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Thread: What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa)

  1. #1

    What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa)

    I don't know if I'm posting at the right forum, but please do correct me if I'm wrong.

    So basically, you just state here whatever things you like about the opposite sex; turn ons, to be specific. What do you notice about the oppisite sex that you find attractive or annoying? What traits do you like about a guy/girl? What do they need to have for you to like them? And so on.

    I'm just curious

  2. #2
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    The Long List of Lurve. Or something else lame.

    The short answer:

    The longer answer (things I do like):
    A sense of humour -- I can't talk to people who don't have one.

    Somebody who shows a sense of stability/people who know how to take care of themselves. I'm not your keeper, I expect you to have half a brain.

    Good hygiene. Seriously. Be clean.

    Must be interested to learn about stuff I like. -- Generally, I'd never date somebody who's the polar opposite of me, but if I'm willing to give your hobbies a chance, you have to be willing to partake in mine ocassionally.

    Be willing to spend time with me. -- I like my time alone, too but I expect us to hang around together a lot. Why else would we be dating?

    Must be older than me. -- I'm not dating a younger man. No offence to anybody that does, but I find it slightly creepy. That said, he can't be much older than me, either. Five years is the very most I'd do, and that's only now that I'm an adult.

    Be open. -- If somethings' bothering you, let me know. I don't want to play guessing games all night.

    Honesty/be trustworthy. -- Obviously the fabric of any good relationship.

    Trust me. -- I am trustworthy, if you're going to get paranoid about every little thing, then I'm going to ditch you. I can't be dealing with somebody who cries paranoid fantasies at me all day everyday. I don't care what your excuse is.

    Also, I prefer not to date men who have had an outlandish amount of girlfriends/sexual partners. To me, that says you're either insecure or that you've been sexually deviant, and I can't be bothered with men who have been round the block sixty million times.

    Don't put me down if I don't know something/ask you something. -- I'm not stupid, but if I ask you something, it's because I'm interested or because I trust you to answer my question without making me feel like a knob about it. (Admittedly, I've never dated anybody like this, but I hear a lot of stories.)

    And if love was to come from it... well I expect you to show me you care, either by telling me you love me every once in a while, or by doing a nice gesture for me. Nothing huge is required, just something thoughtful, like warming a towel for me when I get out of the bath or making me soup when I'm sick, etc.

    Be my friend. -- Let's hang out not only as partners, but as friends. We don't need to kiss and cuddle constantly. I like hanging out over a game and eating a pizza the same amount.

    Like animals. Especially rodents and small critters. Hamsters/mice/rats/gerbils/etc. You may find this dirty, but surprisingly, tamed rodents are very clean animals. My hamsters are so self-conscious, they clean themelves almost everytime they're awake (within the exception of my youngest, who is the scruffy one of the lot.)

    And... have similar goals to me. If our lives can't coincide peacefully, then what's the point?

    Things I don't like:

    Overly romantic men. -- Please, if you're more of a girl than me, it's just not worth it.

    Lying. -- Seriously, I wouldn't lie to you, so why do the same to me? I find liars annoying little attention seekers.

    Instability. -- I mean this with everything; money, mental health, addictions to dangerous things, paranoia, overt jealousy. Call that selfish if you want, I don't really care. I like my man to be stable and not a mental wreck.

    Don't constantly tell me how attractive other women are. -- I don't expect you to not to find other woman attractive, but if you're looking at them constantly, it implies you're not that interested in me.

    Also, if you dislike animals, you're not going to get far with me. I have pets and I love them all dearly and if you don't like them, too, then my opinion of you will seriously decrease. Sorry, but that's one of the number 1 rules.

    Don't be clingy -- this doesn't mean we can't hang out. But I don't need to hear you write essays on how much you love me every few minutes.

    Don't expect me to schedule my life around your needs -- I have things to do, too. Give me some time to take care of errands, then I'll spend time with you.

    Excessive smoking and drinking is extremely unattractive and I won't waste my life with somebody like that. Illegal drug use will not be tolerated in any way or form, either.

    Don't expect impossible demands to be met. -- I don't expect you to change your whole life around for me, so don't expect me to change my whole life around for you. Little sacrifices are acceptable, and maybe even a moderately large sacrifice, depending on it's nature and how much damage it's doing.

