Originally Posted by
Meier Link
Actually the download is legit, I decided it was worth a shot (seeing my firewall/ anti-malware/ anti-virus all kick ass), sure enough as Uber says it is a game indeed.
The only bad thing is you also have to find and down load the RPGmaker that he used to make it, plus side is it is a free program to download.
So far it has been fun, a little weird fighting the first boss (being a medium strength) then the next one is easy/medium. Figured it would of been the other way around. But really there hasn't been alot to this one yet, but then again it is just a demo. The one thing I would have to make comment on is there are a few typographical errors you might want to go back and fix. For instance when you beat the first boss it says "Gongrats" instead of "Congrats".
Is there going to be a shop in the full release?
One other down fall that I have to mention is that you have not made a key that tells you what each key does, I had a bunch of new armor and had no clue how to equip it until I accidently hit the "x" button.
So far it is alot of fun, makes killing time a little more enjoyable. It has a nice old school feel to it. Keep me posted with the updates.
Also I think what everyone is trying to get at is, give a synopsis of the game. What it is about for the most part. I have played it and really have no clue why my fighters are even in the arena.