to me what their hair color is, red/black/brunette/blonde. I suppose I get a little turned off by hair dye because it looks unprofessional in a business setting, because I want my potential SO to be successful. Though if their profession allows dyed hair, then I would dismiss this.

    I can dig any eye color too.

    Skin type? Don't want you looking like Snooki. I've been told, after some friends compared several people I was attracted to that I like "natural beauty". No fake tans and all that.

    For some reason I'm attracted to females with butt-chins. See: Demi Lovato or Elisha Cuthbert.

    I don't specifically look for a person of a certain race, but I have noticed that I'm attracted to hispanic females. See: Sofia Vergara. She's Colombian.

    Personality is really the biggest part though, and I'm not sure if it's this way for a lot of people or not. This thread is about who you are attracted to, and you can be attracted to people physically and not emotionally. I like girls who are worldly, outgoing, open-minded, quirky, sexy and intelligent. There are probably others but I've never really sat out and made a list before. This is as about as elaborate of a list as I've ever come up with.

    Any of those personality traits being out of order can completely make me unattracted to someone emotionally, even though I am still physically. This usually is a turn off for me and can really make my image of them go from say a 9 to a 7.
    Last edited by che; 03-15-2011 at 02:22 AM. Reason: FORGOT SOMETHIN YO

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  2. #32
    Registered User What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? Selcopa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    Dude, everything is funny here hahaha, how the hell did I get pissed off before lol.
    It's funny how guys are like, 100% attracted to sex like it was a platinum trophy or the lottery, or maybe I don't understand case I have a V-card ^-^
    I'm not putting the ***** on a pedestal if thats what you are saying. But you asked for with 'physical attraction' is basically saying what would be the ideal woman for you to bang.

    But like Che said, personality is more important, and the sex is actually better with someone you really like as opposed to their looks(within limits, and if they're good or not)

    But really the V-card thing isnt that big of a deal. Watch a video get the basic strategy, and when you want, pop that cherry. *Spoiler* nothing special happens thats much different from go han(d) solo, its not like someone hands you a certificate of no longer holding a V-card, if you're nervous, hope you have the type of nervous that makes it take kinda long(happened to me) or drink some alcohol before hand. And if all else fails, pregame her first.


    @Che there are some very attractive columbian and other hispanic women, my friend is currently dating a smoking hot indian girl(real india not native american). But in general they are few and far between. plus latina's are crazy bitches.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 03-17-2011 at 12:49 PM. ~Free games with some prizes

  3. #33
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? che's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    Quote Originally Posted by Selcopa View Post
    @Che there are some very attractive columbian and other hispanic women, my friend is currently dating a smoking hot indian girl(real india not native american). But in general they are few and far between. plus latina's are crazy bitches.
    Wow a real Indian?!

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  4. #34

    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    Ok so since the question was on looks alone I'll try to avoid that at first. So here it goes...

    Red hair
    green eyes
    long to medium hair
    Nice smile.
    good/fair skin (although not mandatory, skin clears up)

    Hair color I have a ranking: Red, Brunette, Dyed (abstract colors), Black and lastly Blonde.
    I don't really care about the height of a girl, I've been attracted to girls taller and smaller then me but if I had to chose I'd say smaller. Petite girls can be so cute.
    Shamefully heavy girls I can't get past and sadly I've had several who have crushed on me (not literally crushed me). I'm not heavy myself so I would expect a girl to be at least my shape or more slender.
    I also don't really care what type of fashion a girl wears. This goes a lot with personality though so its hard to define. A couple people have mentioned they don't like shabby people, this wouldn't bother me as long as they are not like that 100% of the time but again this goes with personality.
    Closer to the sexist side, I'm a breast man, I mean the butt can't be like gross but compared to breasts it's no contest. I would actually prefer smaller breasts over gargantuan ones though, if you have problems with your back or lose balance because of your breasts, forget it.

    But factor in personality it can change a lot. And people are afraid to admit it but looks define the personality of people to a large extent. Pretty people grow up pampered and more often then not become bitches/assholes because of it. Ugly and even un-noteworthy people grow up to become more humble and nice because of the asshole "prettier" people. Even intelligence I'm sure there is a strong correlation between looks and brains, again because good-looking people get things handed to them.
    More on (or rather off) topic, as far as personality goes; I generally like people more outgoing then I am because it encourages me to be more outgoing too. Independent people also inspire me, not because I'm not independent but because I'm proud of people who don't go with the flow and arn't heavily influenced by idiots (ie. the majority of people). As far as interests, Outdoor people are nice, dog-lovers, and on the unlikely chance a girl likes Sci-fi and video games that's a big plus.

    (surprised my computer lasted this long better post what I have)
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  5. #35
    I will finish the hunt What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    1.Bambi Brown Eyes
    2.Dark Brown Wavey or Straight Hair *Cut Short
    3.White Skin W/ A Good Complexion
    4.Good Teeth
    5.A Clean Inner Ear
    6.Medium To Semi Large Build

    Tasteful Tattoos
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  6. #36

    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    Oh yea those are some things I forgot.

    Glasses are always nice and can look very cute. Generally that can be a plus as long as they arn't like Drew Carey glasses.

    Tattoos are hit and miss. Mostly miss though, since so many are bad and people defile their body for something that will just look stupid in a couple years. Tramp stamps are a big no because girls who get them are exactly that, tramps or just plain stupid. Large Tattoos are always bad because you know they will be a regrettable mistake. I've known/seen so many people who just get tattoos clearly for attention. Very rarely I have seen some girl Tattoos that look Ok but really it should mostly be a guy thing and even then it's not much better.

