How could you not mention POGs? Simply the greatest circular cardboard disc collectable game ever. I still have no idea how to play, but I remember trading with my friends all the time. It was sad.
We also got really into the Magic: The Gathering craze back in like 4th grade. We obsessed over that, despite making the rules up as we went, since the rules were too complicated. The best part was when my one rich friend went to a tournament, and played with "our" rules. He got laughed out of the tournament and gave away all his cards that night.
There was also the Lunchables craze, where all the cool kids ate those God awful things. Looking back on it, I'm really happy my mom made me lunch daily. I picked up a pack about a year ago, and it was disgusting.
Our 7th grade class was split into 2 camps. Yo-Yo kids and Pokemon kids. I was a yo-yo kid, and I remember learning all of these super cool tricks, and going around and shutting off the Pokemon kid's gameboys, since they would tangle our yo-yo strings.
Tamogatchies and the macarena were also huge in my school. We were kind of poor when I grew up, so I had the bootleg tamogatchi from the dollar store. I wound up killing it because I would put it on silent and leave it at home. Makes me glad I didn't have the expensive one!
In high school, we didn't really have any fads, since we all wore uniforms. Made things easier.
Freshman year of college though... start of the whole popped collar phase. I have NEVER popped my collar once. No d-bagginess for me.
I used to love crap like that back in the day, mostly because I cared what other people thought of me. Nowadays, I really don't give a damn about trends. If I like something, I like it, and that's how it is.