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Thread: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

  1. #1
    Bananarama Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Pete's Avatar
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    Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    Nah, there's none of that emo shit going on in this thread.

    Is anyone else sick of seeing commercials for Christmas shit already? It's not even Halloween and I've already seen a few ads and commercials for Christmas, and tree displays set up in stores.

    I was always under the impression that after Halloween, Thanksgiving season starts, and the day after Thanksgiving, the Christmas season kinda rolled in.

    Anyone else gonna be sick of the holidays before they even begin?
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  2. #2
    Crash Boom Bang Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    Urgh yes. we know its christmas in a couple of months we're not dumb, save it for december, but no. they start creeping up around september

    im absolutely sick of the whole thing come december and thats when i should be starting to get excited about it ):<

  3. #3
    Hewerya love...? Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    they had christmas trees and decorations for sale here in september. ridiculous man,.. although I dont think il be sick of the holidays before they begin because I really love the time of year... definitely my favourite holiday!

  4. #4
    TFF's Resident Messenger Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    The stores here seem to get ready for the holidays way too early. It's just that they compete to see which one puts up a Christmas tree first. And they start selling stuff for all the Holidays at once. In September, you will Christmas (or is it called Holiday) cards next to Halloween candy.

    But I like the excitement of the Holidays. I start making my wish list in September and have it finished by October. Not for Christmas, silly. For my birthday. I take all the money I get for Christmas and go shopping. Plus I can usually con the stores in giving me the Christmas sale prices...On January 3.
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  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    I walked in the dollar general the other day to pick up some candy for trick or treater's, and they had no thanksgiving shit out, and like 5 aisles of nothing but Christmas shit. I was immediately like wtf is this bull.

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  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    You all showed up late for the Thanksgiving shit.

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    Death Before Dishonor Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    You all showed up late for the Thanksgiving shit.

    You had to be there on the 4th of July for the Thanksgiving shit right man.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  8. #8
    #LOCKE4GOD Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    Brett called me gay once. And Locke4God called me a liberal hippy little bitch. I just called him a 40 year old obsessed with Disney Land.

    But anyway.

    Without Thanksgiving, Christmas is the next holiday after Halloween (which isn't a holiday, but yeh). There is Guy Fawkes, but you can only sell fireworks for three days, so they only market them for a week. Christmas decorations are up in the mall.

    We'll have tinsel in our Easter eggs next. Smh.

  9. #9
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    I work in retail. I will grow to hate Christmas. ****. My. Life.

    The high street is being decorated with Christmas lights and such - it's near finished after about two weeks on it. My work place is slowly putting the Christmas stuff out. We've got posters and gondola browser crowns sporting "Inspirational Gift Ideas" now. I'm thankful the Christmas music hasn't started yet, haha. I'll be coming home knowing all the jingles (no pun intended... much).

    I'm hopeful though. Should be a good year.

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  10. #10

    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    I think it's because alot of people like to shop for Christmas a couple months early, so I'm guessing these commercials are pandered towards people like that.
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  11. #11
    Registered User Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    hell, ive got a friend that works at hobby lobby (basically a craft/home store) and they have had christmas stuff out since flippin that ain't right. the only christmas commercials ive seen so far are the ones for advertising layaways, so honestly can't say im sick of them already

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  12. #12
    All is One.One is All. Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    I walked in to Family Dollar the other day to pick up a case of cokes,and literally there was one isle of Halloween stuff and like 4 frekin isles of Christmas crap that has been there since August I swear,plus they have posters up announcing a 25% off Christmas What happened to Thanksgiving? Thats a holiday,too,remember? ;l
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  13. #13
    Passing fair judgement Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    What the holidays are starting? I never would have known what with all the commercials telling me. Yeah, I'm tired of it, and it hasn't even really begun. How about some thanksgiving commercials ya know.
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  14. #14
    Bananarama Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    I honestly think the Christmas music is the worst. I can't stand it when it plays even a week before Christmas, since it's all the same shit. The worst song is that God awful Christmas Shoes
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  15. #15
    Gingersnap Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    The ****? Christmas Shoes?

    I love Halloween and I love Thanksgiving. I also love Christmas and stores like Hobby Lobby.... So I usually avoid stores like Hobby Lobby until after or just before Thanksgiving. I like to be in the mood for the appropriate holiday and if I start seeing Christmas shit, I get excited way too early. So even though I would love to wander around Hobby Lobby type stores for Halloween/autumn decorations, I don't... because one year I did, and there were two rows of fall things and Christmas trees everywhere else.