    -- So yeah, call that a huge and high maintenance list, but I explained to you what I like and dislike. My boyfriend fits all of my above, so I don't need to worry about having trouble finding somebody.
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 11-18-2008 at 07:56 AM.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  3. #3
    Vagabond Thief What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    what I like-
    He knows what he wants.
    He likes me for me.
    Personality,niceness,friendliness,outgoing,romanti c(but not overly)
    Gets along well with others,
    is willing to be friends with my friends,
    needs to be funny,caring and comforting
    Someone who calls or Ims me first rather than me always doing the first calling or iming
    A happy person!everyone does get down every now and then but dont be depressing constantly
    oh and you have to have ncie manners be respectful and is willing to help me out with things and you have to be somewhat protective if someones bein a jerk to me stand up for me please dont just sit there and let them do it

    I forgot to add hygeine and someone whos fairly athletic. I work out everyday so it'd be fun to go to the gym together lol

    I think that pretty much sums it up. and wellw hat i dont liek would be the opposite of those.
    I tend to just look for personality looks dont really matter to me all that much but about my height or taller lol if your too short its just odd..i'd put you in heels LOL I also tend to look for someone who enjoys the same things as me so we can do more stuff together.
    Last edited by Rikkuffx; 11-19-2008 at 02:50 PM.
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  4. #4
    Arachnie Suicide What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Turn ons -
    - A decent amount of body hair.
    I dunno why. I like body hair on guys. Don't shave that shit.

    - Overall masculinity.
    If I want something feminine, I'll go find a girl. *shrug* I've nothing against naturally feminine guys, I just don't want to date one.

    - Empathy.
    Self explanatory. Empathy's nice and stuff.

    - Hygiene
    I like it when I kiss a guy and don't get grime inside my mouth from his dirty teeth.

    - Being trustworthy.
    I'm a very wary, very jealous person. I need somebody I can trust.

    -Being open-minded.
    I'm strange. In many ways. And I like it when a guy's open to things I like, whether that be sexual interests or even food.

    Another self-explanatory one. I like the feeling that somebody cares for me. It's nice.

    -Not enough body hair XD.
    I have a good male friend who waxes everything. Pubic area, balls, chest, legs, back, arms. I think it's just a bit gross. If you wax your chest, I'm going to be turned off by that instantly. Same with anything in the genital region. I don't find it sexy, I find it pre-pubescant and weird.

    I don't want a guy to rely on me for everything. I don't like being in control at all. I don't handle being in control and if a guy is asking me what to do all the time and basically bowing at my feet, I feel extremely awkward and I dislike that a lot.

    -No hygeine.
    Shower every day. Brush your teeth as often as you can. Use deoderant. If you don't, I won't come near you. Ew.


    -Too much body hair.
    It's all well and good for guys to be hairy all over, but if you're a girl.. Not my thing. It's nice to remove the hair from your armpits and legs. =D

    -Big fake bewbies.
    Big bewbies in any case, actually. I'm just not a fan of the huge ones. Nice little perky ones make me happy ^^. If they're disproportionate, I get scared of drowning in them. If they're fake, I get scared that they're going to knock me out.

    -Grotty hair.
    Not a huge deal. But nice hair is... well, nice.

    -Being too dominant.
    I love it when guys assert dominance over me. Not when girls do it. It just seems wrong to me. I'm not into that.

    I like my males masculine. And my girls feminine.

    - Friendliness.
    Girls should be friendly. I like a girl to be a friend to me, as well as a partner. I want to be able to talk to her about things and just have sweet, friendly chats.

    -Nice hair.
    No particular hair. I don't care if it's green or black or blonde or pink. But I like it to be nice, you know? Looked after. Not just left to itself to grow wild. Or if it's a mohawk or a bob or it's super long and curly. Just.. nice.

    And everything else I said about guys minus the hair.
    Last edited by ChloChloAriadne; 11-18-2008 at 06:29 PM.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  5. #5
    ~The Prince of the Moon~ What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Hiromi Kikawada's Avatar
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    Isn't this a final fantasy forum...?
    What are you guys talking about...?

    I say looks.

    The looks...i was kidding kay?

    As long as my guy is kind hearted then thats all i need.

    I'm new here so please don't blame me if i mess up...... - -'

    (By the way my avatar is Cloud Strife but i'm a girl kay...)
    Last edited by Hiromi Kikawada; 11-18-2008 at 10:22 PM.

  6. #6
    Gingersnap What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    It's General Chat, a section within a Final Fantasy forum that allows us to discuss something other than a video game. There's only so much about Final Fantasy you can really discuss before topics start getting recycled.

    Looks, huh? Deep.

    EDIT: I could answer the topic, I suppose. Humor, maturity, reasonable temperament, but with the potential for a lot of passion when necessary... those are some big ones for me. If someone lets me be in charge in a relationship, I will be. But if they'd prefer me to still find them sexy, I still have to respect them. I can call the shots on day to day things, but for important things, I need his opinion and for sex, I need him to be masculine. And I need him to respect me and want me. If I feel like a guy is uninterested or like he doesn't think I'm an amazing woman to be around, I'm not about to let myself be vulnerable to that. The less attracted he is to me, the less attracted I am to him. Most of all, I like laughing with and talking to my partner. I like being able to get physical and then take the time to talk. Intelligence, then, is important. He doesn't have to be an honor roll student or anything, but being able to understand... priceless.

