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Thread: Violence against women

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Violence against women Rowan's Avatar
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    Violence against women

    What's the difference, honestly?
    What is the difference between violence against women and violence against men?

    I'm being serious and expect serious answers.

    The adds seem to propagate that women are weak and need to be protected. I think that's sexist. A double standard of society that expects equality amongst its citizens.

  2. #2
    Ayyye Violence against women Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    On average, women ARE physically smaller than men. /thread

  3. #3
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Violence against women Leon's Avatar
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    It's just the way I've been raised, but I believed never to raise my fist on a woman. Naturally, I would defend myself if a woman was being abusive enough to cause a serious injury. Other than that I can just absorb that and any insults thrown at me and move on.

    The difference, as Lacquer Head mentioned, is that the average woman is smaller than a man. So it really isn't right using violence on someone smaller and perhaps weaker than yourself.
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  4. #4
    This ain't no place for no hero Violence against women Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
    It's just the way I've been raised, but I believed never to raise my fist on a woman. Naturally, I would defend myself if a woman was being abusive enough to cause a serious injury. Other than that I can just absorb that and any insults thrown at me and move on.

    The difference, as Lacquer Head mentioned, is that the average woman is smaller than a man. So it really isn't right using violence on someone smaller and perhaps weaker than yourself.

    Agree! I'd go even so far as to say just someone weaker than yourself, as there are large people out there who aren't capable of defending themselves either.

    I'm not actually sure I've ever seen that violence against men is accepted anywhere if I'm honest. :S I suppose there's more media surrounding women as it historically seems that women get abused more than men.

    But that's not to say that it doesn't happen to men either. I remember reading somewhere that there isn't a firm statistic on just how much violence against men there is out there as there tends to be a stigma when it comes to it ("Ha ha ha you got beat by a GIRL!!!") so it isn't as readily reported as abuse against women.
    Last edited by Tiffany; 11-29-2012 at 07:30 AM.

  5. #5
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Violence against women che's Avatar
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    Not only is it not right to use violence on someone smaller than you, but it's just not right to use violence on ANY person. Tell me the last time punching someone in the face solved ANY problem. Honestly. You can't say "oh well they came to their sense after that". That's a cop out (lololol police brutality joke?).

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  6. #6
    Ayyye Violence against women Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Not only is it not right to use violence on someone smaller than you, but it's just not right to use violence on ANY person. Tell me the last time punching someone in the face solved ANY problem. Honestly. You can't say "oh well they came to their sense after that". That's a cop out (lololol police brutality joke?).
    I once punched a guy in the face because there was a brain eating parasite on its way to his brain. It just happened to be under his face skin, I saved his life. Though...turns out there were a few hundred inside of I saved his life for about 15 seconds.

    In all seriousness, I agree, except in cases of self defense of course. I'm not going to lie, if I saw a man beating on a woman...I'm probably going to beat on the guy >_>

  7. #7
    This ain't no place for no hero Violence against women Tiffany's Avatar
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    Out of curiosity, would you step in if it was a guy getting beat up? There is an unfair mentality if a guy was getting beat by a girl... definitely fodder for laughter etc.

    I don't know that I would, which sounds awful. For one, I don't have very good physical strength anymore and for two... I'd be afraid of it being even worse of a stigma? What would you guys honestly think of a guy who got beat by a girl, then another girl steps in to save him? I don't know that it'd be the same mentality if it were a girl though. I'd applaud any man who stepped in to prevent a woman getting abused.

    Definitely unfair for men. But society deems that men should be able to take care of themselves... just thinking about the original post and why people view men/women getting abused differently.

  8. #8
    I invented Go-Gurt. Violence against women Clint's Avatar
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    I don't understand this, either. Why be more violent towards a man? Men helped shape society, and make more money on average then a woman. Plus men can simply do the exact same tasks a woman can do, only faster and more efficiently. Men are also smarter and can grow better beards.