    Piercings. Ear piercings are fine, they are so common they don't really factor in. On the right girls an eyebrow or possibly a lip ring can be ok. Piercings that are plain stupid are Tongue, tits and the lower area below the belt I'm not sure would be appropriate to overtly say here. Those types of piercings are again just for sluts or stupid attention grabbing people. Another terrible idea is any of those spacer rings for ears or god forbid the lip or something, those just scream douchebag that will never amount to anything other then weird store clerk.
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  7. #37
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    I kind of go both ways, sooo starting with males...

    I like long, dark hair. If it's longer than shoulder length or greasy, no thanks. I also like a little bit of chin dusting/stubble. Just a little bit. I don't like skinny guys (I'll feel like I'd break them ), or guys that are too muscular (I want soft cuddles, not strangles). So I tend to like a little bit of chubbiness. Taller than me is a must, which isn't too difficult - I'm more or less 5'8", and most guys I know break 6'. If they're taller than 6'5", we might have some problems. Lots of body hair is another no-no. I do like it to some degree, but if you're sporting longer hair on your arms, legs, armpits, back or chest than on your head, then I'm revolted. I do like blue or green eyes and glasses.

    As for style, I like jeans and shirts. Dark jeans are a plus (NOT skinny jeans - ugh, on men they don't leave much to the imagination ><), and so are band t-shirts. But I like shirts, as long as they're plain and clean, not marked and covered in flowers. Also, I don't like Converses, but Air Walks are a massive plus, and I'll love them forever. <3

    I don't like chavy accents. In fact, that's a turn off. Nor do I really like "posh" accents. I do like an Irish accent though, but it's not a necessity.

    My recent crush has been Aidan Turner, Being Human star.

    With women, I'm more or less the same. However, I'm a little bit more picky (believe it or not...). I prefer women who are like me in terms of hight and proportion, but I do like perhaps bigger boobs. But not too big - HUGE boobs are just ridiculous.

    In terms of style, I like something similar to myself, but someone who's not afraid to try out newer things. Bonus points for gothic and steampunk. I live in jeans, and a top of some description. I don't particularly like a lot of make up. Glasses are hawt too, with either green or blue eyes behind them.

    In terms of ethnicity... uh. With guys, it doesn't really matter, I don't think. I've had crushes all over the place. I've never had a crush on a black woman, now that I think about it, but that's not to say I wouldn't date one.

    My biggest female crush has to be Evangeline Lily. I don't really have a recent one.

    On either sex, I like bleeding colours in the iris. Like a mixture. Greens and blues and browns. I just find it really interesting. Good teeth are a must - if they're not pearly white, I don't really mind, but as long as they're not sick yellow or black or wonky, then awesome. I'm open minded about downstairs hair - as long as it's kept tame, tidy and clean, I don't really see why you have to torture yourself by getting rid of it.

    Either way though, I like personality a little bit more. As long as someone is able to make me laugh or smile with even the smallest of gestures, we'll get along nicely. Oh, and they have to be a gamer. I want someone to understand when I cry at the ending of a Final Fantasy game. ;-;

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  8. #38
    I invented Go-Gurt. What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? Clint's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    I like my women to be exactly like Helen Mirren. Not back in the 1970's when she was young. I mean like right now, 65 years old and still smoking hot.

    Either exactly like Helen Mirren, or Helen Mirren, if she weren't married. Or if she was willing to cheat on her husband with a big-name Hollywood director like me.

    Personality wise, if she looks like Helen Mirren, I couldn't care less if she has a bad personality or no personality.

    Though I'd prefer a version of Helen Mirren without the British accent. If you don't have an American accent, you kind of sound like a fag.

  9. #39
    Gingersnap What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?


    Bleh. I don't have a type, come to find out. I've dated totally different looking dudes, from tall, dark, and handsome to adorable/cute/kind of goofy looking.

    I guess I'm initially drawn to dark hair and eyes, because my own hair and eyes are lighter.

    I find what is most important to me is if the guy can make me laugh. And obviously, there has to be that unconscious chemistry that's either there or isn't.

    So. If I can talk to them, I'll go from there.

    Also dudes who like redheads lololol

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  10. #40
    I'm like a sexy female Darth Vader What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? motscroises's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?


  11. #41
    Registered User What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? sayian's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    smooth lips
    soft eyes
    proportioned curves
    nice skin
    any race
    someone that takes care of themselves physicallly....

  12. #42
    Crash Boom Bang What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    All I look for is a pulse ):

  13. #43
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    I find myself attracted to women with-

    • Brown, or black hair with the length at least to their shoulders.
    • preferable green, or blue eye's, but it really doesn't matter.
    • Also, i like them to be skinny, not bulimic or anything, but not over weight. which also depending on their height, so I won't set a weight limit.
    • I do like prefer taller women then short, because i hate bending down, or getting on my knees to kiss the girl. Ha ha!
    • I love a girl with a positive attitude, who is going to be maturer then I am. Which is actually hard to find for myself, unless their maybe 5 to 10 years older then I am. So yes, I do prefer my women to be older, but it's not a must.
    • A girl/women that actually has brain's, who doesn't walk around with her head in her a**, and who is ditsy as hell!
    • Breast size really doesn't matter to much as well, as long as i can read braille while i play with them!
    • she also has to have a nice a**, not so much of a bubble butt were you can place a cup on it, and it would stay their! I'm still haunted by what i saw at the mall.
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  14. #44
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. What looks do you look for in the opposite sex? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: What looks do you look for in the opposite sex?

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Waltz View Post
    i hate bending down, or getting on my knees
    I must say, I am not a fan of preforming this act as well.

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