    If we're talking physical, uh... haha. Well, I do love a man who's in shape. I try to take good care of myself, I'd prefer him to do the same. And if he eats healthy and exercises regularly like I do, we're a good influence on each other, and we have something in common.

    EDIT AGAIN: Rocky, wtf is wrong with red hair? Eff you!
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 11-18-2008 at 09:36 PM.

    Read more.

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    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

    . SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
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  7. #7
    I would be lying if I didn't mention looks. I like skinny girls with dark hair, preferably with an English or French accent. I also like short hair, to a point where people think the women that I am attracted to look more like boys. But alas.

    I am a big fan of smart girls, too.

  8. #8
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    I would keep this short and concise as I am feeling a little sleepy:

    Aside from physical attraction....

    someone who is intellectually compatible with me. It's hard to explain but pretty much it's someone who you can laugh with, cry and converse with at a daily basis without pretending to be someone else. Someone you can trust.

  9. #9
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    What tips my trigger in the female department? It doesn't take me much to like a girl to be honest, but to be interested in one? That is a whole different story. For starters, I think looks hold some importance to me. I'm not biased to one type of girl, so even if for some odd reason you had red hair, you still can get get loving from me possibly! I like girls who like themselves enough to dress nicely. That's a big thing for me, plus it leads into another quality, self-respect, as I've noticed those two seem to go hand-in-hand. I also like girls that have self-discipline. I want a woman who sets rules and boundries for herself before she can do the same with me. As I tend to be a silly person a majority of the time, I would need someone who can have a good sense of humor and someone who can be adaptable to life's equally silly situations. Also, women who are more outspoken and approachable I seem to be more driven towards, since normally I am a shy person at first, but talkative/funny people drive me out of my quietzone quicker. Those are just a few that I can think of as of right now.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  10. #10
    Bass Player Extraordinaire What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Joe's Avatar
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    For me it's...kind of weird. it's not so much a concrete list of things that women meet. In my mind, it's more of concepts, if you will, and those concepts are kind of hard to define in words, but i'll give it a shot...

    Looks really aren't important to me, I mean seriously, I'm not really petty, The few women I've really, truly had feelings for have had all manner of looks, but that didn't really matter to me.

    Trust is a big thing for me. I'm a fairly distrustful person, until whatever random thing let's me decide that I can trust you. I suppose that also means that I like loyal women, who stick by me, especially when I need them most.

    I like women who can share in my weird brand of humor. plain and simple. It makes me feel good about myself that someone apprecaites the jokes I try to crank out that are basically half formed thoughts, or afterthoughts of someone elses statements.

    I like some sort of confidence in a girl, be it appearance based, or otherwise (lemme know if that doesn't make sense and I'll try to clarify).

    I like a women who can accept me for who/what I am, someone who doesn't make me feel constantly inadequate, and unworthy, in a sense, of being around her.

    Shared interests is always a plus too.

    haha, wow, what I was going to make a simple list, spiraled out of control. and I'll probably edit this as I realize I worded somethings stupidly/poorly/etc
    (TFF Family):

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    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
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    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
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  11. #11
    Courage, Character, Confidence. What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Lunasa's Avatar
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    What DO I want in a guy?

    A sex deviant. A slave. With an outright desire to serve. There is nothing more sinister than having a guy on a leash and teasing him constantly. Have him begging on his knees until he'll satisfy himself by merely looking at you. Do the cooking, the cleaning. Be the SOCCER MOM! Wear uncomfortably tight jeans. Get a kick in the child makers... LISTEN TO MY EVERY TEAR! Take every punch I want to deliver, Every scratch. Every bite. He must wear an ankle bracelet so I can monitor his every movement. I want him to be as cute and hot as possible! I WANT IT ALL!

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  12. #12
    Bananarama What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Pete's Avatar
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    Holy crap. I really, really hope you're kiddin, Lunasa. That's wanting it all and then some.

    Let's see. What do I like in a woman.

    Confidence. You've gotta be confident in yourself. I'm a very confident person, with an ego to boot. There's something about a girl who has that same amount of confidence that I really enjoy. It's refreshing.

    Discretion. I like a girl who's confident, but I also like it when a girl knows what to wear when. Y'know, little things, like not trying to upstage the bride at her wedding, by wearing a more expensive, loud dress (a la my ex). You might be able to pull something off, but if it's the wrong occasion for it, you immediately look bad, and I look bad for being with you.