    In fact, there should be more violence towards women, and I will tell you why. Ever since the 1940s or so, women have been granted certain rights. Equal rights to that of men. However, men and women are not equal. Women are far more inferior. So in order to show a woman her place, it's best to slap her around a bit.

  9. #9
    Boxer of the Galaxy Violence against women Rowan's Avatar
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    We've acknowledged that men have more responsibility than women in the world? So I guess I'm satisfied with the answers given here.

    What I would like to hear from is a feminist though.

  10. #10
    Ayyye Violence against women Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    Out of curiosity, would you step in if it was a guy getting beat up? There is an unfair mentality if a guy was getting beat by a girl... definitely fodder for laughter etc.
    Depends on the situation. If a guy is getting attacked for no reason and etc. Not saying I'm an ass kicker, I'd probably get my ass kicked in more instances than not, but I can't sit by when people pick on smaller/weaker people. I just hate conflict in general and try to be the voice of reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Goddamn Clint Eastwood View Post
    Plus men can simply do the exact same tasks a woman can do, only faster and more efficiently.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    What I would like to hear from is a feminist though.
    Why would you want to subject yourself to such torture!? D: No one should ever have to hear from a feminist.

  11. #11
    Boxer of the Galaxy Violence against women Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    Why would you want to subject yourself to such torture!? D: No one should ever have to hear from a feminist
    well here's the thing. Feminism is fundamentally about women empowerment. Its also about treating woman as equals (they think men dont see them as equals, which is why it exists) so how can they acknowledge men need to be more responsible than women (especially when it comes to violence) yet claim to be treated as equals? They cant have their cake and eat it too. Obviously theres an answer to this.

    Not only is it not right to use violence on someone smaller than you, but it's just not right to use violence on ANY person. Tell me the last time punching someone in the face solved ANY problem. Honestly. You can't say "oh well they came to their sense after that". That's a cop out (lololol police brutality joke?).
    I disagree with this strongly. If we hadn't of dealt with some of the worlds worst enemies like Hitler and stalin with violence, then where would we be? Im pretty sure knocking off hitler made some jewish people happy somewhere. I think often we get confused between what we'd like to be true, and what is true. What is true is that theres some people that you just cant reach, whether that ends up meaning you have to fight for yourself or for your country. It would be great if we didnt have to fight, but thats not reality. In terms of police brutality, who are we to judge what is excessive force? Are you the one on the streets risking your life to protect the people of your rural area? We grant them these rights because we acknolwedge that their job is difficult and dangerous.
    Last edited by Rowan; 11-29-2012 at 02:48 PM.

  12. #12
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Violence against women che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    well here's the thing. Feminism is fundamentally about women empowerment. Its also about treating woman as equals (they think men dont see them as equals, which is why it exists) so how can they acknowledge men need to be more responsible than women (especially when it comes to violence) yet claim to be treated as equals? They cant have their cake and eat it too. Obviously theres an answer to this.

    I disagree with this strongly. If we hadn't of dealt with some of the worlds worst enemies like Hitler and stalin with violence, then where would we be? Im pretty sure knocking off hitler made some jewish people happy somewhere. I think often we get confused between what we'd like to be true, and what is true. What is true is that theres some people that you just cant reach, whether that ends up meaning you have to fight for yourself or for your country. It would be great if we didnt have to fight, but thats not reality. In terms of police brutality, who are we to judge what is excessive force? Are you the one on the streets risking your life to protect the people of your rural area? We grant them these rights because we acknolwedge that their job is difficult and dangerous.
    Why are you jumping to the part where we acted violently towards Hitler, and completely skipping over the part where Hitler was violent in the first place? Had Hitler not been violent, then there wouldn't be an issue. And Hitler wasn't "knocked off".

    Also, granting anyone the right to use power that normal citizens do not should require a check and balance to ensure that it doesn't go too far. I know this world isn't black and white, there is no world where violence is nonexistent. It's not okay to punch someone in the face, same as it's not okay to murder people such as what Hitler did. Stopping someone from committing violence is an entirely different discussion.

