Do you all ever have those moments were you're at a public place (I.E. Library, book store, restaurant, grocery store, etc) and while you're doing something, all of a sudden someone walks by and either asks you or tells you something right out of nowhere?
I had one like that the other night, I was at a book-a-million killing some time before the showing of The Avengers starts, reading a PC magazine. An elderly lady was walking along the magazine isle that I was in so I stood up from the seat I was in to give her room to pass through, she noticed an advertisement I was looking at which had a picture of an asian guy rocking out. Next thing that happened, she pats me on the shoulder and says: "I knew Tony Hawk, I knew him since he was a kid." after that she walked off.
I was pretty confused about what just happened afterwards, in my head i'm like "what?".
If any of you have stories to share, I'd love to hear them!