    Humor. I like it when a girl is able to laugh at herself and other people. It makes you down to earth, and it just makes you, y'know, normal. It kinda goes hand in hand with being able to hang with the guys, but at the same time, not being one of the guys. In short, don't take yourself too seriously.

    Looks. Now, I'm not saying you have to be a supermodel. It would be nice, but it's not a requirement. In essence, I think it's great when a girl takes care of her body and appearance. Like Ally, I love my workouts and take some pride in being in decent shape. I'd like a girl to be able to do the same thing. In all honesty though, a girl shorter than me would be ideal. I'm 5'8", so I'm already used to getting crap from people about being short. I don't need any more crap from people about dating a taller girl. Essentially, be my height in heels or shorter, and it's golden.

    Smarts. You can't be a complete idiot. A little naievete is cute at times, but don't be full blown retarded. Have some sense of what's going on in the world, and have some sense of history as well. It'd probably help in order to understand a lot of my jokes and beliefs. And for Gods sake, don't be the type who tries to be so much smarter than me, all the time, and have a holier than thou approach to speaking to me. If I'm wrong about something, call me out on it, but don't go nitpicking every damn thing I say trying to turn me into a walking contradiction.

    I don't like it when any of these things are taken to either extreme. Now, for some actual dislikes.

    Girls who don't shave. Please, for the love of God, shave the legs and pits, and keep it neatly trimmed down there, if not completely bald. I'm not picky, I just don't like sandpaper legs, or legs hairier than mine.

    Girls who don't have an opinion. It doesn't really matter what your opinion is, so long as you have one and are able to discuss it intelligently. Granted, like opinions are great, but any opinion is helpful.

    Girls who think I'm cute when I'm mad. They'll just try to piss me off.

    Girls who think it's amusing when guys get hit in the nuts. I think this is pretty universal. True story though, my lovely ex (same as before) woke me up by flicking my left nut. She wanted to see how I'd react. As a knee-jerk (or nut-flick) reaction, I kicked her out of my bed and the back of her head hit my desk. She didn't remember what happened.

    I still laugh about that to this day.
    Last edited by Pete; 11-19-2008 at 01:03 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  13. #13
    Sir Prize What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Sinister's Avatar
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    Please note that the following are preferences and not requirements, i.e. my "ideal person". So don't scream at me for being a choosy bastard...although I am. I will bold requirements, I suppose.

    Non-Physical traits:

    Speech-I am not talkative to normal people because it is something highly personal to me to be able to converse with someone. I like someone who has some depth. I don't mind if you say everything that comes to the tip of your tongue to me, that's okay, I love listening, just add in something thoughtful and don't be immature. That's my biggest turn off... But speak, don't be quiet, I do that too much. I listen to enough idiots talk to me, so I can't bear the thought of someone I love being silent. There's nothing I love more than to listen...but listening to someone I care for, there's nothing better.

    Maturity-If your greatest joy is bathroom humor and sexual innuendo jokes...then you're incompatible with me. If you jump up-and-down and scream, kick and cry like a child when things don't go your way...sorry. If you can bear yourself with dignity, tell me what's wrong then I'll change the stars to make you feel better, if I can.

    Modesty-I prefer modest women. I really can't stand the tramps. You have to respect yourself for me to respect you. If you're insecure or you don't think you're all that special...that's okay. I'll convince you otherwise. But if you're throwing yourself out there immodestly to feel pretty...puh.

    Intellect-You should be able to hold your own against me...Know some things that I don't and be willing to discuss, teach and learn anything at any moment. If you think Africa is a country or that the Japanese are communists or anything blatantly stupid I'm not going to be able to work hard enough to respect you. It's a failing on my part, no doubt. Just personal taste, I assume.

    Manners-Just some, I'm not a prude. But if I take you out somewhere and you completely embarrass me...that will cost you. Don't be an asshole without a good reason. But don't let people walk all over you, either. Kindness is a plus. Girls who love and are kind to animals is an even BIGGER plus. If you want to be rude in private towards someone. That's okay. We'll do that and play with them some for being so objectionable. If someone is rude or abusive towards you, *shrugs* then we'll kill them. It's you and I versus the world, as far as I'm concerned. ^^;

    Subtlety-Be clever...subtle. I can take it. It won't go over my head, I promise. We can even converse in subtlety. It's just another sign that you're clever and perceptive.