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  13. #13
    Gingersnap Violence against women OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    ok wat

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan
    well here's the thing. Feminism is fundamentally about women empowerment. Its also about treating woman as equals (they think men dont see them as equals, which is why it exists) so how can they acknowledge men need to be more responsible than women (especially when it comes to violence) yet claim to be treated as equals? They cant have their cake and eat it too. Obviously theres an answer to this.
    The feminist movement as it currently exists (there have been some counterproductive sub-movements) strives to be about equality for everyone, no matter what gender you identify as. It is entirely against the rape of women AND men, and against violence to all genders. The movement works to make society aware of a culture that tends to blame the victim ("what was she wearing?" "was he acting like faggot?" "was she drunk? or at a party? or around men at all?") and put the blame back on the rapist or assaulter. Violence is never a great idea. It's still a necessary evil between nations or when defending yourself, but no one in their right mind is saying that men should get hit and women shouldn't. No one has the "right" to get their ass kicked, so I don't know where this discussion of "ugh why don't women want to be equal by being punched" is coming from. However, violence against women, just because they are women, is still an issue in my country, and in most of the world. Women are killed for dishonoring their families; acid is thrown on them for going to school; legislators in the USA discuss our reproductive rights as if we can't hear them talking about us like livestock; we don't dare walk in a dark alley or parking lot alone, not only for fear of being mugged, but also for fear of being violently and brutally raped and possibly killed simply for existing in the same space as a rapist; women in Africa are afraid to leave their homes to get what they need to live because they are afraid of being raped and killed. Most of these things don't happen to us because we wronged someone else in any specific way; and if a man had behaved in the same way, he would not have been stoned/burned/raped/killed. It is because of gender that this violence happens, and that is what we're against.

    “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”
    -Margaret Atwood

    Most of us, when we meet a new man, are trying to figure out if you might kill us if we offend you somehow. Usually the answer is no, but it is a reality for most of us that we'll think about the possibility. We acknowledge that women in general are smaller and not as physically strong as men. It's biology. I don't think that means we need to be sheltered and protected, but it does mean that we are more careful. We think it's unfair that the burden lies with us. If there were no rapists, no one would be raped, no matter what they were wearing or how drunk they were. Big or small, no one should be beating or raping anyone else.

    P.S. I'm a feminist.... awkwaaaard
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 11-29-2012 at 03:40 PM.

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  14. #14
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Violence against women che's Avatar
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    Also, don't confuse idiots who associate themselves with groups of people. Idiots are there, and it doesn't matter what gender they are. Feminists aren't against "men" because they're taking away all the rights. They're more against idiots who falsely put blame where it doesn't belong.

    "She was asking to get raped, wearing that at night"

    No, it wasn't HER fault she got raped. If someone didn't have the intention of raping her in the first place, which is the real root of the evil, then it wouldn't be such an issue. Taking precautions such as walking in groups at night after drinking at bars, or walking in lit areas, not wearing certain styles of clothing are irrelevant when we're talking about who is committing the violence here.

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  15. #15
    Boxer of the Galaxy Violence against women Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Why are you jumping to the part where we acted violently towards Hitler, and completely skipping over the part where Hitler was violent in the first place? Had Hitler not been violent, then there wouldn't be an issue.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    skipping over the part where Hitler was violent in the first place? Had Hitler not been violent, then there wouldn't be an issue.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Had Hitler not been violent, then there wouldn't be an issue.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Had Hitler not been violent, then there wouldn't be an issue.

  16. #16
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Violence against women che's Avatar
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    LOL. Nice pic. But that's entirely my point. Violence is never okay. Hitler is no exception.


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  17. #17
    Boxer of the Galaxy Violence against women Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    LOL. Nice pic. But that's entirely my point. Violence is never okay. Hitler is no exception.

    Violence not being okay and violence being necassary are two different things. I think we have an understanding.


  18. #18
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Violence against women che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Violence not being okay and violence being necassary are two different things. I think we have an understanding.




