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well here's the thing. Feminism is fundamentally about women empowerment. Its also about treating woman as equals (they think men dont see them as equals, which is why it exists) so how can they acknowledge men need to be more responsible than women (especially when it comes to violence) yet claim to be treated as equals? They cant have their cake and eat it too. Obviously theres an answer to this.
I disagree with this strongly. If we hadn't of dealt with some of the worlds worst enemies like Hitler and stalin with violence, then where would we be? Im pretty sure knocking off hitler made some jewish people happy somewhere. I think often we get confused between what we'd like to be true, and what is true. What is true is that theres some people that you just cant reach, whether that ends up meaning you have to fight for yourself or for your country. It would be great if we didnt have to fight, but thats not reality. In terms of police brutality, who are we to judge what is excessive force? Are you the one on the streets risking your life to protect the people of your rural area? We grant them these rights because we acknolwedge that their job is difficult and dangerous.