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Thread: Valentines Dayyyyyy

  1. #31
    Registered User Valentines Dayyyyyy
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    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    Posted by Pete
    When you drink on Valentines day it's because you're depressed you're single.
    I'm pretty sure that there are some people out in the world who drink on Valentine's Day because they're depressed that they're not single.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 02-14-2010 at 10:09 PM. Reason: Bold faced mah text
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  2. #32
    Bananarama Valentines Dayyyyyy Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I'm pretty sure that there are some people out in the world who drink on Valentine's Day because they're depressed that they're not single.
    You've got me there. And gave me an idea for an awesome thread! You kick ass at giving me ideas for threads. And yes, the post it totally because I can't rep you.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  3. #33

    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    I don't drink on VD because I'm sex high already.

    But even if I'm sex high on St. Patrick's Day, I still drink.

    That's the difference between St. Patrick's Day and St. Valentine's Day.

  4. #34
    #LOCKE4GOD Valentines Dayyyyyy Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    I'm head over heels for my guy but I don't buy into the whole Valentine's Day BS. I dunno... I just don't believe in a corporate holiday that reminds me that I need to tell my guy that I love him, or that he loves me.

    He shows me daily, with the little things around the house.

    Shop: Buy this rose!

    Me: Why?

    Shop: Because! It's St Valentine's Day, and that means that you have to part with some of your money. How much you love your significant other is proportionate to the amount of money you spend on her, didn't you know?

    Me: No, I didn't know that. Because it's a lie designed to make me spend money. I love my girlfriend so much that some shit-ass rose would actually be offensive to give to her. No thought is put into that. 'Oh look, a ****ing rose. Did you pick this up from the dairy down the road, or did ya steal it from an old lady's garden?' How amazingly original.

    My girlfriend and I only give presents on birthdays, as that's a unique celebration of a person. Christmas, we spend a little, but not the same extent. Christmas is a celebration of generosity. If you're a Christian, then it's the generosity of God. If you're not, you can still celebrate the generosity of man, if there's any still around.

    What is St Valentine's Day? The day to recognise love (or lack thereof). If you have an other half, and you don't already do that everyday, without needing to spend money, then you're in the wrong place.

    I made my girlfriend a card and wrote her a poem. She made me a card and painted a picture of us together. And we did this on the 13th, because she had to work on the 14th. I didn't go see her on her break, she didn't mind. Why would she? It's just a ****ing calendar date.

  5. #35

    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    I spent valentines day doing a btec assignment and ironing my kit for the week. Sounds like a blast right, rocking the shit out of work?

    In all honestly I forgot about it completely until I got a few unexpected text messages about it... at like 7pm haha. Roll on pancake day =)

  6. #36
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    I wasn't planning on doing a whole lot on Valentines Day. The plan was to go fishing with my father-in-law and son. Then come home and relax with the wife.

    Since my dryer broke down on Saturday and my replacement dryer also broke down on Saturday I was ended up at my father-in-law's mothers house. The wife had 3 loads of laundry to do and we truely needed to visit. Afterwards we came home, put away laundry, I made some I Love You stew (aka it was fricken cold and stew sounded really farking good) and my sister-in-law and her daughter came over and spent the night.

    Fun stuff, atleast the kids had fun.
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  7. #37
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    For V-Day I went to the store, picked up some chocolate bars and 2lbs of fresh strawberries, some pre-made ravioli's, some heavy cream, parmesan cheese, and afew other things.

    Came home, made said 2lbs of fresh strawberries and chocolate into chocolate covered strawberries for my girlfriend (Kept some for my mother) and made my family and girlfriend dinner, then we layed down for a bit, watched some movies, went to bed, and I woke up about an hour before her, stole her phone so she wouldn't hear her alarm, cleaned the snow off her car, and made her chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, then woke her up, made her a hot chocolate to go, and went back to bed.

  8. #38
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Valentines Dayyyyyy midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    How the **** would you know?
    Oh I think you hit the nail on the head ZING!

    OH, I forgot... <3 (the heart makes it okay!)

    Ended up doin the movie cop-out as I was tired on actual Valentine's Day. Worked out well enough.

  9. #39
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    I had to work that night, lame.
    Though I did notice for every couple making out in their cars there seemed to be a couple cops looking to high beam their car.

    McDonalds may have made a loss that night.
    victoria aut mors

  10. #40
    Asking all the personal questions. Valentines Dayyyyyy RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    A bit late but anywho me the missus and I had a pretty quiet day, I got breakfast in bed in the morning then we watched a movie, we took the kids to the swimming pol after lunch and we all had a sleep after that then we put the kids to bed early so I could cook a nice candle light dinner for her then I gave her a bubble bath and foot massage.
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  11. #41
    Banned Valentines Dayyyyyy
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    Re: Valentines Dayyyyyy

    Spent the whole day with my Love...Introduced her to her New Rabbit that I got her, she loves it. We went out for the day, something I rarely do. Mainly walked around town enjoying the left over loveliness of the Blizzard...all this horrible snow is still la beautiful site. Went out for some Seafood for lunch, and Outback Stake house for Dinner. It was a really amazing day.

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