    Romance-I'm a horrible romantic. Love should be embellished, done with some aplomb and borne with skill. Spontaneous romantic gestures, adventures, games. I'm at heart, very playful and would prefer a mate that appreciates it. Don't expect me to worship you without a concern for myself, though. I'm a companion as well as a petty slave... ^^;

    Humor-I'm a random person, believe it or not. By this fault, I like humor that is random. Say something absurdly unrelated to what is happening, it'll pause everything and make me explode into laughter. Be witty if you want, I love witty humor. Just don't be immature, racist or gross. Also, if you're willing to play pranks and had better let me play some of them with you!

    Wisdom-Is an epic plus, no matter in what form it comes. Be open-minded, just don't let your brain fall out...but as I does need some air from time-to-time so don't be too closed-minded.

    Likes-It's best if you like most or all of the following: Gaming, Anime, Sword-fighting and horror movies, Goth music and black.

    Physical traits:

    I'm very unspecific. I always have been. I've never had a: "I could never date that person because of the way they look" moment...Or if I have, they are pretty rare.

    Build-Have all your arms and legs and be able to use them all. Be sensibly sized...not obese. I don't have preferences for things like breast-size or anything... Just know that if they're have self-esteem issues at hand. Be prepared to do things, walk with me, hike, camp, club, climb, swim, travel. Long legs are nice...

    Piercings-are okay. They really work for some and can be horribly attractive in the right context...but if you can be seriously slowed down by a large magnet...><;; It's a bit of a turn off.

    Complexion-I like fair complexions. *shrugs*

    Hair-I like long hair. That said, I don't dislike short hair. ^^; I have no favorite color for hair...

    Dress-I really don't like polo-shirts or prepness, but that's my personal taste in my OWN clothing. If you like plain blue jeans and a shirt. That's fine. However you feel like dressing is NOT a turn-off or a matter of concern at all. ^^; Just don't hate me for wearing black a lot...because I do.

    Hygene-Keep yourself clean.

    Health-No smoking... If you do drugs, make sure you can keep it under control...nothing is quite so unattractive as someone who gets arrested on possession. Try to take care of yourself, too. I can't say too much about this for fear of the hypocrisy police...but... If I care for something that's trying to tear itself apart, it's really heartbreaking.

    I will say that beauty is appreciated, always. I like a beautiful girl, insomuch as they don't sacrifice personality for it. Dealing with a plain face is SOOOO much easier than dealing with a complete idiot. In fact, if they can meet my above personality standards, I can deal with a lot.
    Last edited by Sinister; 11-19-2008 at 03:24 AM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  14. #14
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Turn Ons

    Looks and Hygiene - to me they're tied up well. I'm not too worried about how a girl looks (it's a bonus if she looks great, and right now I have a MASSIVE bonus), but I don't want to go out with a girl that's so diseased she looks like a giant walking patch of golden staph.

    Uniquity - I'm not a big fan of people in general who seem to fit in a stereotypical category. People who are different to the majority interest me intensely and I'm naturally attracted to interesting people. And no, I'm not speaking of emos (quite mainstream now), I'm talking the people that really do stand out.

    Interesting views - Tied in with the above really, but I find it VERY interesting when people bring something to the table I'd never considered. Considering how much information I take in, it's rarer than I'd like...

    Loyalty - I am almost fanatical about my loyalty to my current partner, and I love seeing loyalty in return. It's part of what good relationships are made of.

    Honesty - Because nothing irks me more than feeling betrayed by someone I placed confidence in.

    Turn Offs

    Poor Hygiene - Just something I dislike being around. It's really not that hard to stay clean...

    Disease - As with the above, it makes me worry I might catch something. And I hate feeling paranoid over something like that.

    Conforming (most often the kind who see themselves as unique despite all following some fad) - You're an emo and are threatening to slit your wrists? Go ahead, if enough do it, the remaining one or two might actually be unique. And it'd help lessen the overly large global population. And if you're the kind who doesn't bleed to death after slitting your wrists, use some bloody betadine or something. That shit can get infected (see disease).
    Last edited by Furore; 11-19-2008 at 02:35 AM.
    victoria aut mors

  15. #15
    Shoulders. I like a man who looks like a V-shape from behind. That being said, butts are important too. I don't ask that you be Brad Pitt, just that your shirts are huge on me and your butt is emintently squeezeable.

    I like a man who can accept absurdity. My desire to be given an itteh bitteh kitteh committeh instead of a wedding ring had better not scare you. Get used to a lot of fawning over ferrets.

    You must be able to kiss me passionately, discreetly, and nicely. I love a man who, at a party, can just come from nowhere and kiss you in a quick and subtle way that at once makes you feel like a deity and lets the whole room know just what's going on.

    If you can't make me laugh, go away. If you don't know what NATO is, I have no time. I don't need you to have a deep understanding of politics - but I can't have a man who doesn't pay attention to what makes the world turn.

    Work for your living and don't be a lazy bum.