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  19. #19
    Ayyye Violence against women Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    >not green texting
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  20. #20
    Kiss with a fist. Violence against women Dranzer's Avatar
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    @Rowan: Hold up, now I'm being serious. You don't see the difference between a man beating another man and a man beating a woman?

    I was taught never to hit a girl. However, if some she-devil came out of nowhere and started attacking me I'd kill a bitch, but self-defense is a separate matter from abuse and this subject. This was inserted for humor (so ha ha).

    Back to the serious, men have beaten their wives for centuries, but until recently (like within the past 40-50 years?) there hasn't been anything done about it. And not in every country, because it still happens and is socially acceptable in certain regions of the world. Even with awareness raised for domestic violence, men still get away with it. Sometimes, because as Ocean said, women are afraid that if they tell the truth about their husband/boyfriend/whatever's actions that they will kill them. Sometimes, because the couple goes through a "honeymoon" phase after an altercation where the man butters up his wife until he goes off the deep end again and beats her with a chair (for example). And sometimes, yes, they can be stupid and "love" him and believe he'll change, blah blah blah.

    The point is: it's worded "Violence Against Women" because it's that specifically "Violence Against Women." It's not okay for a man to beat a woman unless it's in self defense, but let's all be honest here, that's rare. As che stated, it's not okay for anyone to beat anyone. Violence has never solved anything, it's only been used in history to stop more heinous acts of violence and then all of the violence ends until some other jackass chooses to be violent again.

    Oh, and if you really don't see the difference. Here's a scenario. A woman in her mid thirties dies from a hemorrhage in her brain due to trauma from a violent blow to her face that caused both her nose and jaw to break. Do you know who hit her? Her husband who was 5'11 and weighed 185lbs. Do you know how tall she was? 5'3. She also weighed no more than 130lbs.

    See the difference?

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  21. #21
    Boxer of the Galaxy Violence against women Rowan's Avatar
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    yeah I understand what you are saying, I just wanted to reaffirm what I thought was a socially unacceptable thing to say.

    So are women inferior to men and need to be protected?

    No argument... except that violence solves problems. Which it does and is proven throughout history and in nature.
    Last edited by Rowan; 11-29-2012 at 06:21 PM. Reason: Inferior to men physically* to be more specific.

  22. #22
    Gingersnap Violence against women OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Okay at this point, you're being a troll. I can't even take that seriously.

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  23. #23
    Boxer of the Galaxy Violence against women Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    Okay at this point, you're being a troll. I can't even take that seriously.
    im sorry if being blunt upsets you, but im not about to tip toe around the topic. Its obvious the points being made here, can you rephrase this any other way?

  24. #24
    Kiss with a fist. Violence against women Dranzer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post

    Women are inferior to men and need to be protected.
    inferior |inˈfi(ə)rēər|
    1 lower in rank, status, or quality: schooling in inner-city areas was inferior to that in the rest of the country.
    • of low standard or quality: inferior goods.
    • Law (of a court or tribunal) able to have its decisions overturned by a higher court.
    • Economics denoting goods or services that are in greater demand during a recession than in a boom, e.g., secondhand clothes.
    2 chiefly Anatomy low or lower in position: ulcers located in the inferior and posterior wall of the duodenum.
    • (of a letter, figure, or symbol) written or printed below the line.
    • Botany (of the ovary of a flower) situated below the sepals and enclosed in the receptacle.

    Where in that definition do you see biologically different, physically weaker, or not taught how to fight, etc. as "inferior"? Just because you or another man can beat a woman smaller than you senseless doesn't make you superior to them, nor does it make them inferior to you. You're a chauvinist, and you sometimes make it impossible to like or defend you when someone calls you a douche-bag. Got it.

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  25. #25
    Boxer of the Galaxy Violence against women Rowan's Avatar
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    Okay, ill adhere to 'inferior' being a poor choice of word, because I dont agree with the majority of those multiple definitions you are quoting having any relation to women at all.