    My autumn celebrating is in the form of cooking a bunch of pumpkins/squash and doing experiments for Thanksgiving dishes (at this very moment, I am in a Hobbes costume boiling plantains and baking a pumpkin). And also pumpkin beers.

    HOWEVER! I've already gotten a lot of Christmas shopping done and hidden in a closet. I started in August, getting things when they were on sale. But that doesn't mean I'm ready to hear holiday music.... it's still 65 degrees (F) outside.

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  16. #16
    Asking all the personal questions. Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    I am seeing ads and gimmicks for christmas 2012 already it is so horrible we haven't even had christmas 2011 yet seriously get with it.

    Christmas I don't mind but when they start selling easter eggs etc just after New Years that is a bit annoying.
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  17. #17
    Bananarama Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    Worst, most depressing Christmas song ever.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  18. #18
    The Bad Boy of TFF Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Block's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    Misleading thread titles ftw. Bring on the Christmas chicanery.

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  19. #19
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Joe's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    I don't think I really get in the chistmas spirit much anymore. I still enjoy occasionally listening to Trans Siberian Orchestra and Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics, but beyond that I'm really pretty indifferent to the whole thing.

    On the bright side, at least I'll be getting some pajamas that actually fit this year, so I can get something useful out of it.

    I do enjoy black friday though, since I'm hoping to pick up a bunch of stuff on amazon and tigerdirect on the cheap.
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  20. #20
    I invented Go-Gurt. Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    it's still 65 degrees (F) outside.
    The only people who read the temperature in Celsius are communists. In fact, the only people who use the metric system are communists, but I'm getting off topic here.

    I don't get stick of holidays, because they're days that I don't have to work. Though since I'm a millionaire already, I don't actually have to work at all, but I do, probably because I'm the greatest man who has ever lived. There should be a holiday to commemorate my manliness.

  21. #21
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    @ Pete: Feel-good song of the year...

    @ The Clint Eastwood: Too right!

    Similarly to the dollar stores in America, Family Dollar etc. our equivalents e.g. Poundland have been selling Christmas stuff since about September. I know because I bought some wrapping paper to sort out the Christmas presents I have bought. I have done it all, but I might buy something extra if a certain gentleman/gentlemen is lucky... (<===terrible grammar but never mind).

    Four Christmases ago (2007) a dear friend of mine died quite close to Christmas, and since then, Christmas has kind of lost its fun and magic. That could just be me getting old, though.

    I am not looking forward to the Christmas music at work. Last year was great as I didn't work at all during December because of my leg, and the year before that, they were very lenient with the Christmas CD, starting to play it in the first week of December, but come Boxing Day, they changed the CD. I was so grateful!
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  22. #22
    TFF's Resident Messenger Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
    I am not looking forward to the Christmas music at work.
    The one thing I love about my town is that they play Christmas music that can be heard from all over town. When you are riding a bicycle as part of your job, it is comforting listening to familiar tunes (and not any of that celebrity cover-song crap, the classics).
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  23. #23
    Memento RK Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    Wait, what? We have holidays? What are those? All I see now a days is a little extra money on the pay cheque because I end up working all the time. I really don't mind. Plus my recent job, we don't have all that sappy christmas music playing. I will never miss those grocery store days.

    On a different note, I always thought the American Thanksgiving is just an extension of Christmas. It marks the peak season at any airport, and it's actually busier at the airport then christmas. Right after your Thanksgiving is over, it's almost like a rush of people try to spend everything they own because of Black Friday.

    This year, for me, I seem to be able to dodge the bullet of Christmas. Although, they haven't set the tree up in the office yet, so that might change. Honestly though, I might actually enjoy myself this year because no one is really forcing Christmas down my throat like they do at the grocery stores.
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  24. #24
    G'day Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    Some people in my street put up decorations a couple of days BEFORE Halloween!! As far as I'm concerned, private homes shouldn't be able to decorate until the first of December. You have 25 f**king days of Christmas to be all festive. Shopping centres should be able to put their decorations up and sell Christmas junk, first of November, for the Christmas shopping season. And I absolutely can't stand Christmas music. Especially anything from Maria Carey. As you can tell, I'm not particularly Christmasie. Although I want to celebrate Christmas in the snow one year. It just seems as if it'd make it more magical. Although I could be wrong.

  25. #25
    I'm like a sexy female Darth Vader Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF motscroises's Avatar
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    Re: Were you ever picked on or made fun of on TFF

    I don't really mind either way because I don't pay attention to the Christmas decorations and I'm never going to complain about sales and coupons.

    Though I do know Nordstrom has made a 'one holiday at a time' stance.

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