    Don't try and tell me what to do, or what to think. I do not respond well to this. Don't try and impress me with facts and opinion - I will not be impressed if you come up to me and start trying to show off with all the shit you know. Don't be patronising.

    Please do not wear makeup, cry at movies, or enjoy Amélie more than I do. I have male friends who are feminine, but they will always remain friends. I like men who are manly, like a beer, but aren't complete mysogenists at the same time.

    Play an instrument, and believe in your ability to do so. Please don't shred on a guitar.

    And last but not least - surprise me. I love little else more.

  16. #16
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Ah, Gov, you reminded me of physical traits. I only bothered to read YOUR post. Then I realised I am not your dream man. Sad day.

    Sooo, physical traits.

    It's not mandatory, but I like blue or green eyes. Thought I'd start with that.

    Hair: I prefer short hair on a man. Not messy or spiky, short. I like sensible hair cuts on men. That said, he must be a brunette. Not blondes, gingers or black haired, red hair is nice ONLY on women. Again, it's not mandatory, but I prefer brunettes. I don't mind long hair, but you must take care of it. I'd prefer short, though.

    Facial hair: I don't like too much. I just hate when I can't kiss you for fur. If you have facial hair, please keep it nicely taken care of, and don't let it cover most of your face. I like goatees or light moustaches (I dislike it when it reaches the point of getting too thick). Never both at once, please. I just find it ugly. Also, I hate when beards look like they're going down your neck. Get rid of that ugly shit.

    Body hair: Seriously, I hate too much. Please don't have an overly hairy chest, I find that repulsive. A light sprinkling of hair on the chest here and there and Mr. Happy Trail down below is enough to keep me amused. That said, I don't want men who shave. Seriously, that's sick shit. Hairy arms and legs is just what a man has. I don't mind. As for the pubic area. Not too jungly, keep it trimmed, don't shave it, that's a great turn off.

    Height: Be within 5'9-6'2. I'm between 5'7 and 5'8 myself, so I need you to be taller than me. If you're shorter, I will use your as a human shield. Like in that film.

    Weight: Don't be skinny. I can't stand skinny men. That said, don't be fat/obese, either. Normal weight is best, stay within a range.

    Peircings and tattoos are a huge no. Jewellry must be kept to a minimum. A few pieces is fine, but don't overdo it. I'm not looking to date P.Diddy.

    Being in preportion is win. Also, a penis is very useful.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  17. #17
    I'll list the random likes sure.

    Hair-I think many people and get this impression blond is best since it seems that's what's stylized. I gotta say though it's not the best well not to me anyway. Again can be pretty but then it goes with the staple look and it's a whole other can of worms. I like black hair actually if I had to pick. I don't see a ton of people with it though it seems to work for people who naturally have it. With dying I figure most people can't pull it off, since alot of people are pale, myself included. And it'd be almost comical to see that, so lets not go there. Brunettes you can't go wrong with...well you can go wrong with any but is a nice one. It's common but common isn't bad. And then as for red heads, some can be very pretty but it varies. For that hair I've gotta say it tends to work that either the person is very attractive or not so much at all. When it works though there's no question.

    Oh and as for length, so long as it's shoulder length or longer I'm a fan. The whole thing where the hair is shorter than mine I never got. That or some crazy GI Jane stuff.

    Eyes-It's probably my favorite part of people, since I find them to be so unique. Not a ton can be said except I always have loved green and blue eyes. I'm not a nazi about what people have it's just a little detail that can be nice.

    Height-This seems to be a kicker with people. I've heard all about long legs are good and short means compact and I find it all to be silly anyway. If you're pretty much from 5-6 feet you're golden. Do I want some weird creepy midget but at the same time a lumber jack size woman who's 6' 7" from Eastern Europe named Broomhilda would frighten me. Guys seem to have a thing where they must be younger and shorter then them which I've never understood exactly why, either way it's not my fight.

    Body Type-I like girls that are thinner, not like creepy hair falling out I throw up my pork chops just slender. I'm actually easy going. I'll be honest do I want someone who's double my weight? No it's not gonna happen. But at the same time if someone who's normal size will I say you're not skinny enough? Well that would just be silly!

    As for personality that's where it really can go on and on. I won't categorize this since it mostly meshes. I like someone who is easy to get along with. High maintenance is not my type of thing. At the same time I like to be able to talk openly and not have to keep quiet, or do all the talking either. If I'm subjected to hear about and he said garbage it will make me spike a pint glass into my temple. of those things we all say you gotta be funny. No though. I would like to say I'd only like to be with someone who laughs at the same things but I've never met more than 3 or so people who have understood what makes me laugh and they're just friends, so I don't expect people to gel with me there. Overall I want someone who isn't a mindless drone but isn't in everyone's business everyday as well. I'll say if I had to choose I'll take over educated anyday other than someone who wants to drinks pints of vodka everyday and work a 9-5 to death.

