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Thread: Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread

  1. #1
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread

    Sup guys! Im working on a RMVX project now! The project has no story ... BUT its an arena of 50 maybe more bosses!! There'll will be both new and reknowned bosses like Gilgamesh, Sephiroth Penence etc etc... Im still looking for a Penence battler... So if some of you finds a working pencene battler place post it here... if you have suggestions for bosses put in a battler of the Boss here... Im working on it just now...

    A little preview of what bosses you will meet

    I think i'll tell you the first 2 bosses you can face heres an list!

    Boss 1 - Reaper: This boss is a brezze! Its quite easy! Your group will have about 600 HP when meeting him... His best attack deals about 200 on all your characters...

    Boss 2 - Emisary of the Red Flame: An other pushover this boss will deal you with an quite powerful fire at that deals about 350 to one character... best speacial deals about 250 damage to all characters...
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  2. #2
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    RMVX Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena (20% Complete!)

    Now the arena has been 20% complete! It has about 11 bosses and im planing to have atleast 50! Will you be available to prevail the arena when its done? An demo is about to appear!!! Be there when it comes! Still... If you have suggestions about the bosses post a Battler and explanation about how it should be... Rep for those who comes with great bosses!
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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Nymm... I don't know exactly what you want me and everyone else to do lol. Could you give us a bit more info?

    From what I made out, you want us to help come up with Boss Specs for some kinda... arena? Do I get a cookie at least? =D

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    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  4. #4
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    Nymm... I don't know exactly what you want me and everyone else to do lol. Could you give us a bit more info?

    From what I made out, you want us to help come up with Boss Specs for some kinda... arena? Do I get a cookie at least? =D
    Ah! Sure the whole meaning to this thread is to imform RPG fans that my custom made RPG is at 20% done... ALSO! If you find a battler or some sort... you can post it here! And obtain my reps if its a good battler! I may create a boss of the battler the guy put in here... So find any good... and i'll rep! Understand? If not have a word with Kilala... I have imformed here to make a Penance battler for the project... i'll start a demo soon... so everyone can play the demo!
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  5. #5
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Exclamation RMVX uber Gilgamesh's Arena Demo opened!

    OMG! The demo is now opened! Download it and tell me what you think!

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  6. #6
    Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread rJ floW's Avatar
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    thats the gayest shit ever.
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  7. #7
    What is this? A virus?

  8. #8
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    What is this? A virus?
    Uhhh... No... Its a custom game i made... WHATS WRONG WITH THAT????!!!
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  9. #9
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I wouldn't worry too much man, this is obviously their way of telling you they love you and want to have your babies.

    I might consider trying your game, but I was wondering if you could give a brief summary of what it actually is first as 200mb is a decent chunk of my remaining monthly downloads that were devasted by some other downloading I did a bit earlier. Also online gaming, but either way... yeah.
    victoria aut mors

  10. #10
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    I wouldn't worry too much man, this is obviously their way of telling you they love you and want to have your babies.

    I might consider trying your game, but I was wondering if you could give a brief summary of what it actually is first as 200mb is a decent chunk of my remaining monthly downloads that were devasted by some other downloading I did a bit earlier. Also online gaming, but either way... yeah.
    Ah ofcourse Silver! Its about 80 MB haven't checked it sorry i dont know how anyway
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  11. #11
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Oh, my bad. I clicked your link and another download hosted by Rapidshare appeared.
    Yeah, yours appears to be around 66mb. I'll probably grab it tomorrow as it's 1:33am and I'll be buggering off to bed soon.

    But a brief description of it couldn't hurt.
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  12. #12
    The Old Skool Warrior Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    But a brief description of it couldn't hurt.

    That's why rJ and Che were ruffling your feathers. Telling us something about the file you want us to download might be useful; otherwise, it's just a spam link containing a virus that nobody wants to touch.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  13. #13
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post

    That's why rJ and Che were ruffling your feathers. Telling us something about the file you want us to download might be useful; otherwise, it's just a spam link containing a virus that nobody wants to touch.

    I'm not making accusations; I'm merely making a point.
    Sure! For first its not a virus... Its a game created with an program called Rpg maker vx ... You can google it on google (Duh!) I've been using scripts,
    grafics, And lotsa other stuff... Its an game to play! Its an file for windows only cuz it has an exe. You press it and it will show you where to download its containments... For me i use the keyboard... So i would say no worries! Any mod can ban me for corrupting their computer! But its not a virus!!! Why would i put enegry for posting this if it was a virus anyway... But its totaly 100% virus free... (I do hope) I really dont know if i have computer hurting programs... but my computer has not beign mucked up lately... But it comes from Rabidshare... Have fun!
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  14. #14
    Registered User Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread HUNK's Avatar
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    Y'know with all the cra* its getting Im not sure if I want to download this. To be honest I was not sure if I would the minute you said download.

    Is there not a better way to post it? (computer people help me out here)

  15. #15
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Actually the download is legit, I decided it was worth a shot (seeing my firewall/ anti-malware/ anti-virus all kick ass), sure enough as Uber says it is a game indeed.

    The only bad thing is you also have to find and down load the RPGmaker that he used to make it, plus side is it is a free program to download.

    So far it has been fun, a little weird fighting the first boss (being a medium strength) then the next one is easy/medium. Figured it would of been the other way around. But really there hasn't been alot to this one yet, but then again it is just a demo. The one thing I would have to make comment on is there are a few typographical errors you might want to go back and fix. For instance when you beat the first boss it says "Gongrats" instead of "Congrats".