    What word would you use then?

    also I demand you refrain from using an ad hominem when we talk about this.

    edit: in fact, I dont think inferior is a bad word at all to use when describing the physical difference you ALL pointed out. What you have done is asserted that I have used it in a general sense to make it appear as if I feel women are inferior to men in every way, which I do not believe.
    Last edited by Rowan; 11-29-2012 at 05:38 PM.

  26. #26
    Kiss with a fist. Violence against women Dranzer's Avatar
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    There isn't ONE reason why violence against women is an issue. There isn't one word I'd use either, all the reasons I've given are in my previous posts and by others written before me, if I had an appropriate word I'd use it. Believe me.

    Perhaps you should be more specific because your wording implied that you meant inferior in a general sense. And demand all you want, but your original question made me question your character, so I won't refrain from anything. Congratulations, you've succeeded in plucking my nerves across oceans, continents, and time. It's like you don't think before you post sometimes and it's not in a funny "he has no filter" sort of way, it's more like WTF DUDE?!

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  27. #27
    Boxer of the Galaxy Violence against women Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    There isn't ONE reason why violence against women is an issue. There isn't one word I'd use either, all the reasons I've given are in my previous posts and by others written before me, if I had an appropriate word I'd use it. Believe me.
    Thats fine, all I was asking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    Perhaps you should be more specific because your wording implied that you meant inferior in a general sense. And demand all you want, but your original question made me question your character, so I won't refrain from anything. Congratulations, you've succeeded in plucking my nerves across oceans, continents, and time. It's like you don't think before you post sometimes and it's not in a funny "he has no filter" sort of way, it's more like WTF DUDE?!

    Point out the part in the OP that made you question my character. Perhaps instead of assuming and becoming very personal, why dont you just ask for clarification next time? I've said nothing chauvanistic in this thread, Ive just challenged social convention and you dont like it. As pointed out, Im just asserting what everyone else has said, I never claimed women were anything. I do apologize you misunderstood because I do respect you.
    Last edited by Rowan; 11-29-2012 at 06:10 PM.

  28. #28
    Ayyye Violence against women Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Rowan never claimed to actually hold these opinions, he's showing his point, though misunderstandings are abound \o/

    Also, inferior and superior are subjective. So everyone can be considered superior or inferior, be your opinion vague as **** or saying one trait is superior or inferior.

  29. #29
    Kiss with a fist. Violence against women Dranzer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rowan
    What is the difference between violence against women and violence against men?

    I'm being serious
    That. I had trouble taking the question seriously until I saw all the responses and realized that maybe you weren't trolling (in the beginning). Perhaps it never occurred to you that this issue can be a personal one.

    And yes, you did.

    Agree to disagree, that's fine.

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  30. #30
    Boxer of the Galaxy Violence against women Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    That. I had trouble taking the question seriously until I saw all the responses and realized that maybe you weren't trolling (in the beginning). Perhaps it never occurred to you that this issue can be a personal one.

    And yes, you did.

    Agree to disagree, that's fine.
    No, I dont accept that. Show me. Show everyone. Dont think you can get away with labelling me without backing it up.

    I reiterate;
    I've only stated the points that everyone had brought up in this thread.

    And you seem to think that its not a valid question to ask what the difference between violence against women and violence against men is.

    I think we have come to a conclusion and answered that question and questions that wern't even asked, such as "is violence okay" and police "brutality blah blah" thnx for your opinion on those 2 unrelated topics che.

    The conlusion was there technically violence against women relates only toward abusive husbands (so much for being clear, right?) and that men are predominantly physically SUPERIOR to women ( I know your personal feelings conflict with the word, but I fail to see how that should make a difference) and that more than often women are easier to abuse and people should be aware of it.

    That is the conclusion we come to and there is absolutley nothing chuavanistic about anything I've said in order to come to these conclusions. If you dont like my wording, then you're just gonna have to deal with it because I've said nothing wrong. You've already admitted that this is a personal issue for you, so thats why im forgiving you for your personal hostility towards me in what was a valid question that lead to a productive answer.
    Last edited by Rowan; 11-29-2012 at 06:30 PM.

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