    And this isn't my requirement sheet merely my preferences and some of my likes or dislikes.

  18. #18
    SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP! What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) ~FANTASY-ENDER~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunasa View Post
    What DO I want in a guy?

    A sex deviant. A slave. With an outright desire to serve. There is nothing more sinister than having a guy on a leash and teasing him constantly. Have him begging on his knees until he'll satisfy himself by merely looking at you. Do the cooking, the cleaning. Be the SOCCER MOM! Wear uncomfortably tight jeans. Get a kick in the child makers... LISTEN TO MY EVERY TEAR! Take every punch I want to deliver, Every scratch. Every bite. He must wear an ankle bracelet so I can monitor his every movement. I want him to be as cute and hot as possible! I WANT IT ALL!
    Um Lunasa can I come over lol. Well what I want in a woman is a girl that has great looks, a great figure, likes to party, is very kind and a girl that likes to argue and doesnt mind if I would rather watch football than talking to her on a Sunday.
    Last edited by ~FANTASY-ENDER~; 11-19-2008 at 04:54 PM.
    I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds cool

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  19. #19
    Registered User What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Yesha's Avatar
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    What I Like in a guy.. are.. *giggLes*

    -I Luv guys who exceL atLeast in music or sports.. he shouLd be abLe to.. pLay instruments, be a member of orchestra band or a member in the schooL athletes.. dat wouLd be cooL..

    -He shouLd smeLL nice.. have a proper hygiene..

    -A guy who's very taLkative, supportive, have a highLy-energetic personaLity and fun to be with..

    -Looks? Mmm.. I prefer a cute guy..!


    -Guys that have a Long hair.. mohawk or something Like dat.. but I have nothing against dat! It's just dat.. for me.. it'a kinda scary..

    -Guys who sucks at everything.. uh..

    Anything eLse wouLd be fine.. :-)
    Last edited by Yesha; 11-19-2008 at 06:50 PM.

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  20. #20
    Courage, Character, Confidence. What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Lunasa's Avatar
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    I was hoping someone would quote me eventually. Alright, in honesty, I'm not looking for much in a guy, I hope.

    -They need to stand up for themselves. If someone is beating up on you, you've got to have confidence. If you have no confidence in yourself, how much can you give to others, really?

    -Have an easygoing personality. A smile. And I'm not expecting a nancy boy, but have some sort of heart.

    -Be both a listener and contributor. If something's not right, have the courage to say it, rather than acting like part of the wall.

    -I couldn't give a crap what they look like. If I'm attracted to someone, it's because of the smile they wear consistently. Whenever I picture I guy I like, it's a smile, not where his nose is or his hair color.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  21. #21
    SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP! What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) ~FANTASY-ENDER~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunasa View Post
    I was hoping someone would quote me eventually. Alright, in honesty, I'm not looking for much in a guy, I hope.

    -They need to stand up for themselves. If someone is beating up on you, you've got to have confidence. If you have no confidence in yourself, how much can you give to others, really?

    -Have an easygoing personality. A smile. And I'm not expecting a nancy boy, but have some sort of heart.

    -Be both a listener and contributor. If something's not right, have the courage to say it, rather than acting like part of the wall.

    -I couldn't give a crap what they look like. If I'm attracted to someone, it's because of the smile they wear consistently. Whenever I picture I guy I like, it's a smile, not where his nose is or his hair color.
    Well you kill my dreams girl lol. But I like you second thread it gives us guys a fighting chance and hope to find a girl that has a great heart like that lol.
    I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds cool

    KARIN (Complete Series 1-24), INUYASHA (Episodes 1-167), SCHOOL RUMBLE (Episodes 1-26),SHAKUGAN NO SHANA (Complete 1st Season 1-24), BLEACH (Episodes 1-92), MY HiME (Complete Series 1-26), MY OTOME (Complete Series 1-26), PLEASE TWINS (Complete Series 1-13), ELFEN LIED (Complete Series 1-13), NARUTO (Episodes 1-28), THE MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA (Complete Series 1-13)

  22. #22
    Permanently banned What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) darkViVi's Avatar
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    In a world gone mad

  23. #23
    Black Wizard Lvl 16 Magic What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Master Garland's Avatar
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    My Turn hehehe.

    Personality: I like a confident, strong willed woman with a sense of humour in her own way of course who I can make laugh and make her happy. She needs to be loving and caring like me. I would like her to be romantic. I love that type of stuff there is nothing womanly about being really romantic OK people.