    Is there going to be a shop in the full release?

    One other down fall that I have to mention is that you have not made a key that tells you what each key does, I had a bunch of new armor and had no clue how to equip it until I accidently hit the "x" button.

    So far it is alot of fun, makes killing time a little more enjoyable. It has a nice old school feel to it. Keep me posted with the updates.

    Also I think what everyone is trying to get at is, give a synopsis of the game. What it is about for the most part. I have played it and really have no clue why my fighters are even in the arena.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 06-10-2009 at 09:10 PM.
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  16. #16
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    Actually the download is legit, I decided it was worth a shot (seeing my firewall/ anti-malware/ anti-virus all kick ass), sure enough as Uber says it is a game indeed.

    The only bad thing is you also have to find and down load the RPGmaker that he used to make it, plus side is it is a free program to download.

    So far it has been fun, a little weird fighting the first boss (being a medium strength) then the next one is easy/medium. Figured it would of been the other way around. But really there hasn't been alot to this one yet, but then again it is just a demo. The one thing I would have to make comment on is there are a few typographical errors you might want to go back and fix. For instance when you beat the first boss it says "Gongrats" instead of "Congrats".

    Is there going to be a shop in the full release?

    One other down fall that I have to mention is that you have not made a key that tells you what each key does, I had a bunch of new armor and had no clue how to equip it until I accidently hit the "x" button.

    So far it is alot of fun, makes killing time a little more enjoyable. It has a nice old school feel to it. Keep me posted with the updates.

    Also I think what everyone is trying to get at is, give a synopsis of the game. What it is about for the most part. I have played it and really have no clue why my fighters are even in the arena.
    Yes of course! There'll be shops some times around! And hidden items to at some maps! But of course! It IS a demo! I'll work on the Alpha now! Im going to post it on an other thread... But untill then... Have fun playing the demo!!
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  17. #17
    HRH Albha Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Aerif's Avatar
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    Okay so there is a few problems with your game that I can hopefully help you out with:

    1. First one is a typical newbie mistake - You forgot to encrypt your project meaning anyone with RMVX can open the game up.
    2. You didn't include the RTP (or so I've been told) meaning that people won't be able to play it unless they download the RMVX RTP.
    3. You've not included the DLL file either, although I can't remember which one you need.
    4. 70% of the file size is coming from your audio file! It's because your using MP3s, which you need to convert to OGGs. You only have 37 maps so far, so leave out what you don't need and convert to OGGs what you do need, it will make a dramatic difference in file size!
    5. The first boss is too difficult, never in my life have I been beaten by a first boss, except with your game. In fact, I tried twice, and was beaten twice.
    6. Some of your animation files are JPEGs, they should be PNG to reduce file size.
    7. You need to include an instructions manual. Not everyone has played an RPG Maker game.
    8. The fact that you can run using the SHIFT key should be made a whole lot more obvious.
    9. A little story would be nice, this isn't the NES days. Most games have stories.

    I'm sure I'll add to this in the nicest way possible

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  18. #18
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    Okay so there is a few problems with your game that I can hopefully help you out with:

    1. First one is a typical newbie mistake - You forgot to encrypt your project meaning anyone with RMVX can open the game up.
    2. You didn't include the RTP (or so I've been told) meaning that people won't be able to play it unless they download the RMVX RTP.
    3. You've not included the DLL file either, although I can't remember which one you need.
    4. 70% of the file size is coming from your audio file! It's because your using MP3s, which you need to convert to OGGs. You only have 37 maps so far, so leave out what you don't need and convert to OGGs what you do need, it will make a dramatic difference in file size!
    5. The first boss is too difficult, never in my life have I been beaten by a first boss, except with your game. In fact, I tried twice, and was beaten twice.
    6. Some of your animation files are JPEGs, they should be PNG to reduce file size.
    7. You need to include an instructions manual. Not everyone has played an RPG Maker game.
    8. The fact that you can run using the SHIFT key should be made a whole lot more obvious.
    9. A little story would be nice, this isn't the NES days. Most games have stories.

    I'm sure I'll add to this in the nicest way possible
    But Duh! Its an demo! Im working on the alpha! With new updates! The first boss is now easier! But sorry... No story is going to be included! Takes to much time... And i have no idea with the mp3 files... But i can try to fix a few mistakes... Thanks for noticing!
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  19. #19
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Couldn't you just add a back story as to why the characters are there? Like in an opening sequance? It could be something simplistic like The kingdom of XXXXX's royal princess has been kid napped and it is up to you the hero and your friends to recue her.

    Atleast that way there is some meaning as to why you are there to take out the baddies.
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  20. #20
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    Couldn't you just add a back story as to why the characters are there? Like in an opening sequance? It could be something simplistic like The kingdom of XXXXX's royal princess has been kid napped and it is up to you the hero and your friends to recue her.

    Atleast that way there is some meaning as to why you are there to take out the baddies.
    Well... I'll see what i can do... But i only realease it on the alpha... Until then i'll work on it!
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  21. #21
    Lord Deity of Harmony Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena Thread Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Exclamation Updated Uber Gilgamesh's Boss Arena!

    Here we have the updated version of the boss arena game! It has an small story at the start of the game! and lotsa other things! An game for FF lovers and KH lovers too!

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    Last edited by Elyon Seraphim; 06-11-2009 at 12:47 PM.
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