I wasn't around for this thing last year, so here goes.
Best Dressed TFFer
Hmm... Violet, Gypsy Elder, and Anachlirium.
Most Talkative
Bleachfangirl, ViviMasterMage, and Ralz, both of which have unclosed mouths.
Biggest Fangirl/ Biggest Fanboy
Dodie16 and Armageddon, for their persistence in that elimination thread.
Best TFF Social Group
I'll pass on this one, thank you.
Biggest Geek
Mooglable, RagnaToad, and Alpha all fit pretty well.
Nicest Douche
For humor, Rocky, and then ViviMasterMage, at times, plus sandchu.
TFF Male and Female Most Likely to Create Superhuman Babies
Superhuman? Fuzz is god, but that's just male. I'll pass, please.
TFFers Most Likely to Hook up When Drunk
Che, Pete, and Rocky valid choices.
TFF’s Best Hair
Anachlirium - I love the hair.
Moodiest Mod
Mistress Sheena and OceanEyes28, that's it.
Most Wanted
Scissors are dangerous, so Meier Link. And Clint Eastwood for his evil plans.
Kinkiest TFFer
I'll pass.Oh, fine. Mistress Sheena. Happy now?
Kinkiest Couple
No couples.
Biggest Grammar Nazi
T.G. Oskar when he can be, and Andromeda when constructively criticizing. Also, I heard Doc Rocco.
TFFer You Wouldn’t Mind Getting Stuck in a Lift With.
Unknown Entity and Kilala.
Biggest Outcast
I'll withdraw my answer.
Most Antagonistic
As stated before, Clint Eastwood is evil. So is Meier Link and this NeXtadi person.
Most Likely to Bring on the Apocalypse
Armageddon. Ahem. And Shadow of Darkness for being creepy.
Most Likely to Save the World
Azuteor was the first to cross my mind. Silver could also save the world, as could ~FANTASY-ENDER~.
TFF Couple that Should Have Been
None for me.
TFFer Most Likely to be Reincarnated as a LOLcat
Freya and Kilala, emoticon masters.
Most Likely to Go To Jail
The list is endless. This Loaf person is a hazard, along with the president James K. Polk.
Most Likely to Get Rich
Alpha would easily get rich if he can think of good ideas. Ralz for being good at begging. Wait, and GypsyElder, sicne she seems like she'd be good at stealing. =P
Most Masculine Female
Bad with pictures.
Most Feminine Male
Ee-hee-hee. ... Again with the pictures.
Most Stalked Member
Anachlirium must be stalked a whole lot.
Member Who Just Can’t be Arsed
Azuteor is just too nice to take anything to heart. And so is TehRealDinnin and OceanEyes28.
TFF’s Biggest Ditz
Long. I'd rather not.Wait, Ralz, ViviMasterMage. =D
Most Likely to Get Lost
Someone forgetful... Ah-hah! Bleachfangirl all the way!
Most Narcissistic
Clint Eastwood and Jin.
Most Sexy
And pass.I give. Mistress Sheena. Oh, and Gypsy Elder.