    Interests: She needs to like at least a couple of things I like to do I dont expect us to be exactly the same as eachother. She needs to love animals like me I have three cats and I love them so much. I would also like it if she was physically active with me doing fun stuff.

    Apperance: Short hair or long hair it does not matter as long as she looks good in it. She needs to have big boobs and butt because that what I like.

    Hygeine: I love the way a healthy beautiful womans body odor smells. I would like her to not ever wear perfume or deoderant I just find the natural smell of a woman so sexy!I also do not wear deoderant and I like my own odor but not as much as a beautiful womans.

  24. #24
    Courage, Character, Confidence. What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Since everyone else did a section on looks or the such, I'll do one too. I'm not too miffed about them, but these are just my preferences for the shallow pieces of eye candy that walk this earth.

    Build: I love big muscles, shoulders, and butts. Something slightly Athletic. And 5'10" or shorter. I'm 5'1", and I won't be able to kiss you if you're any taller.

    Hair: Hair on your hair should be short(not below your chin) and clean. CLEAN. I love the windswept look, but keep it CLEAN. But weed-whack everything else. I hate body hair. Arms and legs are my only exception, but I love smooth skin. Keep chest hair down. NO BACK HAIR. I hate beards. Family kisses with men of pricky faces= scary. And even though I've never gotten that far by myself, I've seen hairy balls and pubic area. It's scary. Get rid. Nao.

    Eyes: I like eyes with expression, and I'm particularly fond of green or gray eyes.

    Smile: Have teeth. Nothing more than a smile attracts me. It's like candy.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by darkViVi View Post
    This is the most honest post in the entire thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    Please do not wear makeup, cry at movies, or enjoy Amélie more than I do. I have male friends who are feminine, but they will always remain friends. I like men who are manly, like a beer, but aren't complete mysogenists at the same time.
    And this is the funniest post in the entire thread. Only because I cry at movies and hate beer, but I hide it like a manly man.

  26. #26
    Black Wizard Lvl 16 Magic What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Master Garland's Avatar
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    Please do not wear makeup
    What is wrong with a man painting his face with crap all it is is mixed up minerals.

    cry at movies, or enjoy Amélie more than I do.
    If anything crying about something that did not really happen is lame no matter who you are.

    I like men who are manly, like a beer,
    I had no idea beer is a manly beverage I guess liver damage is a sign of a manly stature as well as hepatitis which is what it causes.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Alizée Jacotey View Post
    This is the most honest post in the entire thread.

    And this is the funniest post in the entire thread. Only because I cry at movies and hate beer, but I hide it like a manly man.

    That'll do me just fine, baby.

    Dark Serge, honey...I'm sorry. It'll never work.

  28. #28
    Sir Prize What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Sinister's Avatar
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    Make-up rules... Especially eye-liner.

    ...I'll tear up(not bawl) if a movie is really sad(Think Of Mice and Men or The Name of the Rose), but if something is going horribly wrong in my own life, I'm surprisingly stony about it.

    Also...Beer tastes and smells like I would imagine Silage to...after a cow has spit it back up. Ale is ok...Lambic is awesome. But honestly, if your going to drink an alcoholic beverage...go for rum. It's honest, tastes good and will do the job. None of this 12 proof bullshit... All beer does is make you have to pee a lot...
    Last edited by Sinister; 11-22-2008 at 04:49 AM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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  29. #29
    Bananarama What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) Pete's Avatar
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    I will state that beer is delicious and the perfect companion to a hot summer day, cold winter day, or those in between spring and fall days. Beer also doesn't really harm the liver nor cause hepatitis. Hard liquor does that, since it makes the liver work that much harder in a shorter span of time.

    That being said, I think it's pretty damn spiffy when a girl ditches that "Sex and the City" bullshit, and just grabs a beer for herself instead of a cosmo. It's even better if she does car bombs, but I'll settle. I'm not saying all the time either, but I'm pretty against that whole "Sex" lifestyle and mentality.

    However, starting at 11am isn't hot. Alcoholism in girls isn't an attractive quality to me. It's not really attractive in anyone, to be honest.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  30. #30
    ~_masteR_oF_skY_~ What Do Girls Like About Guys (and Vice Versa) KamiKazeKenji's Avatar
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    Above the clouds...
    Me... Looks aren't a necessity for me... I tend to see peoples' "faces" reflecting what's inside, so I would say I like anyone with modest personalities like 'innocent', 'pure', caring, just not anyone 'evil'.

    Maybe someone with qualities that I'm missing (some that I probably need) or vice-versa, so as a couple we can learn from each other and become better individuals... Help each other...

    That's pretty much all that comes up...
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